How to assign a unique number to the name column of a document set?

How can I assign a unique number to the name column of a document set preferably with workflows? (Perhaps this number can increase by one each time a new document set is created)
When a user attempts to create a new document set, this unique number should be already there as the name of the document set.
(However, It seems that access and edit the Name column is more tricky than the other columns)

To use document ID instead of Name column, you can
Modify View and hide Name column. Then make Document ID to display at the left column.
By default, document ID will be assigned to both document items and document sets. You may
experience delay before you can see document ID assigned to existing document items and document sets because the scheduled document ID assignment timer jobs haven't finished yet.
Miles LI TechNet Community Support

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    Let me try i know am not good at JSP but do we need double quotes here
    value= <%=List%>i think JSTL should help you about the dynamic thing                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

  • How to assign project specific task with the newly created projects ?

    Hi All,
    I need help. I need to assign project specific tasks (which i will be taking from staging table) other than the default task which are assigned during project creation. How do I proceed with this within same package. I am attaching the code of my package below...
    CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE body xxpa_proj_conv_pkg as
    variables need to derive global parameters
    v_responsibility_id NUMBER; --- PA Supervisor responsibility id
    v_user_id NUMBER;
    deriving global parameters-
    -- Variables needed for API standard parameters
    v_api_version_number NUMBER := 1.0;
    v_commit VARCHAR2(1) := 'F';
    v_return_status VARCHAR2(1);
    v_init_msg_list VARCHAR2(1) := 'F';
    v_msg_count NUMBER;
    v_msg_index_out NUMBER;
    v_msg_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_data VARCHAR2(2000);
    v_workflow_started VARCHAR2(1) := 'Y';
    v_pm_product_code VARCHAR2(10);
    ---variables for catching errors---
    v_error_flag number:=0;
    -- Predefined Composite data types
    v_tasks_in_rec PA_PROJECT_PUB.TASK_IN_REC_TYPE;
    v_tasks_out_rec PA_PROJECT_PUB.TASK_OUT_REC_TYPE;
    v_CREATED_FROM_PROJECT_ID varchar2(20);
    v_person_id NUMBER;
    v_project_role_type VARCHAR2(20);
    v_a NUMBER;
    cursor for project in data
    CURSOR cur_project_in_data IS SELECT * FROM XXPA_PROJECT_IN_STG;
    cursor for task data
    CURSOR cur_task_in_data IS SELECT * FROM XXPA_TASK_IN_STG;
    ------------------------Cursors used for validations----------------------------------
    cursor for product code used for validation
    cursor cprc is select distinct PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE from PA_PROJECT_CUSTOMERS;
    cursor for distribution rule-
    cursor cdr is select DISTRIBUTION_RULE from PA_DISTRIBUTION_RULES;
    cursor for project status code
    cursor for template/created from project id
    cursor ccpid is select project_id from pa_projects where template_flag='Y';
    select user_id, responsibility_id into v_user_id, v_responsibility_id
    from PA_USER_RESP_V
    where user_name like 'amit_kumar%'
    and responsibility_name like'PA SupervisorS';
    -- --Fnd_global.apps_initialize(user_id,resp_id, resp_appl_id);
    -- Fnd_global.apps_initialize(v_user_id,v_responsibility_id,275);
    -- -------calling global parameters---
    p_api_version_number =>v_api_version_number,
    p_responsibility_id =>v_responsibility_id,
    p_user_id =>v_user_id,
    p_msg_count =>v_msg_count,
    p_msg_data =>v_msg_data,
    p_return_status =>v_return_status
    dbms_output.put_line ('Set Global status ->' || v_return_status);
    ----Cursor for PRODUCT RELATED DATA-----------
    FOR REC IN cur_project_in_data LOOP
    ----retrieving product code-----
    select lookup_code into v_pm_product_code
    from pa_lookups
    where lookup_type = 'PM_PRODUCT_CODE'
    and meaning = 'Oracle Project Manufacturing';
    -----retrieving and validating created from project id----
    select project_id
    from pa_projects_all
    where name=rec.created_from_project_name;
    when others then
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='Incorrent CREATED_FROM_PROJECT_NAME';
    Fnd_File.Put_Line (Fnd_File.LOG, O_Errbuf);
    SET ERROR_FLAG ='1' ,last_updation_date='sysdate' where created_from_project_name = rec.CREATED_FROM_PROJECT_NAME;
    -----retrieving & validating carrying out organization id-----
    from pa_projects_prm_v
    where CARRYING_OUT_ORGANIZATION_NAME=rec.carrying_out_organization_name;
    when others then
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='Incorrent Carrying Out Organization name';
    Fnd_File.Put_Line (Fnd_File.LOG, O_Errbuf);
    SET ERROR_FLAG ='1' ,last_updation_date='sysdate' where carrying_out_organization_name = rec.carrying_out_organization_name;
    END ;
    v_project_in.pm_project_reference := rec.segment1;
    v_project_in.project_name := rec.PROJECT_NAME;
    v_project_in.created_from_project_id := v_CREATED_FROM_PROJECT_ID;
    v_project_in.carrying_out_organization_id := v_CARRYING_OUT_ORGANIZATION_ID;
    v_project_in.project_status_code := rec.PROJECT_STATUS_CODE;
    v_project_in.description := rec.PROJECT_DESCRIPTION;
