How many production MRLs?

My company is only running Documaker in batch, but we've recently been exploring adding EWPS and IDS to enable some real-time functionality. We have five main lines of business, and all form resources for our lines of business are stored in one database-backed MRL (SQL Server). We've heard some companies maintain separate MRLs for each line of business, and might even break up their MRLs further based on batch/real-time. So, simple question for everyone out there: How many production MRLs do you maintain? How's that going for you?
Thanks for any responses!

Up here, we have multiple lines of business and multiple trademarked brands and our batches are divided accordingly for a total of 10 batches. We do parallel processing, meaning that at any given time during the night cycles, all 10 batches may be running concurrently. These 10 threads are all connected to the same CB5-based MRL and we’ve never had any issues related to that setup.

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    iTunes Store: About authorization and deauthorization - - and another helpful post:
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    HEY TOM!
    The ideal solution is to have a large enough HD (preferably a fast RAID)
    for storing your preview and cache files so you don't have to worry about
    if they are taking up too much space.
    You ignore them, then do a 'Spring Cleaning' now and then after you have
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    It is betterto maintain single client in prd systems.
    But in some situations like if a company is maintaining payrolls of their clients, then that company can use more than one client depends upon their clients. But it will be critical to maintain. these because we have to maintain those all clients for similar use.
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