How may I change the height of the menu bar to allow my large icons/buttons to maintain their size?

I recently updated from FF28 to FF31. Totally different UI, I get that. I waited to update until I could psych myself to try something different. I have the Default Australis Theme and Noia Fox Theme, which is designed with larger icons/buttons for those with visual needs. On my screen at the moment I have the title bar, menu bar, tab bar, and url/addon bar with the "hamburger" menu to the right. I placed icons in the menu bar, kept the home icon on the addon bar, and then there are the default icons in the menu popup. When I enable the Noia Fox Theme, the icons look great on the url/addon bar, even in the menu popup; clear, large, easy to see. However, the icons in the menu bar (not the menu popup) are less than half their original/intended size. So I switch to default Australis Theme, restart, and same issue, though not quite as dramatic since Default theme is smaller to begin with.
My thinking then is that there is a setting within the menu bar which resizes the icons/buttons to a small default size. Can this setting be changed to allow the icons to retain their original size (or close to it) and if so, how? I like the location of the menu bar on my screen, below the title bar, above the tab bar. Works nicely with the new The Fox Only Better addon which attaches to the tab bar and hides the url bar, a "new" feature for me and I'm liking it. I know I can get CTR with an additional bar, and I did try that. The issue then is that the additional bar appears below the tab bar and is not movable to above the tab bar and below the title bar.
At the moment, I have just the two themes, security addons added and The Fox Only Better. I've not added other appearance addons yet so as to keep potential conflicts/issues to a minimum. I've not tinkered with internal FF default settings other than to say don't track me (I think that's all I did). So to the best of my limited understanding, I've kept changes and customizations to a minimum. And yes, per your educated guess feature for questions posted, I am running Win 8.1 and FF 31.
I think I've offered enough detail so others can try to duplicate the issue. If not, let me know and I'll try to respond as soon as I can. Thanks so much for any help offered.
~ wkothlow

You can double the height of the menu bar area using a custom style rule. I couldn't immediately find an icon that would take advantage of the space so I'm not sure this will solve the problem, but you could try it.
The custom style rule could be as simple as:
@namespace url(;
/* double height (from 2x to 4x the 13px base font size) */
height:4em !important;
(Result shown in the screen shot, using the preview feature of the Stylish extension.)
You can apply custom style rules to Firefox's UI using either of these methods:
(1) Create or edit a userChrome.css file. This article has more information:
(2) Use the Stylish extension:
Since I don't have this theme to test myself, if this doesn't work well, you might contact the theme author using the theme's support thread, which is on an independent forum:

