How get the system clock synced?

I messed up the clock sync, because I specified ntp-clock. At the moment the clock is 10 min faster on FI-B (Show clock). I assume this is why I no longer can log into UCSM?
I have rebooted both the FIs, but the clock is still different on the FI-B.
Doing this, does not help:
UCS-A# scope systemUCS-A /system # scope servicesUCS-A /system/services # set clock apr 14 2010 15 27 00UCS-A /system/services #
Message was edited by: Atle Dale at 13:36

this is status now. I hope this is not going to cause problems later, or is causing the other problems I do have:
FI6120XP-B(local-mgmt)# show clock
Thu Aug  9 13:41:18 CEST 2012
FI6120XP-B(local-mgmt)# show clock
Thu Aug  9 13:43:06 CEST 2012
FI6120XP-A /system/services # end
FI6120XP-A# show clock
Thu Aug  9 14:34:05 CEST 2012

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