How i can Integrate My Applications In to One Appliction In ADF

Hi All
Am creation 10 Application((ADF BC JSF )20 Application Modules ) for one project its big project so 10 members are involved in to the production but am not using any Version technique but i want all 10 application should be integrated in one application how i can go forward , How i can go further

There are several areas you might want to read in the ADF Developer Guide:
Nested AM and AM Granularity
ADF BC libraries
Multiple JSF configuration files:

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    Why connect as SYS? Any DBA account should do.
    After all, it is considered poor practise to connect as SYS on a regular basis (just as logging on as root in *nix is considered poor practise).
    To the original poster - self help for this kind of question is available in the 2-Day DBA book at ... you may often find looking these things up to be faster than waiting for a response. <g>

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    1.One is by change pointer concept i.e by executing the RBDMIDOC.We can generate the idoc and automatically to the inbound System.
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    Define the logical system names in both the systems.
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    SAP002 FOR 002 CLIENT
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    Assign SAP002 to 002 CLIENT
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    Similarly do the reverse in the 002 Client.
    In 001 client create the port.(Transaction WE21)
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    partner profile in both the systems.
    Now create the distribution model in BD64 and goto edit>model view>distribute.
    The same model view will be visible n distributed to the partner system also..which in this case is sap002.
    U may trigger the idoc from we19 and chk its status in we05.
    Please let me know if you need further info on this.

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