How to add a drill down feature in the Adobe form output

I am new to adobe forms.I have a requirement where in i need to develop a form which will have diffeerent rows in the output.
if the user is accessing the form using SAP GUI i need to provide a hyperlink on the row which will have a drill down feature further to have  the details on the row in a tabular form.Please help me on this.Thanks in advance.
Moderator message: wrong forum, please have a look in the forum for "Adobe Interactive Forms".
Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Apr 7, 2011 9:44 AM

Refers the following links.

Similar Messages

  • How to avoid printing a balnk page at the end in the Adobe form output

    Hello Experts,
        Can anyone please let me know as how to avoid/delete the blank page at the end of adobe form output.
    I have a master page with header n footer and a body page seperate.
    For ex.. I have 3 line items and i want each line item to be displayed in the new page. I am able to get this functionality . I have set the settings in the paginationb tab of the subform as
    "after " Go to Next content Area" " but an extra page is getting printed at the end. 3 + 1 extra pages total. I want to avoid this blank page. I have checked the Allow page break with in content box but it is still not working.
    Can someone guide me as how to solve this problem.
    Any help is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    hey mahesh,
    this normally happens because of triggering a new page manually, what u would have done is that you would be checking for the new line item and when this condition is satisfied , you are triggering a new page , the reason for the last blank page is that the condition gets satisfied ( beacuse the line item number changes from the last line item no to  initial or space).
    This can be handled by doing the following
    By knowing the number of line items by the following stmt.
    describe table itab lines v_lines.
    Now you have the value in v_lines.
    use a counter in ur form and keep it increasing it by 1  ( say v_sno ) ie v_sno = v_sno + 1 in the loop of ur internal table.
    this should be along with the condition which u have already put, ie when ever line item no changes
    when both these conditions are satisfied , then only the new page will be triggered.
    Hope it helps,
    Reward if useful,

  • How to write a application using WDJ with the adobe form ?

    Hi, experts,
    I don't know how to write a application using !!webdynpro for java!! with the adobe form so that I can fill data to the adobe form and get data from the adobe form.
    Note: I have configed the ADS(adobe document services),and I can create a application with a interactiveform in webdynpro for abap and run it successfully, so that I can  fill data to the adobe form and get data from the adobe form.
    Do you give me some hint?
    Thanks a lot.
    Best regards,
    Edited by: wang tao on Sep 9, 2008 8:59 AM

    Refers the following links.