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    #if !defined(AFX_CUSTCOMBOBOX_H__F8528B4F_396E_11D1_9384_00A0248F6145__INCLUDED_)
    #define AFX_CUSTCOMBOBOX_H__F8528B4F_396E_11D1_9384_00A0248F6145__INCLUDED_
    #if _MSC_VER >= 1000
    #pragma once
    #endif // _MSC_VER >= 1000
    typedef enum {FONTS} STYLE; //Why have I enumerated, Cos, Maybe I might want something other than Fonts here
    class COwnerDrawCombo : public CComboBox
    // Construction
    COwnerDrawCombo (STYLE);
    // Attributes
    void SetHilightColors (COLORREF hilight,COLORREF hilightText)
    m_clrHilight = hilight;
    m_clrHilightText = hilightText;
    void SetNormalColors (COLORREF clrBkgnd,COLORREF clrText)
    m_clrNormalText = clrText;
    m_clrBkgnd = clrBkgnd;
    static BOOL CALLBACK EnumFontProc (LPLOGFONT lplf, LPTEXTMETRIC lptm, DWORD dwType, LPARAM lpData);
    void FillFonts ();
    int GetSelFont (LOGFONT&);
    // Operations
    // Overrides
    // ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
    virtual void DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct);
    virtual void MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct);
    virtual void PreSubclassWindow();
    // Implementation
    virtual ~COwnerDrawCombo();
    // Generated message map functions
    STYLE m_enStyle;
    COLORREF m_clrHilight;
    COLORREF m_clrNormalText;
    COLORREF m_clrHilightText;
    COLORREF m_clrBkgnd;
    BOOL m_bInitOver;
    void DrawDefault (LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT);
    void DrawFont(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT);
    void InitFonts ();
    afx_msg int OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct);
    afx_msg void OnDestroy();
    afx_msg long OnInitFonts (WPARAM, LPARAM);
    // Microsoft Developer Studio will insert additional declarations immediately before the previous line.
    #endif //!defined(AFX_CUSTCOMBOBOX_H__F8528B4F_396E_11D1_9384_00A0248F6145__INCLUDED_)
    // OwnerDrawCombo.cpp : implementation file
    #include "stdafx.h"
    #include "combobox.h"
    #include "OwnerDrawCombo.h"
    #ifdef _DEBUG
    #define new DEBUG_NEW
    #undef THIS_FILE
    static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__;
    #define WM_INITFONTS (WM_USER + 123)
    //I chose 123 cos nobody might use the same exact number.. I can improve this by use RegisterWindowMessage..
    // COwnerDrawCombo
    //Initial values of the text and highlight stuff
    m_enStyle = FONTS;
    m_clrHilight = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
    m_clrNormalText = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
    m_clrHilightText = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
    m_clrBkgnd = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOW);
    m_bInitOver = FALSE;
    COwnerDrawCombo::COwnerDrawCombo (STYLE enStyle)
    m_enStyle = enStyle;
    m_clrHilight = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHT);
    m_clrNormalText = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOWTEXT);
    m_clrHilightText = GetSysColor (COLOR_HIGHLIGHTTEXT);
    m_clrBkgnd = GetSysColor (COLOR_WINDOW);
    m_bInitOver =FALSE;
    BEGIN_MESSAGE_MAP(COwnerDrawCombo, CComboBox)
    // COwnerDrawCombo message handlers
    void COwnerDrawCombo::DrawItem(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDrawItemStruct)
    //I might want to add something else someday
    switch (m_enStyle)
    case FONTS:
    //I dont need the MeasureItem to do anything. Whatever the system says, it stays
    void COwnerDrawCombo::MeasureItem(LPMEASUREITEMSTRUCT lpMeasureItemStruct)
    void COwnerDrawCombo::DrawFont(LPDRAWITEMSTRUCT lpDIS)
    CDC* pDC = CDC::FromHandle(lpDIS->hDC);
    CRect rect;
    TRACE0 ("In Draw Font\n");
    // draw the colored rectangle portion
    pDC->SetBkMode( TRANSPARENT );
    if (lpDIS->itemState & ODS_SELECTED)
    pDC->FillSolidRect (rect,m_clrHilight);
    pDC->SetTextColor (m_clrHilightText);
    pDC->FillSolidRect (rect,m_clrBkgnd);
    pDC->SetTextColor (m_clrNormalText);
    if ((int)(lpDIS->itemID) < 0) // Well its negetive so no need to draw text
    CString strText;
    GetLBText (lpDIS->itemID,strText);
    CFont newFont;
    CFont *pOldFont;
    ((LOGFONT*)lpDIS->itemData)->lfHeight = 90; //9 point size
    ((LOGFONT*)lpDIS->itemData)->lfWidth = 0;
    newFont.CreatePointFontIndirect ((LOGFONT*)lpDIS->itemData);
    pOldFont = pDC->SelectObject (&newFont);
    pDC->DrawText(strText, rect, DT_LEFT | DT_VCENTER | DT_SINGLELINE);
    pDC->SelectObject (pOldFont);
    newFont.DeleteObject ();
    void COwnerDrawCombo::InitFonts ()
    CDC *pDC = GetDC ();
    ResetContent (); //Delete whatever is there
    EnumFonts (pDC->GetSafeHdc(),NULL,(FONTENUMPROC) EnumFontProc,(LPARAM)this);//Enumerate
    m_bInitOver = TRUE;
    BOOL CALLBACK COwnerDrawCombo::EnumFontProc (LPLOGFONT lplf, LPTEXTMETRIC lptm, DWORD dwType, LPARAM lpData)
    if (dwType == TRUETYPE_FONTTYPE) //Add only TTF fellows, If you want you can change it to check for others
    int index = ((COwnerDrawCombo *) lpData)->AddString(lplf->lfFaceName);
    lpLF = new LOGFONT;
    CopyMemory ((PVOID) lpLF,(CONST VOID *) lplf,sizeof (LOGFONT));
    ((COwnerDrawCombo *) lpData)->SetItemData (index,(DWORD) lpLF);
    return TRUE;
    int COwnerDrawCombo::OnCreate(LPCREATESTRUCT lpCreateStruct)
    if (CComboBox::OnCreate(lpCreateStruct) == -1)
    return -1;
    // TODO: Add your specialized creation code here
    if (m_enStyle == FONTS)
    PostMessage (WM_INITFONTS,0,0);
    return 0;
    long COwnerDrawCombo::OnInitFonts (WPARAM, LPARAM)
    InitFonts ();
    return 0L;
    void COwnerDrawCombo::OnDestroy()
    if (m_enStyle == FONTS)
    int nCount;
    nCount = GetCount ();
    for (int i = 0; i < nCount; i++)
    delete ((LOGFONT*)GetItemData (i)); //delete the LOGFONTS actually created..
    // TODO: Add your message handler code here
    void COwnerDrawCombo::FillFonts ()
    m_enStyle = FONTS;
    PostMessage (WM_INITFONTS,0,0); //Process in one place
    int COwnerDrawCombo::GetSelFont (LOGFONT& lf)
    int index = GetCurSel ();
    if (index == LB_ERR)
    return LB_ERR;
    LPLOGFONT lpLF = (LPLOGFONT) GetItemData (index);
    CopyMemory ((PVOID)&lf, (CONST VOID *) lpLF, sizeof (LOGFONT));
    return index; //return the index here.. Maybe the user needs it:-)
    void COwnerDrawCombo::PreSubclassWindow()
    // TODO: Add your specialized code here and/or call the base class
    //Tried to do what Roger Onslow did for the button.. Did not work..?? Any R&D guys around :-)
    Can anyone please let me know how can I achieve this.
    Any help can be appreciated.
    Thanks in advance

