How share variables between classes ???

Hi !
Basically I have two classes and I would like them to share a variable, I mean, when I modify it on one class the other one is also affected.
how can I do that ? by using the inheritance principle or is it a simple way so that we don't have one more class??
thank you a lot for your answer !

If you want them to always have the same value, you should have only one variable:public class ClassOne
  private static int theVar = 0;
  public static void setTheVar(int value){theVar = value;}
  public static int getTheVar(){return theVar;}
public class ClassTwo
  public static int getTheVar(){return ClassOne.getTheVar();}

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    Does anyone know of the overhead/performance implications of using the HttpServletRequest object to share variables between a static method and the calling code?
    First, let me explain why I am doing it.
    I have some pagination code that I would like to share across multiple servlets. So I pulled the pagination code out, and created a static method that these servlets could all use for their pagination.
    public class Pagination {
         public static void setPagination (HttpServletRequest request, Config conf, int totalRows) {
              int page = 0;
              if (request.getParameter("page") != null) {
                   page = new Integer(request.getParameter("page")).intValue();
              int articlesPerPage = conf.getArticlesPerPage();
              int pageBoundary = conf.getPageBoundary();
                int numOfPages = totalRows / articlesPerPage;  
                // Checks if the page variable is empty (not set)
                if (page == 0 || (page > numOfPages && (totalRows % articlesPerPage) == 0 && page < numOfPages + 1)) {    
                 page = 1;  // If it is empty, we're on page 1
              // Ex: (2 * 25) - 25 = 25 <- data starts at 25
             int startRow = page * articlesPerPage - (articlesPerPage);
             int endRow = startRow + (articlesPerPage);           
             // Set array of page numbers.
             int minDisplayPage = page - pageBoundary;
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                  minDisplayPage = 1;     
             int maxDisplayPage = page + pageBoundary;
             if (maxDisplayPage > numOfPages) {
                  maxDisplayPage = numOfPages;     
             int arraySize = (maxDisplayPage - minDisplayPage) + 1;
             // Check if there is a remainder page (partially filled page).
             if ((totalRows % articlesPerPage) != 0) arraySize++;
             // Set array to correct size.
             int[] pages = new int[arraySize];
             // Fill the array.
             for (int i = 1; i <= pages.length; i++) {
                  pages[i - 1] = i;
             // Set pageNext and pagePrev variables.
             if (page != 1) {
                  int pagePrev = page - 1;
                  request.setAttribute("pagePrev", pagePrev);
             if ((totalRows - (articlesPerPage * page)) > 0) {
                 int pageNext = page + 1;
                 request.setAttribute("pageNext", pageNext);
             // These will be used by calling code for SQL query.
             request.setAttribute("startRow", startRow);
             request.setAttribute("endRow", endRow);
             // These will be used in JSP page.
             request.setAttribute("totalRows", totalRows);
             request.setAttribute("numOfPages", numOfPages);
             request.setAttribute("page", page);
             request.setAttribute("pages", pages);          
    }I need two parameters from this method (startrow and endrow) so I can perform my SQL queries. Since this is a multithreaded app, I do not want to use class variables that I will later retrieve through methods.
    So my solution was to just set the two parameters in the request and grab them later with the calling code like this:
    // Set pagination
    Pagination.setPagination(request, conf, tl.getTotalRows());
    // Grab variables set into request by static method
    int startRow = new Integer(request.getAttribute("startRow").toString());
    int endRow = new Integer(request.getAttribute("endRow").toString());
    // Use startRow and endRow for SQL query below...Does anyone see any problem with this from a resource/performance standpoint? Any idea on what the overhead is in using the HttpServletRequest object like this to pass variables around?
    Thanks for any thoughts.

    You could either
    - create instance vars in both controllers and set them accordingly to point to the same object (from the App Delegate) OR
    - create an instance variable on the App Delegate and access it from within the view controllers
    Hope this helps!

