How insert into table select from table works in jdbc driver?

Hi, Supposing one table has two LOB fields, one LOB field is BLOB type while the other is CLOB type, I use the following sql statement to copy a row into a new row:
insert into table (id, file_body, file_content) select new_id, file_body, file_content from table where id = '111';
After commit on the connection, I can see the copied record in the table and both LOB fields are not null and this's the expected behavior.
However after some days later, the copy function becomes to be a problem, the BLOB field named file_body can be null when the copy job is done, while other fields copy successfully.
The issue can not be reproduced every time.
I suppose the jdbc driver may try to allocate byte buffer in the heap to perform copy operation for BLOB fields,if there is no enough memory available in the heap the copy operation may fail but the commit on the connection can be successful.b/c I can see a lot of OOM errors in the log files and I believe this can contribute to the issue.
Hope someone can give me a hint or comments.

I want to figure out what's memory leak point and I have tried the following solutions but none worked:
1.I have tried to dump the memory of the JVM but failed,I can see the following errors :
[root@localhost xxx]# jmap -heap:format=b 3027
Attaching to process ID 3027, please wait...
Debugger attached successfully.
Server compiler detected.
JVM version is 1.5.0_16-b02
Unknown oop at 0x00002b21a24cd550
Oop's klass is null
Finding object size using Printezis bits and skipping over...
Unknown oop at 0x00002b21a3634380
Oop's klass is null
Finding object size using Printezis bits and skipping over...
2.and the thread stack can not be dumped successfully as well:
Thread 3046: (state = BLOCKED)
- java.lang.Object.wait(long) @bci=0 (Compiled frame; information may be imprecise)
Error occurred during stack walking:
the version of java is:
java version "1.5.0_16"
Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_16-b02)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 1.5.0_16-b02, mixed mode)
I have to added dump thread stack option in JVM arguments, -XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError.
If there are other solutions please let me know, thanks.

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    I'm trying to write a stored procedure that receives a record locator parameter
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    into the table with a few columns changed.
    I'll use a sample to clarify my question a bit further
    -- Create New Amendment
    function create_amendment(p_mipr_number in mipr.mipr_number%TYPE, p_new_amendment_number in mipr.amendment_number%TYPE)
    return integer is
    new_mipr_id integer;
    THIS is causing me grief See comments after this block of code
    insert into mipr
    (select mipr_id from mipr where mipr_number=p_mipr_number),
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    (select price from mipr where mipr_number=p_mipr_number),
    (select part_number from mipr where mipr_number=p_mipr_number);
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    How do I use a combination of more than one select and hard coded values to insert a new record into the table.
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    return new_mipr_id;

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    tmp_mipr_id integer;
    tmp_number :=(select max(amendment_number) from mipr where mipr_number=p_mipr_number);
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    tmp_number doesn't work with the select statement?
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    I have the following code in my stored procedure:
    Good luck,
    Eric Kamradt

  • Unable to perform "insert into table select ...." using DBF_JDBC30

    below i post my code :
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import com.hxtt.sql.*;
    public class backofficeDbfVerification {
    public backofficeDbfVerification(String path) throws SQLException {
    Properties prop = new Properties();
    prop.setProperty("user", "");
    prop.setProperty("Version Number", "03");
    try {
    connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:DBF:/"+path, prop);
    catch (ClassNotFoundException classnotfoundexception) {
    System.out.println("could ot find HXTT class, make sure the classpath have been defined in your system !");
    catch(Exception e) {
    public void createBadRecord(String table, String newtable, int blth) throws SQLException {
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    String insert = "insert into \""+newtable+"\" select * from \""+table+"\"";
    boolean bInsert = stmt.execute(insert);
    public static void main (String args[]) {
         String path = "C:\\MASTER\\SOURCEDATA\\AREA";
    try {
    backofficeDbfVerification test = new backofficeDbfVerification(path);
    catch(SQLException sqx) {
    System.out.println("Error "+sqx.getMessage());
    i try to perform simple query : insert into tablea select from tableb which has same structure. the source table has only 9 rows, but the process ran very long time, no error message raised,it just run and never end (which make me upset for the whole day).
    i have tried another simple query : insert into table1 values (1,2) using the same driver and execute successfully.
    is it becoz of function limitation since i used evaluation copy ?

