How to access the serial port on sdk 3.1.3 ?

Hi all,
I know that accessing serial port is not possible on firmware 2.x for non jailbroken iPhones.
But what about firmware 3.0?
Apple has focused firmware 3.0 on accessories, through bluetooth or through serial port. So, accessing serial port should be possible.
But I can't find any documentation / sample code for that.
Would you please help me?
PS: I tried to read the port /dev/cu.iap and get this message:
Error opening serial port /dev/cu.iap - Permission denied(13).
Looks bad.

Yes I am enregistred in the Mad For iPod program?
And I try to communique with my accessorie
So the Code
+*// SerialPortsModuleAppDelegate.m*+
+*// SerialPortsModule*+
+*// Created by BPO iMac on 08/02/10.*+
+*// Copyright _MyCompanyName_ 2010. All rights reserved.*+
+*#import "SerialPortsModuleAppDelegate.h"*+
+*#import <fcntl.h>*+
+*@implementation SerialPortsModuleAppDelegate*+
+*@synthesize window;*+
+*- (void)applicationDidFinishLaunching:(UIApplication *)application {*+
+*// Override point for customization after application launch*+
+*[window makeKeyAndVisible];*+
+* portSerie = [SerialManager alloc];*+
+* [portSerie init];*+
+* int nb_port;*+
+* nb_port = [portSerie findRS232Ports];*+
+* NSString path_port;+
+* path_port = [NSString alloc];*+
+* int num_port;*+
+* if(nb_port!=0)*+
+* {*+
+* num_port=0;*+
+* path_port=[portSerie pathAtIndex:num_port];*+
+* int resultat= [portSerie openInput:path_port baudrate:9600 bits:8 parity:0 stopbits:1 flags:O_RDONLY];*+
+* if(resultat==-1)*+
+* {*+
+* NSLog(@"Communication Error");*+
+* }*+
+* resultat= [portSerie openOutput:path_port baudrate:9600 bits:8 parity:0 stopbits:1];*+
+* if(resultat==-1)*+
+* {*+
+* NSLog(@"Communication Error");*+
+* }*+
+* }*+
+* [path_port release];*+
+* *+
+*- (void)dealloc {*+
+*[window release];*+
+*[super dealloc];*+
+*// SerialPortsModuleAppDelegate.h*+
+*// SerialPortsModule*+
+*// Created by BPO iMac on 08/02/10.*+
+*// Copyright _MyCompanyName_ 2010. All rights reserved.*+
+*#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>*+
+*#import "SerialManager.h"*+
+*@interface SerialPortsModuleAppDelegate : NSObject <UIApplicationDelegate> {*+
+*UIWindow window;+
+* SerialManager portSerie;+
+*@property (nonatomic, retain) IBOutlet UIWindow window;+
+*// SerialManager.m*+
+*// K3 Tools*+
+*// Created by Kok Chen on 4/28/09.*+
+*// Copyright 2009 Kok Chen, W7AY. All rights reserved.*+
+*#import "SerialManager.h"*+
+*#include <unistd.h>*+
+*#include <termios.h>*+
+*#include <sys/ioctl.h>*+
+*#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>*+
+*#include <IOKit/serial/IOSerialKeys.h>*+
+*#import <fcntl.h>*+
+*#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>*+
+*@implementation SerialManager*+
+*- (id)init*+
+* self = [ super init ] ;*+
+* if ( self ) {*+
+* termiosBits = -1 ;*+
+* inputfd = outputfd = -1 ;*+
+* useTermiosThread = NO ;*+
+* needsNotification = NO ;*+
+* termioLock = [ [ NSLock alloc ] init ] ;*+
+* }*+
+* return self ;*+
+*static int findPorts( CFStringRef *stream, CFStringRef *path, int maxDevice, CFStringRef type )*+
+*kernreturnt kernResult ;*+
+*machportt masterPort ;*+
+* ioiteratort serialPortIterator ;*+
+* ioobjectt modemService ;*+
+*CFMutableDictionaryRef classesToMatch ;*+
+* CFStringRef cfString ;*+
+* int count ;*+
+*kernResult = IOMasterPort( MACHPORTNULL, &masterPort ) ;*+
+*if ( kernResult != KERN_SUCCESS ) return 0 ;*+
+* *+
+*classesToMatch = IOServiceMatching( kIOSerialBSDServiceValue ) ;*+
+*if ( classesToMatch == NULL ) return 0 ;*+
+* *+
+* // get iterator for serial ports (including modems)*+
+* CFDictionarySetValue( classesToMatch, CFSTR(kIOSerialBSDTypeKey), type ) ;*+
+*kernResult = IOServiceGetMatchingServices( masterPort, classesToMatch, &serialPortIterator ) ;*+