  • How to send adobe form output in mail as a attachment

    i am get the adobe form output
    how to attach in a mail ....
    Anbu B

    my program is like this.............
          i_name                     = 'YHRIN_WELCOME'
         e_funcname                 =  lv_funcname
      gs_output-nodialog = 'X'.
      gs_output-preview = 'X'.
    gs_output-getpdl = 'X'.
       gs_output-getpdf = 'X'.
       gs_output-dest = 'LP01'.
          ie_outputparams       = gs_output
        CANCEL                = 1
        USAGE_ERROR           = 2
        SYSTEM_ERROR          = 3
        INTERNAL_ERROR        = 4
        OTHERS                = 5
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    DATA : gs_outputpara TYPE sfpdocparams.
    DATA : ls_return TYPE fpformoutput .
    gs_outputpara-langu = 'E'.
    gs_outputpara-country = 'IN'.
      CALL FUNCTION lv_funcname
        /1bcdwb/docparams = gs_outputpara
        wa_data = wa_mail
          /1bcdwb/formoutput = ls_return
          OTHERS = 1.
    DATA lv_output TYPE sdokcntbins WITH HEADER LINE.
    buffer = ls_return-pdf            "PDF file from function module
    binary_tab = lv_output  .
    *DATA : result TYPE sfpjoboutput WITH HEADER LINE .
        e_result = result
      IF sy-subrc <> 0.
    DATA : iv_len_in LIKE sood-objlen,
           it_tline TYPE TABLE OF tline WITH HEADER LINE.
    PERFORM pdf_file.
            lt_iattach TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF solisti1 WITH HEADER LINE,
            lt_ipacking_list LIKE sopcklsti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            lt_ireceivers LIKE somlreci1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE,
            lt_iattachment LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA  : lt_record LIKE solisti1 OCCURS 0 WITH HEADER LINE.
    DATA: lv_email   TYPE somlreci1-receiver
                          VALUE 'anbu.'.
    PERFORM build_xls_data .
    APPEND lt_iattach.
    Populate message body text
      CLEAR lt_imessage.   REFRESH lt_imessage.
      lt_imessage = 'Please find attached PDF file'.
      APPEND lt_imessage.
    Send file by email as .xls speadsheet
      PERFORM send_email_with_xls TABLES lt_imessage
                                    USING lv_email
                                          'PDF Attachment of an Employee'
                                          'Employee Detail'.
         Form  BUILD_XLS_DATA
    FORM build_xls_data .
    DATA :lv_buffer TYPE string.
    Convert PDF from 132 to 255.
      LOOP AT it_tline.
    Replacing space by ~
        TRANSLATE it_tline USING ' ~'.
        CONCATENATE lv_buffer it_tline INTO lv_buffer.
       replacing ~ by space
      TRANSLATE lv_buffer USING '~'.
        lt_record = lv_buffer.
    Appending 255 characters as a record
        APPEND lt_record.
        SHIFT lv_buffer LEFT BY 255 PLACES.
        IF lv_buffer IS INITIAL.
      lt_iattach[] = lt_record[].
         Form  SEND_EMAIL_WITH_XLS
    FORM send_email_with_xls TABLES pit_message
                                        USING p_email
      DATA: es_xdocdata LIKE sodocchgi1,
            lv_xcnt TYPE i.
    Fill the document data.
      es_xdocdata-doc_size = 1.
    Populate the subject/generic message attributes
      es_xdocdata-obj_langu = sy-langu .
      es_xdocdata-obj_name  = 'SAPRPT' .
      es_xdocdata-obj_descr = p_mtitle .
    Fill the document data and get size of attachment
      CLEAR es_xdocdata.
      READ TABLE lt_iattach INDEX lv_xcnt.
      es_xdocdata-doc_size =
         ( lv_xcnt - 1 ) * 255 + STRLEN( lt_iattach ).
      es_xdocdata-obj_langu  = sy-langu.
      es_xdocdata-obj_name   = 'SAPRPT'.
      es_xdocdata-obj_descr  = p_mtitle.
      CLEAR lt_iattachment.  REFRESH lt_iattachment.
      lt_iattachment[] = pit_attach[].
    Describe the body of the message
      CLEAR lt_ipacking_list.  REFRESH lt_ipacking_list.
      lt_ipacking_list-transf_bin = space.
      lt_ipacking_list-head_start = 1.
      lt_ipacking_list-head_num = 0.
      lt_ipacking_list-body_start = 1.
      DESCRIBE TABLE lt_imessage LINES lt_ipacking_list-body_num.
      lt_ipacking_list-doc_type = 'RAW'.
      APPEND lt_ipacking_list.
    Create attachment notification
      lt_ipacking_list-transf_bin = 'X'.
      lt_ipacking_list-head_start = 1.
      lt_ipacking_list-head_num   = 1.
      lt_ipacking_list-body_start = 1.
      DESCRIBE TABLE lt_iattachment LINES lt_ipacking_list-body_num.
      lt_ipacking_list-doc_type   =  p_format.
      lt_ipacking_list-obj_descr  =  p_attdescription.
      lt_ipacking_list-obj_name   =  p_filename.
      lt_ipacking_list-doc_size   =  lt_ipacking_list-body_num * 255.
      APPEND lt_ipacking_list.
    Add the recipients email address
      CLEAR lt_ireceivers.  REFRESH lt_ireceivers.
      lt_ireceivers-receiver = p_email.
      lt_ireceivers-rec_type = 'U'.
      lt_ireceivers-com_type = 'INT'.
      lt_ireceivers-notif_del = 'X'.
      lt_ireceivers-notif_ndel = 'X'.
       APPEND lt_ireceivers.
                document_data              = es_xdocdata
                put_in_outbox              = 'X'
                commit_work                = 'X'
                packing_list               = lt_ipacking_list
               contents_bin               = lt_iattachment
                 CONTENTS_HEX              = lv_output
                contents_txt               = lt_imessage
                receivers                  = lt_ireceivers
                too_many_receivers         = 1
                document_not_sent          = 2
                document_type_not_exist    = 3
                operation_no_authorization = 4
                parameter_error            = 5
                x_error                    = 6
                enqueue_error              = 7
                OTHERS                     = 8.
          SUBMIT rsconn01 WITH mode = 'INT'
                  WITH output = '' AND RETURN.

