How do i use "postPrint" event on adobe script?

I would like to know if my form was printed or not ON CRM.
Is it posible to use the "postPrint" event on adobe scripting  ?
and if i can run sap rfc fuction or tranzaction from the event ?
thank you very much.

you can call a web service from that event to communicate back to SAP that it has been printed. you just need to create one and publish it.

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  • How do I use the String with an external dispatchEvent?

    ...I hope the title question makes sense...
    On my stage I have an externally loaded SWF with a button. When clicked the button dispatches an event to the main stage.
    On the main stage a listener then loads an SWF into a loader called gallery.
    The gallery loader is also being shared by buttons on the main stage which use the String to call in SWFs with corresponding names.
    I am using Tweens to fade-out and -in content to the gallery when a button is pressed.
    Loading the SWFs was working until I tried to create a universal button function for the dispatchEvent buttons...
    The problem I have is that I don't know how to define the String to tell the newSWFRequest where to find the SWF when triggered by the external buttons.
    (I may be doing this all wrong... but figured the best way to load an SWF on to the main stage from an external SWF was by using dispatchEvent??)
    My code triggers the Event and the gallery loader fades out, but then it cannot find the new SWF:
    Error #2044: Unhandled IOErrorEvent:. text=Error #2035: URL Not Found.
    Please can someone help me understand the way to make the String point in the right direction? (I think the only errors are in bold below)
    var myTweenIn2:Tween;
    var myTweenOut2:Tween;
    var nextLoadS2:String;
    // Listen for external event dispatched from external btns
    addEventListener("contactStage", btnClickExtrnl);
    function btnClickExtrnl(e:Event):void {
    nextLoadS2 = ?????
    myTweenOut2=new Tween(gallery,"alpha",None.easeOut,gallery.alpha,0,0.2,true);
    // Btns Universal function
    function tweenOutCompleteF2(e:TweenEvent){
        var newSWFRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("swfs/" + nextLoadS2 + ".swf");
    myTweenIn2 = new Tween(gallery, "alpha", None.easeOut, gallery.alpha, 1, 0.2, true);
        gallery.x = Xpos;
        gallery.y = Ypos;
    Thank you.

    That works – thank you!
    I'm now using this code to fade in each of the SWFs:
    function contactStage(e:MouseEvent):void {
        var newSWFRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("swfs/"".swf");
        myTweenIn = new Tween(gallery,  "alpha", None.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.2, true);
        gallery.x = Xpos;
        gallery.y = Ypos;
    But I cannot add the fade out function. I have amended the above code to create:
    var myTweenOutX:Tween;
    var myTweenInX:Tween;
    function contactStage(e:MouseEvent):void {
    myTweenOutX=new Tween(gallery,"alpha",None.easeOut,gallery.alpha,0,0.2,true);
    function tweenOutCompleteFX(e:TweenEvent){
        var newSWFRequest:URLRequest = new URLRequest("swfs/"".swf");
    myTweenInX = new Tween(gallery,  "alpha", None.easeOut, 0, 1, 0.2, true);
        gallery.x = Xpos;
        gallery.y = Ypos;
    But get this error:
    ReferenceError: Error #1069: Property name not found on fl.transitions.Tween and there is no default value.
    at ACOUSTIC_fla::MainTimeline/tweenOutCompleteFX()[ACOUSTIC_fla.MainTimeline::frame1:110]
    at fl.transitions::Tween/set time()
    at fl.transitions::Tween/nextFrame()
    at fl.transitions::Tween/onEnterFrame()
    Where am I going wrong?

