How to turn this Java into something I can use in CF?

Hi - Following on from a recent post about how to strip our special characters from a string before insertion to the db I have found this Java code - my question is, how can I turn this into something I can use with CF? I think I need to use the cfscipt tag but that's right on the boundaries of my knowledge base.. If anyone could please help I'd be ever so grateful - thank you!
package net.htmlescape;
* HtmlEscape in Java, which is compatible with utf-8
* @author Ulrich Jensen,
* Feel free to get inspired, use or steal this code and use it in your
* own projects.
* License:
* You have the right to use this code in your own project or publish it
* on your own website.
* If you are going to use this code, please include the author lines.
* Use this code at your own risk. The author does not warrent or assume any
* legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefullness of
* this program code.
public class HtmlEscape {
  private static char[] hex={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'};
   * Method for html escaping a String, for use in a textarea
   * @param original The String to escape
   * @return The escaped String
  public static String escapeTextArea(String original)
    return escapeSpecial(escapeTags(original));    
   * Normal escape function, for Html escaping Strings
   * @param original The original String
   * @return The escape String
  public static String escape(String original)
    return escapeSpecial(escapeBr(escapeTags(original)));
  public static String escapeTags(String original)
    if(original==null) return "";
    StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
    char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
    for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
      boolean found=true;
        case 60:out.append("&lt;"); break; //<
        case 62:out.append("&gt;"); break; //>
        case 34:out.append("&quot;"); break; //"
      if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
    return out.toString();
  public static String escapeBr(String original)
    if(original==null) return "";
    StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
    char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
    for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
      boolean found=true;
        case '\n': out.append("<br/>"); break; //newline
        case '\r': break;
      if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
    return out.toString();
  public static String escapeSpecial(String original)
    if(original==null) return "";
    StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
    char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
    for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
        boolean found=true;
      switch(chars[i]) {
        case 38:out.append("&amp;"); break; //&
        case 198:out.append("&AElig;"); break; //Æ
        case 193:out.append("&Aacute;"); break; //Á
        case 194:out.append("&Acirc;"); break; //Â
        case 192:out.append("&Agrave;"); break; //À
        case 197:out.append("&Aring;"); break; //Å
        case 195:out.append("&Atilde;"); break; //Ã
        case 196:out.append("&Auml;"); break; //Ä
        case 199:out.append("&Ccedil;"); break; //Ç
        case 208:out.append("&ETH;"); break; //Ð
        case 201:out.append("&Eacute;"); break; //É
        case 202:out.append("&Ecirc;"); break; //Ê
        case 200:out.append("&Egrave;"); break; //È
        case 203:out.append("&Euml;"); break; //Ë
        case 205:out.append("&Iacute;"); break; //Í
        case 206:out.append("&Icirc;"); break; //Î
        case 204:out.append("&Igrave;"); break; //Ì
        case 207:out.append("&Iuml;"); break; //Ï
        case 209:out.append("&Ntilde;"); break; //Ñ
        case 211:out.append("&Oacute;"); break; //Ó
        case 212:out.append("&Ocirc;"); break; //Ô
        case 210:out.append("&Ograve;"); break; //Ò
        case 216:out.append("&Oslash;"); break; //Ø
        case 213:out.append("&Otilde;"); break; //Õ
        case 214:out.append("&Ouml;"); break; //Ö
        case 222:out.append("&THORN;"); break; //Þ
        case 218:out.append("&Uacute;"); break; //Ú
        case 219:out.append("&Ucirc;"); break; //Û
