How many of you have no problems at all?

One of the recent posts tries to make out like all MSI products are bad and they may get that impression just because this is the only place they read about the products. However as this is a technical board that is basically what you should expect. People come here to get help with their toys when they don't understand sometyhing or if something is wrong. So that can leave a bad impression. However there are those of us that not only are running right but are here to help out folks when they need it because we enjoy this sort of thing. So let us know if your system is in good order so that folks can see both sides of the story.

No probs here expcept for the overclocking. I think what happened was all these reviews came out saying what a great overclocking board this is and people expected that much out of it. Msi does not gurantee that there boards will overclock and has delivered a great stable board. I think the blame goes to the reivewers how put so much faith in how good this board can overclock. I dont think fututre bios will fix the overclocking issue. I dont think the a64 is notl that great of an overclocker due to the memory controller being on the die and not on the chipset. The best bet for overclockers is to get a 2800 newcastle or "cg" stepping and overclocking that tp 2.3-2.5. As of right now and my experience with a 2800, 3000 newcastle and a 3400 clawhammer, and the following boards i have used are a mis k8n plat, and a msi k8t800 neo fisr2 is on average my chips overlcock to about 2.3-2.4 prime95 stable. Maybe after newer revisions of the 64 chips we will be able to overclock more. But once again i am extremely happy with this board at stock or overclocked and i think the blame should be more posted towards the reviewers of this board and to figure out how they got such high overclocks that none of us can replicate.

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