    v_project_in.start_date := rec.PROJECT_START_DATE;
    v_project_in.completion_date := rec.PROJECT_COMPLETION_DATE;
    v_project_in.distribution_rule := rec.DISTRIBUTION_RULE;
    v_project_in.project_relationship_code := rec.PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE;
    -------------------------Validation of incoming project data--------------------------------
    v_error_flag := 1;
    project relationship code validation
    for prc in cprc
    if (rec.PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE=prc.PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE) or (rec.PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE is null)--can be overridden from template
    v_error_flag :=0;
    else null;
    end if;
    end loop;
    project distribution rule validation
    for dr in cdr
    if (rec.DISTRIBUTION_RULE=dr.DISTRIBUTION_RULE) or (rec.DISTRIBUTION_RULE is null) null since the value can be taken from template too
    v_error_flag :=0;
    else null;
    end if;
    end loop;
    project status code validation
    for sc in cpsc
    if (rec.PROJECT_STATUS_CODE=sc.PROJECT_STATUS_CODE) or (rec.PROJECT_STATUS_CODE is null) null since the value can be taken from template too
    v_error_flag :=0;
    else null;
    end if;
    end loop;
    dbms_output.put_line ('Error at PROJECT_STATUS_CODE>' ||v_error_flag);
    validation logic for project start date
    v_error_flag := 1;
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='Project start date cannnot be greater than completion date';
    Fnd_File.Put_Line (Fnd_File.LOG, O_Errbuf);
    END IF;
    validation logic for project completion date
    v_error_flag := 1;
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='completion date cannot be greater than sysdate for closed projects';
    Fnd_File.Put_Line (Fnd_File.LOG, O_Errbuf);
    END IF;
    v_error_flag := 1;
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='Project closed date cannot be less than start date';
    end if;
    --------Update staging table for the error records--------
    if v_error_flag =1
    O_Retcode := '1';
    O_Errbuf :='Incorrect project relationship code';
    Fnd_File.Put_Line (Fnd_File.LOG, O_Errbuf);
    SET ERROR_FLAG ='1' ,last_updation_date='sysdate' where PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE = rec.PROJECT_RELATIONSHIP_CODE;
    end if;
    -----------------------End of validation of incoming project data----------------------------------
    ---------------Project Task DATA-----------------
    FOR tsk IN cur_task_in_data LOOP
    v_tasks_in_rec.pm_task_reference :=tsk.task_reference ;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_name :=tsk.task_name;
    v_tasks_in_rec.pm_parent_task_reference :=tsk.parent_task_reference ;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_start_date :=tsk.task_start_date ;
    v_tasks_in_rec.task_completion_date :=tsk.task_completion_date ;
    v_tasks_in(v_a) := v_tasks_in_rec;
    end loop;
    ---------------end of task details------------------
    p_api_version_number=> v_api_version_number,
    p_commit => v_commit,
    p_init_msg_list => v_init_msg_list,
    p_msg_count => v_msg_count,
    p_msg_data => v_msg_data,
    p_return_status => v_return_status,
    p_workflow_started => v_workflow_started,
    p_pm_product_code => v_pm_product_code,
    p_project_in => v_project_in,
    p_project_out => v_project_out,
    p_key_members => v_key_members,
    p_class_categories => v_class_categories,
    p_tasks_in => v_tasks_in,
    p_tasks_out => v_tasks_out);
    if v_return_status = 'S'
    SET INTERFACE_STATUS ='Success' where segment1 = v_project_out.pa_project_number; ---P->pending & S-> Success
    dbms_output.put_line('New Project Id: ' || v_project_out.pa_project_id);
    dbms_output.put_line('New Project Number: ' || v_project_out.pa_project_number);
    SET INTERFACE_STATUS ='Pending' where segment1 = v_project_out.pa_project_number;
    raise API_ERROR;
    end if;
    ------Handling Exception--------
    WHEN api_error THEN
    dbms_output.put_line('An error occured during project creation');
    IF (v_msg_count > 0 ) THEN
    FOR i IN 1..v_msg_count LOOP
    p_msg_count => v_msg_count,
    p_encoded => 'F',
    p_msg_index => i,
    p_msg_data => v_msg_data,
    p_data => v_data,
    p_msg_index_out => v_msg_index_out);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error message v_data ->'||v_data);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error message v_msg_data ->'||v_msg_data);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error message v_msg_index_out ->'||v_msg_index_out);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error message p_msg_index ->'||i);
    END IF;
    dbms_output.put_line('An error occured during conversion, SQLCODE ->'|| SQLERRM);
    IF (v_msg_count >=1 ) THEN
    FOR i IN 1..v_msg_count LOOP
    p_msg_count => v_msg_count,
    p_msg_index => i,
    p_encoded => 'F',
    p_msg_data => v_msg_data,
    p_data => v_data,
    p_msg_index_out => v_msg_index_out);
    dbms_output.put_line('Error message ->'||v_data);
    END IF;
    end; --end procedure
    END xxpa_proj_conv_pkg;
    * Please tell me how to assign project specific task with the newly created projects??? *
    Also please tell me how to assign multiple * Project_Relationship_Code * (ex: END CLIENT, GENERAL CONTRACTOR, PRIMARY) for a particular project during project creation?