  • How can i use LINK_CLICK event

    how can i use event LINK_CLICK in list tree.
    Plz help me.
    Regards ,

    use this....
    CLASS cl_event_receiver DEFINITION.
        METHODS on_expand_no_children
                FOR EVENT expand_no_children OF cl_gui_simple_tree
                IMPORTING node_key sender.
        METHODS on_node_double_click
                FOR EVENT node_double_click OF cl_gui_simple_tree
                IMPORTING node_key sender.
    CLASS    cl_event_receiver
    CLASS cl_event_receiver IMPLEMENTATION.
    Triggering event:      expand_no_children
    Handling method:       on_expand_no_children
    The handling method is called whenever a node is supposed to be
    expanded (by clicking on the expander icon) while subordinate entries
    are not yet known in the GUI.
    In this case the node table must be complemented with the respective
      METHOD on_expand_no_children.
        IF SENDER <> obj_simple_tree.
    Determine subnodes
        REFRESH t_gui_node.
        LOOP AT t_node INTO wa_node WHERE relatkey = node_key.
          APPEND wa_node TO t_gui_node.
    Send node table to GUI
        CALL METHOD obj_simple_tree->ADD_NODES
            TABLE_STRUCTURE_NAME           = 'MTREESNODE'
            NODE_TABLE                     = t_gui_node
            ERROR_IN_NODE_TABLE            = 1
            FAILED                         = 2
            DP_ERROR                       = 3
            others                         = 5.
        IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
          MESSAGE i398(00) WITH 'Error' sy-subrc
                                'at methode ADD_NODES'.
    Triggering event:      node_double_click
    Handling method:       on_node_double_click
    The handling method is called every time a double-click is executed
    on a node or a leaf.
      METHOD on_node_double_click.
        IF SENDER <> obj_simple_tree.
    Output message for selected node or leaf
        CLEAR wa_node.
        READ TABLE t_node
          WITH KEY node_key = node_key
          INTO wa_node.
        IF SY-SUBRC = 0.
          IF wa_node-isfolder = 'X'.
            MESSAGE i398(00)
              WITH 'Double-click on node' wa_node-node_key.
            MESSAGE i398(00)
              WITH 'Double-click on leaf' wa_node-node_key.
          MESSAGE i398(00)
             WITH 'Double-click on unknown node'.
      Trigger PAI and transfer function code (system event)
        CALL METHOD cl_gui_cfw=>set_new_ok_code
             EXPORTING new_code = 'FCODE_DOUBLECLICK'.
    *&      Module  STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
          GUI status for dynpro
      SET PF-STATUS 'DYN_0100'.
      SET TITLEBAR 'DYN_0100'.
    ENDMODULE.                 " STATUS_0100  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  create_objects  OUTPUT
          Create instances
    MODULE create_objects OUTPUT.
      IF NOT obj_custom_container IS INITIAL.
          Create instance for custom container
      CREATE OBJECT obj_custom_container
        PARENT                      =
          CONTAINER_NAME              = 'DYNPRO_CONTAINER'
        STYLE                       =
        LIFETIME                    = lifetime_default
        REPID                       =
        DYNNR                       =
          CNTL_ERROR                  = 1
          CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR           = 2
          CREATE_ERROR                = 3
          LIFETIME_ERROR              = 4
          others                      = 6.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
        MESSAGE i398(00) WITH 'Error' sy-subrc
                              'when creating the custom container controls'.
          Create instance (back-end) for Simple Tree Model
      CREATE OBJECT obj_simple_tree
        HIDE_SELECTION              =
          others                      = 2.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
        MESSAGE i398(00) WITH 'Error' sy-subrc
                              'when creating the Simple Tree Model'.
          Create instance (representative object for control at front end)
      CALL METHOD obj_simple_tree->CREATE_TREE_CONTROL
        LIFETIME                     =
          PARENT                       = obj_custom_container
        SHELLSTYLE                   =
        CONTROL                      =
          LIFETIME_ERROR               = 1
          CNTL_SYSTEM_ERROR            = 2
          CREATE_ERROR                 = 3
          FAILED                       = 4
          others                       = 6.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
        MESSAGE i398(00) WITH 'Error' sy-subrc
                              'when creating the Simple Tree Control'.
    ENDMODULE.                 " create_objects  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  register_events  OUTPUT
          Event handling
    MODULE register_events OUTPUT.
          Register events as system event at CFW                         *
      CLEAR t_events.
    Register event for double-click
      CLEAR wa_event.
      wa_event-appl_event = ' '.
      APPEND wa_event TO t_events.
    Register events at CFW and control at front end
            EVENTS                   = t_events
           UNKNOWN_EVENT             = 2
           others                    = 3.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
        MESSAGE i398(00) WITH 'Error' sy-subrc
                              'when registering the events'.
          Create event handler and register events
      IF obj_event_receiver IS INITIAL.
        CREATE OBJECT obj_event_receiver.
        SET HANDLER obj_event_receiver->on_node_double_click
                FOR obj_simple_tree.
        SET HANDLER obj_event_receiver->on_expand_no_children
                FOR obj_simple_tree.
    ENDMODULE.                 " register_events  OUTPUT
    *&      Module  create_tree  OUTPUT
          Create node table with root and 1st level
    MODULE create_tree OUTPUT.
      IF NOT t_node IS INITIAL.
          Create node table
      PERFORM fill_node_table.
          Fill node table t_gui_node for control
      REFRESH t_gui_node.
      t_gui_node = t_node.
          Transfer entire node table to Simple Tree Model
      CALL METHOD obj_simple_tree->ADD_NODES
          NODE_TABLE          = t_gui_node
          ERROR_IN_NODE_TABLE = 1
          others              = 2.
      IF SY-SUBRC <> 0.
        MESSAGE i398(00) WITH 'Error' sy-subrc
                              'at methode ADD_NODES'.
    ENDMODULE.                 " create_tree  OUTPUT