        case 217:out.append("&Ugrave;"); break; //Ù
        case 220:out.append("&Uuml;"); break; //Ü
        case 221:out.append("&Yacute;"); break; //Ý
        case 225:out.append("&aacute;"); break; //á
        case 226:out.append("&acirc;"); break; //â
        case 230:out.append("&aelig;"); break; //æ
        case 224:out.append("&agrave;"); break; //à
        case 229:out.append("&aring;"); break; //å
        case 227:out.append("&atilde;"); break; //ã
        case 228:out.append("&auml;"); break; //ä
        case 231:out.append("&ccedil;"); break; //ç
        case 233:out.append("&eacute;"); break; //é
        case 234:out.append("&ecirc;"); break; //ê
        case 232:out.append("&egrave;"); break; //è
        case 240:out.append("&eth;"); break; //ð
        case 235:out.append("&euml;"); break; //ë
        case 237:out.append("&iacute;"); break; //í
        case 238:out.append("&icirc;"); break; //î
        case 236:out.append("&igrave;"); break; //ì
        case 239:out.append("&iuml;"); break; //ï
        case 241:out.append("&ntilde;"); break; //ñ
        case 243:out.append("&oacute;"); break; //ó
        case 244:out.append("&ocirc;"); break; //ô
        case 242:out.append("&ograve;"); break; //ò
        case 248:out.append("&oslash;"); break; //ø
        case 245:out.append("&otilde;"); break; //õ
        case 246:out.append("&ouml;"); break; //ö
        case 223:out.append("&szlig;"); break; //ß
        case 254:out.append("&thorn;"); break; //þ
        case 250:out.append("&uacute;"); break; //ú
        case 251:out.append("&ucirc;"); break; //û
        case 249:out.append("&ugrave;"); break; //ù
        case 252:out.append("&uuml;"); break; //ü
        case 253:out.append("&yacute;"); break; //ý
        case 255:out.append("&yuml;"); break; //ÿ
        case 162:out.append("&cent;"); break; //¢
        if(chars[i]>127) {
          char c=chars[i];
          int a4=c%16;
          c=(char) (c/16);
          int a3=c%16;
          c=(char) (c/16);
          int a2=c%16;
          c=(char) (c/16);
          int a1=c%16;
    return out.toString();

hi Dan, thanks for asking
I did this in the end..
  // function cleantext(string) {
  //   string = "<p>" & string;
  //   string = Replace(string, chr(13) & chr(10) & chr(13) & chr(10), "</p><p>", "all");
  //   string = Replace(string, chr(13) & chr(10), "<br />", "all");
  //   string = string & "</p>";
  //   return string;
* HtmlEscape in Java, which is compatible with utf-8
* @author Ulrich Jensen,
* Feel free to get inspired, use or steal this code and use it in your
* own projects.
* License:
* You have the right to use this code in your own project or publish it
* on your own website.
* If you are going to use this code, please include the author lines.
* Use this code at your own risk. The author does not warrent or assume any
* legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or usefullness of
* this program code.
function cleantext(string)  {
  private static char[] hex={'0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f'};
   * Method for html escaping a String, for use in a textarea
   * @param original The String to escape
   * @return The escaped String
  public static String escapeTextArea(String original)
    return escapeSpecial(escapeTags(original));   
   * Normal escape function, for Html escaping Strings
   * @param original The original String
   * @return The escape String
  public static String escape(String original)
    return escapeSpecial(escapeBr(escapeTags(original)));
  public static String escapeTags(String original)
    if(original==null) return "";
    StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
    char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
    for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
      boolean found=true;
        case 60:out.append("&lt;"); break; //<
        case 62:out.append("&gt;"); break; //>
        case 34:out.append("&quot;"); break; //"
      if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
    return out.toString();
  public static String escapeBr(String original)
    if(original==null) return "";
    StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
    char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
    for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