    Copy the answer from HXTT's support forum:
    No function limitation. I just tested:
    create table testa1 select * from test;
    insert into testa1 select * from test;
    I also run your sample. Passed too. I'm using the same code as you. The difference is only my 89964568.AA1 and 123.AA2 is simulative tables files. If possible, please zip your 89964568.AA1 and 123.AA2 and email to [email protected] Thanks.
    BTW, I pasted the little modified below:
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class backofficeDbfVerification {
    Connection connection;
    public backofficeDbfVerification(String path) throws SQLException {
    Properties prop = new Properties();
    prop.setProperty("user", "");
    prop.setProperty("OtherExtensions", "true");
    prop.setProperty("Version Number", "03");
    try {
    connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:DBF:/" + path, prop);
    catch (ClassNotFoundException classnotfoundexception) {
    System.out.println("could ot find HXTT class, make sure the classpath have been defined in your system !");
    catch (Exception e) {
    public void createBadRecord(String table, String newtable) throws
    SQLException {
    Statement stmt = connection.createStatement();
    String insert = "insert into \"" + newtable + "\" select * from \"" +
    table + "\"";
    boolean bInsert = stmt.execute(insert);
    public static void main(String args[]) {
    String path = "f:\\dbffiles";
    try {
    backofficeDbfVerification test = new backofficeDbfVerification(path);
    catch (SQLException sqx) {
    System.out.println("Error " + sqx.getMessage());

  • INSERT INTO table. . . SELECT field1, field2 From. . . .bug

    I should remember this but . . . bug with t-sql  using Insert Into  on a temp table.  It is unhappy with fields I'm trying to insert.
    It's probably the fact that I'm trying to using some default data w/ aliases for a couple of the fields. 
    Have a look at code please, and tell me how to correct. Thanks!
    DECLARE @OrderNo varchar(6)
    USE tempdb;
    set @OrderNo = '909773' ;
    IF OBJECT_ID ('#tmpNCGLITEMS') IS NOT NULL --how to get this to work with SSMS w/o reloading the qry window. i.e. how to release to delete????
    DROP TABLE #tmpNCGLItems
    use DEV_ORDERS;
    SELECT distinct od.lline as OrdLine, od.ldrcolor as ClrCode, od.ldrspec as SpecCode, ad.Addon_Mod_GL_Acct as ncGLCode
    INTO #tmpNCGLItems
    INNER JOIN [Dev_Products].[dbo].[Addon_Master] ad on od.lfg = ad.Addon_Mod_Mod_Code_ID AND ad.Addon_Mod_A_C_D_ID = 'C'
    WHERE od.LOrder = @OrderNo and ad.Addon_Mod_GL_Acct is not null
    select * from #tmpNCGLItems
    USE tempdb;
    DROP TABLE #tmpNCGLItems1
    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#tmpNCGLItems1](
    [OrdLine] [char](4) NOT NULL,
    [ClrCode] [char](6) NULL,
    [SpecCode] [varchar](6) NULL,
    [ClrUPorDiscAmt] money NULL, [SpecUPorDiscAmt] money NULL,
    [ncGLCode] [varchar](10) NULL, [lPrice] money Null
    ) ON [PRIMARY]
    --insert into below is failing. Says fields don't match----Msg 213, Level 16, State 1, Line 33
    --Insert Error: Column name or number of supplied values does not match table definition.
    --but. . . I think I have 7 fields and I think the datatypes match?
    INSERT INTO #tmpNCGLItems1
    SELECT ordLine, ClrCode, SpecCode, 0 as [ClrUPorDiscAmt], 0 as [SpecUPorDiscAmt], ncGLCode,
    SUM(od.lextendprice) as lPrice
    FROM #tmpNCGLItems tmp JOIN OODETL od on tmp.OrdLine = od.lline
    WHERE od.lorder = @OrderNo
    GROUP BY ordLine, ClrCode, SpecCode, NcGLCode

