How do I uninstall Aperture 1.5 ?

How do I uninstall Aperture 1.5 ?

I have always had very good luck following this process for removing any Mac application:
1. Delete application icon and immediately empty trash
2. Perform search on the hard drive using the applications name; in this case "Aperture". Spotlight will locate any file named Aperture which will normally catch about 99% of all application file types including plist and other preference files.
3. Empty trash.
I have very seldom found any stragglers on my system from deleted applications after following this method. Hope this works for you.
24" 2.16 Mhz Core 2 Duo iMac - 12" 867 Mhz PB - 15" 800 Mhz G4 iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   Aperture

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    The Aperture application in /Applications
    Support files in /Library/Application Support/Aperture and ~/Library/Application Support/Aperture
    Prefs file in ~/Library/Preferences
    You could always use Spotlight and search on "Aperture" to get everything.

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    I use an application called appzapp. It will find all the files associated with an application and let you delete them all at once. It's shareware it lets you do like 5 removals at a time before it quits.
    I've not used it to remove aperture, so be careful that you have all of your pics out of the app, as you might delete the vaults or libraries.
    hope it helps.

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    Thanks so much for your prompt answers. I really was under the impression that it took up much more space on my HDD and that there were other "hidden" files installed.
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    So you are using OS 10.7.2?
    You have two options: You can reveal the folders permanently from the Terminal:
    Start the from Applications -> Utilities, then enter:
          sudo  chflags nohidden /Library; open /Library               press return
    to make the System Library visible and to reveal it in the Finder,
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    to make the User Library visible and to reveal it in the Finder.
    The "sudo" prefix makes you do the command authorized as Administrator. You will have to enter your admin password. Be careful when using this. Read any command twice to be sure you do not enter any wrong commands.
    If you want to leave the libraries hidden,and only open them in the Finder, use the Finder "Go" menu.
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    To show the System Library:
    Finder menu -> Go  -> Go to Folder
    enter      /Library        press return.
    To hide the libraries again, if you prefer this, enter
         chflags hidden ~/Library
         chflags hidden /Library
    in the Terminal window.
    Good Luck     and Happy New Year!

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    In the User Library:
    User>Library>Application Support> Aperture
    In the System Library:
    Macintosh HD > Library >Application Support> Aperture

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      I was removing Aperture from my DOCK.  Later when I went to search for it in my applications it was no longer available.
    When you remove an application from the Dock, it will just vanish from the Dock and not be deleted. Either the application was already missing, or you removed Aperture from the Launchpad. Removing from the Launchpad will uninstall an application completely.
    If you hold down on an app, until the "x" appears and then tab the x, the application will be removed from the Applications folder.
    How do I reinstall?
    That  will depend on your Aperture version and system version. What are they?
    If you bought Aperture from the AppStore or are using Aperture 3.5.1, sign into the AppStore with your AppleID and download Aperture again from the "Purchased" tab.
    If you bought an earlier version of Aperture, you need to use the installer disk image or installer DVD that you originally used. Do you still have the media and an optical drive for your MBA?
    If you cannot run the installer, restore the Aperture application from your backup.
    -- Léonie

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    just delete them from:
    \Library\Application Support\Aperture\Plug-ins\
    ~\Library\Application Support\Aperture\Plug-ins\
    with aperture not running and then restart ... poof ... gone ...

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    Uninstall apps
    To uninstall apps you purchased from the Mac App Store, hold down an app’s icon in Launchpad until all the icons begin to wiggle. Click an app’s delete button (x) to uninstall the app.If an icon doesn’t have a delete button, that app can’t be uninstalled.
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    I see from your signature you are using Mac OS 10.7.2 Lion.
    Under Lion the Applications Folder is protected, and dragging from this folder simply creates Aliases on the Desktop. To delete an Application I found it easier to select the application and to use Command-delete. Then you will be prompted for your administrator password an can remove the application.
    Can you 'back up/save/ output etc the system settings for an application so as to not lose them on a reinstall??
    The setting, and all your Aperture presets, are stored in your user library, in the preferences folder and the Application Support folder. These will not be affected by moving the Aperture Application to the trash. Aperture will use the same settings when you relaunch it after the upgrade to the full version.
    Enjoy Aperture!

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    As a Windows Application Developer who has more than 28 years of professional development experience, I can tell you that anything is possible in terms of how developers implement their applications. I have seen just about everything under the sun, and it would not surprise me if Apple's iCloud not only places files in key Windows directories, but it may use configuration information in a file as opposed to the Window Registry to control how their application behaves. And this would prevent “System Restore" from fixing the problem. Configuration information can be stored in many places. And, even if you do use the Windows Registry to control how your application works, you can key off of new files (like a user profile file) to control how your application to behaves. Csound1, you have been very generous with your time, and I am very grateful for your advice. Thank you.

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    How can I uninstall Edge Reflow CC? I have an uninstaller for Edge Animate CC, but not one for Edge Reflow CC.
    Applications > Utilities > Adobe Installers
    Mac OS X 10.8.5
    Thanks for any (helpful) responses in advance.

    I said dump, I meant log. I didn't get a screenshot of the message. It said something to the effect of Generator had and error and close Photoshop. When I tried to save my files I received unexpected end of file encountered upon reopening the files upon restarting Photoshop. The first time I received a message was on creation of a layer mask from a vector path. The second time was in a different file, I was converting the vector path to a vector mask. Luckily I saved the original file. It's just a jpg. I was eventually able to edit the file (3 attempts).
    [1;31mUnknown layer type, something is wrong with the document
    [0mHandling an unknown change by deleting all generated files and resetting the state
    Getting document info with these params: {"documentId":78,"flags":{"compInfo":true,"imageInfo":true,"layerInfo":true,"expandSmartO bjects":false,"getTextStyles":true,"selectedLayers":false,"getCompSettings":true}}
    Photoshop message: {"id":16,"body":{"version":"1.0.0","timeStamp":1383789844.116,"id":78,"file":"/Volumes/cl ients/client/Images/industrial/hpu/G-18-T.jpg","bounds":{"top":0,"left":0,"bottom":1015,"r ight":2035},"selection":[0],"resolution":300,"globalLight":{"angle":120,"altitude":30},"ge neratorSettings":false,"layers":[{"id":4,"index":0,"type":"layer","name":"Layer 0","bounds":{"top":58,"left":54,"bottom":942,"right":1988},"visible":true,"clipped":false ,"mask":{"bounds":{"top":58,"left":54,"bottom":942,"right":1988}},"pixels":true,"generator Settings":false}]}}
    Received complete document: {
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "timeStamp": 1383789844.116,
        "id": 78,
        "file": "/Volumes/clients/client/Images/industrial/hpu/G-18-T.jpg",
    Resetting state for document 78
    Document path changed from "/Volumes/clients/client/Images/industrial/hpu/G-18-T.jpg" to "/Volumes/clients/client/Images/industrial/hpu/G-18-T.jpg"
    Scheduling change to layer 4 of 78
    Creating layer context for layer 4
    Photoshop message: {"id":16,"body":"[ActionDescriptor]"}
    [1;31mUncaught exception on Wed Nov 06 2013 21:04:04 GMT-0500 (EST):
    Error trace: TypeError: Cannot read property 'name' of undefined
        at startLayerUpdate (/Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop
        at /Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop
        at runPendingUpdates (/Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop
        at null._onTimeout (/Applications/Adobe Photoshop CC/Adobe Photoshop
        at Timer.listOnTimeout [as ontimeout] (timers.js:110:15)

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    You simply trash it.

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