How to add ONE image as artwork for an entire album ?..

How do you add a single image as artwork for an entire album (i.e. without having redundant copies for each individual track).
I already know that iTunes has its own artwork system that allows for this, but this is not helpful if the album art is not in their database.
Thanks in advance.

Furthermore, if iTunes has erroneously downloaded an album cover for you that you want to change, you'll have to highlight the group of songs you wish to change and go to 'info'. Click on the 'album artwork' tab and delete the artwork that's there before adding your own, otherwise iTunes keeps both and only the first one will continue to show as the default.
If you want to download the correct album covers (or a different/cleaner/more accurate version) just go to the Images section of Google, type in the album name and copy the image of what you're looking for. No need to save the image, just copy and paste it. iTunes saves it on its own.

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    If I move a folder containing an album to another location for organizational purposes, every song in the album is now lost in the library. As I know it there are two options:
    1. Manually open each individual song info and find the location one at a time. Insanely slow, tedius and painful when repeating for many albums.
    2. Delete the lost songs and re-add them. While this is faster for finding locations it eliminates Rating and playlist information for the songs because the songs are now new dictionary items in the library. Which is probably even more painful.
    I am looking for 1 or 2 more options:
    3. Manually select multiple songs (or an album from the album list) and edit the path to the song locations (minus the filenames which would remain as before). This is still a pain but much more manageable.
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    Type about:config in the address bar. Find and change it to the path you want. Remember that Android has a linux base so the path will similar to /mnt/sdcard/downloads/

  • How to add an image file to Oracle db?

