How to bind several Rowrepeaters at runtime ?

Hi Experts,
I have a context node with the following structure:
Tests (coordinality: 0..n, singletone: true)
Results (coordinality: 0..n, singletone: false)
I need to bind Results node of each TestsElement to its own RowRepeater at runtime.
I do not know the quantity of Tests elements because each time it is different.
I thought that the only solution is to create at runtime needed quantity of RowRepeaters and simply bind their datasources to
Tests.Results  context path. But it does not work and simple shows me all RowRepeaters with the last Test element Results node data.
Therefore i think that the only solution is to create all  RowRepeaters and Results nodes for each one of them at runtime and bind them at runtime.
The structure of the context will look like this:
Tests (coordinality: 0..n, singletone: true)
Results0 (coordinality: 0..n, singletone: true)
Resultsn (coordinality: 0..n, singletone: true)
I think it will work , but is there any other simpler solution for the problem ?

Since, during design time you have no idea how many element will be there at user Interface, so only solution is in WebDynpro
is implement the code at WdDoModifyView at runtime based on the database/data source condition it will automatically render the those number of element .
Now there are too many solution to achieve this ..[best with code help is here|] and [Dynamic UI Generation |]
(here UI context are diffent but logic is same for all the version 7.0 /7.1).
Best Regards
Satish Kumar

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    Try the static createAttributeListBinding() methods in JUTableBinding.

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    Here is some sample:
    code cs ViewModel:
    using System;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    using System.Text;
    using GestionDeContrats_Offres_ClientsGUI.VueModele;
    using System.Collections.ObjectModel;
    using System.Windows.Data;
    using System.ComponentModel;
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    using GestionDeContrats_Offres_Clients.GestionContrats;
    using System.Windows.Input;
    using GestionDeContrats_Offres_Clients.GestionModele;
    using GestionDeContrats_Offres_ClientsGUI.crm;
    using System.Data;
    namespace GestionDeContrats_Offres_ClientsGUI.VueModele
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
       public class GestionDeContratVueModele : VueModeleBase
            private readonly ObservableCollection<ContratVueModele> contrats;
            private readonly PagingCollectionView pagingView;
            private GestionDeContrat gestiondecontrat;
           /// <summary>
           /// Constructeur de la classe
           /// GestionDeContratVueModele
           /// </summary>
            public GestionDeContratVueModele() {
                    this.gestiondecontrat = new GestionDeContrat();
                    this.contrats = new ObservableCollection<ContratVueModele>();
                    foreach (contract contrat in this.gestiondecontrat.ListeDeContrat())
                       // this.contrats.Add(new ContratVueModele());
                             this.contrats.Add(new ContratVueModele() { NOMDUCONTRAT = contrat.title, DATEDEDEBUT = contrat.activeon.Value, DATEDEFIN
    = contrat.expireson.Value, LESTATUT = contrat.statecode.formattedvalue, });
                    this.pagingView = new PagingCollectionView(this.contrats, 3);
                    if (this.pagingView == null)
                        throw new NullReferenceException("pagingView");
                    this.currentpage = this.pagingView.CurrentPage;
                    this.pagingView.CurrentChanged += new EventHandler(pagingView_CurrentChanged);
                catch(System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException soapEx){