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    Try System Preferences - Desktop & Screensaver - Click the + sign at the bottom of the box on the left (see the picture) then choose where the photos are stored and you should be good to go.

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    can any one inform me,how to use  SX_OBJECT_CONVERT_OTF_INTO_PDF  function module in script..
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    my mail id : [email protected] 
    Edited by: rajkumar annadurai on Feb 19, 2008 10:25 AM

    Hi, Dear
    In XI 3.0 we are tyring to setup SAPconnect;
    1 Step; Create RFC connection for Mlunxsnd file, anyway!!! we download thease file and create RFC connection; fine working no error
    2 Step: Create Nodes T-code SCOT => connection INT => and support address type like Internet its just show only "PDF, HTM, TXT" thats it its not show some others format
    3. Step; When check email T-code SOST Getting an error messages: "Connot process message in node, parameters cannot be converted"
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    There's a starter on events here:
    Not sure exactly of your workflow, but you can also schedule a custom program object and schedule that to run based on your own timelines.

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    Since Google Maps API will be deprecated in 3 months I'm trying to use MapQuest instead. (MapQuest Developer Network: Map APIs, SDKs and Web Services - MapQuest Developer Network)
    But I can't import the component MQFlashMapsAPI_7.1.5_MQ_MOBILE.swc into my project.. Any idea why?
    I've read that I have to import the core.swc from the Flex SDK.. I've put the core.swc file in the components folder, but when I'm going into the components window in Adobe Flash, neither core.swc or MQFlashMapsAPI are visible.
    Do you what should I do in order to import MQFlashMapsAPI in my project ?
    I'm using Adobe Flash pro CC
    Thank you for your help,

    I would be really shocked if it requires ActionScript 2.0 but CC doesn't support that. Otherwise I honestly don't know why it would want a flex library in a place you can't utilize Flex.
    You say you've used this API before. Is this the same MapQuest SWC version you successfully used before or is it updated? What version of flash did you successfully use this in? Lastly did you get Flex from Adobe (4.6.0) or Apache?

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    I've used Jdev 9.0.4 and UIX xml.
    I've tried to fire onClick event on sigleSelection tag. But onClick event could not be used.
    Strangely onClick event on Button tag works well.
    My code looks like this.
    function AlertMessage(){                   
    alert("You got it!");
    <button text="Auto Generate" name="generate"
    onClick="return AlertMessage();"/>
    <singleSelection selectedIndex="0" text="Single" name="GGFF" id="GGG"
    onClick="return AlertMessage();">
    Is there any problems in my code? Or this problem is oriented from jdev9.0.4?
    Please help!!!