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    This will do the job..
    package forum;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import java.sql.*;
    import oracle.jdbc.driver.*;
    //import oracle.sql.*;
    Wanneer een request.getInputStream wordt geconferteerd naar een "String" (zie later) dan ziet de output in tekstformaat er als volgt uit:
    -----------------------------7d280152604f4 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="oploadfile"; filename="C:\WINNT\Profiles\mvo\Desktop\boodschap.txt" Content-Type: text/plain Deze boodschap dient te worden ge-insert in de database. -----------------------------7d280152604f4 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="StadID" 1234 -----------------------------7d280152604f4 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="SuccessPage" /forum/error.jsp -----------------------------7d280152604f4--
    of opgesplitst
    contentType........... multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------7d235ade00f0
    filename.............. "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\boodschap.txt"
    MIME type............. text/plain
    Wat in database moet.. Dit is de eigenlijke boodschap die moet worden ge-insert in de database.
    Eind boundary......... -----------------------------7d235ade00f0 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file1"; filename="" Content-Type: application/octet-stream -----------------------------7d235ade00f0--
    We gaan achtereenvolgens:
    1. Kijken of het van het "multipart/form-data" type is (uploaden) en strippen van eerste boundery.
    1.a Geen "multipart/form-data" ? dan... error message
    1.b Groter dan MAX_SIZE ?..dan .. error message
    2. Filenaam van de te uploaden file uitlezen
    3. Mimetype bepalen en bepalen in welke positie van de string het Mimetype ophoudt, cq waar te uploaden file begint
    4. Bepalen waar eind boundery begint
    5. De eigenlijke file uitlezen
    6. Terug converteren naar bytes
    public class WriteBlob extends HttpServlet {
    public static final int MAX_SIZE = ParameterSettings.imageUpload;
    String successMessage = "";
    public void init(ServletConfig config) throws ServletException {
    * Process the HTTP Get request
    public void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException {
    DataInputStream in = null;
    FileOutputStream fileOut= null;
    PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
    int kb_size = 0;
    boolean pass2 = true;
    String message = "";
    String responseRedirect = "/forum/uploaden.jsp?message="+" Uploaden geslaagd";
    //get content type of client request
    String contentType = request.getContentType();
    // Start stap 1...content type is multipart/form-data
    if(contentType != null && contentType.indexOf("multipart/form-data") != -1)
    //open input stream
    in = new DataInputStream(request.getInputStream());
    //get length of content data
    int formDataLength = request.getContentLength(); // totale lengte van de inputstream
    //initieer een byte array om content data op te slaan
    byte dataBytes[] = new byte[formDataLength];
    //read file into byte array
    int bytesRead = 0;
    int totalBytesRead = 0;
    int sizeCheck = 0;
    while (totalBytesRead < formDataLength)
    //kijken of de file niet te groot is
    sizeCheck = totalBytesRead + in.available();
    if (sizeCheck > MAX_SIZE)
    pass2 = false;
    message = "Sorry. U kunt slechts bestanden uploaden tot een grootte van 500KB";
    responseRedirect = "/forum/uploaden.jsp?message="+message;
    bytesRead =, totalBytesRead,formDataLength);
    totalBytesRead += bytesRead;
    if (pass2==true)
    kb_size = (int)(formDataLength/1024);
    //create string from byte array for easy manipulation
    String file = new String(dataBytes);
    /*get boundary value (boundary is a unique string that separates content data)
    contentType........... multipart/form-data; boundary=---------------------------7d235ade00f0
    int lastIndex = contentType.lastIndexOf("=");
    String boundary = contentType.substring(lastIndex+1, contentType.length());
    // Stap 2.....bepaal de naam van de upload file
    // filename.............. "C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\boodschap.txt"
    String saveFile = file.substring(file.indexOf("filename=\"")+10);
    saveFile = saveFile.substring(0,saveFile.indexOf("\n"));
    saveFile = saveFile.substring(saveFile.lastIndexOf("\\")+1,saveFile.indexOf("\"")); //naam van de file...boodschap.txt
    String saveFileName = saveFile;
    // Stap 3..Bepaal MIME Type en de positie van eind mime type in string
    voorbeeld: -----------------------------7d23d21220524 Content-Disposition: form-data; name="file0"; filename="C:\WINNT\Profiles\mvo\Desktop\z clob.txt" Content-Type: text/plain
    String restant = "";
    int pos; //position in upload file
    // bijv .. filename="C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\boodschap.txt"
    pos = file.indexOf("filename=\"");
    //find position of content-disposition line
    pos = file.indexOf("\n",pos)+1; // eing file naam + spatie
    // onderstaand geeft bijv Content-Type: text/plain
    restant = file.substring(pos,file.indexOf("\n",pos)-1);
    restant = restant.substring(restant.indexOf(":")+2,restant.length()); // MIME type
    String mimeType = restant;
    //find position of eind content-type line
    pos = file.indexOf("\n",pos)+1;
    //find position of blank line
    pos = file.indexOf("\n",pos)+1;
    int start = pos;
    // Stap 4 eind boundary
    /*find the location of the next boundary marker (marking the end of the upload file data)*/
    int boundaryLocation = file.indexOf(boundary,pos)-4; //waarom -4 ..? ziet er uit als linebreak spatie--boundary=-----------------------------7d21c9ae00f0
    // Stap 5 en eigelijke te uploaden file in nieuwe byte file inserten
    byte dataBytes2[] = new byte[boundaryLocation-start]; //declareren
    for (int i=0;i<(boundaryLocation-start);i++) // inserten BELANGRIJK !!
    String next_id = "0";
    Statement statement = null;
    Connection conn = null;
    boolean pass = true;
    ResultSet rs = null;
    Statement stmt_empty = null;
    oracle.sql.BLOB blb = null;
    int vendor = DriverUtilities.ORACLE;
    String username = ConnectionParams.userName;
    String password = ConnectionParams.passWord;
    String connStr = DriverUtilities.makeURL(vendor);
    DriverManager.registerDriver(new oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver());
    conn = DriverManager.getConnection(connStr,username, password);
    if (conn==null){pass=false;}
    } catch (Exception e){out.println("<P>" + "There was an error establishing a connection:");}
    if (pass==true)
    String seq_nextval ="select forum_blob_seq.nextval from dual";
    statement = conn.createStatement();
    ResultSet rset = statement.executeQuery(seq_nextval);
    while (
    next_id = rset.getString(1);
    if (next_id.equals("0"))
    message = "Uploaden mislukt !...Er ging wat fout tijdens de interactie met de database";
    responseRedirect = "/forum/uploaden.jsp?message="+message;
    pass = false;
    } catch (Exception e1) { out.println("Error blob1 : "+e1.toString()); };
    } // end pass
    if (pass==true)
    Statement stmt2 = conn.createStatement();
    String insert_empty_blob = "INSERT INTO test_blob(id "+
    ",filename "+
    ",mimetype "+
    ",kb) "+
    "VALUES("+Integer.parseInt(next_id) +
    if (stmt2!= null) {stmt2.close();}else{stmt2.close();pass = false;}
    } catch (Exception e2){
    message = "Uploaden mislukt !...Er ging wat fout tijdens de interactie met de database";
    responseRedirect = "/forum/uploaden.jsp?message="+message;
    out.println("<P>" + "2. There was an error inserting mime type:");}
    } //end pass
    if (pass==true)
    } catch (Exception e3) { pass = false; out.println("Error blob 3: "+e3.toString()); };
    } //end pass
    if (pass==true)
    String Query_blob ="Select test_blob FROM test_blob where id="+next_id+" FOR UPDATE";
    stmt_empty = conn.createStatement();
    } catch (Exception e4) {
    pass = false;
    out.println("Error blob 4: "+e4.toString());
    message = "Uploaden mislukt !...Er ging wat fout tijdens de interactie met de database";
    responseRedirect = "/forum/uploaden.jsp?message="+message;};
    } //end pass
    if (pass==true)
                             if (
                             blb = ((OracleResultSet)rs).getBLOB(1);
                        OutputStream stmBlobStream = blb.getBinaryOutputStream();
                             try {
                                  int iSize = blb.getBufferSize();
                             byte[] byBuffer = new byte[iSize];
                             int iLength = -1;
    ByteArrayInputStream stmByteIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(dataBytes2);
                                  try {
    // while ( (iLength =, 0,      iSize)) != -1 )
    while ( (iLength =, 0,      iSize)) != -1 )
                                       stmBlobStream.write(byBuffer, 0, iLength);
                                       } // end while
    } catch (Exception e5) {
    out.println("Error blob 5: "+e5.toString());
    message = "Uploaden mislukt !...Er ging wat fout tijdens de interactie met de database";
    responseRedirect = "/forum/uploaden.jsp?message="+message; }
                                  finally { conn.commit();     }
    } catch (Exception e6) { out.println("Error blob 6: "+e6.toString()); };
                             } //end if
                             else {      throw new SQLException("Could not locate message record in database."); }
    } catch (Exception e7) { out.println("Error blob : "+e7.toString()); };
    } // end pass
    } // end pass2
    else //request is not multipart/form-data
    message = "Uploaden mislukt !...Gegevens niet verstuurd via multipart/form-data.";
    responseRedirect = "/forum/error.jsp?message="+message;
    out.println("Request not multipart/form-data.");
    catch(Exception e)
    //print error message to standard out
    out.println("Error in doPost: " + e);
    //send error message to client
    out.println("An unexpected error has occurred.");
    out.println("Error description: " + e);
    }catch (Exception f) {}
    public void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
    HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {

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    1. How to add external images onto a control/indicator and still be able to resize the image automatically when I resize the control/indicator?
    2. How to "add" a new part to an existing control/indicator?  It looks like I can only customize/modify the existing parts of the control/indicator in the control editor. 
    Any help is appreciated.  Thanks.

    1/ Do not use the image as an added decoration. Instead replace part of the control with the image. Tis is illustrated in the attached vi : the arrow was pasted as a decoration, and also used to replace the slide cursor. Changing the control size do not affect the decoration, but changes the cursor.
    2/ What do you mean by adding new parts to a control. We have just seen that it was possible to modify a control. Now, if you want to include additionnal functionnality, that's another story. You can replace parts of the control, and this can give interesting results.  You can edit a slide control, and replace the numeric indicator by another control, including a numeric indicator, that you can replace with etc...
    But there, it still the same info displayed under different forms. If you want to have several independant functions on the same control, such as a string display and a boolean and a numeric indicator, then that's a job for a cluster...
    Chilly Charly    (aka CC)
             E-List Master - Kudos glutton - Press the yellow button on the left...        
    Slide with ‏13 KB

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    Hi Experts,
    How to add a new data element for existing table field(Primary key field)
    For this filed ther is no foreign key relation ships and even check table.
    while activating table it is giving message like below.
    can you help any one to solve this and wil steps to add new dataelement for existing primary key filed of a table.
    Check table (NAMING SPACE/TABLE NAME(EX:/TC/VENDOR)) (username/19.02.10/03:29)           
    Primary key change not permitted for value table /TC/VENDOR
    Check on table  /TC/VENDOR resulted in errors              

    Easiest way is to download the table eg into an Excel table (if possible) or text table. Drop the table from the database. Build your table with the new key field. Build the database table again and fill it.
    You can do it also over the database into a new table. Drop the old one. Build the enhanced one and fill it. Afterwards drop your (temporary) table.
    Maybe there are other ways, but this works.