+* // walk through the iterator*+
+* count = 0 ;*+
+* while ( ( modemService = IOIteratorNext( serialPortIterator ) ) ) {*+
+* if ( count >= maxDevice ) break ;*+
+*cfString = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( modemService, CFSTR(kIOTTYDeviceKey), kCFAllocatorDefault, 0 ) ;*+
+*if ( cfString ) {*+
+* stream[count] = cfString ;*+
+* cfString = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( modemService, CFSTR(kIOCalloutDeviceKey), kCFAllocatorDefault, 0 ) ;*+
+* if ( cfString ) {*+
+* path[count] = cfString ;*+
+* count++ ;*+
+* }*+
+* }*+
+*IOObjectRelease( modemService ) ;*+
+* IOObjectRelease( serialPortIterator ) ;*+
+* return count ;*+
+*// return number of ports*+
+*- (int)findPorts:(CFStringRef)type*+
+* CFStringRef cstream[64], cpath[64] ;*+
+* int i ;*+
+* *+
+* numberOfPorts = findPorts( cstream, cpath, 64, type ) ;*+
+* for ( i = 0; i < numberOfPorts; i++ ) {*+
+* stream = [ [ NSString stringWithString:(NSString*)cstream ] retain ] ;*+
+* CFRelease( cstream ) ;*+
+* path = [ [ NSString stringWithString:(NSString*)cpath ] retain ] ;*+
+* CFRelease( cpath ) ;*+
+* }*+
+* return numberOfPorts ;*+
+*- (int)findPorts*+
+* return [ self findPorts:CFSTR( kIOSerialBSDAllTypes ) ] ;*+
+*- (int)findModems*+
+* return [ self findPorts:CFSTR( kIOSerialBSDModemType ) ] ;*+
+*- (int)findRS232Ports*+
+* return [ self findPorts:CFSTR( kIOSerialBSDRS232Type ) ] ;*+
+*- (NSString)streamAtIndex:(int)n+
+* if ( n < 0 || n >= numberOfPorts ) return nil ;*+
+* return stream[n] ;*+
+*- (NSString)pathAtIndex:(int)n+
+* if ( n < 0 || n >= numberOfPorts ) return nil ;*+
+* return path[n] ;*+
+*// common function to open port and set up serial port parameters*+
+*static int openPort( NSString *path, int speed, int bits, int parity, int stops, int openFlags, Boolean input )*+
+* int fd, cflag ;*+
+* struct termios termattr ;*+
+* *+
+* fd = open( [ path cStringUsingEncoding:NSASCIIStringEncoding], openFlags ) ;*+
+* if ( fd < 0 ) return -1 ;*+
+* *+
+* // build other flags*+
+* cflag = 0 ;*+
+* cflag |= ( bits == 7 ) ? CS7 : CS8 ; // bits*+
+* if ( parity != 0 ) {*+
+* cflag |= PARENB ; // parity*+
+* if ( parity == 1 ) cflag |= PARODD ;*+
+* }*+
+* if ( stops > 1 ) cflag |= CSTOPB ;*+
+* *+
+* // merge flags into termios attributes*+
+* tcgetattr( fd, &termattr ) ;*+
+* termattr.c_cflag &= ~( CSIZE | PARENB | PARODD | CSTOPB ) ; // clear all bits and merge in our selection*+
+* termattr.c_cflag |= cflag ;*+
+* *+
+* // set speed, split speed not support on Mac OS X?*+
+* cfsetispeed( &termattr, speed ) ;*+
+* cfsetospeed( &termattr, speed ) ;*+
+* // set termios*+
+* tcsetattr( fd, TCSANOW, &termattr ) ;*+
+* return fd ;*+
+*- (int)openInput:(NSString*)pathname baudrate:(int)speed bits:(int)bits parity:(int)parity stopbits:(int)stops flags:(int)openFlags*+
+* return ( inputfd = openPort( pathname, speed, bits, parity, stops, openFlags, YES ) ) ;*+
+*- (int)openInput:(NSString*)pathname baudrate:(int)speed bits:(int)bits parity:(int)parity stopbits:(int)stops*+
+* return ( inputfd = openPort( pathname, speed, bits, parity, stops, ( O_RDONLY | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY ), YES ) ) ;*+
+*- (int)openOutput:(NSString*)pathname baudrate:(int)speed bits:(int)bits parity:(int)parity stopbits:(int)stops flags:(int)openFlags*+
+* return ( outputfd = openPort( pathname, speed, bits, parity, stops, openFlags, NO ) ) ;*+
+*- (int)openOutput:(NSString*)pathname baudrate:(int)speed bits:(int)bits parity:(int)parity stopbits:(int)stops*+
+* return ( outputfd = openPort( pathname, speed, bits, parity, stops, ( O_WRONLY | O_NOCTTY | O_NDELAY ), NO ) ) ;*+
+*- (void)closeInput*+
+* if ( inputfd > 0 ) close( inputfd ) ;*+
