How is this java related?

I haven't done much Win32 programming so I decided to get a book on Visual C++.NET. My buddy recently said to me that I was wasting my time if I wanted to learn Win32 programming using the MFCs. His reasoning is that it hides too much implementation from you. He has recommended using the Windows API. My reasoning is, so what if it hides various implementation? They're all High Level Languages. If you used this logic, then we may all as well just go back to learning Assembly before learning anything else.
My question is, is my buddy correct?

I question whether anyone can learn all of it.can you learn all of the java api ? got that memorised
? no.
windows api is the same, msdn is there to assist you, same with
java we have the api online in a, perhaps easier,
format. (though not nearly as searchable).Having used the MSDN library for years it is increasingly becoming less rather than more useable.
For example MS Access does have a SQL language. However the last time I tried to find it in the library I couldn't do it. Actually the only way I found it in an older version was by searching for a specific function then book marking the top layer (and the top layer does not exist in the newer library versions.)
As another example figuring out the specifics of OLE calls is impossible as far as I can tell. I have found the best methodology for that is to use Excel/Word to create a macro, then use the macro to guess at the correct syntax, values, etc.
For specific C/C++ API calls one can find the definition. However even that results in multiple hits so you have to figure out which one is actually correct.
And finally one had better be able to limit the search to the correct 'subset' especially for common key words. Searching for "select" will result in thousands of entries, despite the fact that, as far as I know, it is only a keyword in one MS language.

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    package net.htmlescape;
    * HtmlEscape in Java, which is compatible with utf-8
    * @author Ulrich Jensen,
    * Feel free to get inspired, use or steal this code and use it in your
    * own projects.
    * License:
    * You have the right to use this code in your own project or publish it
    * on your own website.
    * If you are going to use this code, please include the author lines.
    * Use this code at your own risk. The author does not warrent or assume any
    * legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefullness of
    * this program code.
    public class HtmlEscape {
      private static char[] hex={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'};
       * Method for html escaping a String, for use in a textarea
       * @param original The String to escape
       * @return The escaped String
      public static String escapeTextArea(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeTags(original));    
       * Normal escape function, for Html escaping Strings
       * @param original The original String
       * @return The escape String
      public static String escape(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeBr(escapeTags(original)));
      public static String escapeTags(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case 60:out.append("&lt;"); break; //<
            case 62:out.append("&gt;"); break; //>
            case 34:out.append("&quot;"); break; //"
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeBr(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case '\n': out.append("<br/>"); break; //newline
            case '\r': break;
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeSpecial(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
            boolean found=true;
          switch(chars[i]) {