    Sorry, this was a bug in the UIX version shipped in JDeveloper 9.0.4. It has been fixed in JDeveloper 9.0.5.
    Team JDeveloper/UIX

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    I am not computer savvy so please make this easy for me to do.

    # Using Firefox go to and download the Flash setup file (install_flash_player.exe)
    # Close Firefox
    # Run the Flash setup file that you downloaded to install Flash

  • How can I use LabView to control Altera Scripting

    I have kind of run into a stone wall. I am building a production test executive based on LabView. Part of this process includes loading an FPGA image on to a CFI flash that is in the JTAG chain. I am trying to make so that the production operators don't have to open a second application, select the right FPGA and Flash navigate to the file then load it, then go back to LabView and run the rest of the tests.
    Altera has a command line interface that will let me load .cdf file.  The problem is that nowhere in Altera’s documentation does it show me how to first load the “Parallel Flash Loader IP” into the FPGA. The flash loader acts as a temporary bridge between the JTAG input and the CFI Flash.  I have looked on Altera’s Forums and have had an open ticket with Altera’s support engineers for more than a week.
    I can’t be the first person to want to do this; I am hoping someone here has done it before. I would really rather not try to use the activeX controls to manipulate the windows based program.
    Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated (Note I am not trying to put LV code on the FPGA/Flash just use LV to control the process)  
    Thanks in advance
    Below is the error message and the script I am using. It almost works just missing the flash loader IP
    C:\altera\12.1sp1\qprogrammer\bin>quartus_pgm -c USB-BLASTER -m JTAG  S_FPGA.
    Info: *******************************************************************
    Info: Running Quartus II 32-bit Programmer
        Info: Version 12.1 Build 243 01/31/2013 Service Pack 1 SJ Full Version
        Info: Copyright (C) 1991-2012 Altera Corporation. All rights reserved.
        Info: Your use of Altera Corporation's design tools, logic functions
        Info: and other software and tools, and its AMPP partner logic
        Info: functions, and any output files from any of the foregoing
        Info: (including device programming or simulation files), and any
        Info: associated documentation or information are expressly subject
        Info: to the terms and conditions of the Altera Program License
        Info: Subscription Agreement, Altera MegaCore Function License
        Info: Agreement, or other applicable license agreement, including,
        Info: without limitation, that your use is for the sole purpose of
        Info: programming logic devices manufactured by Altera and sold by
        Info: Altera or its authorized distributors.  Please refer to the
        Info: applicable agreement for further details.
        Info: Processing started: Thu Oct 03 18:16:53 2013
    Info: Command: quartus_pgm -c USB-BLASTER -m JTAG S_FPGA.cdf
    Info (213045): Using programming cable "USB-Blaster [USB-0]"
    Info (209060): Started Programmer operation at Thu Oct 03 18:17:19 2013
    Error (209062): Flash Loader IP not loaded on device 1
    Error (209053): Unexpected error in JTAG server -- error code 5
    Error (209012): Operation failed
    Info (209061): Ended Programmer operation at Thu Oct 03 18:17:21 2013
    Error: Quartus II 32-bit Programmer was unsuccessful. 3 errors, 0 warnings
        Error: Peak virtual memory: 376 megabytes
        Error: Processing ended: Thu Oct 03 18:17:21 2013
        Error: Elapsed time: 00:00:28
        Error: Total CPU time (on all processors): 00:00:03
    Go to Solution.