+*- (void)closeOutput*+
+* if ( outputfd > 0 ) close( outputfd ) ;*+
+*- (int)inputFileDescriptor*+
+* return inputfd ;*+
+*- (int)outputFileDescriptor*+
+* return outputfd ;*+
+*- (int)getTermios*+
+* int bits ;*+
+* *+
+* if ( inputfd > 0 ) {*+
+* [ termioLock lock ] ;*+
+* ioctl( inputfd, TIOCMGET, &bits ) ;*+
+* [ termioLock unlock ] ;*+
+* return bits ;*+
+* }*+
+* return 0 ;*+
+*- (void)setRTS:(Boolean)state*+
+* int bits ;*+
+* if ( inputfd > 0 ) {*+
+* [ termioLock lock ] ;*+
+* ioctl( inputfd, TIOCMGET, &bits ) ;*+
+* if ( state ) bits |= TIOCM_RTS ; else bits &= ~( TIOCM_RTS ) ;*+
+* ioctl( inputfd, TIOCMSET, &bits ) ;*+
+* [ termioLock unlock ] ;*+
+* }*+
+*- (void)setDTR:(Boolean)state*+
+* int bits ;*+
+* if ( inputfd > 0 ) {*+
+* [ termioLock lock ] ;*+
+* ioctl( inputfd, TIOCMGET, &bits ) ;*+
+* if ( state ) bits |= TIOCM_DTR ; else bits &= ~( TIOCM_DTR ) ;*+
+* ioctl( inputfd, TIOCMSET, &bits ) ;*+
+* [ termioLock unlock ] ;*+
+* }*+
+*// IO Notifications*+
+*// prototype for delegate*+
+*- (void)port:(NSString*)name added:(Boolean)added*+
+* if ( delegate && [ delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(port:added:) ] ) [ delegate port:name added:added ] ;*+
+*// this is called from deviceAdded() and deviceRemoved() callbacks*+
+*- (void)portsChanged:(Boolean)added iterator:(ioiteratort)iterator*+
+* ioobjectt modemService ;*+
+* CFStringRef cfString ;*+
+* while ( ( modemService = IOIteratorNext( iterator ) ) > 0 ) {*+
+* cfString = IORegistryEntryCreateCFProperty( modemService, CFSTR( kIOTTYDeviceKey ), kCFAllocatorDefault, 0 ) ;*+
+* if ( cfString ) {*+
+* [ self port:(NSString*)cfString added:added ] ;*+
+* CFRelease( cfString ) ;*+
+* }*+
+* IOObjectRelease( modemService ) ;*+
+* }*+
+*// callback notification when device added*+
+*static void deviceAdded(void *refcon, ioiteratort iterator )*+
+* ioobjectt modemService ;*+
+* *+
+* if ( refcon ) [ (SerialManager*)refcon portsChanged:YES iterator:iterator ] ;*+
+* else {*+
+* while ( modemService = IOIteratorNext( iterator ) ) IOObjectRelease( modemService ) ;*+
+* }*+
+*static void deviceRemoved(void *refcon, ioiteratort iterator )*+
+* ioobjectt modemService ;*+
+* *+
+* if ( refcon ) [ (SerialManager*)refcon portsChanged:NO iterator:iterator ] ;*+
+* else {*+
+* while ( modemService = IOIteratorNext( iterator ) ) IOObjectRelease( modemService ) ;*+
+* }*+
+*- (void)startNotification*+
+* CFMutableDictionaryRef matchingDict ;*+
+* *+
+* notifyPort = IONotificationPortCreate( kIOMasterPortDefault ) ;*+
+* CFRunLoopAddSource( CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource( notifyPort ), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode ) ;*+
+* matchingDict = IOServiceMatching( kIOSerialBSDServiceValue ) ;*+
+* CFRetain( matchingDict ) ;*+
+* CFDictionarySetValue( matchingDict, CFSTR(kIOSerialBSDTypeKey), CFSTR( kIOSerialBSDAllTypes ) ) ;*+
+* *+
+* IOServiceAddMatchingNotification( notifyPort, kIOFirstMatchNotification, matchingDict, deviceAdded, self, &addIterator ) ;*+
+* deviceAdded( nil, addIterator ) ; // set up addIterator*+
+* IOServiceAddMatchingNotification( notifyPort, kIOTerminatedNotification, matchingDict, deviceRemoved, self, &removeIterator ) ;*+
+* deviceRemoved( nil, removeIterator ) ; // set up removeIterator*+
+*- (void)stopNotification*+
+* if ( addIterator ) {*+
+* IOObjectRelease( addIterator ) ;*+
+* addIterator = 0 ;*+
+* }*+
+* if ( removeIterator ) {*+
+* IOObjectRelease( removeIterator ) ;*+
+* removeIterator = 0 ;*+
+* }*+
+* if ( notifyPort ) {*+
+* CFRunLoopRemoveSource( CFRunLoopGetCurrent(), IONotificationPortGetRunLoopSource( notifyPort ), kCFRunLoopDefaultMode ) ;*+
+* IONotificationPortDestroy( notifyPort ) ;*+
+* notifyPort = nil ;*+
+* }*+
