How to be a BPX that is not 'nosy'...

Hello Folks:
I want to gather everyone's thoughts on the topic of delivering the bpx services 'diplomatically'. What I mean by that is finding a way for an IT person to present a business case in a consultative but non-intrusive way.
A common bottleneck in IT-Busines collaborations, especially those initiated by IT,  is - "Don't teach us how to do business" or "We have been doing this for years".
My experience is that showing the business process owners as-is and to-be models simultaneously helps. Also convincing is a collection of case studies with similar scenarios.
Anybody else with ideas to share?

Here are some of my thoughts ....
All of us know that most of the ERP's have build the business process based on the best practices around the world in various industries. So, what we see at a specific client place may not the best / efficient practice at all. However, there is a way to communicate the same and at the same time, it also matters who communicates. If the person is two years old in the industry and tries to go to a power user, who has been doing his thing for past 15 years, in more likelihood he and his suggestion will be neglected. However, if you have personal discussion with him and have him propose to the management the idea as if it was his and show the merits of the process change, I am sure he will take it and there by gets the confidence in you. It all boils down to your communication skills in this case.
Coming to your basic question of who should initiate the business process change, would it be the IT guy / buisness guy, I guess that will go hand in hand. For a business process expert that is his core competence, however if you are a IT consultant you would have seen the process being implemented in different ways at different customer places and probably have been able to figure the merits and demerits of process being implemented in a specific manner.
Ultimately, its all about keeping the cost down while making the process more and more efficient.
My 2 cents ....

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    I agree with Imp68.
    It still amazes me that in 2014 so many web sites are still not standards-compliant and instead insist on sniffing for the user-agent.  And, in the majority of cases, I've found that the websites work fine with any modern browser.
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    Message title was edited by: Brett N

    I think that if you select the Places view, the images shown are the ones that you have already placed. If you then click on Add Places (at the bottom) the filmstrip across the top shows the images that haven't been placed.
    If you then place one of those images, a small icon appears in the filmstrip until you next close that window (click on Done).
    Hope that helps

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