    >> I should remember this but . . . bug with T-SQL  using Insert Into  on a temp table.  It is unhappy with fields [sic] I'm trying to insert. It's probably the fact that I'm trying to using some default data w/ aliases for a couple
    of the fields [sic: columns are not fields]. <<
    Temp tables are how a bad programmer fakes a scratch tape so his SQL can look like magnetic tape files. We do not like to materialize data  on the disk unless we have to. 
    And data element do not change names from table to table in a schema! Get rid of the aliases, even tho they are closer to ISO-11179 than the base table crap. 
    But you are an old FORTRAN programmer! Your "OODETL” is six uppercase letters as required by FORTRAN I; an SQL programmer would have used something like “Order_Details” instead. The mix of camelCase, FORTRAN and several other non-SQL languages is scary. 
    Why did you use MONEY? It is not portable and the math is wrong. Google it! Why do you think that “<something>_code_id” makes any sense? A data element can be a “<something>_code” or a “<something>_id” but never that hybrid disaster. 
    I would do this with VIEWs so that I know the data is always current. 
    CREATE VIEW NC_GL_Items (..)
    SELECT DISTINCT OD.l_line, OD.ldr_color, OD.ldr_spec,
      FROM Oodetl AS OD,
           Addon_Master AS AD
     WHERE ..;
    The SELECT DISTINCT should not be there. An account should not be NULL, etc. Why do you have more nulls in one table than entire accounting systems? Why do you set integer zero to an amount, which should be a decimal for money? 
    This is a crazy quilt that is clearly a bitch to maintain or even read. Can you clean it up or are you screwed? 
    --CELKO-- Books in Celko Series for Morgan-Kaufmann Publishing: Analytics and OLAP in SQL / Data and Databases: Concepts in Practice Data / Measurements and Standards in SQL SQL for Smarties / SQL Programming Style / SQL Puzzles and Answers / Thinking
    in Sets / Trees and Hierarchies in SQL

  • System getting hanged whilst using Insert into table select * from table

    I have a peculiar problem.
    I am using the below statements:
    Query 1:
    insert into table ppms.erin_out@ppms_dblink select * from erin_out;
    Query 2:
    insert into table ppms.erin_out@ppms_dblink values(23,'dffgg',12',dfdfdgg,dfdfdg);
    I am in 'interfaces' schema (testing server) and executing above statements. We have testing server and development server, both are identical, i.e one is clone of the other.
    ppms_dblink is created in interfaces schema. ppms_dblink points to different database server which has two schemas 'clarity' and 'ppms'. ppms_dblink is create through authentication details of clarity schema.
    erin_out table is created on ppms schema on the same dababase server pointed by ppms_dblink.
    Question is :
    TOAD hangs while running query 1.
    Query 2 is working perfectly.
    As I have pl/sql script which is using query 1. I want to know why query 1 is creating problem.
    If I use query 2 in my pl/sql query then it may create performance issue as i have to use cursor then.
    On clarity schema, I have insert, update, select, modify rights on ppms.erin_out.
    I have tried same queries from another database server.
    That is I tried queries from 'interfaces' schema of development server ( clone of the testing server ). Its working perfectly.
    Message was edited by:

    The table from which I select rows, to insert into table on dblink, is having only one record. It may contatin maximum 100 rows at a time because I am scheduling the procedure through daemon process. Anyway transaction is not more than 100 records. I am trying with just 1 record for testing.
    So 1) Problem is not about the cost, TOAD is getting hanged ( to insert 1 record, cost does not mean much)
    2) there is no large amount of data, so no question of deteriorated performance
    Aron Tunzi:
    I think that should not be problem, because I am able to insert a record through query 2.
    Warren Tolentino :
    I am testing with 1 record only. Its not performance issue.
    Message was edited by:

  • How to do a SELECT from different tables into an internal table?