            case 38:out.append("&amp;"); break; //&
            case 198:out.append("&AElig;"); break; //Æ
            case 193:out.append("&Aacute;"); break; //Á
            case 194:out.append("&Acirc;"); break; //Â
            case 192:out.append("&Agrave;"); break; //À
            case 197:out.append("&Aring;"); break; //Å
            case 195:out.append("&Atilde;"); break; //Ã
            case 196:out.append("&Auml;"); break; //Ä
            case 199:out.append("&Ccedil;"); break; //Ç
            case 208:out.append("&ETH;"); break; //Ð
            case 201:out.append("&Eacute;"); break; //É
            case 202:out.append("&Ecirc;"); break; //Ê
            case 200:out.append("&Egrave;"); break; //È
            case 203:out.append("&Euml;"); break; //Ë
            case 205:out.append("&Iacute;"); break; //Í
            case 206:out.append("&Icirc;"); break; //Î
            case 204:out.append("&Igrave;"); break; //Ì
            case 207:out.append("&Iuml;"); break; //Ï
            case 209:out.append("&Ntilde;"); break; //Ñ
            case 211:out.append("&Oacute;"); break; //Ó
            case 212:out.append("&Ocirc;"); break; //Ô
            case 210:out.append("&Ograve;"); break; //Ò
            case 216:out.append("&Oslash;"); break; //Ø
            case 213:out.append("&Otilde;"); break; //Õ
            case 214:out.append("&Ouml;"); break; //Ö
            case 222:out.append("&THORN;"); break; //Þ
            case 218:out.append("&Uacute;"); break; //Ú
            case 219:out.append("&Ucirc;"); break; //Û
            case 217:out.append("&Ugrave;"); break; //Ù
            case 220:out.append("&Uuml;"); break; //Ü
            case 221:out.append("&Yacute;"); break; //Ý
            case 225:out.append("&aacute;"); break; //á
            case 226:out.append("&acirc;"); break; //â
            case 230:out.append("&aelig;"); break; //æ
            case 224:out.append("&agrave;"); break; //à
            case 229:out.append("&aring;"); break; //å
            case 227:out.append("&atilde;"); break; //ã
            case 228:out.append("&auml;"); break; //ä
            case 231:out.append("&ccedil;"); break; //ç
            case 233:out.append("&eacute;"); break; //é
            case 234:out.append("&ecirc;"); break; //ê
            case 232:out.append("&egrave;"); break; //è
            case 240:out.append("&eth;"); break; //ð
            case 235:out.append("&euml;"); break; //ë
            case 237:out.append("&iacute;"); break; //í
            case 238:out.append("&icirc;"); break; //î
            case 236:out.append("&igrave;"); break; //ì
            case 239:out.append("&iuml;"); break; //ï
            case 241:out.append("&ntilde;"); break; //ñ
            case 243:out.append("&oacute;"); break; //ó
            case 244:out.append("&ocirc;"); break; //ô
            case 242:out.append("&ograve;"); break; //ò
            case 248:out.append("&oslash;"); break; //ø
            case 245:out.append("&otilde;"); break; //õ
            case 246:out.append("&ouml;"); break; //ö
            case 223:out.append("&szlig;"); break; //ß
            case 254:out.append("&thorn;"); break; //þ
            case 250:out.append("&uacute;"); break; //ú
            case 251:out.append("&ucirc;"); break; //û
            case 249:out.append("&ugrave;"); break; //ù
            case 252:out.append("&uuml;"); break; //ü
            case 253:out.append("&yacute;"); break; //ý
            case 255:out.append("&yuml;"); break; //ÿ
            case 162:out.append("&cent;"); break; //¢
            if(chars[i]>127) {
              char c=chars[i];
              int a4=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a3=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a2=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a1=c%16;
        return out.toString();