  • In OBIEE charts, how do you make drill downs work on custom formulas?

    I posted this over on Linked In and didn't get an anser, so I'm hoping someone here has an answer.
    I'm writing a summary query / chart for a dashboard in OBIEE 10.1 with a drill down (technically it's a "navigation") for more information. This chart breaks down the data by fiscal quarter and by geography (both are columns in the subject area) and I can get this drill down to work just fine. But I also have this chart broken down by some custom calculated fields (CASE WHEN statements) that classify revenue into Forecast / At Risk / Upside etc. (which are not columns or values of columns within the subject area).
    When I add a drill down or navigate function onto those calculated columns, I'm getting a full data set ... not a filtered data set for that particular calculated field. (Yes, I have all of the IS PROMPTED filters set up correctly, and yes the formulas in the source and destination queries are identical).
    Does anyone have any ideas on how to make the drill down or navigation work on custom formulas?

    Using the Paint demo
    Report 1 Saved as: */shared/Paint Demo/Sample Analyses/Color Analysis*
    <saw:report xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:sawx="" xmlVersion="200705140">
    <saw:criteria xsi:type="saw:simple" subjectArea="Paint">
    <saw:column formula="case WHEN Markets.Region IN ('CENTRAL REGION', 'EASTERN REGION') then 'East Central' WHEN Markets.Region IN ('SOUTHERN REGION', 'WESTERN REGION') then 'South West' else Markets.Region end" columnID="c4">
    <saw:displayFormat interaction="default"/></saw:columnHeading>
    <saw:displayFormat suppress="default" interaction="navigate" wrapText="true">
    <saw:navigation xsi:type="saw:sawNavLink">
    <saw:navTarget xsi:type="saw:reportLink" path="/shared/Paint Demo/Sample Analyses/Color Analysis Navigate"/></saw:navTargets></saw:navigation></saw:displayFormat></saw:column>
    <saw:column formula="&quot;Sales Measures&quot;.&quot;% Chg Year Ago Dollars&quot;" alias="" columnID="c3"/></saw:columns>
    <saw:filter subjectArea="Paint">
    <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:special" op="prompted">
    <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">case WHEN Markets.Region IN ('CENTRAL REGION', 'EASTERN REGION') then 'East Central' WHEN Markets.Region IN ('SOUTHERN REGION', 'WESTERN REGION') then 'South West' else Markets.Region end</sawx:expr></sawx:expr></saw:filter></saw:criteria>
    <saw:views currentView="0">
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:compoundView" name="compoundView!1" rptViewVers="200510010">
    <saw:cvCell viewName="Title"/></saw:cvRow>
    <saw:cvCell viewName="Table"/></saw:cvRow></saw:cvTable></saw:view>
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:tableView" deck="bottom" headingDisplay="table2Rows" visibleFormats="all" name="Table" rptViewVers="200510010"/>
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:titleView" name="Title" rptViewVers="200510010"/></saw:views>
    Report 2 Saved as: */shared/Paint Demo/Sample Analyses/Color Analysis Navigate*
    <saw:report xmlns:saw="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:sawx="" xmlVersion="200705140">
    <saw:criteria xsi:type="saw:simple" subjectArea="Paint">
    <saw:column formula="Markets.Region" columnID="c5"/>
    <saw:column formula="&quot;Sales Measures&quot;.&quot;% Chg Year Ago Dollars&quot;" alias="" columnID="c3"/></saw:columns>
    <saw:filter subjectArea="Paint">
    <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:special" op="prompted">
    <sawx:expr xsi:type="sawx:sqlExpression">case WHEN Markets.Region IN ('CENTRAL REGION', 'EASTERN REGION') then 'East Central' WHEN Markets.Region IN ('SOUTHERN REGION', 'WESTERN REGION') then 'South West' else Markets.Region end</sawx:expr></sawx:expr></saw:filter></saw:criteria>
    <saw:views currentView="0">
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:compoundView" name="compoundView!1" rptViewVers="200510010">
    <saw:cvCell viewName="Title"/></saw:cvRow>
    <saw:cvCell viewName="staticchart!1"/></saw:cvRow>
    <saw:cvCell viewName="Table"/></saw:cvRow></saw:cvTable></saw:view>
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:tableView" deck="bottom" headingDisplay="table2Rows" visibleFormats="all" name="Table" rptViewVers="200510010"/>
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:titleView" name="Title" rptViewVers="200510010"/>
    <saw:view xsi:type="saw:staticchart" name="staticchart!1" rptViewVers="200510010">
    <saw:template tid="charts/pie.cxml"/>
    <saw:category position="0">
    <saw:constant value="1"/></saw:category></saw:categories>
    <saw:column columnID="c3" position="0"/></saw:measures>
    <saw:column columnID="c5"/>
    The first report navigates and prompts the second report on the calculated field.