    Are you not storing the project number in the staging table designed for storing the task data? You can use create_project API to create the project and tasks at the same time with one single call. You may want to try that option

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    I receive emergency requests for service thru e mails. my old BB let you assign separate sounds for incoming e mail addresses. can I duplicate that with Iphone or MUST I be woken with each and every incoming e mail?

    I have email messages alert sounds turned off except for VIP addresses (of which I have only one). That means I only get alerted for that one address.
    To add a Contacts entry to VIP senders in iPhone Mail:
    Open your list of mailboxes in iPhone Mail.
    Tap the > button next to VIP.
    Select Add VIP… at the list's end.
    Tap the desired entry from your contacts.
    Then, in Notifications>Mail, turn off the souds for your email account but enable them for VIP.
    Note that all VIP emails will have the same tone. It's more like the Priority feature on a BB than custom text tones.
    Best of luck.

  • How to add a receipt number in the following Query for PO Report

    Hi Guys,
    I need a help regarding following query.
    Its a PO report for
    select distinct pv.segment1 supplier_number,
    pv.vendor_name supplier_name,
    pha.segment1 po_number,
    pha.revision_num revision_num,
    pha.authorization_status po_status,
    to_char(pha.creation_date, 'DD/MM/YYYY') creation_date,
    pha.currency_code currency_code,
    pla.sum_amount_ordered sum_amount_ordered,
    pda.sum_quantity_ordered sum_quantity_ordered,
    pda.sum_amount_received sum_amount_received,
    pda.sum_quantity_received sum_quantity_received,
    (pla.sum_amount_ordered - pda.sum_amount_received) sum_accrued, --AVI
    ( pda.sum_quantity_ordered - pda.sum_quantity_received) quantity_accrued, --AVi
    to_char(rsl.date_receipt, 'DD/MM/YYYY') date_receipt,
    -- rsl.receipt_num receipt_number,
    ppa.segment1 project_code, ppa.project_status_code, --
    aia.invoice_num invoice_num,
    aia.invoice_date invoice_date, --AVI 
    aia.creation_date invoice_creation_date, --AVI 
    aia.amount invoice_amount_allocated_to_po, --AVI
    -- pda.item_description, organisation, --
    pda.sum_quantity_billed sum_quantity_billed , --
    from po_headers_all pha,
    po_vendors pv,
    pa_projects_all ppa,
    hr_all_organization_units haou,
    (select po_header_id,
    sum(quantity * unit_price) sum_amount_ordered,
    -- pla.item_description,
    from po_lines_all
    group by po_header_id, org_id
    , purchase_basis,
    -- pla.item_description
    ) pla,
    (select pla.po_header_id,
    sum(pda.quantity_ordered) sum_quantity_ordered,
    sum(pda.quantity_delivered * pla.unit_price) sum_amount_received,
    sum(pda.quantity_delivered) sum_quantity_received,
    sum(pda.quantity_billed) sum_quantity_billed, --
    from po_distributions_all pda, po_lines_all pla
    where pla.po_line_id = pda.po_line_id