  • Share variables between JSP and Classes

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    If you search the forums you will find many answers to your questions. You can also try the servlet and JSP short courses listed below;
    Here is lthe link that will take you to the Tutorial pages.
    Here is a tutorial on Servlets
    Here is the tutorial on the JSP

  • How to share variable between

    HI, I want to write a program with two classes, and there is a variable that should be shared between these two classes. I don't know how to realize the sharing. Thanks

    Here you go:class A {
       // whatever type T is ...
       private T sharedVariable;
       // get/set it
       public void setSharedVariable(T that) { sharedVariable= that; }
       public T getSharedVariable() { return sharedVariable; }
       // etc. etc.
    class B {
       private A a;
       // pass the stuff to be shared ...
       public B(A a) { this.a= a; }
       // get/set it
       public void setSharedVariable(T that); { a.setSharedVariable(that); }
       public T getSharedVariable() { return a.getSharedVariable(); }
       // etc. etc.
    }kind regards,

  • How to share variable between jsp and JSF?

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    <h:outputText value="#{currentRow['factorycode']}"/>
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    EL cannot pick up scripting variables. It picks up attributes from scope only.
    Similarly it doesnt set any scripting variables too.
                  int g_nAge=12;
                  pageContext.setAttribute ("g_nAge", new Integer(g_nAge));

  • How can i pass variables between classes?

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    public class Ship{
    public Ship(){
    int missilesLeft;
    int shots = 10;
    for (int i=0;i<8;i++) {
         missilesLeft = shots - 1;
    public class PanelWindow{
         public static void main (String [] args) { 

    i still can get it to work.. but i think that you got me quite close;
    this is where i need to get missilesLeft from
    public void mouseClicked(MouseEvent e){
         for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++){
          for (int j = 0; j < 8; j++){
           if (e.getSource().equals(buttons[i][j]) && ship[i][j] == true){
            buttons[i][j].setBackground(new Color(80,80,80));
            System.out.println(hit+" "+total);
           else if (e.getSource().equals(buttons[i][j]) && ship[i][j] == false){
            buttons[i][j].setBackground(new Color(0,0,255));
          if (isWin()){
           int hits = 64 - tries;
           int misses = hits- hit;
           int score = ((tries+hit)/misses)*64;
           missilesLeft = tries - 30;
           mis = missilesLeft;
           JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "You WIN!\n \nMissiles used: "+hits+"\nMissiles left: "+missilesLeft+"\nHits: "+hit+"\nMisses: "+misses+"\nScore: "+score );
         //Game Over
         if (isGameOver()){
           JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(this, "  GAME OVER!!\n*******************\nYou have run out of missiles!\nTRY AGAIN");
    private void build(){
              main = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
              title = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
              right= new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
              left = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
              bottom = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.RIGHT));
              displayField = new JTextField("000", 8);
              displayField.setEditable( false );
              b = new Battleship();
              JLabel t = new JLabel("Battleship Potemkin");
              Font myFont =  new Font("Arial",Font.BOLD,32);
              help = new JButton("Help");
            exit = new JButton("Quit");     
            help.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 17));
            exit.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 17));
            displayField.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, 22));
              String aString = Integer.toString(bob);
              displayField.setText(displayField.getText() + bob);
              }the variable bob in must have the same value as missilesLeft
    thank you

  • In a dynamic page how to share variable between PL/SQL and javascript

    For example, my dynamic page contains such PL/SQL codes:
    info varchar(100);
    rowid urowid;
    procedure doDelete(
    row_id in urowid
    ) IS
    Delete From xxx
    WHERE rowid = row_id;
    end doDelete;
    Select name, rowid INTO info, rowid
    From xxx Where xxx;
    HTP.PRN(' <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="show value" onClick="alert(info);">');
    HTP.PRN(' <INPUT TYPE="button" VALUE="delete" onClick="doDelete(_row_id);">');
    The variable 'info' and '_row_id' are correct, however the two HTP. sentence do not work. What's the problem?
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    One more question. In a report, I employed link on one field to a second report. It works well. But I want to open the second report in a new window when the link is click. Is this possible?
    I was almost driven crazy by these :( I so appreciate if anyone can help.

