How to back up files on IpodTouch gen 3 & add files from 2 computers

I have a iPod Touch (Gen 3) and add files (video, music, photos etc.) frequently on the office computer. Now if I try to add files from my home computer, I would lose my existing files that are already on the iPod, right?
How can I do a backup of what I have so far?
Also how can I add files from my home computer without erasing the rest of the files?
What else can I do to make this easier?
Thank you in advance

See the following:
Using iPhone, iPad, or iPod with multiple computers
Note that you can one manage music on multiple computers.

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    From Here  >
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    See Here  >

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    If it backed up the lock file, then Lightroom was open when Time Machine ran, and the backup therefore may be corrupted.  You could try restoring that backup (without overwriting your week ago version) and see if it'll open.  If it does, you're off and running.  What methods have you tried?

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