How goods receipt picked and sent to ALE

hi ,
iam sending goods receipt from R/3 to is idoc
populated when we click POST button migo tcode.
the scenario is replica of production system.
there  exit SRM and its component MM06E001 which is
used in production is not used(commented).
what is the other way to pick data.
thanks and regards

Disable that field in Message mapping.
Then u r scenario works.
Jayasimha Jangam

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    You can get the GR/ GI quantity for a PO from EKBE table.
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                        set @error_message = 'Unit Price cannot be blank'

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    Hi Anand,
    It is possible on PLD. Try to Create Tax BreakUp in Repetetive Area on Goods Receipt PO PLD.
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    Tax Break-up for document printing India
    Also check this SAP Note: 917674 Tax Summary per Tax Groups on Marketing Documents
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    yes you can use this table
    Material Number->MATNR
    Plant ->WERK
    Storage Location->LAGER
    Manufacturer Serial Number ->SERGE

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    Only service type PO you may assign G/L Account. For item type, you have to change item G/L account determination. It cannot be done through document.

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    oPD = Nothing
                oPD = oCompany.GetBusinessObject(SAPbobsCOM.BoObjectTypes.oPurchaseDeliveryNotes)
                ocb = oFormIQC.Items.Item("cbDocType").Specific
                If ocb.Selected.Value = "I" Then
                    oPD.DocType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDocumentTypes.dDocument_Items
                    oPD.DocType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDocumentTypes.dDocument_Service
                End If
                oed = oFormIQC.Items.Item("13").Specific
                oPD.CardCode = oed.Value
                oed = oFormIQC.Items.Item("edComments").Specific
                oPD.Comments = oed.Value
                For offset As Integer = 0 To PDcount - 1
                    If offset > 0 Then
                    End If
                    If oPD.DocType = SAPbobsCOM.BoDocumentTypes.dDocument_Items Then
                        oPD.Lines.ItemCode = oDataTable.GetValue("U_ItemCode", offset)
                        oPD.Lines.ItemDescription = oDataTable.GetValue("U_Descrp", offset)
                        oPD.Lines.Quantity = oDataTable.GetValue("U_AcptQty", offset)
                        oPD.Lines.UnitPrice = oDataTable.GetValue("U_Price", offset)
                        oPD.Lines.ItemDescription = oDataTable.GetValue("U_Descrp", offset)
                        oPD.Lines.LineTotal = oDataTable.GetValue("U_LineTtl", offset)
                    End If
                RetVal = oPD.Add()
                If RetVal <> 0 Then ' If the addition failed
                    oCompany.GetLastError(ErrCode, ErrMsg)
                    SBO_Application.MessageBox( ErrCode & ", " & ErrMsg)
                    Return False
                End If
    Edited by: Chao-Yi Wu on Aug 24, 2009 5:16 AM

    The G/L Account (AcctCode) field in doc line is mandotary if it is service type. So you should add this as well.
    oPD.Lines.AccountCode = ****

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    I have a po that has 2 lines and I do the goods receipt using the MIGO of all 2 line items.  I also have all the setup so that I create an idoc when goods receipt  is performed.  The problem is multiple idocs are created. So, for this it creates 2 idocs; each idoc has both PO lines.  When I look at the NAST table, there are 2 entries with 2 different objkey in material_doc_noyearcounter format. For example, the NAST table has 049000000120090001 and  049000000120090002.  My problem is, I only need one objkey in the NAST table so that it only create one idoc which contains both goods receipt line items.  Your expertise is greatly appreciated in this.

    check this
    2. Before you set up the output determination, you have to run the program RM07NCUS for each client in which you want to use the output determination function.
    This program copies the basic settings from the SAP standard client (000).
    from there:
    and check you have define some printer for the output.

  • Good receipt price and cost

    Hi experts,
    do you know what is the real unit price field used to calculate the value of the journal entry generated by the goods receipt ?
    For now, we are using IGN1.Price, but now we think that it is IGN1.StockPrice. Do you confirm it ?
    Thanks in advance
    Best regards

    Hi Sebastien,
    If you mention the column 'Item Cost' in the good receipt screen, yes the appropriate SQL table field is IGN1.StockPrice.
    Best Regards,
    J S L Geeganage

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    Good day.
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    Is this Java???

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    Yes, there is a solution for that...
    Create or just use two different iCloud Accounts for Mail, Calendars, Notes, Reminders, iMessage, Facetime etc. and set it up on your and your wife's devices:
    You can create a new iCloud account directly on your iPhone: "Settings > Mail, Contacts, Calendars > Add Account > iCloud"
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    Change also the Settings for iMessage "Settings > Messages >Send & Receive" and also for FaceTime "Settings > FaceTime".
    To use the same Apple ID for your store purchases (Music, Apps, Movies etc.) just go to "Settings > iTunes & App Stores" and sign in with your older Apple ID and password.

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