    group by pla.po_header_id, pda.project_id,accrual_account_id
    ) pda,
    (select po_header_id, charge_account_id,
    -- rsh.receipt_num,
    min(rsl.creation_date) date_receipt
    from rcv_shipment_lines rsl
    group by po_header_id,charge_account_id
    ) rsl,
    (select distinct aia.invoice_num, pda.po_header_id , aia.invoice_date --
    , aia.creation_date , sum(aida.amount) amount
    from po_distributions_all pda,
    ap_invoice_distributions_all aida,
    ap_invoices_all aia
    where pda.po_distribution_id = aida.po_distribution_id(+)
    and aia.invoice_id(+) = aida.invoice_id
    Group by
    aia.invoice_num, pda.po_header_id , aia.invoice_date --
    , aia.creation_date) aia,
    (select haou2.organization_id,
    from fnd_flex_value_sets ffvs,
    fnd_flex_value_norm_hierarchy ffvnh,
    fnd_flex_values_vl ffvv,
    hr_all_organization_units haou1,
    hr_all_organization_units haou2
    where ffvs.FLEX_VALUE_SET_NAME = 'CAP_CODE_BU'
    and ffvs.FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID = ffvnh.flex_value_set_id
    and ffvnh.parent_flex_value like 'PO%'
    and ffvv.FLEX_VALUE_SET_ID = ffvnh.flex_value_set_id
    and ffvv.FLEX_VALUE between ffvnh.child_flex_value_low and ffvnh.child_flex_value_high
    and substr(, 1, Instr(, '-')) =
    substr(ffvv.DESCRIPTION, 1, Instr(ffvv.DESCRIPTION, '-'))
    and haou1.organization_id = fnd_global.org_id
    and ffvcv.parent_flex_value = ffvnh.parent_flex_value
    and ffvcv.flex_value_set_id = ffvs.flex_value_set_id
    and substr(, 1, Instr(, '-')) =
    substr(ffvcv.DESCRIPTION, 1, Instr(ffvcv.DESCRIPTION, '-'))
    union --
    select f.organization_id, --
    from hr_all_organization_units f --
    where f.organization_id = fnd_global.ORG_ID --
    ) bu
    , po_line_locations_all plla --
    , gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc1
    ,gl_code_combinations_kfv gcc2
    where pv.vendor_id = pha.vendor_id
    and pla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
    and pda.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
    and pha.po_header_id = rsl.po_header_id(+)
    and pda.project_id = ppa.project_id(+)
    and pha.po_header_id = aia.po_header_id(+)
    and aia.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id
    and pla.org_id = haou.organization_id
    and pha.authorization_status in ('APPROVED', 'OPEN')
    and plla.po_header_id = pha.po_header_id --
    and plla.closed_code in ('APPROVED', 'OPEN', 'CLOSED FOR INVOICE', 'CLOSED FOR RECEIVING', 'CANCELLED') --
    and bu.organization_id = haou.organization_id
    AND gcc1.code_combination_id = pda.accrual_account_id
    AND gcc2.code_combination_id =rsl.CHARGE_ACCOUNT_ID
    In the following query I have commented receipt_num using the table rcv_transaction_headers.
    If I uncomment it the query results huge number of unexpected report.
    How can I add receipt number to the following query?
    Should I use rcv_transactions. If yes, what would be the join conditions.
    Kindly help as its urgent.
    Thanks in advance.