    hi Dan, thanks for asking
    I did this in the end..
      // function cleantext(string) {
      //   string = "<p>" & string;
      //   string = Replace(string, chr(13) & chr(10) & chr(13) & chr(10), "</p><p>", "all");
      //   string = Replace(string, chr(13) & chr(10), "<br />", "all");
      //   string = string & "</p>";
      //   return string;
    * HtmlEscape in Java, which is compatible with utf-8
    * @author Ulrich Jensen,
    * Feel free to get inspired, use or steal this code and use it in your
    * own projects.
    * License:
    * You have the right to use this code in your own project or publish it
    * on your own website.
    * If you are going to use this code, please include the author lines.
    * Use this code at your own risk. The author does not warrent or assume any
    * legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefullness of
    * this program code.
    function cleantext(string)  {
      private static char[] hex={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'};
       * Method for html escaping a String, for use in a textarea
       * @param original The String to escape
       * @return The escaped String
      public static String escapeTextArea(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeTags(original));   
       * Normal escape function, for Html escaping Strings
       * @param original The original String
       * @return The escape String
      public static String escape(String original)
        return escapeSpecial(escapeBr(escapeTags(original)));
      public static String escapeTags(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case 60:out.append("&lt;"); break; //<
            case 62:out.append("&gt;"); break; //>
            case 34:out.append("&quot;"); break; //"
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeBr(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
          boolean found=true;
            case '\n': out.append("<br/>"); break; //newline
            case '\r': break;
          if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
        return out.toString();
      public static String escapeSpecial(String original)
        if(original==null) return "";
        StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
        char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
        for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
            boolean found=true;
          switch(chars[i]) {
            case 38:out.append("&amp;"); break; //&
            case 198:out.append("&AElig;"); break; //Æ
            case 193:out.append("&Aacute;"); break; //Á
            case 194:out.append("&Acirc;"); break; //Â
            case 192:out.append("&Agrave;"); break; //À
            case 197:out.append("&Aring;"); break; //Å
            case 195:out.append("&Atilde;"); break; //Ã
            case 196:out.append("&Auml;"); break; //Ä
            case 199:out.append("&Ccedil;"); break; //Ç
            case 208:out.append("&ETH;"); break; //Ð
            case 201:out.append("&Eacute;"); break; //É
            case 202:out.append("&Ecirc;"); break; //Ê
            case 200:out.append("&Egrave;"); break; //È
            case 203:out.append("&Euml;"); break; //Ë
            case 205:out.append("&Iacute;"); break; //Í
            case 206:out.append("&Icirc;"); break; //Î
            case 204:out.append("&Igrave;"); break; //Ì
            case 207:out.append("&Iuml;"); break; //Ï
            case 209:out.append("&Ntilde;"); break; //Ñ
            case 211:out.append("&Oacute;"); break; //Ó
            case 212:out.append("&Ocirc;"); break; //Ô
            case 210:out.append("&Ograve;"); break; //Ò
            case 216:out.append("&Oslash;"); break; //Ø
            case 213:out.append("&Otilde;"); break; //Õ
            case 214:out.append("&Ouml;"); break; //Ö
            case 222:out.append("&THORN;"); break; //Þ
            case 218:out.append("&Uacute;"); break; //Ú
            case 219:out.append("&Ucirc;"); break; //Û
            case 217:out.append("&Ugrave;"); break; //Ù
            case 220:out.append("&Uuml;"); break; //Ü
            case 221:out.append("&Yacute;"); break; //Ý
            case 225:out.append("&aacute;"); break; //á
            case 226:out.append("&acirc;"); break; //â
            case 230:out.append("&aelig;"); break; //æ
            case 224:out.append("&agrave;"); break; //à
            case 229:out.append("&aring;"); break; //å
            case 227:out.append("&atilde;"); break; //ã
            case 228:out.append("&auml;"); break; //ä
            case 231:out.append("&ccedil;"); break; //ç
            case 233:out.append("&eacute;"); break; //é
            case 234:out.append("&ecirc;"); break; //ê
            case 232:out.append("&egrave;"); break; //è
            case 240:out.append("&eth;"); break; //ð
            case 235:out.append("&euml;"); break; //ë
            case 237:out.append("&iacute;"); break; //í
            case 238:out.append("&icirc;"); break; //î
            case 236:out.append("&igrave;"); break; //ì
            case 239:out.append("&iuml;"); break; //ï
            case 241:out.append("&ntilde;"); break; //ñ
            case 243:out.append("&oacute;"); break; //ó
            case 244:out.append("&ocirc;"); break; //ô
            case 242:out.append("&ograve;"); break; //ò
            case 248:out.append("&oslash;"); break; //ø
            case 245:out.append("&otilde;"); break; //õ
            case 246:out.append("&ouml;"); break; //ö
            case 223:out.append("&szlig;"); break; //ß
            case 254:out.append("&thorn;"); break; //þ
            case 250:out.append("&uacute;"); break; //ú
            case 251:out.append("&ucirc;"); break; //û
            case 249:out.append("&ugrave;"); break; //ù
            case 252:out.append("&uuml;"); break; //ü
            case 253:out.append("&yacute;"); break; //ý
            case 255:out.append("&yuml;"); break; //ÿ
            case 162:out.append("&cent;"); break; //¢
            if(chars[i]>127) {
              char c=chars[i];
              int a4=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a3=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a2=c%16;
              c=(char) (c/16);
              int a1=c%16;
        return out.toString();
    <cfset cleanedtext = cleantext(dirtytext)>
    Although actually I also ended up changing my charset of my tables to utf8 (it was latin_swedish) and that seems to have solved the head issue (with special characters (bullet points i think it was) throwing an error when inserting them in the db)