           /// <summary>
           /// </summary>
           /// <param name="sender"></param>
           /// <param name="e"></param>
            void pagingView_CurrentChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)
                //throw new NotImplementedException();
                    /// <summary>
            /// Propriété permettant de manipuler la
            ///Vue Modèle de la liste des contrats
            /// </summary>
            public ObservableCollection<ContratVueModele> Lescontrats
                    return this.contrats;
           code xaml:
           <UserControl x:Class="GestionDeContrats_Offres_ClientsGUI.VueModele.UserControlGestionContrat"
                 d:DesignHeight="300"  >
            <local:GestionDeContratVueModele  />
                <RowDefinition Height="30"/>
                <RowDefinition Height="40"/>
                <RowDefinition />
                <RowDefinition Height="40"/>
                    <ColumnDefinition Width="320"/>
                    <ColumnDefinition Width="40" />
                <TextBox Name="searchtexbox" Grid.Column="0"/>
                <Image Grid.Column="1" Source="/GestionDeContrats_Offres_ClientsGUI;component/Images/16_find.gif" />
            <ToolBar Grid.Row="1" Name="toolbarcontrat">
                <Button    Name="btNewContrat"  Click="btNewContrat_Click">
                        <Image Source="/GestionDeContrats_Offres_ClientsGUI;component/Images/plusvert.jpg" />
                        <Label Content="Nouveau" Grid.Column="1"/>
                <Button    Name="btCopierContrat" >
                        <Image Source="/GestionDeContrats_Offres_ClientsGUI;component/Images/editcopy.png" />
                        <Label Content="Copier" Grid.Column="1"/>
                <Button    Name="btSupprimerContrat" >
                        <Image Source="/GestionDeContrats_Offres_ClientsGUI;component/Images/delgreen16.jpg" />
                        <Label Content="Supprimer" Grid.Column="1"/>
                <Button    Name="btModifierContrat" >
                        <Image Source="/GestionDeContrats_Offres_ClientsGUI;component/Images/ico_18_4207.gif" />
                        <Label Content="Modifier" Grid.Column="1"/>
            <DataGrid Name="listViewContrat" Grid.Row="2" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Lescontrats, Mode=OneWay}"  IsSynchronizedWithCurrentItem="True" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
    CanUserReorderColumns="True" CanUserResizeColumns="True" CanUserSortColumns="True" CanUserAddRows="True" CanUserDeleteRows="True">
                    <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Nom du contrat" >
                                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=NOMDUCONTRAT, Mode=OneWay}"/>
                    <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Date de début" >
                                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=DATEDEDEBUT, Mode=OneWay}"/>
                    <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Date de fin"  >
                                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=DATEDEFIN, Mode=OneWay}"/>
                    <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Statut" >
                                <TextBlock Text="{Binding Path=LESTATUT,Mode=OneWay}"/>
                    <DataGridTemplateColumn Header="Statut avant" >
                                <TextBlock Text=""/>
            <StackPanel Grid.Row="3" Orientation="Horizontal">
                <Label Margin="2" Content=""/>
                <Button Content="Suivant" Name="btNext" Margin="2" />
                <Button Content="Précédent" Name="btPrevious" Margin="2"  />
     I include link to this usercontrol into MainWindow.xaml.