    How to do a SELECT from different tables into an internal table?
    I want to select data from MARA, MARC and ZPERSON and populate my ITAB_FINAL
    REPORT  zinternal_table.
    BEGIN OF str_table1,
      v_name LIKE zperson-zname,
      v_matnr LIKE marc-matnr,
      v_emarc LIKE marc-emarc,
      v_werks_d LIKE marc-werks_d,
      v_dstat LIKE marc-dstat,
      END OF str_table,
      i_table1 TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF str_table1.
    BEGIN OF str_table2,
    v_mandt LIKE mara-mandt,
    v_ernam LIKE mara-ernam,
      v_laeda LIKE mara-laeda,
    END OF str_table2,
    itab_final LIKE STANDARD TABLE OF str_table2.

    first find the link between mara , marc and zperson , if u have link to 3 tables then u can jus write a join and populate the table u want ( thats final table with all the fields).
    u defenitely have alink between mara and marc so join them and retrieve all data into one internal table.
    then for all the entries in that internal table retrieve data from zperson into another internal table.
    then loop at one internal table
    read another internal table where key equals in both the tables.
    finally assign fileds if sy-subrc = 0.
    gs_finaltable-matnr = gs_table-matnr
    and finally append gs_finaltable to gt_finaltable.
    there u go ur final table has all the data u want.
    Edited by: BrightSide on Apr 2, 2009 3:49 PM

  • Insert into table a (select * from table b) - need pk?

    Hi there.
    I'm going to insert into table FINAL (select * from table STAGING) - same structure but in STAGING the ID column has nulls.
    Do I need to provide the ID (primary key) for table FINAL or will it get created based on sequence/trigger?
    If I were doing this in a loop I'd get the next val from the sequence but on a simple insert, I'm curious.

    hmm.. what is ?
    it didn't like it.
    Error(11,4): PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "[" when expecting one of the following:     begin case declare exit for goto if loop mod null pragma    raise return select update while with <an identifier>    <a double-quoted delimited-identifier> <a bind variable> <<    close current delete fetch lock insert open rollback    savepoint set sql execute commit forall merge    <a single-quoted SQL string> pipe
    9i, sqldeveloper                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           

  • How do i insert into table through forms

    I have developed a custom form based on custom table.
    the only way to insert data into database table is through form.
    there are two tables: one table is to store all contract details & second table is to maintain history forthis.
    one condition(col1,col2,col3,col4) are unique combination,we are not creating any PK or FK at database level.evrythng is captured at form level.
    if all 4 columns combination exist thn e should not insert that record.
    if 4 columns combination doesnot exist then insert into table.
    I have used just pre insert,pre update triggers.
    I think its a basic form functionality ,by itself it inserts ,update it is doing the same thng.
    But I have to add the above condition ,how can i do that.
    Pl provide me some ex code .
    Thank you.
    Hope any one can help me

    SQL> create table t
      2  (object_id    number
      3  ,object_name  varchar2(30));
    Table created.
    SQL> create sequence t_seq;
    Sequence created.
    SQL> insert into t (object_id, object_name)
      2  select t_seq.nextval
      3        ,object_name
      4  from   all_objects
      5  ;
    52637 rows created.

  • How to insert into table, of table description of table

    Dear All,
    I need to take the table description of the table and i need to insert that description in to a new table column , please help me to how to write the query for these.
    many thanks in advance
    Sreenivasulu P

