How do you go about syncing previous unsynced pictures off of your iphone?

I do not know how to transfer pictures off of my iPhone that have previously not been removed in the syncing process. Can someone please give me some help with this issue.

You can access the Phones Camera Roll from your operating system and then copying them into a folder on your system

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    OK. The easy explanation:
    Mac OS X is a UNIX based operating system and like all other UNIX operating systems, its usage is controlled by permissions. Which user has some, all or no permission to read, write to and otherwise modify files and folders. Applications also have or do not have certain permissions.
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    Hi John,
    I have mentored 2 1/2 CLA's (the 1/2 is the "Architect Supreme" and she really only needed encouragement).
    Here are my suggestions.
    1) Study for the test you plan to take. Studying above the test level you are after can only confuse things.
    2) If you can get the funding, take the NI courses suggested for that test. Some of the Q's come from the text.
    3) Monitor this Exchange for questions regarding performance and speed.
    4) Use the search box at the top of this page and search for "Greg McKaskle". Some of the best performance info available is in his writtings.
    5) Use the "info-LabVIEW" serach engine that can be found at
    and search fro Greg McKaskle and Rolf Kalbermatter. Again great information.
    6) Make a habit of using the "Task manager>>> Performance screen while you are devloping and testing. It is a good way to find out what things are good and which are bad. You find out subtle things like straight line interpolation on a chart is faster than step interpolation.
    7) Read all of the LV release notes. The questions you posted are answered in those docs and changed in LV 6.0.
    8) Review the LabVIEW ZONE challenges. They are competitions based on performance. Read the reviews.
    9) Read the white papers. Do not miss 144!
    10) Start posting Q's on this Exchange. Let us expert (myself excluded) that prowl this list help out.
    Done for now,
    Ben Rayner
    I am currently active on.. MainStream Preppers
    Rayner's Ridge is under construction

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    Log into the newly created user account.
    Open iTunes and try syncing again.

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    How would you save this locally?

    Read the answer in your previous posting:
    Use the file as an InputStream to read the data and then use an OutputStream to write the file.
    The logic is the same as reading and writing a file from disk once you have the InputStream.

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    I read people are returing for a exchange?
    How Do you go about doing this?

    doent ne 1 read my mesages
    the nano uses a special plastic to give the consumer, the slimness and lightness that they have been crying ou for, it needs to be shock proof which this plastic provides insted of blistering/ cracking its stong but flexable on impact, and so it can be easily scrached because of its ruberised plastic.
    please do the maths befor you buy and the science befor you complain, this is anoying because the forums are filled with this, you look for the latest discusion and its filled with nano scrch complaints, people with real problems are getting shunted and its not fair to thatse people, its not down to manufacture becasue it wasnt scrached when it arived, nor is the machanics faulty, infact its dificult for it to go faulty becasue it has a flash drive not a hard drive so no moving parts!
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    This is the best that I can come up with.
    Ripped from adobe cookbooks
    var fileList:Array = fileReferenceList.fileList;
    if( fileList.length > 4 )"Too many files" , "Please try again with 4 or less files");
       for (var i:Number=0; i<fileList.length; i++)
           var file:FileReference = FileReference(fileList[i]);
           arrayCollection.addItem({, size:file.size, object:file})
    If this post was helpful , please mark it as such.

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    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

    How do you feel about the hacktivist group Anonymous? Are they heroes or criminals to you?They have done many things one would consider a good deed and some which one wouldn't. They were voted as one of the Top 100 Most Influential People of 2012 in Time Magazine. They have been linked to or played a major role in such things as ISIS, North Korea, Sony, Xbox, Westboro Baptist Church, Chinese Government, etc. They are considered to be in the Top 10 for greatest hackers/hacktivist groups of all time. * My personal views: I kind of like them and what they do. Granted everything they have done hasn't been with good intentions, but for the most part they seem to play the role of good hackers/hacktivists (if such a thing exists). Good day.
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

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    I have mine on auto back up (initial back up took 3 days)

    Time Machine FAQ

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    Simply mount a disc in the drive, then in Aperture Export your versions to that location.  Later in the Finder, Burn.  No need for special function.

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