  • How can I activate drill down report for planned line items please urgent?

    Hi Everyone,
    Please suggest me how can i activate drill down report for planned line items in internal orders. S_ALR_87012993. Please suggest me, I'll award full points. I am unable to do it in client system, which has already line items. I tried in my sys with new config it is working.
    Kind regards

    It is based on the reports attached in the Report Group - TCODE: GR53
    In the Report Group screen
    Press CONFIGURE – This is to attach any Drill Down reports.
    Press the “Insert Line” icon
    As is the screen may be used to insert a Report Writer report group. To add an ABAP, press “other report type”
    Double click on “ABAP Reports”
    Enter the name of the ABAP and ENTER
    <b>RCOPCA08                       Profit Center: Plan Line Items</b>

  • Drill Down feature for pie chart in JSP

    I need to have drill down feature in my Pie Chart which is generated using JFreeChart package. The pie chart is generated dynamically basing upon the database values as inputs .
    Now on click of any one sector i have to show other bar graph. The bargraphs would be different for different sectors clicked.How to use Mouse Listener? How can track or keep check on the boundaries of different sectors?.
    Please help me on this issue.
    Thanks in advance,

    @OP: don't ask the same question in two different threads:
    kind regards,

  • Drill Down feature for pie chart in Java

    I have a JSP where the graph displayed should have �Drill Down� functionality i.e. when clicked on any sector of Pie chart it should come up with other graph giving more details.
    I need the code or how to proceed to get drill down feature.
    If anyone has idea about �drill down� or any sites which can help me please reply.
    Thanks in advance.

    You have to generate the image and the surrounding HTML using two seperate transactions; typically a JSP delivers the HTML and a servlet, invoked by the SRC URL of an image tag, provides an image.
    Your HTML contains a form, and the image is displayed using a <Input type="image" .. Clicking on that submits the forn, providing X and Y coordinates as parameters to a servlet which can calculate which pie-slice has been clicked. You can't use a client-side image map because there are no suitable sensitive shapes available.

  • How to properly enable drill-down capability

    Dear Experts,
    I am trying to enable drill-down to my existing stacked bar chart.  Can someone briefly describe how I can successfully complete this task?
    Thanks in advance,
    Zack H.

    add a series to the chart
    go to properties for the chart
    click Drill Down Option in the properties window
    click Enable Drill down and follow the options
    good luck

  • How to add a drop-down menu to a rollover image?

    I guess my title says it all... I was wondering how to add a drop-down menu to a rollover image? I know that there's the sprymenu, but I need to have my own rollover images.