  • Can anyone help with associate my new iPhone with iTunes? My other old devices are there, but I see only how to delete one, not how to add one.  Thank you.

    Can anyone help with associate my new iPhone with iTunes? My other old devices are there, but I see only how to delete one, not how to add one.  Thank you.

    iTunes Match is a subscription system that allows you to upload your own music (e.g. coped from CDs) to the cloud so that it shows (in the cloud) on your devices and computers without having to sync/copy it.
    Automatic downloads allows to, for example, buy an app on your computer's iTunes and have it automatically download on your phone without having to connect and sync it or go to the Purchased tab in the App Store app on your download and download it yourself - but doing that, going to the Purchased tab and redownloading an app, should get it associated.
    But no, I'm not aware of any problems that not having it associated causes.

  • How to add an image to combo box model in java

    i want to display a images.for that i take a that i want to add al images those i want to display, while clicking the image in combo box the image will be display.there is no problem for displaying an image, but i dont know how to add
    an image to a combo box model in net beans. please help me. if u have any idea plese forward to this mail
    [email protected]

    Hi Thomas,
                     You need to create an image field and in the source choose 'graphic content ; give the name of the variable which has the binary data . and give the type as 'MIME/image'.

  • How to add an image to an IMAGE control in Java WebDynpro

    How to add an image to an IMAGE control in Java WebDynpro.
    Please give me the steps to assign an image to an IMAGE control.
    Advanced Thanks

    Thank You Mathan MP,
    i tried these steps, but whenever i selected the source property of image UI control, it opens a context window, but this context window does't contain any thing for selection.
    so how to solve this problem ?
    the link whatever u provided is not opened, please send the correct link.
    Thanks in Advance

  • How to add an image to a JPanel ?

    do you now how to add an image to a JPanel ?
    thanks a lot !

    You can either use the Graphics method drawImage from the panel's paintComponent(Graphics g) method, or you can create an ImageIcon, with your Image in its constructor. And then create a JLabel, passing that ImageIcon in its constructor. Then, you can simple use the panel.add() method to add that JLabel.
    For using the paintComponent method, check out the thread already posted above (I'll type it in again just in case)
    If you want to use a JLabel, you can do something like this:
    Image img;
    JLabel label = new JLabel(new ImageIcon(img));
    JPanel panel = new JPanel();
    panel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());

  • XSLT Mapping: how to add one day to TimeStamp

    Hello Experts,
    My requirement is to add one day to current timestamp. Used $TimeSent to get the currenttimestamp. In Expired field, the need to add one day
    say Created= 2011-03-30T20:29:13Z
           Expired = 2011-03-31T20:29:13Z
         <xsl:param name="TimeSent"/>
         <created><xsl:value-of select="$TimeSent"/></created>
    How to add one day to the current timestamp. I am new to XSLT mapping and need some help with the code.
    Shikha Jain
    Edited by: Jain Shikha on Mar 30, 2011 8:34 PM
    Edited by: Jain Shikha on Mar 30, 2011 8:36 PM