    I think what darnold was trying to say....
    Those very clever people who come up with insights on human behaviour have studied how many records a user can work with effectively.
    It turns out that they can't see thousands of records at once.
    Their advice is that one presents a maximum of 200-300 records at a time.
    What with maybe 40 fitting on a screen at a time. Few people like spending 20 minutes scrolling through a stack of data they're not interested in to find the one record they're after.
    Personally, I would use a treeview, set of combos or some such so the user can select what subset they are interested in and present just that.
    If you have a viewmodel which exposes an observable collection<t> as a public property you can bind the itemssource of a datagrid to that.
    Although UI controls have thread affinity, the objects in such a collection do not.
    That means you can use another thread to go get your data, add it to the observable collection, the fact it's an observable collection tells the view as records are added and it will show them. The ui will remain responsive.
    You can do this using skip and take to read a couple hundred records at a time and add those, pause and repeat for the next couple hundred records.  Use linq - skip and take.
    Please don't forget to upvote posts which you like and mark those which answer your question.
    My latest Technet article - Dynamic XAML

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    2. Case (CaseId, CaseNo)
    3. Petitioner (CaseId, PartyId) ............. Link Table
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    Hello Barry,
    Thanks a lot for responding to my query. As I am completely new to .Net and following the pattern of Microsoft's Employee Tracker sample it seems difficult to clearly understand the concept and implement it in a scenario which is different than what is in
    the sample available at the link you supplied.
    To get the idea of the thing here is my code behind of a view vBoxPetitioner:
    <UserControl x:Class="CCIS.View.Case.vBoxPetitioner"
    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:vmPetitioner}">
    <v:vPetitioner Margin="0,2,0,0" />
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Right">
    <TextBlock Margin="2">
    <Hyperlink Command="{Binding Path=AddPetitionerCommand}">Add Petitioner</Hyperlink>
    | <Hyperlink Command="{Binding Path=DeletePetitionerCommand}">Delete</Hyperlink>
    <ListBox BorderThickness="0" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=CurrentPetitioner, Mode=TwoWay}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=tblParties}" />
    This part is working fine as it loads another view that is vPetioner perfectly in the manner I want it to be.
    Here is the code of vmPetitioner, a ViewModel:
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
    Imports System
    Imports CCIS.Model.Party
    Namespace CCIS.ViewModel.Case
    ''' <summary>
    ''' ViewModel of an individual Email
    ''' </summary>
    Public Class vmPetitioner
    Inherits vmParty
    ''' <summary>
    ''' The Email object backing this ViewModel
    ''' </summary>
    Private petitioner As tblParty
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Initializes a new instance of the EmailViewModel class.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="detail">The underlying Email this ViewModel is to be based on</param>
    Public Sub New(ByVal detail As tblParty)
    If detail Is Nothing Then
    Throw New ArgumentNullException("detail")
    End If
    Me.petitioner = detail
    End Sub
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets the underlying Email this ViewModel is based on
    ''' </summary>
    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Model() As tblParty
    Return Me.petitioner
    End Get
    End Property
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets or sets the actual email address
    ''' </summary>
    Public Property fldPartyId() As String
    Return Me.petitioner.fldPartyId
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As String)
    Me.petitioner.fldPartyId = value
    End Set
    End Property
    End Class
    End Namespace
    And below is the ViewMode vmParty which vmPetitioner Inherits:
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports System
    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Imports CCIS.Model.Case
    Imports CCIS.Model.Party
    Imports CCIS.ViewModel.Helpers
    Namespace CCIS.ViewModel.Case
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Common functionality for ViewModels of an individual ContactDetail
    ''' </summary>
    Public MustInherit Class vmParty
    Inherits ViewModelBase
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets the underlying ContactDetail this ViewModel is based on
    ''' </summary>
    Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property Model() As tblParty
    '''' <summary>
    '''' Gets the underlying ContactDetail this ViewModel is based on
    '''' </summary>
    'Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property Model() As tblAdvocate
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets or sets the name of this department
    ''' </summary>
    Public Property fldName() As String
    Return Me.Model.fldName
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As String)
    Me.Model.fldName = value
    End Set
    End Property
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Constructs a view model to represent the supplied ContactDetail
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="detail">The detail to build a ViewModel for</param>
    ''' <returns>The constructed ViewModel, null if one can't be built</returns>
    Public Shared Function BuildViewModel(ByVal detail As tblParty) As vmParty
    If detail Is Nothing Then
    Throw New ArgumentNullException("detail")
    End If
    Dim e As tblParty = TryCast(detail, tblParty)
    If e IsNot Nothing Then
    Return New vmPetitioner(e)
    End If
    Return Nothing
    End Function
    End Class
    End Namespace
    And final the code behind of the view vPetitioner:
    <UserControl x:Class="CCIS.View.Case.vPetitioner"
    <ResourceDictionary Source=".\CompactFormStyles.xaml" />
    <Border Style="{StaticResource DetailBorder}">
    <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
    <TextBlock Grid.Column="0" Text="Petitioner:" />
    <ComboBox Grid.Column="1" Width="240" SelectedValuePath="." SelectedItem="{Binding Path=tblParty}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=PetitionerLookup}" DisplayMemberPath="fldName" />
    The problem, presumably, seems to be is that the binding path "PetitionerLookup" of the ItemSource of the Combo box in the view vPetitioner exists in a different ViewModel vmCase which serves as an ObservableCollection for MainViewModel. Therefore,
    what I need to Know is how to route the binding path if it exists in a different ViewModel?
    Sir, I look forward to your early reply bringing a workable solution to the problem I face. 
    Warm Regards,

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    I inserted into a dynamic PDF (Livecycle ES3 trial) an image field, but I don't understand how I can to bind a JPG into a database.
    In (F5) preview... I'm able to open a image file on filesystem and visualize it on PDF form... but then? How to bind on database?
    In my several tentatives I'm using a MS Access 2010 database table, where I defined a OLE object... but doesn't work.
    Thank you at all.

    I have not tried to do this, but this document provides some instructions.
    Hope it helps

  • How to bind value to lov based on the output from other lov

    HI all, i have 2 message choice Lov, i am selected a value from the 1st lov based on this value i am a executing a query, i want to display one of the attribute value from the query result in the second LOV. i am getting the attribute value correctly but i dont know how to bind that(display) in the 2nd LOV(at runtime).

    Read the dev guide LOV section, it should give you details about this implementation.