+*// prototype for delegate or subclass*+
+*- (void)controlFlagsChanged:(int)termbits*+
+* if ( delegate && [ delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(controlFlagsChanged:) ] ) [ delegate controlFlagsChanged:termbits ] ;*+
+*- (void)termiosThread*+
+* NSAutoreleasePool *pool = [ [ NSAutoreleasePool alloc ] init ] ;*+
+* int termbits ;*+
+* while ( 1 ) {*+
+* if ( useTermiosThread == NO ) break ;*+
+* if ( inputfd > 0 ) {*+
+* if ( [ termioLock tryLock ] ) {*+
+* ioctl( inputfd, TIOCMGET, &termbits ) ;*+
+* if ( termiosBits != termbits ) [ self controlFlagsChanged:termbits ] ;*+
+* termiosBits = termbits ;*+
+* [ termioLock unlock ] ;*+
+* }*+
+* [ NSThread sleepUntilDate:[ NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:0.25 ] ] ;*+
+* }*+
+* else {*+
+* [ NSThread sleepUntilDate:[ NSDate dateWithTimeIntervalSinceNow:1.0 ] ] ;*+
+* }*+
+* }*+
+* [ pool release ] ;*+
+*// If delegate is set, setDelegate also starts a termiosThread if delegate responds to -controlFlagsChanged:*+
+*- (void)setDelegate:(id)object*+
+* delegate = object ;*+
+* if ( delegate == nil ) {*+
+* useTermiosThread = NO ;*+
+* if ( needsNotification ) {*+
+* needsNotification = NO ;*+
+* [ self stopNotification ] ;*+
+* }*+
+* }*+
+* else {*+
+* if ( [ delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(controlFlagsChanged:) ] ) {*+
+* useTermiosThread = YES ;*+
+* [ NSThread detachNewThreadSelector:@selector(termiosThread) toTarget:self withObject:nil ] ;*+
+* } *+
+* if ( [ delegate respondsToSelector:@selector(port:added:) ] ) {*+
+* needsNotification = YES ;*+
+* [ self startNotification ] ;*+
+* }*+
+* }*+
+*- (id)delegate*+
+* return delegate ;*+
+*// SerialManager.h*+
+*// K3 Tools*+
+*// Created by Kok Chen on 4/28/09.*+
+*// Copyright 2009 Kok Chen, W7AY. All rights reserved.*+
+*//#import <Cocoa/Cocoa.h>*+
+*#import <Foundation/Foundation.h>*+
+*#import <UIKit/UIKit.h>*+
+*#import <CoreData/CoreData.h>*+
+*//#import <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>*+
+*//#import <IOKitLib.h>*+
+*#include <IOKit/IOKitLib.h>*+
+*typedef int FileDescriptor ;*+
+*@interface SerialManager : NSObject {*+
+* NSLock *termioLock ;*+
+* FileDescriptor outputfd ;*+
+* FileDescriptor inputfd ;*+
+* id delegate ;*+
+* // serial ports in system*+
+* NSString *stream[64] ;*+
+* NSString *path[64] ;*+
+* int numberOfPorts ;*+
+* *+
+* // termios*+
+* int termiosBits ;*+
+* Boolean useTermiosThread ;*+
+* *+
+* // IO notifications*+
+* IONotificationPortRef notifyPort ;*+
+* ioiteratort addIterator, removeIterator ;*+
+* Boolean needsNotification ;*+
+*- (void)setDelegate:(id)sender ;*+
+*- (int)findPorts ;*+
+*- (int)findModems ;*+
+*- (int)findRS232Ports ;*+
+*- (NSString*)streamAtIndex:(int)n ;*+
+*- (NSString*)pathAtIndex:(int)n ;*+
+*- (FileDescriptor)openInput:(NSString*)path baudrate:(int)speed bits:(int)bits parity:(int)parity stopbits:(int)stops ;*+
+*- (FileDescriptor)openInput:(NSString*)path baudrate:(int)speed bits:(int)bits parity:(int)parity stopbits:(int)stops flags:(int)openFlags ;*+
+*- (FileDescriptor)openOutput:(NSString*)path baudrate:(int)speed bits:(int)bits parity:(int)parity stopbits:(int)stops ;*+
+*- (FileDescriptor)openOutput:(NSString*)path baudrate:(int)speed bits:(int)bits parity:(int)parity stopbits:(int)stops flags:(int)openFlags ;*+
+*- (void)closeInput ;*+
+*- (void)closeOutput ;*+
+*- (FileDescriptor)inputFileDescriptor ;*+
+*- (FileDescriptor)outputFileDescriptor ;*+
+*- (int)getTermios ;*+
+*- (void)setRTS:(Boolean)state ;*+
+*- (void)setDTR:(Boolean)state ;*+
+*- (void)setDelegate:(id)object ;*+
+*- (id)delegate ;*+
+*// delegates*+
+*- (void)port:(NSString*)name added:(Boolean)added ;*+
+*- (void)controlFlagsChanged:(int)termbits ;*+
Could you help me ?