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    I Recently updated the software on my MacBook Pro. Now, my computer no longer recognizes my external hard drive. Could this be related to the software update and, if so, how do I correct the problem?

    Ari343 wrote:
    No, the external hard drive does not show up on Disk Utility. I don't have another computer to try it on.
    Perform a PRAM reset:
    Have you tried all the ports?
    Have you tried with a different cable?
    Have you tested all the ports with other devices to see that they are functioning?

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    The directory structure is as follows,Inside the **model** folder i have a java file called
    I need to refer the input.xls file inside the template folder in
    I tried new FileInputStream("..\\..\\..\\template\\DevContentsTemplate.xls") cos the GetContents.class file will be inside webcontent\web-inf\classes\model\GetContents.class and I thought if i use the above relative path , it should refer webcontent\web-inf\template\input.xls
    But it throws a file not found exception.
    - src
    Kindly help.

    morshed_nsu wrote:
    if so then for one ../ you will reach classes folder. for another you will reach the folder containing src, classes, templates etc.
    So you do not need 3 escapes.I posted that same answer 7 hours before you did! What part of your answer is any additional help compared to mine? It's fine to give someone another answer, but there's not much point in giving the SAME answer 7 hours later. If it were a few seconds or a few minutes later, I would excuse you for having tried to post at the same time. But, 7 hours?! Please read the existing answers next time, not just the original post.

  • How can i  apply this  java program for  a jsp page?

    import java.util.*;
    public class FileProcessing
      //create a vector container  for the input variables
         Vector variables = new Vector();
      //create a vector container for the constants
         Vector constants = new Vector();
      /*create a string expression container for the equation
         as read from the file */
         String expression = " ";
      //create double result container for the final result
         double result = 0;
         public boolean processFile(String filename,String delim)
          //index for values vector
              int num_values = 0;
          //index for constants vector
              int num_constants = 0;
          //current line being read from the external file.
              String curline = " ";
          //start reading from the external file
                   FileReader fr = new FileReader(filename);
                   BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
                        curline = br.readLine();
                        if(curline == null)
                    //determine the type of current interaction
                        boolean variable = curline.startsWith("input");
                        boolean constant = curline.startsWith("constant");
                        boolean equation = curline.startsWith("equation");
                        boolean output = curline.startsWith("result");
                   //on input variables
                          StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(curline,delim);
                          int num = st.countTokens();
                          int count=0;
                               String temp = st.nextToken();
                                    byte b[]= new byte[100];
                                    String inputval = (new String(b)).trim();
                        // on constant values
                             StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(curline,delim);
                             int num = st.countTokens();
                             int count = 0;
                                  String temp = st.nextToken();
                                       byte b[]= new byte[100];
                                       String cons = (new String(b)).trim();
                        // on equation
                             StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(curline,delim);
                             int num = st.countTokens();
                             int count = 0;
                                  String temp = st.nextToken();
                                       this.expression = temp;
              // now we are ready to evaluate the expression
                          org.nfunk.jep.JEP  myparser= new org.nfunk.jep.JEP();
                          for(int i=1;i<variables.size()+1;i++)
                             String name = "arg"+Integer.toString(i);
                             myparser.addVariable(name,new Double(variables.get(i-1)
                          for(int i=1;i<constants.size()+1;i++)
                               String name = "arg" +Integer.
                               myparser.addConstant(name,new Double(constants.get(i-1).toString()));
                   //output is obtained as follows
                          result = myparser.getValue();
                          System.out.println("Assay value: "+result);
              catch(Exception e)
              return true;
         public static void main(String[] args)
              FileProcessing fp = new FileProcessing();
    }//my text file name is: "input.eqn" (given below)
    input:Enter Value1:arg1
    input:Enter Value2:arg2
    input:Enter Value3:arg3

    how can i apply this java program for a jsp pagewhy do you want to do this ?
    Your program reads from a file on the disk and formats based on a patterm.
    Jsp is not intended for such stuff.