    The code written by you is insufficient for the funtionality you are trying to achieve. Below is a method to achieve the same.
    Note: Used standard scott.emp table for the example which is located in my db provider schema.
    Do the below modifications as per your local configuration
    xxxxx -> Replace it with your Portal schema
    yyyyy -> Replace it with your db provider schema
    <<module_id_of_form>> -> Replace with the module id of form created in step 1 & 2.
    First and foremost... oracle does not allows variables starting with '_'. So if you want to use it you have to place it in double quotes ("")
    rowid -> illegal
    "_row_id" -> legal.
    However, I will advice you not to use variable names starting with "_".
    Now lets get started...
    1. Create a form on the table you are using in the dynamic page. Just have the update button. Remove the other buttons.
    2. Get the module id of this form. Instruction for getting the module id:
    a) Right-click on the form's run link and copy the shortcut
    b) Get the value of p_moduleid parameter. This is your module id.
    3. Create a procedure "save_action_details" in your db provider schema. This procedure will accomplish the delete operation on the record.
         CREATE OR REPLACE Procedure save_action_details(
         p_rowid IN VARCHAR2,
         p_action IN VARCHAR2,
         p_dyn_ref_path IN VARCHAR2,
         p_dyn_page_url IN VARCHAR2)
         l_sto_session xxxxx.wwsto_api_session;
         l_sto_session := xxxxx.wwsto_api_session.load_session(
         p_domain => 'DynStore',
         p_sub_domain => 'DynStore_' || p_dyn_ref_path
         p_name => 'rowid',
         p_value => p_rowid
         p_name => 'action',
         p_value => p_action
         end save_action_details;
    Explaination: The above procedure creates a session and keeps the rowid and action in the session. This information is used by the below dynamic form to perform the necessary action. In our exampl, the action is always going to be delete so you may go ahead and hard code it, else leave it as it is.
    4. Grant execute privilege on the procedure "save_action_details" to public.
    sql> grant execute on save_action_details to public;
    5. Create your Dynamic page.
    a) In HTML code section have the below code. This code shows some columns from the table and "update" and "delete" buttons to perform the respective action.
         <ORACLE>select empno,ename,rowid,
         '<input type="button" value="Update" onClick="doAction(this.form,''UPD'',''xxx'','''
         || xxxxx.wwv_standard_util.url_encode(rowid) || '''); tWin();">
         <input type="button" value="delete" onclick="doAction(this.form,''DEL'',''' || rowid || ''',''xxx'');">' Action
         from yyyyy.emp</ORACLE>
    b) In additional pl/sql code section of dynamic page, have the below pl/sql block "in after displaying the header" section.
         l_sto_session xxxxx.wwsto_api_session;
         l_del_rowid varchar2(20);
         l_action varchar2(10);
         htp.comment('User code starts here ...');
         htp.p('var winHandle;');
         function doAction(formObj, action, rowid, erowid)
              if (action == "UPD")
              var formURL = "' || xxxxx.wwctx_api.get_proc_path('<<module_id_of_form>>&p_arg_names=_rowid&p_arg_values=') || '" + erowid;
              winHandle =, "winDynUpd", "width=750,height=500,resizable=yes");
              formObj.p_rowid.value = rowid;
              formObj.p_action.value = action;
         function tWin() {
              if (winHandle.closed) {
              document.location = document.location;
              else {
              setTimeout("tWin()", 500);
         htp.p('<form name="dynRowProcess" method="POST" action="'
         || xxxxx.wwctx_api.get_proc_path('save_action_details','yyyyy')
         || '">');
         htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_rowid">');
         htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_action">');
         htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_dyn_ref_path" value="' || p_reference_path || '">');
         htp.p('<input type="hidden" name="p_dyn_page_url" value="' || p_page_url || '">');
         l_sto_session := xxxxx.wwsto_api_session.load_session(
         p_domain => 'DynStore',
         p_sub_domain => 'DynStore_' || p_reference_path
         l_del_rowid := l_sto_session.get_attribute_as_varchar2('rowid');
         l_action := l_sto_session.get_attribute_as_varchar2('action');
         if l_action = 'DEL' then
         delete from yyyyy.emp
         where rowid = l_del_rowid;
         end if;
    Explaination: The session information (rowid and action) stored by "save_action_details" procedure is retrieved by the dynamic page and is used to delete the record.
    6. Once you are through with the above steps, test it by placing the above "dynamic page" portlet on a page.
    a) When you click on delete button the record gets deleted and the automatically refreshed page will not show the deleted record.
    b) On clicking update button, a form will appear. do the necessary modifications in data and click update. the data in the form gets updated. Once you close the form the dynamic page gets refreshed automatically and it will show you the updated information.

  • Help: I am trying to pass a variable between classes

    I am trying to pass data in a variable inbetween two classes is there any suggestions as to how to do this? Here is a example of the code I am trying to pass MqMessage to the class MqLog.
                                       System.exit( 0 );
                             else //else build flat file and launch docusolve
                                       MqLog tempMqLog = new MqLog();
                                       aRuntime = null;
                                       aProcess = null;                                   

    I don't really undestand what you are asking specifically. If you only want to transfer a value from one Object to another Object, then you should just use a set method:
    if (objectOne.getValue().equals("END"))

  • How share directory between two Linux nodes?