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    import javax.comm.*;
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    There you go
    Some extra resources
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    Hi Zoyo, if you use the VISA- VIs, the functionyou need is "VISA Bytes at serial port". It shows, how many Bytes are available in the input buffer. You can find it here:
    greets, Dave
    Message Edited by daveTW on 11-22-2006 02:01 PM
    Greets, Dave
    Bytes at serial port.png ‏20 KB

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    lpc21isp version 1.97
    File firmware.hex:
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    converted to binary format...
    image size : 30304
    Image size : 30304
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    lpc21isp version 1.97
    File firmware.hex:
    Start Address = 0x00004F9C
    converted to binary format...
    image size : 30304
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    Hi gpatel,
    you know how to communicate to serial port, but you don't know how to send a value from SimplePID to serial port???
    You know how to communicate, but then you don't know how to communicate???
    You should explain this in more detail...
    From you first post you know what values your motor driver is expecting. You know which values the is providing. Now all you need is a formula to reshape the values from PID to the motor. It's up to you to make such a formula. Unless you provide any details we cannot give more precise answers...
    Message Edited by GerdW on 02-28-2010 08:35 PM
    Best regards,
    CLAD, using 2009SP1 + LV2011SP1 + LV2014SP1 on WinXP+Win7+cRIO
    Kudos are welcome

