How do I uninsall Safari 4/reinstate Safari 3?

I've just installed Safari 4 on my iBook G4 (OS 10.4.11 Tiger) and hate it. It doesn't work properly with my gmail account, auto-completes in the Google search window even though the autofill is switched off, looks horrible, is full of fuctions I don't get the picture.
Please can someone tell me how to uninstall 4 & reinstall 3? Some people on the net have mentioned a Safari 4 uninstaller in the disc image, but it's definitely not there anymore.
Thanks, Matt

I had the same issue as you, I was using Safari 3.2.3 for Leopard and it was fine. I opted to try the finished Safari 4 but I found that you just cannot drag it and uninstall it. You need to do the following:
1. Download Pacifist and open the Safari 3.2.3.dmg
2. Look in the Resources tab and look for a file called Payload
3. Extract "Payload" to your desktop and unzip it, it won't show up as zip but you should be able to unzip it. If not, press Enter and add .zip to it and save it with the .zip extension.
4. After unzipping the "Payload" folder you'll need to replace the files in the folders in the exact area on your system. So you navigate to one of the folders and only erase what is in the "Payload" and replace the "Payload" version of that file to where you erased it from, and so on until all your "Payload" files have been put into the system to their respective places.
5. Repair you disk permissions and reboot your machine.
6. Run Safari 3.2.3 installer and it should run without having to ask you where it will be installed.
7. After the installer finishes, you'll need to reboot.
8. Enjoy, there's nothing wrong with 4 but I don't think it's quite ready yet. For me it seems to be crashing from page to page. It looks like some sort of memory problem. But 3.2.3 is working fine and has been.

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    #*See [ Clear Recent History]
    #*See [ Options window-Privacy panel]
    '''If this reply solves your problem, please click "Solved It" next to this reply when <u>signed-in</u> to the forum.'''
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    This KBase article should help:

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