    user627163 wrote:
    Dear All,
    I need to take the table description of the table and i need to insert that description in to a new table column , please help me to how to write the >query for these.Why insert into a new column into the same table ? That would be madness. :) (kidding)
    You can explore with this :
    [oracle@g5 ~]$ sqlplus scott/tiger
    SQL*Plus: Release - Production on Tue Jun 2 09:23:10 2009
    Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.
    Connected to:
    Oracle Database 11g Enterprise Edition Release - 64bit Production
    With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
    SQL> create table dtable (tablename varchar2(20),col_name varchar2(20),Not_null varchar2(1), datatype varchar2(20) );
    Table created.
    SQL> desc dtable
    Name                                      Null?    Type
    TABLENAME                                          VARCHAR2(20)
    COL_NAME                                           VARCHAR2(20)
    NOT_NULL                                           VARCHAR2(1)
    DATATYPE                                           VARCHAR2(20)
    SQL> set wrap off
    SQL> SELECT column_name "Name", nullable "Null?",
           CONCAT (CONCAT (CONCAT (data_type, '('), data_length), ')') "Type"
      FROM user_tab_columns
    WHERE table_name = 'EMP';
    Name                           N Type
    EMPNO                          N NUMBER(22)
    ENAME                          Y VARCHAR2(10)
    JOB                            Y VARCHAR2(9)
    MGR                            Y NUMBER(22)
    HIREDATE                       Y DATE(7)
    SAL                            Y NUMBER(22)
    COMM                           Y NUMBER(22)
    DEPTNO                         Y NUMBER(22)
    8 rows selected.
    SQL> INSERT INTO dtable
       SELECT 'emp', column_name, nullable,
              CONCAT (CONCAT (CONCAT (data_type, '('), data_length), ')') "Type"
         FROM user_tab_columns
        WHERE table_name = 'EMP';
    8 rows created.
    SQL> commit;
    Commit complete.
    SQL> select * from dtable;
    TABLENAME            COL_NAME             N DATATYPE
    emp                  EMPNO                N NUMBER(22)
    emp                  ENAME                Y VARCHAR2(10)
    emp                  JOB                  Y VARCHAR2(9)
    emp                  MGR                  Y NUMBER(22)
    emp                  HIREDATE             Y DATE(7)
    emp                  SAL                  Y NUMBER(22)
    emp                  COMM                 Y NUMBER(22)
    emp                  DEPTNO               Y NUMBER(22)
    8 rows selected.
    many thanks in advancecheers
    Sreenivasulu P


    I laready posted But i think people got confused this is the same query in easiest way
    Hi Please please here Insdie the curusr FOR Loop i am using INSERT INTO by SELECT (see the below code EACH INSERT WILL FETCH 800-1000 records Minimum !!!)
    In that satement here i am using the MINUS also ,,thi is taking minute to insert each record approx
    This way I need to insert 5 insert Into sattement for different tables see EXA
    Inside the FOR loop------
    FROM table p, table d
    WHERE ---- AND ---
    AND ---
    AND -----
    IN ( SELECT Fields
    FROM p, d
    WHERE ---- AND ---
    AND ----
    GROUP BY Fields);
    This WAY
    5 insert it dam slow taking 1 minutes to insert to all 5 tables ...this way i have lot of recordss....

    But i think people got confused this is the same query in easiest way I don't think this is more clear with your current thread. Your query is bad, and shouldn't work at all.
    It shouldn't work for too many reasons (at least because AND without nothing behind) and use a group by clause where is not required.

  • Insert into table values from 2 different tables

    Hi ,
    i have 2 tables as below ,
    table A
    ELITE                             FREQ_ITEM                    COMBINED_STR                    SUP   
    ;1;10;2;3;4;5;7;8             ;10;2;3;4;5;8;9                  ;1;2;3;4;5;7;8;9;10            1
    ;10;2;3;4;5;8;9               ;10;2;3;4;5;8;9                  ;2;3;4;5;8;9;10                  2table B
    FREQ_ITEM                   SUB                    ITEM_LEN                      
    ;1;10;2;3;4;5;7;8             2                    8
    ;10;2;3;4;5;8;9               2                    7
    ;10;2;3;4;5;8;9;1             1                    8i want to insert values in Table C as below ,
    insert into table C "ELITE","SUP" from Table A when "SUP" in table A >=2
    Else Select "FREQ_ITEM","SUB" from Table B when "A"."ELITE"="B"."FREQ_ITEM"
    The result should be like below ,
    ELITE                        SUP   
    ;10;2;3;4;5;8;9          2
    ;2;3;4;5;8;9;10        2any help please .
    Edited by: 876602 on 09/10/2011 04:24 ص

    It is not clear what are you trying to do. Based on expected results, something like:
      select  case
               when sup < 2 then elite
               else combined_str
              end elite,
        from  tableA a,
              tableB b
        where a.elite = b.freq_item
    ELITE                      SUB
    ;1;10;2;3;4;5;7;8            2
    ;2;3;4;5;8;9;10              2
    SQL> SY.