  • In Office 2011 the function "share it by e-mail" seems to be disabled. that happened recently, just after the apple update regarding Java. Any idea on how enable this function again?

    in Office 2011 the function "share it by e-mail" seems to be disabled. that happened recently, just after the apple update regarding Java. Any idea on how enable this function again?

    I was able to get to a support person who helped me fix this without charge. I guess it was my bad for not trying the right way to access support.
    Anyway, they answer is this.
    I had to create a new account on my computer. When I logged into the new account it immediately wanted an AppleID. I used my daughter's e-mail address for the AppleID. This setup the internet accounts correctly with her e-mail address. I was then able to access e-mail in both the browser and Mail. Not that complicated but nothing that I would have easily thought up on my own.
    Thank Apple Support!

  • Am unable to resize fonts, images, or anything that is related to using numerals.  How can this be fixed??

    Am unable to resize fonts, images, or anything that is related to using numerals.  How can this be fixed??

    In full Editor, go to Edit>preferences>General. Look for this:
    Click on it, close Elements, relaunch.

  • This is related to UCS-D : How to populate inventory data into lovs

    This is related to UCS-D : How to populate inventory data into lovs 

    I think you need to update the database from the applet.
    Then refresh the page to sync with values in the database.

  • HT5246 Everyone has Java installed - how can this tool work?

    Every Mac (and PC user for that matter) has Java installed.  Even if you did not have it, Apple's last two updates installed new versions.  How can this malware tool work?  And why is it limited to Lion? 
    Apple - this is not what your customers rightly expect and could be crippling to your reputation.
    Do this over and do it right.  Thankyou.

    Every Mac (and PC user for that matter) has Java installed.
    That's incorrect.
    How can this malware tool work?
    By updating Java, if present, and removing the malware files, if present.
    And why is it limited to Lion?
    It isn't. There's a Java update for Mac OS X 10.6.8 that does the same things.

  • Activity Monitor - Java Virtual Memory Use is 16,333.00 TB.  How is this possible?

    Activity Monitor:   Virtual Memory column -
    Java Real Memory @ 330 MB
    Java Virtual Memory was 16,333 TB. 
    How could this be?
    Activity Monitor open
    Safari was incredibly slow today, as it has been a lot lately, but inconsistently.  The other computers in the house had normal speed.  I'm not a tech person.  I attached a copy of the activity monitor - how it looks right now.  I appreciate your thoughts and suggestions.  Thank you.
    bottom half

    As Kappy says, the virtual memory information is mostly meaningless except to developers, and most of them do not really care.
    In this case the Java VM usage is most likely a math error on the part of either the operating system, or Activity Monitor (when a 64-bit number goes negative, but is then displayed as an unsigned value, it can look like what you are seeing; ignore it).
    What you ARE interested in is "Real Memory" usage, and who is using it.  Look at those numbers in Activity Monitor.
    If you want to see if pageout activity is affecting your performance, then start Applicaitons -> Utilities -> Terminal and run the command "sar -g 60 100" which will report pageout numbers once a minute for 100 minutes (adjust the numbers to suit your tastes).   Mostly zero means no pages outs.  Occassional spikes generally occur when starting an app or switching to an app which has been idle for awhile.  Sustained pageouts starts to indicate a problem.  High sustained pageouts means you could benefit from either having more RAM or running fewer concurrent applications.