  • RE : How to bind to two interfaces

    You can advertise an environment on two ip addresses
    by using multiple IP addresses instead of one in
    FORTE_NS_ADDRESS. Specify the IP addresses separated by semicolon
    setenv FORTE_NS_ADDRESS ip1:5000;ip2:5010;ip3:5012
    You will also have to define FORTE_LOCATIONS to point
    to these IP addresses so that Forte runtime knows where
    to find the environment and services. In this case you
    will always use the socket number 0 to allow Forte to
    pick any available socket.
    Ajith Kallambella M.
    Subject: How to bind to two interfaces
    On one of our Solaris servers we are facing the problem that we have
    network interface cards in it.
    And we would like to access Forte on it through both cards. (avoid
    unnecessary network traffic)
    As far as I understand Forte needs a fix IP address to bind to (thus
    bound to one card).
    I tried to use as a jolly-joker for all cards, but failed.
    Has anybody an idea? Or is it a restriction?
    If so, does Forte plan to improve the product in this way?
    GA'BRIEL, A'kos ([email protected]) Fax: (+36-1) 4312-977
    UNIX & Internet consultant Phone: (+36-1) 4312-979
    To unsubscribe, email '[email protected]' with
    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
    Searchable thread archive
    Get Free Email and Do More On The Web. Visit
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    'unsubscribe forte-users' as the body of the message.
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    I assume you want to create multiple instance of your class.
    Assuming that you class is NOT a singleton then simply repeat the CREATE OBJECT statement as many times as you need.
    TYPES: begin of ty_s_class.
    TYPES: instance   TYPE REF TO zcl_myclass.
    TYPES: end of ty_s_class.
      lt_itab      TYPE STANDARD TABLE OF ty_s_class
                     WITH DEFAULT KEY,
      ls_record  TYPE ty_s_class.
      DO 10 TIMES.
        CLEAR: ls_record-instance.
        CREATE OBJECT ls_record-instance.
        APPEND ls_record TO lt_itab.

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    My application will work with Win 95 and 98?

    Oracle9i Forms is web-only. Forms 6i is the last release of Forms to have client/server and character mode.
    You can test Forms from the Builder by installing iDS. To deploy Forms using iAS follow the documentation. It's all there in the deployment guide.
    iAS and Forms doco can be found on OTN.
    Robin Zimmermann
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    hi karina--
    this, too, is javascript question. please see my answer to your previous post...
    Multiselect list (LOV)

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    I would like to know how to structure several scenes in Edge Animate properly. Something like a scene loader or unloader would be useful. Highly appriciate any hints to a solution.
    Thank you,

    resdesign wrote:
    You can also use edgecommons to load edge composition into another edge composition.
    Thank you to your tipp so I try to organize my scenes into compositions. I can successfully load a composition (scene2) into the main container :
    EC.loadComposition("scene2.html", sym.getSymbol("mainContainer"));
    Now I'm facing another situation. At the end of the loaded composition scene2 is a "Next Scene" button suppose to load scene3.html composition into the main container. "Next Scene" is a nested button inside the loaded composition screen2 symbol. How do I load the next compostion from the current one? This code for On Click of course does not work:
    EC.loadComposition("scene3.html", sym.getSymbol("mainContainer"));
    I think the refer to the mainContainer is wrong. Is it just a targeting issue or is it the wrong approach in general?

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    Why are you using a null layout? Wouldn't having a layout manager help you in this situation?

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          Read and write one text file is not a problem, but  what confusies me is how to read several text files at one time, in the meanwhile,
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    For example, assuming I want to load file" cha 1, cha 2 , cha 3, " at one time and show their names, how to hadle with it
    I have reviewed some files and it is not helpful

    Either with a 'for' loop like in the lib you have attached, or like this attached VI
    that's it
    Message Edited by devchander on 05-30-2006 05:11 AM

  • How to bind a UI element to the context

    Hi Experts,
               I have a problem binding UI element to the context. In my code i have to create TabStrips dynamically and under this tabstrip number of UI elements would be there. For this i have a code like this..
    IWDTransparentContainer theActionContainer =(IWDTransparentContainer)view.getElement("RootUIElementContainer");
         IWDTabStrip ts = (IWDTabStrip) view.createElement(IWDTabStrip.class,"TabStrip");
              IWDTab tab1 = (IWDTab) view.createElement(IWDTab.class,"Tab1");
              IWDInputField in = (IWDInputField) view.createElement(IWDInputField.class,"in");
              IWDCaption header1 = (IWDCaption) view.createElement(IWDCaption.class,"Header1");
              IWDTab tab2 = (IWDTab) view.createElement(IWDTab.class,"Tab2");
              IWDInputField in2 = (IWDInputField) view.createElement(IWDInputField.class,"in2");
              IWDCaption header2 = (IWDCaption) view.createElement(IWDCaption.class,"Header2");
    <b>when i run this code it is giving following exceptions..</b>
    The initial exception that caused the request to fail, was: Property 'value' of AbstractInputField with id 'in' in view 'LoginView' must be bound to the context
        ... 63 more Property 'value' of AbstractInputField with id 'in' in view 'LoginView' must be bound to the context
    From these exceptions what  i understood is, i need to bind these UI elements to context.
       Can any body tell me how to bind a UI element to the context if I understood the exceptions correct..
    Thanks in Advance,

    lets say Ctx is your context attribute,
    IWDAttributeInfo attrInfo = wdContext.getNodeInfo.getAttribute("Ctx");
    then , as per your code,
    IWDInputField in = (IWDInputField) view.createElement(IWDInputField.class,"in");
    if your contex attribute is child of some other node then do like this,
    IWDAttributeInfo attrInfo = wdContext.getNodeInfo.getChildNode("SalesOrder",0)getAttribute("Ctx");
    //this is when Ctx is child of node SalesOrder, and we are taking Ctx from its 0th element
    then ,
    IWDInputField in = (IWDInputField) view.createElement(IWDInputField.class,"in");
    include this in your code ,
    let me know if you face any problem
    reward points if it helps