    I am trying to install Oracle RAC on two Linux nodes . . .
    But i need to make directory shared between the both nodes
    directory is /ocfs/clusterware
    I need to make this directory shared between them
    I mean , if create file in this directory in the first node , I must see it from the second node.
    As example:
    On first node:
    [root@rac1 clusterware]# touch test
    On second node:
    [root@rac2 clusterware]# ll
    Should find test file
    How can i make this please?
    Edited by: M o h a m m e d on Apr 29, 2010 3:44 AM
    Edited by: M o h a m m e d on Apr 29, 2010 3:44 AM

    I already followed steps located in the following link . . .
    and i created the following in my lap top drive J:\
    J:\RAC Virtual Machine\RAC\RAC 1
    J:\RAC Virtual Machine\RAC\RAC 2
    and J:\RAC Virtual Machine\RAC\Shared Storage
    that contain the following:
    asmdisk1.vmdk , asmdisk1-flat.vmdk , asmdisk2.vmdk , asmdisk2-flat.vmdk ,
    asmdisk3.vmdk , asmdisk3-flat.vmdk , ocfs2disk.vmdk , ocfs2disk-flat.vmdk
    I executed the following command in RAC 1
    *[root@rac1 ~]#mount -t ocfs2 -o datavolume,nointr /dev/sdb1 /ocfs*
    But in RAC 2
    *[root@rac2 ~]#mount -t ocfs2 -o datavolume,nointr /dev/sdb1 /ocfs*
    ocfs2_hb_ctl: OCFS2 directory corrupted while reading uuid
    mount.ocfs2: Error when attempting to run /sbin/ocfs2_hb_ctl: "Operation not per mitted"
    How solve this please ?

  • Sharing variables between classes

    I wrote a class to handle button functionality. I want the
    onPress event in this class to play a movieclip that is sitting in
    my .fla file, also access some boolean values in the .fla.
    What's the best way to implement this?

    Best practice is to avoid directly accessing non-static final fields of other classes - they should generally by private or if necessary protected.
    get/set methods are the usual way to do this. You can use public static final fields without having a getter.
    Static in the context of field definition identifies fields which exist at the class scope (1 copy per class) versus those (non-static) which exist at the instance scope (1 copy per instance of the class).
    If the value you want to share instance-speciifc, use a non-static field backed up by non-static get/set methods. If you want one copy per process, static fields with static get/set methods are best.

  • Sending variables between classes

    I have a question, in one class, not the main class, I have several data readed from a file and I want to send it to another class for processing.
    Any one can give an example how to do it?

         if (event.getSource()==search)
                  ID = txtID.getText();
                  name = txtName.getText();
                 if (ID.equals("Client"))
                     FileReader rf=new FileReader("Client.txt");
                   ds =new BufferedReader(rf);
                   String namas = ds.readLine();
                   int i = Integer.parseInt(namas);
                   int ananasas = i*4;
                 for(int kaminas = 0; kaminas < ananasas; kaminas++)
                     String lyginam = ds.readLine();
                     if (lyginam.equals(name))
                         String a = ds.readLine();
                         String b = ds.readLine();
                         double ba = Double.parseDouble(b);
                  if (ID.equals("Employee"))
                        FileReader rf=new FileReader("Employee.txt");
                      ds =new BufferedReader(rf);
                      String namas = ds.readLine();
                      int i = Integer.parseInt(namas);
                      int ananasas = i*4;
                     for(int kaminas = 0; kaminas < ananasas; kaminas++)
                     String lyginam = ds.readLine();
                     if (lyginam.equals(name))
                         String c = ds.readLine();
                         double a = Double.parseDouble(c);
                         String ba = ds.readLine();
                         double b = Double.parseDouble(ba);
                   new Search();
              }The data(double a, double b, String a, double b) needs to be sent to class called Search in here (depending on what "if" will it fall)
    Edited by: ErnestasAbra on May 5, 2009 8:30 AM

