How does ADF build AdfPage.PAGE.__recordSessionTimeout

We built one application, and publish it in internet through Proxy server.
On every page ADF addes the javascript as below
AdfPage.PAGE.__recordSessionTimeout(1800000, 60000, "");
For this, when the idle time is out the page will be redirected to "", this link is impossible to access to internet user.
Is there any solution to remove the first part for this?
Any input is appreciated!!

From the documentation:
+"A.2.3.19 Session Timeout Warning+
+When a request is sent to the server, a session timeout value is written to the page and the session timeout warning interval is defined by the context parameter The user is given the opportunity to extend the session in a warning dialog, and a notification is sent when the session has expired and the page is refreshed. Depending on the application security configuration, the user may be redirected to the log in page when the session expires.+
+Use the context parameter to set the number of seconds prior to the session time out when a warning dialog is displayed. If the value of WARNING_BEFORE_TIMEOUT is less than 120 seconds, if client state saving is used for the page, or if the session has been invalidated, the feature is disabled. The session time-out value it taken directly from the session.+
+Example A-3 shows configuration of the warning dialog to display at 120 seconds before the time-out of the session.+
+Example A-3 Configuration of Session Time-out Warning+
+The default value of this parameter is 120 seconds. To prevent notification of the user too frequently when the session time-out is set too short, the actual value of WARNING_BEFORE_TIMEOUT is determined dynamically, where the session time-out must be more than 2 minutes or the feature is disabled."+
As there is no parameter to configure the URL for the link, I suggest to disable the feature:
Use the context parameter to set the number of seconds prior to the session time out when a warning dialog is displayed. If the value of WARNING_BEFORE_TIMEOUT is less than 120 seconds, if client state saving is used for the page, or if the session has been invalidated, the feature is disabled. The session time-out value it taken directly from the session
Before I can file an ER, I need to know
1. Which Version of JDeveloper
2. Why is the server you run configured with local host IP address. I am not sure the proxy server understands how to map this at all. Did you try a server name or real IP address
Edited by: Frank Nimphius on May 31, 2012 10:19 AM

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    max(T321619.PRJ_EST_TONS) as c2,
    max(T321619.PRJ_EST_MARGIN_PCT) as c3,
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    instr(T324598.X_TERRITORY, '.', 1, 5) -
    instr(T324598.X_TERRITORY, '.', 1, 4) - 1) as c6,
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    T321619.PROJ_DESC as c8,
    T316552.FULL_NAME as c9,
    min(T342064.PER_NAME_MONTH) as c10,
    T321619.BUILD_PART_ORD_IND as c11,
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    from obia.W_DAY_D T342064 /* Dim_W_DAY_D_SOCPM_Order_Create_Date */,
    obia.W_DAY_D T342203 /* Dim_W_DAY_D_SOCPM_Proj_Creat_Date */,
    obia.W_EMPLOYEE_D T316552 /* Dim_W_EMPLOYEE_D_Sales_Sales_Order_Resp_Custom */,
    obia.W_CUSTOMER_LOC_USE_D T324598 /* Dim_W_CUSTOMER_LOC_USE_D_Sales_Customer_Bill_To_Loc_Use_Custom */,
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    instr(T324598.X_TERRITORY, '.', 1, 4) + 1,
    instr(T324598.X_TERRITORY, '.', 1, 5) -
    instr(T324598.X_TERRITORY, '.', 1, 4) - 1)),
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    max(D1.c2) over(partition by D1.c8, D1.c4, D1.c9, D1.c6, D1.c7) as c2,
    max(D1.c3) over(partition by D1.c8, D1.c4, D1.c9, D1.c6, D1.c7) as c3,
    D1.c4 as c4,
    D1.c5 as c5,
    D1.c6 as c6,
    D1.c7 as c7,
    D1.c8 as c8,
    D1.c9 as c9,
    D1.c10 as c10,
    D1.c11 as c11,
    D1.c12 as c12
    from SAWITH0 D1)
    select distinct 0 as c1,
    D1.c4 as c2,
    D1.c5 as c3,
    D1.c6 as c4,
    D1.c11 as c5,
    D1.c7 as c6,
    D1.c8 as c7,
    D1.c9 as c8,
    D1.c12 as c9,
    D1.c3 as c10,
    D1.c1 as c11,
    D1.c2 as c12
    from SAWITH1 D1
    where (D1.c7 = D1.c10 and (D1.c1 >= 500 or D1.c1 <= -500))
    order by c2, c3, c4, c5, c6, c7, c8, c9
    select max(T321619.PRJ_EST_SALES) as c1,
    max(T321619.PRJ_EST_TONS) as c2,
    max(T321619.PRJ_EST_MARGIN_PCT) as c3,
    T316339.NAME as c4,
    T321619.REGION as c5,
    instr(T324598.X_TERRITORY, '.', 1, 4) + 1,
    instr(T324598.X_TERRITORY, '.', 1, 5) -
    instr(T324598.X_TERRITORY, '.', 1, 4) - 1) as c6,
    T342203.PER_NAME_MONTH as c7,
    T321619.PROJ_DESC as c8,
    T316552.FULL_NAME as c9,
    min(T342064.PER_NAME_MONTH) as c10,
    T321619.BUILD_PART_ORD_IND as c11,
    T321619.STATUS as c12
    from obia.W_DAY_D T342064 /* Dim_W_DAY_D_SOCPM_Order_Create_Date */,
    obia.W_DAY_D T342203 /* Dim_W_DAY_D_SOCPM_Proj_Creat_Date */,
    obia.W_EMPLOYEE_D T316552 /* Dim_W_EMPLOYEE_D_Sales_Sales_Order_Resp_Custom */,
    obia.W_CUSTOMER_LOC_USE_D T324598 /* Dim_W_CUSTOMER_LOC_USE_D_Sales_Customer_Bill_To_Loc_Use_Custom */,
    obia.W_PARTY_D T316339 /* Dim_W_PARTY_D_Sales_Sales_Order_Customer_Custom */,
    obia.WC_ORDER_VWO T321619 /* Fact_WC_ORDER_VW_SalesOrderCustom */
    where (T316339.ROW_WID = T321619.CUSTOMER_WID and
    T316552.ROW_WID = T321619.X_SALESREP_WID and
    T321619.BILL_TO_SITE_USE_WID = T324598.ROW_WID and
    T321619.ORDER_DATE_WID = T342064.ROW_WID and
    T321619.DIVISION_INCL_BSC = 'VP' and
    T321619.PROJ_DESC = T342484.PROJ_DESC and
    T342203.PER_NAME_MONTH = '2013 / 04')
    group by T316339.NAME,
    instr(T324598.X_TERRITORY, '.', 1, 4) + 1,
    instr(T324598.X_TERRITORY, '.', 1, 5) -
    instr(T324598.X_TERRITORY, '.', 1, 4) - 1)