  • How to bind an aggregated list to a variable in an IN or ANY clause

    Hello, and thank you for helping -
    I have a process that involves a parameter assertion, the result of which is a string for an IN or ANY clause. I am not able to figure out how to bind the result of the assertion to to executable SQL. The actual business process is long and laborious and, I decided, not worth explaining for the purpose of this forum. I have abstracted the process into some dummy data. The goal is to bind v_any_condition to :a. I could certainly build the SQL without the binding, but I would be very interested to know just the same what I am missing here (I'm sure something simple, or just a basic SQL rules that I have missed).
    -- The goal is to bind v_any_condition in an ANY clause
    v_any_condition VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT '4,9,d'; -- the three rows to return from the sample data
    -- v_any_condition VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT DBMS_ASSERT.ENQUOTE_LITERAL('4')||','||
    v_sql varchar2(2048);
    -- We'll create a simple cursor of VARCHAR2(1) just like DUAL.DUMMY
    rc sys_refcursor;
    rc_record dual%ROWTYPE;
    v_counter NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
    BEGIN -- Build the SQL. In this example, we decompose an aggregated string
    -- containing the first 16 hex numbers. The result is a simple 16-row table
    -- from which we will attempt to return the three rows by binding
    -- v_any_condition to ANY in the SQL below.
    v_sql := '
    SELECT token
    FROM ( -- materialize the list
    WITH t AS (SELECT ''0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f'' AS txt FROM DUAL)
    -- then decompose the list into rows
    SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR (txt, ''[^,]+'', 1, LEVEL) AS token
    FROM t
    /* WHERE token = ANY(''4'',''9'',''d'') */ -- hardcoding works
    WHERE token = ANY(:a) -- binding does not work; the goal is to get this to work '
    OPEN rc FOR v_sql USING v_any_condition; -- when binding, we never even enter the loop
    v_counter := v_counter + 1;
    FETCH rc INTO rc_record;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (v_counter || ': '||rc_record.dummy);
    Edited by: ltps on Jan 9, 2012 4:28 PM

    Superb. Thank you very much.
    For anyone who is interested in the solution I chose, here is the revised SQL that accepts a list as a bind variable after casting the list as a table. The "split string" code is below that. (What look like double quotes in the block below are actually consecutive single quotes.)
    v_any_condition VARCHAR2(30) DEFAULT '4,9,d';
    v_sql varchar2(2048);
    rc sys_refcursor;
    rc_record dual%ROWTYPE;
    v_counter NUMBER DEFAULT 0;
    v_sql := '
    SELECT token
    FROM (
    WITH t AS (SELECT ''0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f'' AS txt FROM DUAL)
    -- then decompose the list into rows
    SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR (txt, ''[^,]+'', 1, LEVEL) AS token
    FROM t
    WHERE cst.column_value = token'
    OPEN rc FOR v_sql USING v_any_condition;
    v_counter := v_counter + 1;
    FETCH rc INTO rc_record;
    DBMS_OUTPUT.PUT_LINE (v_counter || ': '||rc_record.dummy);
    -- And the main SQL, just for clarity:
    SELECT token
    FROM (
    WITH t AS (SELECT '0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f' AS txt FROM DUAL)
    SELECT REGEXP_SUBSTR (txt, '[^,]+', 1, LEVEL) AS token
    FROM t
    WHERE cst.column_value = token;
    p_string VARCHAR2
    , p_delimiter VARCHAR2 DEFAULT ','
    l_idx PLS_INTEGER;
    l_string VARCHAR2(32767) := p_string;
    l_value VARCHAR2(32767);
    l_idx := INSTR ( l_string, p_delimiter );
    IF l_idx > 0 THEN
    pipe ROW ( SUBSTR ( l_string, 1, l_idx - 1 ) );
    l_string := SUBSTR ( l_string, l_idx + LENGTH (p_delimiter) );
    PIPE ROW ( l_string);
    END IF;

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