    Sandeep is correct. I don't have time to tell you the correct query, but mine is something like this based on Sandeep's information:
    SELECT rsh.receipt_num
    FROM   rcv_transactions      rcvt,
           po_lines_all          pla,
           rcv_shipment_headers  rsh
    WHERE  rcvt.shipment_header_id   = rsh.shipment_header_id
    AND    rcvt.PO_LINE_ID          = pla.PO_LINE_ID
    AND    pla.item_id              = (select distinct inventory_item_id
    from mtl_system_items
    where segment1 = '1216107-2')

  • How to assign a pricing type to the pricing procedure ?

    Business Scenario : When the prices change from the time the order is taken to the time the invoice is created, how can setup the system to  handle the changes automatically ? 
    I would like to know How to create a pricing type and How to assign a pricing type to the pricing procedure so that I can use the 'new pricing document' function in the sales document and 'Update prices' on the condition screens in the Billing document.
    Thanks for your input in advance.

    Hi !! Oscar,
    1) For pricing type definition you would require the help of a developer.
    2) However, most of the commonly occuring requirements are supplied with  standard SAP.
    You can assign a pricing type to pricing procedure as follows:-
    IMG>S & D >Basic Functions>Pricing>Pricing Control>Define & Assign pricing procedures>Maintain pricing procedure> Here, locate your pricing procedure , in the fourth coloumn using the drop down list, you can assign a pricing type to the pricing procedure.
    Now you can use the 'new pricing document' function in the sales document and 'Update prices' on the condition screens in the Billing document !
    Message was edited by:
            Pathik Pandya

  • How  to  crate a spool number for the abap program

    how  to  create a spool number for the abap program

    Check this thread
    how to create a spool requset for 'z program'.

  • How do I put page number at the center of the bottom of page one and the rest of the page numbers at top right corner?

    How do I put page number at the center of the bottom of page one and the rest of the page numbers at top right corner?

    Put a section break at the bottom of page 1
    Then insert your page number in the footer of page 1.
    Go to page 2 and click in the body of the text;
    Inspector > Layout > Section > uncheck Use Previous Headers & Footers > click in Header on page > insert > Page Number

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    how to assign static ip address to the server having solaris 10. i.e. nge0 i.e. ipshold be persistantt across reboots. what steps do i need to follow to put all information including gateway,netmask etc..Also i want to integrate one init script ..can i integrate it using /etc/init.d/<service name> like linux. and do chkconfig on it?i am not getting complex procedure of SPF and FMRI etc..can u help me?

    Create a file in your /etc directory called hostname.nge0. Add the hostname of your system to this file. In your /etc/hosts file, assign the static IP address you want to the same hostname. You can then disable and enable the network-physical service to configure the network interface:
    svcadm disable network-physical
    svcadm enable network-physical

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    Thanks in advance

    Use FND_USER_PKG.AddResp
    How to use FND_USER_PKG.AddResp
    Re: How to use FND_USER_PKG.AddResp
    single responsibility to all users
    Re: single responsibility to all users

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    Please Help!!!
    How to write a case statement for the totals column of two different years (2013 and 2014) of the same month so that I can get a +/- column.
                                      January 2014         January
    2013                            +/-
                    Region   Entry   Exit  Total    Entry   Exit   Total   (Total of Jan2014-Total of Jan2013)
                    A               2         3      
    40        5       7        30                    40-30= 10

    What is a table structure? Sorry cannot test it right now..
    SELECT <columns>,(SELECT Total FROM tbl WHERE Y=2014)-(SELECT Total FROM tbl WHERE Y=2013)
    FROM tbl
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
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    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

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    There is another setting for "Start Conversation from", that needs to be set to phone number.

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    Oooh, I lied. DefaultTableModel has an API for adding and
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    the API.
    As for preferring to extend AbstractTableModel rather than
    DefaultTableModel, I think it's more correct. DefaultTableModel
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    If someone who is listed in your contacts calls you, you will only see their name. This has nothing to do with the fact you're in Egypt. The only workaround I can see for this is to put the person's number in the name section of the contacts. In other words, put their first and last name in the first name section and their phone number in the last name section.

Maybe you are looking for