  • I want to transfer data through the serial port in the same coding that hyperterminal uses. How can i do it?

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    nobuto wrote:
    > I want to transfer data through the serial port in the same coding
    > that hyperterminal uses. How can i do it?
    > The serial port seems to be working, and labview seems to be sending
    > the data, but the problem is in which format does it send the data,
    > because in hyperterminal i just input the string "JDX" and it sends it
    > to my device, with labview it sends something but my device does not
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    Hyperterminal adds the carriage return/line feed to the string which is
    generated by the return key to send out the current line. LabVIEW simply
    sends out what you tell it, so try to set the string to "Show \ Display"
    format and add a \r or \n or \r\n to the command you want to send out.
    Assumes of course that you set the right baudr
    ate/bits/parity etc in
    LabVIEW with the VISA property node, when opening the serial port.
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    Rolf Kalbermatter
    CIT Engineering Netherlands
    a division of Test & Measurement Solutions

  • How can I use LabVIEW to send the equivalent of a CTRL D (in VT 100 format) out the serial port of my computer?

    I am trying to write a vi that interfaces with a piece of OEM equipment that is set up to talk with a VT 100 terminal. I can't seem to locate the ASCII equivalent string (if there is such a thing) of a CTRL D. Is there a vi that emulates VT 100 commands?

    If I recall, CTRL-D is EOF on most ASCII tables.
    You'd probably have to use an escape sequence
    or if you can use an unsigned 8-bit that might be
    In article <[email protected]>, TLS
    > How can I use LabVIEW to send the equivalent of a CTRL D (in VT 100
    > format) out the serial port of my computer?
    > I am trying to write a vi that interfaces with a piece of OEM
    > equipment that is set up to talk with a VT 100 terminal. I can't seem
    > to locate the ASCII equivalent string (if there is such a thing) of a
    > CTRL D. Is there a vi that emulates VT 100 commands?

  • How can an image be displayed by using raw data read from the serial port?

    Hi there,
    I am using an embedded camera to take photos. To operate it i send commands to it via the serial interface. I have received all of the image data back through the serial port and can view it as hex data in a string. The image data is 16bit colour RAW data at 160x120 resolution meaning i have 38400 bytes of data (160x120 = 19200. 19200*16 = 307200. 307200/8 = 38400). I want to be able to display this data as a picture, but cannot figure out how to do it. Can someone please point me in the right direction? i have been fiddling about with lots of the pixmap functions but no luck. Do i need to put this data in to a 2D array first?

    Yes, first convert it into a 2D array of pixel values. From there you can convert it into an image to display it in a picture control.
    Certified Professional Instructor
    Certified LabVIEW Architect
    LabVIEW Champion
    "... after all, He's not a tame lion..."
    Be thinking ahead and mark your dance card for NI Week 2015 now: TS 6139 - Object Oriented First Steps

  • Iphone disabled, i cannot access the serial number to get support , how do i unlock with  no service provider?

    iphone disabled, i cannot access the serial number to get support , how do i unlock with  no service provider?
    i just got my iphone i set it up with icloud but didnt sync with itunes yet, i dont have a service provider yet either but i have been locked out for foregetting my passcode which i now remember ...... also i have tried calling apple support but get a busy signal after going through prompts.........PLEASE HELP

  • How can I control a HP 33120A waveform generator with the serial port of my PC?

    I want to control a HP 33120A waveform generator with my PC using the serial port. I don't have any idea about how to do it. If you've done it or if you know how I can do it, please give me some indications.
    Jean-Baptiste Paillet
    PS: I don`t have G PIB port

    The answer to your cross-post in the LabVIEW General group seems to be right on the money:
    John Lum
    National Instruments

