How extract data - PS data extraction

Can any one tell me how to extract ps data

Below is a sample PS model that you can implement. Of course, you need to customize based on your requirements. Nevertheless, this should give you a head start.
You can model 2 cubes as stated below.
1. PS Dates (Copy of 0PS_C021):
2. PS Budget, Planning, Actuals (Z* Cube)
This cube can have 7 feeds; 3 DSO feeds and 4 datasources feeds.
(a) Network Activity: Line-Item Commitment (Copy of 0PS_DS02)  
    DataSource - 0CO_OM_NWA_3
(b) Project Systems - Planning Data (WBS) (Z* DSO)
    DataSource - 0CO_OM_WBS_1
(c) Project Systems - Overall Budget and Plan (Z* DSO)
    DataSources - 0CO_OM_WBS_2, 0CO_OM_WBS_3
You could then build a multi-provider over Cube 1 and Cube 2 for efficient reporting.
Hope this helps.

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    Hi Shankar.
    HR Datasources do not have setup tables . Though before implementation, certain customizations should be done and the delta loads have dependency on other data sources. Also you must have implemented Support Package SAPKH46C32, or have made the relevant corrections in SAP Note 509592.
    Follow this link for details on customization and dependencies for all CATS datasources.

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    Hi Vivek,
    Follow bellow steps:
    1.Goto RSO2.
    Choose Datasource from bellow of Three
    a). Transaction Data
    b). Master data Attributes
    c). Master data Text
    2.Specify Application component(SD/MM..)
    3.There are three extraction methods to fill datasource.
    4.Select extraction method extracts the data from a transparent table or database view.
    5.Select Extraction from View, then we have to create the View.
    a).Specify the view name.
    b).Choose the view type (Database view) from bellow mentioned views.
    i). Database view.
    ii). Projection view.
    iii).Maintainance view.
    iv). Help view.
    6. Specify Tables and Join Conditions and define view fields.
    7. Assign View to Datasource
    8. Once you specify view in Data source, the extract structure will generate.
    9. you can check the data in RSA3.

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    varjak paw wrote:
    If I understand correctly what you're referring to, View menu -> Show Status Bar.
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    Hi Kurbo,
    Please do leave feedback for the developers at, currently there is not a feature that shows how much data or what data is uploaded.
    However if you are handy at picking up apis there are some apis that can be read about [ here]

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    Simple answer is Verizon is offering a block of data for usage.
    Where I live the water bill states my wife and I are being charged for 30,000 gallons per quarter/half and the price is say $60 however we never use any where near that amount. I send the meter reading in and it shows the amount we use. But the hamlet we are in has a set amount of gallons. Not fair but we live with it.
    For your data outside of the unlimited which is not available any more to new customers you may be a light user and never go over the 2GB for $30 dollars a month. If you do you will pay through the nose for data. If you pay for more data say 4GB and I don't have the price for it so lets say its $70 then you don't have to watch as much for overage fees. But you are paying for the data in advance so as not go over and get hit with whopping fees.
    It is just the way it is.


    Hi Experts,
                          Hi In ALE ,IDOC  HOW  CONTROL DATA IS TRANSFERRED .
    Thanks & Regards
    Bhaskar Rao.M

    Hi Bhaskar Rao,
    Good Check out the following documentation.
    Some good links on ALE/IDOC
    IDOC Convertion
    Please check this online document for ALE and IDoc.
    Also check this links for additional information.
    Good Luck and thanks

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        Hi wenfam!
    That's a great question! Data usage can differ depending on how the device is used. Here's a helpful link on how to monitor the usage: ^CB

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    Please see the below links
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    A similar app to what Bob mentions is peakhour.. it works on any of the newer OS.
    It is a good app. BUT.. fat ugly BUTT.. just the same as Bob has explained, it depends on SNMP to work.. and so due to apple removing a very useful and functional protocol from its airport range you can no longer use it. Bizarre.
    I strongly recommend a Netgear WNDR3800 (older model now but you can pick up one cheaply on ebay) and a 3rd party firmware called gargoyle. Apple delete my posts if I point you to it, so you will have to search yourself.
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    If you find my post helpful please click the green star on the left under the avatar. Thanks.

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    I found this answer on NetFlix's blog sometime last year:
    In the USA you have 3 video quality options: good quality, better quality, and best quality. Here is how much bandwidth they each use:
    Good quality (up to 0.3 GB per hour)
    Better quality (up to 0.7 GB per hour)
    Best quality (up to 1 GB per hour, or up to 2.3 GB per hour for HD)
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    A single iMessage uses so little data you'd have to send about a thousand just to notice. Each character in an iMessage uses about 0.1 bytes and there are over a billion bytes in a gigabyte. Also it doesnt matter where you are sending it because it goes over the internet. It will be the same where ever.
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        Great question ah56.
    Here's a great link to apples site:
    Follow us on Twitter @VZWSupport

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