How safe IS Safari exactly?

Okay, well I was doing the common application this weekend. It asks you for your Social Security number, and I entered it without thinking twice... However I remembered a post on Macrumours about how Phishing was common among Mac users because we used Safari, so I just got hit by an attack of paranoia. Though I still don't really understand exactly why the social Security number is so important, I do understand that it is.
Is there any chance that my number could have been stolen? D=
I don't really think that entering the number on the college application is the same as entering credit card information, but I AM really afraid of identity theft... What do you guys think? =(
Is there anything I should do? Any way I can find out if I have some sort of spyware that could have done this?

How safe IS Safari exactly?
No browser in existence can prevent a user from voluntarily entering private information online. I believe people have an unreasonable expectation of what a browser can and cannot do in terms of protecting their privacy. Where phishing scams are concerned all a browser can do is warn the user that a particular site is questionable based on some database (Safari apparently uses Google's anti-phishing database).
And you heard wrong, very wrong. Phishing is NOT anymore common using Safari than any other browser. The people posting this tripe have personal agendas. Contrary to belief if you read something on the internet it is not necessarily or even commonly true.

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    Kurt Lang wrote:
    Many browser exploits are delivered via JavaScript.
    That would be Java, not JavaScript. Or at least the recent Flashback exploit, and the others that followed trying to use the same flaw were all Java related. Can't say I've seen an exploit related to JavaScript.
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    Re: How to uninstall Safari 5.1
    21-Jul-2011 15:05  (in response to Linc Davis)
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    Thats exactly whats going with me since yestrday when I inst. 5.1

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    No one outside Apple knows the answer. If you don't trust the built-in password generator, see below.
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    Dear Hrishi,
    Try with this
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    I hope this will help you,

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    Hi sandip
    There is more than one method in which you can check for user-exits.The following method is used very often.
    <b>How to find the exact user-exit for your requirement.</b>
    1.     You can check the user exists using transaction SE85.
    2.     Repository Information System -> Enhancements -> Customer exits
    3.     You can search the user-exits by package name.
    4.     Double click on each exit name to check the function module exits.
    <b>The procedure to find the package name.</b>
    Execute transaction SE93 
    Enter the tcode of the transaction for which you want to check the user exit.
    Example: if you want to find the user-exit for purchase orders while changing, enter ME22n  and press display.
    You will get to see the package name
    But you need to confirm that the user exit will get triggered at the appropriate event.
    ( example: you might want some validations to be done ON SAVE of a purchase order)
    <b>Checking if the user-exit is getting triggered or not.</b>
    1.     Open the user exit function module (that you have got in step 4) in Tcode SE37.
    2.     Click on where used button. In the pop up that immediately appears choose only programs .
    3.     You will get a list of programs. Double click on the program name.
    4.     You will get the list of location where this function module user exit is used.
    5.     Place session break points at each of these location ( at each CALL FUNCTION statement)
    6.     Now go to your transaction ( say change purchase order tcode:Me22n) and check if the user exit is getting triggered on appropriate event.

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    Right-click on this direct link to ExactDuplicates and "download" or "save link as..." to a location of your choice. Double-click to the file to run it. You should get something a bit like this:
    If your system will allow it my script will produce a progress bar so you can see what is going on, otherwise you will have to be patient, it will carry on working in the background.
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    I would like to add couple of things - based on my recent experince.
    We have a client/server 6i forms/reports application running on Linux and Solaris, which I have recently ported to iAS 10g (9.0.4). My biggest issue was the fonts and icons, but the entire application (more forms , less reports than you have) took only a week. Still have problem with the graphics - still depends on the 6i graphics :( -- most of the charts are now in reports. There are some "form properties" that are obsolete now, and on linux non of the vbx, etc is supported. I am not sure that applies to the windows version of iAS.
    You should also consider licensing. If you are licensed for full stack of iAS EE (includes forms/reports services), then you better utilize single sign on (for added security) and portal, etc. I really liked the portal capabilities. If you only licensed for the Forms/Reports services, then you have no other option (and no headache for sso, infra metadata repository, etc) by default.
    For training, I took some courses from Oracle. One of them was the iAS administrator I course. In that particular course, they do not teach deploying forms at all. And if you only deploy Forms/Reports services, I don't thing the iAS administrator II (second part of the course) will not worth the money - they have a CD based offering for that and I think for ~400$ that is a better deal. I was able to deploy our forms/reports on iAS with not too much of a problem (after reading the manuals and white papers from OTN/Metalink). If you are licensed for full stack, then Portal class is really nice - I highly recommended (I can even suggest a particular instructor if you are interested). Oracle also has a class teaching how to develop java by using JDeveloper. That might be very useful for your java programmer/s - given that JDeveloper is now free and includes Oracle Application Development Framework. Even if you are not going to use the full stack of iAS, knowing JDeveloper is nice to complement Forms applications.
    Another thing is that certain version of Windows OS (2003 server) might be required to run Forms/Reports Services. There is a FAQ pdf file on OTN, also it a certification matrix is available on Metalink (if you have a valid CSI# you can open an account on Metalink).
    hope this proves useful.

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    Thanks for the reply. I'll have a look at your solution.

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