How do I transfer info from my ipad2 to my iPhone4s

I have Memorable Beers app on both my devices but they do not communicate. how do I get the info to sync from one to the other?

If the developer for the app doesn't include an option for syncing info between the app on multiple devices, you can't.

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    It's not really a "bad" idea. It's good to have a second account for trouble shooting purposes but your admin account still does not give you access to anything that can really eff up your system For that, you would have to enable the "root" account. If you want another account, just set it up and then copy the folders in your admin account (not the account or "home" folder itself but it's contents) and paste it all into the account (or "home") folder in the new account, overwriting the existing ones. Your new account will then match the existing admin account.

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    Putting the drive into another machine and then booting it as a targetted disk is fine - it will just appear like an external drive on your machine. I think bustardvan's confusing this with a clone or migration.
    Your best and simplest solution is to go for an external enclosure - you put the drive in it and then it appears as an external drive on your machine.
    You could consider this
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    Best of luck.
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    To sync photos from a Mac or Windows PC to your device using photo applications
    Make sure you have the latest version of iTunes installed.
    In iTunes, select your device's icon in the Devices list on the left.
    Click the Photos tab.
    Choose "Sync photos from."
    On a Mac, choose iPhoto or Aperture from the pop-up menu.
    On a Windows PC, choose Photoshop Album or Photoshop Elements from the pop-up menu.
    Note: Some versions of Photoshop Album and Photoshop Elements don't support collections. You can still use them to sync all your photos.
    If you want to sync all your photos, enable the option for "All photos, albums, events, and faces." If you want to sync photos from only some albums, events, or faces, enable the option for "Selected albums, events, and faces" and then select the albums you want. If syncing on a Mac with iPhoto version 6.0.6 or later, you may enable the option to "Include videos" to sync videos directly from iPhoto to your device. (Requires iOS 3.0 or later).
    Click Apply.
    To sync photos from a folder on your hard disk to your device
    Drag the images you want into a folder on your computer. If you want images to appear in separate photo albums on your device, create folders inside the main folder and drag images into the new folders.
    In iTunes, select the device icon in the Devices list on the left.
    Choose "Sync photos from."
    Select Choose Folder from the pop-up menu and choose your main image folder.
    Click Apply.

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    Another way.
    You can use a USB flash drive & the camera connection kit.
    Plug the USB flash drive into your computer & create a new folder titled DCIM. Then put your movie/photo files into the folder. The files must have a filename with exactly 8 characters long (no spaces) plus the file extension (i.e.,
    Now plug the flash drive into the iPad using the camera connection kit. Open the Photos app, the movie/photo files should appear & you can import.
     Cheers, Tom

  • How do I transfer photos from iPad to ipad2.

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    With your computer.
    Photos transferred from your computer to your iPad via the iTunes sync process should remain on your computer. You transfer these photos to your iPad 2 in the same way - via the iTunes sync process which is selected under the Photos tab for your iPad 2 sync preferences with iTunes.
    For any photos on your iPad that were saved from a received email or from a website or that were imported from a digital camera with the iPad Camera Connection Kit, these photos can be imported from your iPad by your computer as with any other digital camera.
    Import these photos from your iPad with your computer, and then transfer the photos from your computer to your iPad 2 via the iTunes sync process.

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