  • How to send message when insert into table

    how i can send message to the users when some one insert data in table
    example :like outlok when when i have new message message comes to tell me
    that i have new message please help

    hi for all and thanks for replay
    the idea is not send mail.
    the idea is when some one insert into table new record i want a message comes
    to tell me that theres new record inserted but i dont want to intrupt my job on the form. i just want message to tell me that. without any action from me just like outlook or messenger
    i tried to make timer then from the when-timer-expired i show stacked canvse that comes from right down corner of screen.
    but i think its not a good idea becouse i have more that 30 form in my project
    i hope my question is clear

  • How to insert into table when ID auto increment?

    I have a table Employee with EmloyeeID, EmployeeName, Email...
    When i design table in database, i created a Sequence and then Trigger for EmployeeID to auto increment.
    Now in ADF, actually in my web form: I don't want enter values for EmployeeID to insert into table,
    but still error : required for EmployeeID...
    how can i do it? Thanks

    Always mention your JDev version every time you start a new thread.
    Check this out : Andrejus Baranovskis Blog: How To Implement Gapless Sequence in ADF BC

  • Reg: read excel column and insert into table.

    hi Friends,
          i wanted to read the data from Excel and insert into in my oracle tables.
          can you provide the link or example script.
        how to read the column value from excel and insert into table.
      please help.