    Hi Eric,
    I got it figured out today, basically you have to load the Parallel Flash Loader first into FPGA ram. It is a special .sof file (pfl_epXXXX.sof) based on your FPGA. Code is actually pretty straight forward, using the Sys Exec VI. Use the windows based programmer to generate the .cdf file that identifies your FPGA, attached Flash and .pof file .
    Syntax was odd going into Sys Exec. Note the extra "C" in in front of the "quartus_prm.exe" I have no idea why that was needed, but I was getting an error until I just happened to put it in there (Blind Luck :-))
    I used a 2 element array going into a four loop
    cmd /cquartus_pgm.exe -c USB-BLASTER -m JTAG -o P;pfl_epXXXX.sof
    cmd /cquartus_pgm.exe -c USB-BLASTER -m JTAG S_FPGA.cdf
    Defining the working director C:\altera\12.1sp1\qprogrammer\bin
    And added match string with "Successfully performed operation" on the output in the loop to make sure everything loaded correctly then adding the array to give me a overall P/F
    To anyone doing this same thing Altera's documentation is poor to say the least. It took most of a week to figure this out Not allowed to upload code, so anyone wanting details just post here and I will try to help. This was painful, with lots of lessons learned.
    Thanks for the interest though
    Best regards John

  • How to force a new document to check in using an event receiver

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    in to run an approval process. Hope anyone can help me with this.
    Best Regards,

    You can check-in document in the ItemAdded event
    namespace MultipleFileUpload.MultipleItemsAdded
    /// <summary>
    /// List Item Events
    /// </summary>
    public class MultipleItemsAdded : SPItemEventReceiver
    /// <summary>
    /// An item was added.
    /// </summary>
    private Guid siteID;
    private SPFile file;
    public override void ItemAdded(SPItemEventProperties properties)
    siteID = properties.SiteId;
    file = properties.ListItem.File;
    using (SPSite site = new SPSite(siteID))
    using (SPWeb web = site.OpenWeb())
    SPListItem oItem = properties.ListItem;
    oItem["Title"] = "Please add a title.";
    oItem["Description"] = "Please add a description.";
    if (file.CheckOutType != SPFile.SPCheckOutType.None)
    file.CheckIn("Automatic Check In");

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    How can I use freehand drawing in Adobe Reader XI in Surface Pro 3?

    Is the drawing a PDF?
    Something on paper?
    Something made with Aldus Freehand?
    Something made with other software (what)?
    A scanned file?
    Something else?
    What do you mean by "use"?

  • Using Dynamic Events in PC based RT Target

    I have a PC based Real-Time Target. I try use dynamic call of VI on RT target with setting reference to user event. My code for Host:
    My code for RT Target:
    But when VI has started, on user event no action ocсur. How can I use dynamic events on RT Target? 
    Host.png ‏35 KB
    RT_Target.png ‏51 KB

    Silentium wrote:
    Also i try use Queue in same manner - set reference to queue, but it's not workin too. So i can use only shared variable or TCP/UDP to transfer data between Host and RT target?  
    You can alos use VI-Server Invoke node Call by reference.
    "back in the day..." when LabVIEW Real-Time was new and fresh, Serving an Action Engine on the RT platform allowed all of the threads on the RT target to read and write as they needed while also allowing the access to methods to reading/writting from the PC.
    So there are other ways as well (serial, ScramNet....)
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

  • Using Function Module in SAP Script

    Dear Friends,
    how can i use function modules in sap scripts?. i want to use call function SPELL_AMOUNT in sap script?
    in text element using perform statement hw can i use?
    Regarding i search related articles but, i am not getting any solution.
    Plz help Me.

    Dear Kanan,
    You can do it in two ways:
    your Amount will be in some variable say VAR_AMT1 and want in words in field say VAR_SPELL.
    In your report program you can use the function module SPELL_AMOUNT and pass the  VAR_AMT1 to it and you will get the words in VAR_SPELL.
    So now in your sap script you can use the variable  VAR_SPELL to print the amount in words.
    we normally use this above method.
    You are inside Sap script and you can write the following code in the sap Script window.
    In the Tag Column when you press F4 you can see various symbols like
    /: =  ( / /= /( /: /* /E
    . Select
    In the program ZF_REPORT (any report) you should have the perform AMT_TEXT  where you should use the function module SPELL_AMOUNT to convert the amount into words.
    Hope its Clear.

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