    Hi sivavuyyuru,
    I cannot find a easy way to make this.
    I think you may need to draw your own Combo Box control. And you could change the edit control more like static text. Check the article:
    In the resource editor, Owner draw -> variable , Has string->true, type->drop list.
    The result:
    Best regards,
    Shu Hu
    We are trying to better understand customer views on social support experience, so your participation in this interview project would be greatly appreciated if you have time. Thanks for helping make community forums a great place.
    HERE to participate the survey.

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    As long as you have a form of payment (credit or debit card) with a USA source, and with a billing address in the USA, then you just need to change your payment information on your account to that, change your country in the store settings, and you will then be able to shop in the USA store.
    Your AppleID will work in any country's store, as long as your payment source and billing addres are also specific to that country (and you are in that country as well, as there may be IP filters in place to stop use outside of the country).

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    Page Setup, including page orientation, is done in the File menu. The setting applies to the whole document. As Peter says, you can rotate the contents of a page (not including the text layer of a word processing document).
    As an alternative, you could use Numbers, where Sheets are empty canvases onto which you may place images, charts, tables and text boxes, and where page orientation may be set for individual Sheets. The main tradeoff is that you lose many of the built-in word processing and page layout features of Pages.

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    Please help.

    Are you saving your form as a PDF from FormsCentral to distribute the PDF form? 
    In the FormsCentral form authoring tools you do not have control over the size of the field.  If you are using a PDF however you can edit that PDF in Acrobat after saving from FormsCentral and can edit the size, border, color etc of the fields. 
    If you want to edit a FormsCentral PDF you'll want to review this FAQ:

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    In HFR if you are not allowing expansion on the row or column, it wont expand itself according text length.
    So you need to anticipate the row hight and width according to your need. You can define this in the property sheet.

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    make sure you have set your page margins to 0 if you don't
    want the default
    margin top left. Cut and paste the following into the head of
    your document
    just before the closing </head> tag.
    then if you want to repeat a background image in a cell, you
    need to create
    a rule to do this:
    .cellback {
    /*this repeats the image across the page horizontally*/
    /* if you want to repeat down the page, then change to
    repeat-y */
    background: url(pics/whatever.gif) repeat-x;
    you can combine this background image rule with the other
    margin setting so
    you have:
    <style type="text/css">
    body {
    margin: 0;
    .cellback {
    background: url(pics/whatever.gif) repeat-x;
    You then apply to the class to your cell
    <td clas="cellback">
    Examples here:
    this shows how to use a background image for your entire
    Adobe� Community Expert : Dreamweaver
    - CSS Templates | Free Templates
    - Web Dev
    - Dropdown Menu Templates|Tutorials
    > I have a page with an image alinged to the top in a
    table and I have a
    > pattern
    > in the background of the cell in the same table
    > I need that background of the cell to repeat it self
    along the height of
    > the
    > page, so when someone views the page at a higher
    resolution, the
    > background
    > image will repeat it self to cover the extra space.

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    If you open the recovery drive (partition) it should only have a single folder (Recovery).
    To make sure that your not saving restore points to that drive.
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    I am a volunteer. I am not an HP employee.
    To say THANK YOU, press the "thumbs up symbol" to render a KUDO. Please click Accept as Solution, if your problem is solved. You can render both Solution and KUDO.
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    HP m9200t E8400,Win7 Pro 32 bit. 4GB RAM, ASUS 550Ti 2GB, Rosewill 630W. 1T HD SATA 3Gb/s
    Custom Asus P8P67, I7-2600k, 16GB RAM, WIN7 Pro 64bit, EVGA GTX660 2GB, 750W OCZ, 1T HD SATA 6Gb/s
    Custom Asus P8Z77, I7-3770k, 16GB RAM, WIN7 Pro 64bit, EVGA GTX670 2GB, 750W OCZ, 1T HD SATA 6Gb/s
    Both Customs use Rosewill Blackhawk case.
    Printer -- HP OfficeJet Pro 8600 Plus

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