    Frankly, ANY link can offer a drop down.
    Take a look at this turorial.
    That will get you your dropdown menu. So you have that.
    Now, on your top menu (or any level where you want to have an image instead of text do this:
    (I am copying the HTML structure in the tutorial here):
                        <li><a href="#">Home</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#">Tutorials</a>
                                            <li><a href="#">Photoshop</a></li>
                                            <li><a href="#">Illustrator</a></li>
                                            <li><a href="#">Web Design</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#">Articles</a>
                                            <li><a href="#">Web Design</a></li>
                                            <li><a href="#">User Experience</a></li>
                        <li><a href="#">Inspiration</a></li>
    Now, let's pretend you want an image instead of the word "Articles." You'll want the image to be sized appropriately, and if you look at the CSS, you'll see it's 112 pixels wide by 52 high. If your image is approximately those dimensions, you're all set.
    So instead of "articles" you insert your image.

  • Reports drill down feature

    there is drill down option that can be used during user-defined report creation
    (SQL Developer 3.1 EA1)
    Do you know where I can find documentation on how to setup it?
    Edited by: Andrey Goryunov on 10-Oct-2011 18:08

    Hi Slevi,
    You are right with the understanding of the Drill down function. To have a drill down function available the minimum requirement is have at least a single group in the report.
    When we have a group with some underlying data and then when we would like to see data for a particular group, we can see a u201Cmagnifying glassu201D symbol which indicates that there is data for this group and we can use the Drill down function.
    When you drill on a particular group, the data for that group is shown in a new tab.
    I hope this provides some information about the Drill down function used in Crystal Reports.
    Prashant Saduwale.

  • How to Add a correspondence type and tick the parameter(FI Down Payment)

    Hi All,
    To use the Down-Payments functionality of SAP for customer payments. Part of the process will be to print off a request for the customer to pay based on data that is entered into transaction F-37 (Down-Payment Request).
    I have created a new sapscripts for the Down-Payment Request. We will need a new correspondence type creating for this print. For ZFI006 to show anything the u201CNoted Itemsu201D must be ticked when printed in ZFI006 using correspondence ZAP11.
    Kindly advice me how to add a new correspondence type and the u201CNoted Itemsu201D must be ticked?

    You cannot define a payment type as that is based on a lookup defined under the navigation Setup>lookup>Payables.
    This look up access level is System whihc implies it does not allow user level values to be defined.
    So you have to use the available payment types,
    Manish Jain.

  • Drill down feature with parameters

    Can we drill down in smartview by taking the parameters from the existing row and column?
    For example: I have a group with different entities A, B, and C. In smartview, I have all the accounts in the rows and the three entities A,B,& C in the columns. When I double click on the combination of entity A and an account, I want to see all the transactions with ICP Entities for that entity A. Does smartview has the feature to know the column and then drill down based on the column header?

    If you are using Essbase Studio or EIS the intersection is passed as parameters to the SQL in the format of $$Column-name$$ and $$column-value$$ so yes it does know the intersection values.

  • Drill down feature in Power map(in trial version of O365) is available?

    Drill down feature in Power map(in trial version of O365) is available?
    If yes for all version it is available?

    I don't think so.
    Please submit this feature request via the Smile Frown button in the UI. 
    That will go directly to the product team.
    Ed Price, Azure & Power BI Customer Program Manager (Blog,
    Small Basic,
    Wiki Ninjas,
    Answer an interesting question?
    Create a wiki article about it!

  • How to add blank page to existing Document In Adobe Dc

    how to add blank page to existing Document In Adobe Dc Pro

    Hi thashrifs16749461,
    You can add a blank page using Adobe Acrobat DC by following the below instructions :-
    1) Open your existing pdf document in Acrobat DC.
    2) Choose the 'Organize Page' option form the Tools pane on the right as shown below in the screen shoot.
    3) Now at the top you will see all the tools to Organize the page, Click on 'Insert' & select 'Blank Page' from the drop-down to insert blank pages.
    *Shortcut : If you are using windows computer you can use ' Shift+Ctrl+T ' key to insert blank pages.
    In case if you experience any issue or have any query please let us know. We will be happy to help you.

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