How do you asign SPDIF OUT! via WMP11

In powerdvd7 it works you select spdif out via there options, doesnt always work with other sourced media like it did on xp but it works on standard dvds.
Now in WMP i have to fiddle around to get spdif out working it wont work the same way as xp does.
see in vista you have 2 sound sources...
Speakers and Spdif, why the hell isnt the spdif and speakers the same as they where in xp..
i have to keep flicking the sound source to spdif if i want spdif out via wmp and if i do that windows sounds dont come out of my speakers lol and also no sound comes out of my headset unless im running in speakers mode.
this needs addressed ASAP... a freaking priority.
System Info.
Latest Vista Creative Beta Drivers.
X86 build
Creative XFI Fatalty card.
I just want both like it was in xp. that way i get all windows and headset and mic and spdif in speaker mode instead of both split up makeing things incredibly annoying.

Yes that works if i select spdif out as the default source, then i have massi've problems trying to get my headset to work...
My razor HP 5. digital Headset wont produce sound unless the default source is speakers
this fooking sucks, creative can you help me out... dam bugs.

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    Not owning an Apogee Ensemble, maybe someone else who does has more definitive info can jump in, but do not confuse the lower level of the SPDIF input with "lesser quality". It's a digital connection, with no analog conversion.
    -18 dBFS on a digital scale is the same as 0dB on an analog scale.
    I think what you're experiencing, is the fact that so many people think they need to get the meters in Logic closer to 0dB, which is actually NOT what you want (when staying ITB). This thinking is left over from the days of analogue recording, or the early days of 16 bit digital recording.
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    If the Motif is considerably lower in volume than that, you could always insert a gainer plug-in on the audio track.
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    iPhoto is a Photo management program that keeps the photos in a data base - as in any database you access the data (Photos) via the database access methods
    to put on a flash drive simply export your photos to a desktop folder, mount your flash drive and then drag that folder to the mounted flash drive
    for complete details on accessing the database click here

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    Here's a troubleshooting article from Apple:  iOS: Troubleshooting Mail
    It doesn't seem to cover your specific issue, but have you tried using a different network (either a different wi-fi network, or switching from wi-fi to cellular or vice-versa if you have a wi-fi+cellular iPad)?
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    Your refer to:
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Maybe you are looking for

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