    < unnecessary reference to personal blog removed by moderator >
    Here are the steps:
    1) First create a directory and grant read , write , execute to the user from where you want to access the flat files and load it.
    2) Write a generic function to load PIPE delimited flat files:
    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION TABLE_LOAD ( p_table in varchar2,
    p_dir in varchar2 DEFAULT ‘YOUR_DIRECTORY_NAME’,
    P_FILENAME in varchar2,
    p_ignore_headerlines IN INTEGER DEFAULT 1,
    p_delimiter in varchar2 default ‘|’,
    p_optional_enclosed in varchar2 default ‘”‘ )
    return number
    – PURPOSE: Load the flat files i.e. only text files to Oracle
    – tables.
    – This is a generic function which can be used for
    – importing any text flat files to oracle database.
    – P_TABLE
    – Pass name of the table for which import has to be done.
    – P_DIR
    – Name of the directory where the file is been placed.
    – Note: The grant has to be given for the user to the directory
    – before executing the function
    – The name of the flat file(a text file)
    – By default we are passing 1 to skip the first line of the file
    – which are headers on the Flat files.
    – Dafault “|” pipe is been passed.
    – Optionally enclosed by ‘ ” ‘ are been ignored.
    – AUTHOR:
    – Slobaray
    l_input utl_file.file_type;
    l_theCursor integer default dbms_sql.open_cursor;
    l_lastLine varchar2(4000);
    l_cnames varchar2(4000);
    l_bindvars varchar2(4000);
    l_status integer;
    l_cnt number default 0;
    l_rowCount number default 0;
    l_sep char(1) default NULL;
    L_ERRMSG varchar2(4000);
    V_EOF BOOLEAN := false;
    l_cnt := 1;
    for TAB_COLUMNS in (
    select column_name, data_type from user_tab_columns where table_name=p_table order by column_id
    ) loop
    l_cnames := l_cnames || tab_columns.column_name || ‘,’;
    l_bindvars := l_bindvars || case when tab_columns.data_type in (‘DATE’, ‘TIMESTAMP(6)’) then ‘to_date(:b’ || l_cnt || ‘,”YYYY-MM-DD HH24:MI:SS”),’ else ‘:b’|| l_cnt || ‘,’ end;
    l_cnt := l_cnt + 1;
    end loop;
    l_cnames := rtrim(l_cnames,’,');
    IF p_ignore_headerlines > 0
    FOR i IN 1 .. p_ignore_headerlines
    UTL_FILE.get_line(l_input, l_lastLine);
    v_eof := TRUE;
    END IF;
    if not v_eof then
    dbms_sql.parse( l_theCursor, ‘insert into ‘ || p_table || ‘(‘ || l_cnames || ‘) values (‘ || l_bindvars || ‘)’, dbms_sql.native );
    utl_file.get_line( l_input, l_lastLine );
    when NO_DATA_FOUND then
    if length(l_lastLine) > 0 then
    for i in 1 .. l_cnt-1
    dbms_sql.bind_variable( l_theCursor, ‘:b’||i,
    end loop;
    l_status := dbms_sql.execute(l_theCursor);
    l_rowCount := l_rowCount + 1;
    when OTHERS then
    insert into BADLOG ( TABLE_NAME, ERRM, data, ERROR_DATE )
    values ( P_TABLE,l_errmsg, l_lastLine ,systimestamp );
    end if;
    end loop;
    utl_file.fclose( l_input );
    end if;
    values ( P_FILENAME, P_TABLE,l_rowCount,sysdate );
    ‘_’ || TO_CHAR(SYSDATE, ‘DD_MON_RRRR_HH24_MI_SS_AM’) || ‘.txt’
    end TABLE_LOAD;
    Note: when you run the function then it will also modify the source flat file with timestamp , so that we can have the track like which file was loaded .
    3) Check if the user is having UTL_FILE privileges or not :
    AND OWNER =<>;
    If the user is not having the privileges then grant “UTL_FILE” to user from SYS user:
    4) In the function I have used two tables like:
    import_hist table and badlog table to track the history of the load and another to check the bad log if it occurs while doing the load .
    Under the same user create an error log table to log the error out records while doing the import:
    SQL> CREATE TABLE badlog
    errm VARCHAR2(4000),
    data VARCHAR2(4000) ,
    error_date TIMESTAMP
    Under the same user create Load history table to log the details of the file and tables that are imported with a track of records loaded:
    SQL> create table IMPORT_HIST
    FILENAME varchar2(200),
    TABLE_NAME varchar2(200),
    NUM_OF_REC number,
    5) Finally run the PLSQL block and check if it is loading properly or not if not then check the badlog:
    Execute the PLSQL block to import the data from the USER:
    SQL> declare
    P_TABLE varchar2(200):=<>;
    P_DIR varchar2(200):=<>;
    P_FILENAME VARCHAR2(200):=<>;
    v_Return NUMBER;
    v_Return := TABLE_LOAD(
    P_DIR => P_DIR,
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE(‘v_Return = ‘ || v_Return);
    6) Once the PLSQL block is been executed then check for any error log table and also the target table if the records are been successfully imported or not.

  • Insert into table a large amount of records

    I was trying to find a fast way to optimize a script that insert a large amount of records into a table. The initial script was like
    insert into table_xxxx
    select a.camp1, a.camp2, a.camp3 a.camp4, b.camp1, b.camp2, b.camp3
    from table_a a, table_b b
    where a.camp0 = b.camp0
    The commit sentence was at the end of the insert script; so i came up with this solution
    g_tHist Tab_Hist;
    CURSOR c_Base IS
    select a.camp1, a.camp2, a.camp3 a.camp4, b.camp1, b.camp2, b.camp3
    from table_a a, table_b b
    where a.camp0 = b.camp0;
    OPEN c_base;
    FETCH c_base BULK COLLECT INTO g_tHist LIMIT 1000;
    EXIT WHEN g_tHist.COUNT = 0;
    INSERT INTO prov_cobr_dud VALUES g_tHist(i);
    CLOSE c_base;
    If anyone could tell me another way to do the same thing i'll apreciate it a lot; i'm keen on learn more efficient ways to optimize scripts.
    PD: The initial insert was inserting the table with 120,000 records (more or less)

    Wrong forum. This is the Oracle Forms forum. You should post in the SQL-PL/SQL forum.

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