  • How can i  use  this  java program to access from  a jsp page?

    import java.util.*;
    public class FileProcessing
      //create a vector container  for the input variables
         Vector variables = new Vector();
      //create a vector container for the constants
         Vector constants = new Vector();
      /*create a string expression container for the equation
         as read from the file */
         String expression = " ";
      //create double result container for the final result
         double result = 0;
         public boolean processFile(String filename,String delim)
          //index for values vector
              int num_values = 0;
          //index for constants vector
              int num_constants = 0;
          //current line being read from the external file.
              String curline = " ";
          //start reading from the external file
                   FileReader fr = new FileReader(filename);
                   BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(fr);
                        curline = br.readLine();
                        if(curline == null)
                    //determine the type of current interaction
                        boolean variable = curline.startsWith("input");
                        boolean constant = curline.startsWith("constant");
                        boolean equation = curline.startsWith("equation");
                        boolean output = curline.startsWith("result");
                   //on input variables
                          StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(curline,delim);
                          int num = st.countTokens();
                          int count=0;
                               String temp = st.nextToken();
                                    byte b[]= new byte[100];
                                    String inputval = (new String(b)).trim();
                        // on constant values
                             StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(curline,delim);
                             int num = st.countTokens();
                             int count = 0;
                                  String temp = st.nextToken();
                                       byte b[]= new byte[100];
                                       String cons = (new String(b)).trim();
                        // on equation
                             StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(curline,delim);
                             int num = st.countTokens();
                             int count = 0;
                                  String temp = st.nextToken();
                                       this.expression = temp;
              // now we are ready to evaluate the expression
                          org.nfunk.jep.JEP  myparser= new org.nfunk.jep.JEP();
                          for(int i=1;i<variables.size()+1;i++)
                             String name = "arg"+Integer.toString(i);
                             myparser.addVariable(name,new Double(variables.get(i-1)
                          for(int i=1;i<constants.size()+1;i++)
                               String name = "arg" +Integer.
                               myparser.addConstant(name,new Double(constants.get(i-1).toString()));
                   //output is obtained as follows
                          result = myparser.getValue();
                          System.out.println("Assay value: "+result);
              catch(Exception e)
              return true;
         public static void main(String[] args)
              FileProcessing fp = new FileProcessing();
    }here i need to generate the strings like 'enter value1' and respective text boxes dynamically . i should use this java program as business logic and a jsp page for view.
    following given is my text file input.eqn
    input:enter value1:arg1
    input:enter value2:arg2
    input:enter value3:arg3
    constant:enter constant1:arg4
    constant:enter constant2:arg5
    equation:enter equation:(arg1+arg2)*(arg3+arg4)*arg5

    Why do you double post ?
    Why dint that answer satisfy you ? And why dint you say so in that thread rather than posting the same question again ?

  • How to use java classes of DC1 in DC2

    When I was trying to use a java-class from another DC, I stumbled into an error I didn't expect:
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: com/company/application/utils
    This is what I did to get this far:
    1. Created an empty Web Dynpro DC (DC1), to be used as a utilities library.
    2. Added a Java class to the webdynpro project.
    3. Added the class to a public part of type compilation.
    4. Created a second Web Dynpro DC (DC2), which is supposed to consume the class from DC1.
    5. Added a DC-usage relation, so that DC1 is in DC2's used DCs. In this usage-relation built-time and run-time were checked
    5. Used DC1's class in DC2's component controller
    6. Built both DCs and deployed them
    7. Ran the application in DC2.
    When I run the application, the application dumps a stack trace at the moment that and object is created based on the class in DC1.
    Any idea how to get this working?

    Vincenzo, here is the real error message:
    java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method nl.phoqus.pataut.Guid.getGuidString()Ljava/lang/String; from class nl.phoqus.pataut.PatientAuthorization
    I have inserted a very simple GUID generator that I used in a previous project. Please find the class file below:
    package nl.phoqus.pataut;
    import java.util.Random;
    public class Guid {
         private static Guid guidFactory = new Guid();
         static Random random = new Random();
          * Allow global replacement of the GUID generator.  Applications
          * wishing to install their own GUID generators should sub-class
          * Guid, override the getGuid() method, and use this method to
          *  install their generator.
         public static void
         setGuidImpl(Guid factory) {
         guidFactory = factory;
          * Return a GUID as a string.
         public static String getString() {
         return guidFactory.getGuidString();
          * Return a GUID as a string.  This is completely arbitrary, and
          * returns the hexification of a random value followed by a
          * timestamp.
         protected String getGuidString() {
            long rand = (random.nextLong() & 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFL) | 0x4000000000000000L;
            return Long.toString(rand, 32) + Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()&0xFFFFFFFFFFFFFL, 32);
    I'm calling the class using the following statements from the component controller of DC2:
    Guid x = new Guid();
    String y = x.getGuidString();
    The component controller resides in package package nl.phoqus.pataut.
    Would that be the problem?