  • How to detect if my external device is connected to the Serial port

    If I remove the cable from the serial port in my pc or either remove the serial cable from my external device, then when I send a request to open the serial port from my program, it basically does nothing, it just sits there.
    I want to be able to show some sort of message or any other way of indicating to the user that they should check the cable.
    below is the bit of code to open and set serial port params:
         public void openPort() {
              // Initialise the drivers
              String driverName = "com.sun.comm.Win32Driver";
              try {
                   CommDriver commdriver = (CommDriver) Class.forName(driverName)
              } catch (Exception e2) {
              // port will be set in Store Operations.
              String wantedPortName = Configuration
              //System.out.println("wantedPortname : " + wantedPortName);
              Enumeration portIdentifiers = CommPortIdentifier.getPortIdentifiers();
              CommPortIdentifier portId = null; // will be set if port found
              while (portIdentifiers.hasMoreElements()) {
                   CommPortIdentifier pid = (CommPortIdentifier) portIdentifiers
                   if (pid.getPortType() == CommPortIdentifier.PORT_SERIAL
                             && pid.getName().equals(wantedPortName)) {
                        portId = pid;
                        System.out.println("found a macth");
              } // end of while
              if (portId == null) {
                   System.err.println("Could not find serial port " + wantedPortName);
              try {
                   port = (SerialPort)"EFTDriver", // Name of the
                                                                               // application
                                                                               // asking for the
                                                                               // port
                             10000 // Wait max. 10 sec. to acquire port
              } catch (PortInUseException e) {
                   System.err.println("Port already in use: " + e);
              // Now we are granted exclusive access to the particular serial
              // port. We can configure it and obtain input and output streams.
              try {
                        port.setSerialPortParams(9600, SerialPort.DATABITS_8,
                             SerialPort.STOPBITS_1, SerialPort.PARITY_NONE);
              } catch (UnsupportedCommOperationException usc) {
                   System.err.println("Unsupported operation" + usc);
              }Please advise what method can I use for this purpose.

    You mean it hangs in the open() method despite the timeout?

  • How to get a signal from the serial port to start a labview program?

    I need to synchronize the data obtained from a program (which is not in Labview)with the data collected with Labview on a different computer. I can send some data strings to the serial port of the computer running the Labview program when the other program starts. However, I need to be able to read the trigger in my Labview program. Do you know what I should do? Thanks.

    If you don't have any other programs listening on the COM port, you need to let a LV program run BEFORE the signal comes, otherwise you won't be able to read it. You can have the program wait in a slow timed loop so that it doesn't use up too much CPU time, and when the required "trigger" comes, to move into the main part of the program.
    You basically need a while loop waiting for a certain string in the serial buffer. Once the string is found the while loop is exited, and the data acqquisition or whatever else you require from the progam can be performed.
    In the example attached the program wait for ANY text to be sent to the COM port. Please note that you need to configure the VISA resource before using it. Once there is something at the COM port, the loop will exit and the rest of the program will be executed.
    Hope this helps
    Using LV 6.1 and 8.2.1 on W2k (SP4) and WXP (SP2)
    Wait for serisl ‏17 KB

  • How to unbundling binary structure coming through the serial port

    Hi to all
    I have a board that is transmitting a binary stream. This stream is a structure repeated constantly ... the payload of this structure looks like this
    I have no problem reading the serial port and disaplying ASCII data but this is not my application.
    ANALOG_COUNT is (2)
    typedef struct
    uint16_t light;
    float TempAmbient;
    float TempTarget;
    uint16_t ADC[ANALOG_COUNT];
    int16_t AccX;
    int16_t AccY;
    int16_t AccZ;
    The idea is for me to, once I get the 20 bytes that comprise the strcture I want to brake it into its elements to feed it to graphs or what ever.
    Go to Solution.

    You are still making life to difficult.  Try this.  It is much simpler to understand and it will work correctly.  Ok, there may be some debugging.
    There are only two ways to tell somebody thanks: Kudos and Marked Solutions
    Unofficial Forum Rules and Guidelines
    Attachments: ‏18 KB

  • How to retrieve data from the serial port and decode it each 2 bytes is a long variable and 1 frame is about 6 bytes

    I send the frame by a microcontroller ( 8bits) the fram contains 6 bytes, 2bytes conform a long variable, I want to decode the frame and make operations with these long variables and then plot them

    Hey jpvans,
    I would first suggest using NI-VISA to talk to the serial port. Then, you can use the LabVIEW Type Cast or the Flatten to String and UnFlatten From String VIs to convert the data.
    You can setup the read so that it reads just two characters at a time to form an individual long or you can set the read up to read it all and then use the string functions like String Subset to cut the information into chunks.
    I hope this helps out.

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