How do you manipulate / add / remove Display Points

In a pagedefinition you can define a template and a display point for a certain item. I'm looking for the place where the display points you can choose from are defined, so I can edit these display points. I now use a standard theme, but I'd like to add a display point to the left, and remove some other display points that are defined now, but will never be used. Where do i find these display point definitions?

As Shunt and me did say, go edit your page template
Home>Application Builder>Application xxx>Shared Components>Templates
Pick page template and edit. Scroll bottom of page where is list/report of those positions and substitution strings.
Then modify page template Body part
br, Jari
Edited by: jarola on Nov 20, 2009 11:22 AM

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    Hi Paul,
    I've been playing around a bit with my test system, and I have found the following... if you open up the properties of a resource in ConsoleOne, there is a field called "Description". You can place some information about that resource into this field. Then, in the client, let's say that you are addressing an e-mail to that resource, you can right-click on the resource address and choose "Details". The information for the resource, including your description, are now displayed.
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    Application Basics
    Name: Firefox
    Version: 33.0
    User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10.10; rv:33.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/33.0
    Multiprocess Windows: 0/1
    Crash Reports for the Last 3 Days
    All Crash Reports
    Name: Cinema ploos
    Version: 0.95.5
    Enabled: false
    ID: [email protected]
    Name: DivX Plus Web Player HTML5 <video>
    Enabled: false
    ID: {23fcfd51-4958-4f00-80a3-ae97e717ed8b}
    Device ID: 0x6740
    GPU Accelerated Windows: 1/1 OpenGL (OMTC)
    Vendor ID: 0x1002
    WebGL Renderer: ATI Technologies Inc. -- ATI Radeon HD 6770M OpenGL Engine
    windowLayerManagerRemote: true
    AzureCanvasBackend: quartz
    AzureContentBackend: quartz
    AzureFallbackCanvasBackend: none
    AzureSkiaAccelerated: 0
    Important Modified Preferences
    browser.cache.disk.capacity: 358400
    browser.cache.disk.smart_size.first_run: false
    browser.cache.disk.smart_size.use_old_max: false
    browser.cache.frecency_experiment: 1
    browser.places.smartBookmarksVersion: 7
    browser.sessionstore.upgradeBackup.latestBuildID: 20141011015303
    browser.startup.homepage_override.buildID: 20141011015303
    browser.startup.homepage_override.mstone: 33.0
    extensions.lastAppVersion: 33.0
    gfx.blacklist.direct2d: 3
    gfx.blacklist.layers.direct3d9: 3
    media.gmp-gmpopenh264.lastUpdate: 1414115832
    media.gmp-gmpopenh264.version: 1.1
    media.gmp-manager.lastCheck: 1414115827
    network.cookie.prefsMigrated: true
    places.database.lastMaintenance: 1414111485
    places.history.expiration.transient_current_max_pages: 104858
    plugin.disable_full_page_plugin_for_types: application/pdf
    plugin.importedState: true
    privacy.donottrackheader.enabled: true
    privacy.sanitize.migrateFx3Prefs: true
    storage.vacuum.last.index: 0
    storage.vacuum.last.places.sqlite: 1414111483
    Important Locked Preferences
    Incremental GC: true
    Activated: false
    Prevent Accessibility: 0
    Library Versions
    Expected minimum version: 4.10.7
    Version in use: 4.10.7
    Expected minimum version: 3.17.1 Basic ECC
    Version in use: 3.17.1 Basic ECC
    Expected minimum version: 3.17.1 Basic ECC
    Version in use: 3.17.1 Basic ECC
    Expected minimum version: 3.17.1 Basic ECC
    Version in use: 3.17.1 Basic ECC
    Expected minimum version: 3.17.1
    Version in use: 3.17.1
    Experimental Features
    Above is the results of your troubleshooting request. The extension I want to remove is called Cinema ploos 0.95.5 I currently have it disabled, but want to get rid of it altogether. One note I am on an I-mac.

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    Hey Jonnyboy,
    Check out the example called Select  Are you using dynamic data?  Go to Help>>Find Examples... and type select as the search word. 
    Basically you have to index the one that you want using the Select Signal express VI.
    Hope that helps get you in the right direction.
    CTA, CLA
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    '''[ Bookmark Duplicate Cleaner]''' {web link}
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    Linksys E4200 = WAN: and LAN (NAT Enabled)
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    I agree with the last suggestion. There's no need to have port forwarding rules in both the westell and linksys . So kill your port forwarding rules you made for.the linksys in the westell , assign the linksys a static ip and then dump it in the dmz. Then let the linksys handle all the port forwarding and additional ip blocks or VLANS

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    can you please tell me how to remove or reassign a customer in the customer hierarchy transaction

    run tranz VDH1 (type hier.type, and sales area)
    you will see a tree-structure
    select node(s) and
    use menu buttons "create.." , "reassign...", "sub-tree.."
    use app. help as well

Maybe you are looking for