  • Slow Performance - Java Related?

    This is an old box that I bought used recently, but the system install is recent. The system performs very slowly - about 50% of the speed of comparable Mac's in the XBench database. If I use Xupport to manully run "All" of the system maintenance crons I get some improvement, but it quickly goes back to being slow.
    Looking at my logs I have a "boat load" of Java errors under CrashReporter; there will be a string of "JavaNativeCrash_pidXXX.log" entries - many of them, as follows:
    An unexpected exception has been detected in native code outside the VM.
    Unexpected Signal : Bus Error occurred at PC=0x908611EC
    NOTE: We are unable to locate the function name symbol for the error
    just occurred. Please refer to release documentation for possible
    reason and solutions.
    Many of the line entries that follow, but not all of them, refer to SargentD2OL, which is a Java app, which I installed, but it did not work properly so I removed it. Yet I continue to get Java errors that refer to this now non-existant app.
    I have read that Java apps use a lot of resources, and that D2OL in particular uses a lot of resources. Can my slow performance problem be Java related? If so, any idea of how I can fix this problem?
    G4 AGP Graphics   Mac OS X (10.3.9)   500 MHz, 512M RAM

    Sorry to take so long to respond, but other issues in life have demanded my attention.
    None of the solutions given have had any affect. My Java folder has both a 1.3.1 and a 1.4.2 app - the Java Update 2 will not reinstall because it sees an up-to-date app in the folder. But reading the update file it says the older Java will be removed - but it is still there. Problem?
    On XBench the system scores a 9 to 10, while similar boxes on the XBench database score around 18 to 20. My cpu, memory, and video scores are very low. The HD through-put scores are the only ones that are normal. TechTool Pro 4 finds no problems. I have removed the memory sticks one at a time and retested after each cycle - no difference.
    I have two drives, each with a 10.3.9 install. One works fine, scores around a 17 on XBench, the other scores a 9 to 10. So it appears to be a software problem. The slower install is a drive from a iMac G3 that has been moved to the G4 - are there issues with this?
    My favored drive is the prior G3 one (newer and faster than the other drive that system tests faster in XBench) - it has my profile and all my info on it. It worked fine in the G3 - no problems.
    Thanks for the help,
    G4 AGP Graphics Mac OS X (10.3.9) 500 MHz, 512M RAM, ATI 8500

  • How to check Java installed in my system

    Hi All
    I new to java i have not some doubts
    1)In my system I have this many JDK i dont know for this JDK what IDE version i need to download. I like to use netbeans which one should i need to download?
    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_01
    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_22
    C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_01
    C:\Program Files\Java\jre6
    But i dont have any IDE to develop my java like eclipse or Netbean etc ,I have Only Jdeveloper
    2)How to find apache tomcat server is installed in by PC or not how to test that ?
    please know the installion steps also in need to install ..
    Advance Thanks

    I like to use netbeans which one should i need to download?You'd think you would go to the Netbeans website and find out, but I'm silly like that. Either a recent JDK 6 or the latest JDK 7 will do just fine. I would install Java anywhere except in program files. I install all my Java stuff in a directory called "java" myself, so I have C:\java\jdk6, c:\java\eclipse37, c:\java\tomcat7, etc. I never have to search for my stuff that way.
    (of course being a proper computer savvy user I partioned my harddrive to reserve the C drive specifically for the OS only, so it is in fact e:\java).
    2)How to find apache tomcat server is installed in by PC or not how to test that ?Use the search function of your OS of course. Its not even a Java related question.

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