      boolean found=true;
        case '\n': out.append("<br/>"); break; //newline
        case '\r': break;
      if(!found) out.append(chars[i]);
    return out.toString();
  public static String escapeSpecial(String original)
    if(original==null) return "";
    StringBuffer out=new StringBuffer("");
    char[] chars=original.toCharArray();
    for(int i=0;i<chars.length;i++)
        boolean found=true;
      switch(chars[i]) {
        case 38:out.append("&amp;"); break; //&
        case 198:out.append("&AElig;"); break; //Æ
        case 193:out.append("&Aacute;"); break; //Á
        case 194:out.append("&Acirc;"); break; //Â
        case 192:out.append("&Agrave;"); break; //À
        case 197:out.append("&Aring;"); break; //Å
        case 195:out.append("&Atilde;"); break; //Ã
        case 196:out.append("&Auml;"); break; //Ä
        case 199:out.append("&Ccedil;"); break; //Ç
        case 208:out.append("&ETH;"); break; //Ð
        case 201:out.append("&Eacute;"); break; //É
        case 202:out.append("&Ecirc;"); break; //Ê
        case 200:out.append("&Egrave;"); break; //È
        case 203:out.append("&Euml;"); break; //Ë
        case 205:out.append("&Iacute;"); break; //Í
        case 206:out.append("&Icirc;"); break; //Î
        case 204:out.append("&Igrave;"); break; //Ì
        case 207:out.append("&Iuml;"); break; //Ï
        case 209:out.append("&Ntilde;"); break; //Ñ
        case 211:out.append("&Oacute;"); break; //Ó
        case 212:out.append("&Ocirc;"); break; //Ô
        case 210:out.append("&Ograve;"); break; //Ò
        case 216:out.append("&Oslash;"); break; //Ø
        case 213:out.append("&Otilde;"); break; //Õ
        case 214:out.append("&Ouml;"); break; //Ö
        case 222:out.append("&THORN;"); break; //Þ
        case 218:out.append("&Uacute;"); break; //Ú
        case 219:out.append("&Ucirc;"); break; //Û
        case 217:out.append("&Ugrave;"); break; //Ù
        case 220:out.append("&Uuml;"); break; //Ü
        case 221:out.append("&Yacute;"); break; //Ý
        case 225:out.append("&aacute;"); break; //á
        case 226:out.append("&acirc;"); break; //â
        case 230:out.append("&aelig;"); break; //æ
        case 224:out.append("&agrave;"); break; //à
        case 229:out.append("&aring;"); break; //å
        case 227:out.append("&atilde;"); break; //ã
        case 228:out.append("&auml;"); break; //ä
        case 231:out.append("&ccedil;"); break; //ç
        case 233:out.append("&eacute;"); break; //é
        case 234:out.append("&ecirc;"); break; //ê
        case 232:out.append("&egrave;"); break; //è
        case 240:out.append("&eth;"); break; //ð
        case 235:out.append("&euml;"); break; //ë
        case 237:out.append("&iacute;"); break; //í
        case 238:out.append("&icirc;"); break; //î
        case 236:out.append("&igrave;"); break; //ì
        case 239:out.append("&iuml;"); break; //ï
        case 241:out.append("&ntilde;"); break; //ñ
        case 243:out.append("&oacute;"); break; //ó
        case 244:out.append("&ocirc;"); break; //ô
        case 242:out.append("&ograve;"); break; //ò
        case 248:out.append("&oslash;"); break; //ø
        case 245:out.append("&otilde;"); break; //õ
        case 246:out.append("&ouml;"); break; //ö
        case 223:out.append("&szlig;"); break; //ß
        case 254:out.append("&thorn;"); break; //þ
        case 250:out.append("&uacute;"); break; //ú
        case 251:out.append("&ucirc;"); break; //û
        case 249:out.append("&ugrave;"); break; //ù
        case 252:out.append("&uuml;"); break; //ü
        case 253:out.append("&yacute;"); break; //ý
        case 255:out.append("&yuml;"); break; //ÿ
        case 162:out.append("&cent;"); break; //¢
        if(chars[i]>127) {
          char c=chars[i];
          int a4=c%16;
          c=(char) (c/16);
          int a3=c%16;
          c=(char) (c/16);
          int a2=c%16;
          c=(char) (c/16);
          int a1=c%16;
    return out.toString();
<cfset cleanedtext = cleantext(dirtytext)>
Although actually I also ended up changing my charset of my tables to utf8 (it was latin_swedish) and that seems to have solved the head issue (with special characters (bullet points i think it was) throwing an error when inserting them in the db)

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