  • Accessing a public variable between classes

    Hi there,
    I've got two classes is a document class ( and another is a class linked to several similar movie clips (
    I'm trying to access a public variable from which has been declared in the doucment class
    When I run the test the outputs states the following...
    1120: Access of undefined property _ballPlaced.
    Here's my code.  What I'm trying to do is remove the event listeners from the when the _ballPlaced variable is true, so that the user can't drag and drop the balls after they've been placed in a zone....any pointers greatly appreciated!
    Document Class
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.DisplayObject;
        import Ball;
        public class EgoGame extends MovieClip
            public var __zoneFull:Array = new Array(false, false, false);
            public var __ballPlaced:Array = new Array(false, false, false);
            public function EgoGame()
                ball0_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, zoneEmpty);
                ball1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, zoneEmpty);
                ball2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, zoneEmpty);
                ball0_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, zoneFill);
                ball2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, zoneFill);
                ball1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, zoneFill);
                ball0_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, playMovie);
                ball1_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, playMovie);
                ball2_mc.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, playMovie);
            private function zoneEmpty(event:MouseEvent):void
                if( && _zoneFull[0] == true)
                    _zoneFull[0] = false;
                    _ballPlaced[,5)] = false;
                else if( && _zoneFull[1] == true)
                    _zoneFull[1] = false;
                    _ballPlaced[,5)] = false;
                else if( && _zoneFull[2] == true)
                    _zoneFull[2] = false;
                    _ballPlaced[,5)] = false;
                    _ballPlaced[,5)] = false;
            private function zoneFill(event:MouseEvent):void
                if( && _zoneFull[0] == false)
           = zone0_mc.x;
           = zone0_mc.y;
                    _zoneFull[0] = true;
                    _ballPlaced[,5)] = true;
                else if( && _zoneFull[1] == false)
           = zone1_mc.x;
           = zone1_mc.y;
                    _zoneFull[1] = true;
                    _ballPlaced[,5)] = true;
                else if( && _zoneFull[2] == false)
           = zone2_mc.x;
           = zone2_mc.y;
                    _zoneFull[2] = true;
                    _ballPlaced[,5)] = true;
                    _ballPlaced[,5)] =false;
            private function playMovie(event:MouseEvent):void
                if (_ballPlaced[0] == true)
                if (_ballPlaced[1] == true)
                if (_ballPlaced[2] == true)
        import flash.display.MovieClip;
        import flash.display.DisplayObject;
        import EgoGame;
        public class Ball extends MovieClip
            // public var _hitTarget:MovieClip;
            public var _startX:Number;
            public var _startY:Number;
            public function Ball()
                _startX = this.x;
                _startY = this.y;
                this.buttonMode = true;
                this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragIt);
                this.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt);
            private function dragIt(event:MouseEvent):void
            public function dropIt(event:MouseEvent):void
            public function lockBall(event:MouseEvent):void
                if(_ballPlaced[,5)] == true)
                    this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, dragIt);
                    this.removeEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, dropIt);

    every place you have a ball reference you can access the lockBall() method.  so, if ball0_mc is a Ball class member, you can use:

  • Can I share Attributes/Variables between 2 different Class Driver Sessions?

    I am designing a Simulator of Instrumentation following these steps:
    1) re-programming, re-compiling, and re-building the DLLs from the advanced class simulation drivers included in IVI Driver Toolset 2.0 using LabWindows/CVI 7.0;
    2) then i create a VI in LabVIEW 7.0 which calls an IVI Class Driver obtaining the desired simulated output data.
    My problem is that I need to share variables between different DLLs in LabVIEW.
    I want to simulate a circuit which consists of a battery and a resistor. I've got 2 instruments: a DC Power Supply and a Digital Multimeter.
    The DC Power Supply acts as the battery providing a certain voltage level, and the Multimeter measures the Voltage and the Current in the resistor.
    I've designed a VI in LabVIEW which uses 2 different sessions: one which calls the class driver IviDCPwr, and the other one which calls IviDmm.
    I wish to be able to access the attributes from "nisDCPwr.c" in the file "nisDmm.c".
    For example, to write a line like this:
    Ivi_GetAttributeViReal64 (ViSession vi, ViConstString channelName, NISDCPWR_ATTR_MEASUREMENT_BASEV, 0, &reading));
    inside the source code "nisDmm.c" of the advanced class simulation driver.
    The problem is that the only ViSession accessible from nisDmm is the handle from the Digital Multimeter, but not from DC Power Supply.
    Would this be possible? Is it "legal"?
    I've tried another approach through the declaration of external variables, but unfortunately I get a run-time error in LabVIEW.
    The only solution I've found is using auxiliary files going between, through the functions included in the Low Level I/O Library .
    Nevertheless, the solution proposed above would result much more convenient, faster and safer in my application.
    I hope everyone has understood my question, and anyone can help.

