How's is the new White Unibody Macbook display?

I can get a great deal on the new white unibody macbook. I was wondering how it compares to the 13 in MBP?
I am more concerned with the display. Are they equal? Or is the same display as the previous ALUM 13 Macbook?

I was wondering how it compares to the 13 in MBP?
FireWire is a "Must Have" for a lot of users. Spend about $175 more for the Macbook Pro, with FireWire 800/400. Then you will be "Unstoppable"!
The Firewire port is a faster way of connecting devices to your Mac, such as hard drives, video and audio equipment. A Firewire connection also allows you to boot into Target Mode, which basically turns your machine into a hard drive.
Target Mode allows users connect their Mac to another Mac, to access the files on the machine in Target Mode. You can also re-image or Install software on computers, using various Software Utilities through the use of Target Mode and Firewire.

Many peripherals are Firewire ONLY. 

When you have a mac (with Firewire) that will not boot it will most often still work in target disk mode making it possible to either fix the harddrive or at least back it up.

I am more concerned with the display
My advice here is to buy from someone that will let you return it if you are not happy. Some have complained of a yellow tint in various displays.

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    My wife's Macbook has EXACTLY the same problem and I've been through dozens of suggestions trying to fix it and the problem still persists.
    The problem started right after I upgraded to Snow Leopard but also installed an Airport Extreme router and WPA2 wireless encryption. I've deleted all the networks, changed the order to put the Airport as the highest preference, deleted all the keys on the keychain, ran DiskUtility, all to no avail.
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    Julian Wright wrote:
    ... where previous gen body styles were kept in production as entry level models
    Well, as far as I can recall, it's a first for Apple.
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    openlampost wrote:
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    openlampost wrote:
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    <i>1. Could you please tell me how to create the new webservice in XI?</i>
    <i>2. What tools we have to use to create it.?</i>
    Altova is also a good option
    <i>3. How to send the SOAP request to XI?</i>
    SAP Note 856597
    An Add-on

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    Use it the same way as previously.
    ctrl B shows the menus.
    ctrl S shows the sidebar.
    What else do you need help with?

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