    When you have aggregation rules applied on the front end, OBIEE forms the additional query where you are concerned about.
    Try to push the logic as much as possible to RPD side and also try to use FILTER function instead of CASE WHEN.

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    That's correct.
    You are specifying a login page, which will ONLY be accessed when the user attempts to view a secured resource.
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    <role-name>NTSB Users</role-name>
    <description>This role can access the edit</description>
    <role-name>NTSB Users</role-name>

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    Andrea -
    One possible work around may be to reference your images relatively. On your <portal mid-tier>/apache/apache/htdocs you can create a directory for your images (do not use images as portal redirects this) so say maybe creage an img directory.
    Then reference all your images as /img/image_name.gif
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    from quote q
    Just curious,

    Hi -
    If you switch on debug in Apex developer toolbar you can see the effect of user built filters on the sql that is actually executed for report.
    Good luck.

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    Finder is launched
    Terminal is launched
    WebKit is launched
    Xcode is launched
    Property List Editor is launched
    Mail is launched
    Trousseau d’accès is launched
    Aperçu is launched
    MacSOUP is launched
    iTunes is launched
    ResKnife is launched
    MacVim is launched
    TextMate is launched
    Préférences Système is launched
    Interface Builder is launched
    AppList is launched
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    I have a game project created and I am trying to get it built so I don't need a collection of 15 different folders and files to get it to work. So, How do I use the Build function to get the project onto
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    Hello Edavis85,
    What's your project in detail? When msbuild build projects, it is use project files such as csproj and vcproj. We use it to build our application. I'm not sure your scenario.
    Best regards,

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    Every time i launch flex builder it seems to for some reason
    replace my external files(asp files that gernerate xml) with older
    versions. Sometimes during work updates i make to these files stop
    occuring entirely, its as if im not able to save over or copy over
    the files, when i close flex builder and reboot i can copy the
    files from last time i backed up and work for a little while
    longer, it just started doing this. My files are in the bin
    directory with all the other files and maybe thats bad, anyways any
    advice would be great.

    leotemp wrote:
    > Every time i launch flex builder it seems to for some
    reason replace my
    > external files(asp files that gernerate xml) with older
    versions. Sometimes
    > during work updates i make to these files stop occuring
    entirely, its as if im
    > not able to save over or copy over the files, when i
    close flex builder and
    > reboot i can copy the files from last time i backed up
    and work for a little
    > while longer, it just started doing this. My files are
    in the bin directory
    > with all the other files and maybe thats bad, anyways
    any advice would be great.
    > leo
    When you compile and run a flex application in flex builder
    we copy over
    all the included files to the bin folder. Do you have copies
    of the
    generated xml files in your project? If so, then the ones in
    the bin
    folder will get overwritten.

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    Pages isn't WP - it is a consumer word processor and desktop publishing program. Still it is quite powerful and easy to use...once you accept its conventions. That is a sticking point for a lot of people. With OS X, Apple has taken the toolbar and adapted it to its own purpose. Unlike some programs that attempt to put every command in toolbars, Apple prefers to target a smaller number and allow the user some ability to custom it. Apple has also adopted the idea of palettes - one palette actually. The inspector. In OS X the inspector is used to take commands that might be buried in the menu hierarchy and puts them out front. With Pages, like many OS X programs, getting to know the Inspector is key to using Pages.
    As I said, Pages isn't WP or MS Word. That's good and bad. The good is that the program is cleaner and easier to learn. It also means that lots of features you might consider important are missing. You should have a demo version of iWork on your new iMac and you have 30 days to use it before you have to decide to keep it or ditch it.

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    The example like
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