    Doesn't anyone have an answer?
    Or any proposal?
    Or even a clue?

  • Problem Sharing Variables between 2 machines

    I am having problems trying to create a project that would share variables between multiple computers. I am using Labview 8.2.1 (I am new to 8.2.1 and Shared Variable).
    here is what i did:
    1. I created the project with Client and Server VI's and a library containing shared variables, which both of them call
    2. I placed this project onto 2 computers (XP on a local workgroup, no firewall, see each other).
    3.  On one of the computers I bound all shared variables to their counterparts on the other computer
    The system is "almost working"
    The problems are:
    - I initially used wrong type variables for few items. I then modified the variables in both VI's and Shared Variable libraries and repeated the Steps 1-3 above.
    But the sysrtem has some sort of a buffer somwhere, because it keeps bringing the old types of shared variables back (when I monitor them using Shared Variable Monitor).
    - When I do binding to source, the system shows wrong variable types (for example DBL instead of U8).
    - It takes almost a second to write and read shared variable (my network is quite fast)
    I saw that the Labview Example with Server and multiple Clients uses 2 sets of shared variable and they bind - separate sets (different names) fro client and server within the same project. Do I have to do this or is this done just to simplify bindinga nd future distribution?
    Is there a buffer/setup/file that I need to clear to get rid of "old" shared variable assignements? (I tried undeploy/deploy - does not help...)
    Thank you very much,

    Hi Gleb,
    It sounds like the shared variable is not getting completely undeployed from the shared variable engine.  I would recommend opening the shared variable manager and undeploying the library from there just to see that it is no longer in the engine.  Then, redeploy the library and rebind your variables to the host library that you have deployed.
    It is not necessary to have different sets of variables for client and host.  The important part of the variable is what it is bound to, not necessarily what it is named.  So just undeploy your variable, double check the settings of the host variable, then redeploy using the variable manager and rebind your client variables. 
    I hope this helps,
    Brian Coalson
    Software Engineer
    National Instruments

  • How to use a variable between interfaces or class?

    Hello All;
    Far by now I can say that the forum is very helpful for me. Thanks for all the people who have the time and generosity to help our problems. Thank you.
    Unfortunately I have a problem <Again :( >
    I want to use a variable in two different *.java files.
    Is it possible?
    The Variable i want to use is; int CiftSayisi
    The variable is declared in the CamCalib.Java under a button's Action Listener.
    Here is the code;
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent arg0) {
                        String[] ImPath = list.getItems();                                           //Storing Items in an Array
                        Dimension dim = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();                     //Dimensions of the Screen Storing in an object
                        int ScreenHeight = dim.height;                                           //Definition ScreenHeight
                        int ScreenWidth = dim.width;                                          //Definition ScreenWidth
                        // System.out.println(ScreenHeight);                                                    //Testing of the Dimensions
                        // System.out.println(ScreenWidth);                                                     //Testing of the Dimensions
                        int CiftSayisi = ImPath.length -1 ;
                        if (CiftSayisi == 0){
                             System.out.println("Added Images do not Construct a Pair");
                        else {
    }Now i want to use it in another java file which is ImagePair.Java in the loading part of the interface;
              setTitle("Image Pair Selection");
              setBounds(100, 100, 450, 68);
              contentPane = new JPanel();
              contentPane.setBorder(new EmptyBorder(5, 5, 5, 5));
              textField = new JTextField();
              textField.setBounds(61, 11, 22, 20);
              textField.setColumns(2);I have a text field in here that i need to fill with the value of CiftSayisi
    Any help please?
    ömer kaya
    Edited by: Ömer K. on Apr 10, 2012 12:43 AM

    I didn't bother reading the code, since you didn't format it.
    But to answer your question (if I understand it correctly), yes, it is possible to pass variables between different object instances (not from an interface specifically, since interfaces don't have members). The simplest way to pass the variable as an argument to a method or constructor. If these aren't available, you could create a static global variable, though in a multithreaded app you'd have to synchronize access.

Maybe you are looking for

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