    Hello All,
    Thanks for your reply. i tried the function and the code is working when i am testing in stylus studio. But the same code gives error when i  tested the xslt mapping in PI (Error: TransformerConfigurationException triggered while loading XSLT mapping).
    $TimeSent function is working when code is tested in PI , but it doesnot give value in stylus studio. Also Current-dateTime() function is doesnot give value in PI but works in stylus studio. Is there any difference in the functions used in stylus studio and XSLT mapping in PI?
    Also if i remove the code used for function(to add one day to timestamp), and use constant value(2011-04-02T23:24:56.763Z)the code is working fine in PI. Please help me to find out where the code is going wrong when tested in PI.
    Below is the XSLT code i am using
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <xsl:stylesheet version="1.0" xmlns:xsl="" xmlns:ds="" xmlns:functx="" xmlns:xs="">
       <xsl:function name="functx:next-day" as="xs:date?">
          <xsl:param name="TimeSent" as="xs:anyAtomicType?"/>
          <xsl:sequence select="xs:date(current-date()) + xs:dayTimeDuration(&apos;P1D&apos;) "/>
    <xsl:template match="/">
          <xsl:param name="TimeSent"/>
          <soapenv:Envelope xmlns:olsa="" xmlns:soapenv="">
                <wsse:Security soapenv:mustUnderstand="1" xmlns:wsse="">
                   <wsu:Timestamp wsu:Id="Timestamp-191900" xmlns:wsu="">
                         <xsl:value-of select="$TimeSent"/>
         <xsl:value-of select="concat(substring(functx:next-day($TimeSent) ,1,10) ,&apos;T&apos;, current-time())"/>                  </wsu:Expires>
                   <wsse:UsernameToken wsu:Id="UsernameToken-19030197" xmlns:wsu="">
                      <wsse:Password Type="">XYZ</wsse:Password>
    Shikha Jain
    Edited by: Jain Shikha on Apr 2, 2011 9:51 PM

  • How to add some image in adobe muse

    hi.. im just new in adobe muse .. im sorry for this very noob question.. i just want to ask how to add some image in adobe muse ?? with a link .. thanks

    To add images press CTRL+D and then select the image and place it where you want.
    To hyperlink it go to the top menu and there should be Hyperlink folowed by a box. Enter your URL to link in there.
    You can also use the slideshow widget should you want to make a slideshow.

  • How to create report image like artwork demo

    Dear Pakars
    How to create report image like artwork demo ?

    Are you asking how to include images in a report? If so, take a look at the declarative blob support documentation -
    Hope this helps,
    Author of Pro Application Express:
    REWARDS: Please remember to mark helpful or correct posts on the forum, not just for my answers but for everyone!

  • How to add one more values in Search Criteria,

    Hi All,
    OAF page Search Criteria :
    Search By "name"only Available already have in the search criteria .we are need to add Description in search criteria .How to add one more filed “Description” in Search Criteria,
    Please Help Me

    "Set the Search Allowed property to True for any LOV result items you want to present to the user as searchable values. These items are listed in the search poplist the user sees in the LOV window.
    At a minimum you must set the Search Allowed property to True for the the result table item corresponding to the LOV field on the base page.
    This is from the devguide, I suggest you read it once at least if you have started work on the framework.

  • How to add one new tab at item label in me21n

    hi experts,
    i  am very new in badi .can any one please tell me how to add
    one tab in me21n at item label. i already checked  sample code for
    badi me_gui_po_cust. i create one implementation and write same code.
    this code is coming in debugging mode but cant see that tab while executing 
    please help me out.
    thanks in advance

    Hi Manasi,
    acording to me you are on the right path.Some help
    For Creating Customer own Screen - Purchase Order..
    Details :
    Go to the sample code of this BADI.
    For this create a Function group with the screen that u want in PO.
    In the First method u want to append the screen . There is one parameter im_element.
    In this parameter u can mention that in which part u want the screen .Header/Item.
    In this BADI u can Check the Complete PO at various Level.
    ie Header Level ,Item Level, At the time of Save, Post .
    Now Create a Include in your Function group and paste the below code.
    DATA: call_subscreen TYPE sy-dynnr, "#EC NEEDED
    call_prog TYPE sy-repid, "#EC NEEDED
    call_view TYPE REF TO cl_screen_view_mm, "#EC NEEDED
    call_view_stack TYPE REF TO cl_screen_view_mm OCCURS 0, "#EC NEEDED
    global_framework TYPE REF TO cl_framework_mm, "#EC NEEDED
    global_help_view TYPE REF TO cl_screen_view_mm, "#EC NEEDED
    global_help_prog TYPE sy-repid. "#EC NEEDED
    --> DYNNR *
    --> PROG *
    --> VIEW *
    --> TO *
    FORM set_subscreen_and_prog USING dynnr TYPE sy-dynnr
    prog TYPE sy-repid
    view TYPE REF TO cl_screen_view_mm.
    call_subscreen = dynnr.
    call_prog = prog.
    call_view = view.
    ENDFORM. "set_subscreen_and_prog
    Hope to solve ur probs.....

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