How to boot Windows 8 with UEFI on my ThinkPad?

Last week I received Samsung 840 Pro SSD. I replace the old HD with new SSD on my W520. I install Windows 8 on it, but seems like my BIOS is not set to UEFI. I see ThinkPad logo when I boot. Is it possible to turn on UEFI without re-installing windows 8?

dusshyi wrote:
Is it possible to turn on UEFI without re-installing windows 8?
Regarding this last question: yes, it's possible. Tutorial:
If I helped you, please give me some kudos! ^^

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  • Advice on dual-booting Windows 7 with UEFI motherboard

    I'm going to build a desktop PC tomorrow, having finally purchased all the parts for it. I'll be installing Arch as my main OS, and Windows for gaming. However I'm not really versed in UEFI and its uses, advantages/disadvantages; since my laptop just uses BIOS.
    My plan is to have 3 drives: 32GB SSD for the / partition, 1TB HDD for /home, and 500GB for Windows 7 x64 Ultimate.
    Being unused to UEFI I was thinking about trying to just run everything in BIOS/Legacy mode, but that doesn't seem very sensible to me, especially since I have the hardware so I might as well use it.
    So, reading the wiki and forums have led me to conclude that having a 1GB EFI System Partition on the SSD should be sufficient, and use gummiboot for my bootloader.
    Other reading about setting up dual boots suggests to me that installing Windows 7 on its own HDD with MBR partitioning and Arch on a separate (set of) drive(s) with GPT partitioning will be sufficient. The reason being that if the BIOS is set up to boot sda, which has GRUB as its bootloader, using GRUB I can choose to boot into Windows despite it being on a separate hard drive.
    My questions are (and it occurs to me that I am in the most part just looking to have my ideas confirmed):
    1. Have I gotten this all completely wrong?
    2. If I'm correct, can the above system of using GRUB on one drive to boot up an OS on another drive be applied to UEFI?
    3. Has anybody tried/succeeded/failed to dual-boot in this fashion before me, and if so what did they do?
    Thanks one and all! Hopefully I've made myself clear enough here

    billodwyer wrote:Being unused to UEFI I was thinking about trying to just run everything in BIOS/Legacy mode, but that doesn't seem very sensible to me, especially since I have the hardware so I might as well use it.
    Using BIOS/CSM/legacy mode can work fine; however, it will probably slow down the boot process by a few seconds, and it will close off some possible future (and even current) advantages, as EFI support in Linux is improved.
    So, reading the wiki and forums have led me to conclude that having a 1GB EFI System Partition on the SSD should be sufficient, and use gummiboot for my bootloader.
    A 1GB ESP is more than sufficient. In terms of space requirements, 100-500MB is enough, depending on how you use the ESP; but various bugs and default settings make me recommend 550MiB as a good size. Bigger is OK, but wastes some disk space.
    A bigger issue is that the ESP won't really benefit much from being on your SSD, since it's read once at boot time. The biggest advantage to putting the ESP on the SSD in your setup is that if you use gummiboot, you'll also have to put the Linux kernel and initrd file on the ESP, so having them on an SSD will speed up the boot process by about 1-5 seconds. Overall, I'd probably put the ESP on one of the spinning disks.
    One more comment: gummiboot can launch boot loaders from its own partition but not from other partitions. This can work fine if you plan things carefully, but with three disks and two OSes, you must be absolutely positive that Windows uses the ESP on which gummiboot is installed. I'm not an expert on Windows installation, so I can't offer any specific pointers or caveats on this. If you need something with more flexibility, both rEFInd and GRUB can redirect the boot process to other partitions or physical disks. rEFInd can also redirect from an EFI-mode boot to a BIOS/CSM/legacy-mode boot. (See below.) Overall, rEFInd's flexibility on this score is a plus compared to gummiboot; but gummiboot is covered in the Arch wiki's beginner's guide, which is a plus. You'll have to pick which advantage you prefer. (Note that I'm rEFInd's maintainer, so I'm not unbiased.)
    Other reading about setting up dual boots suggests to me that installing Windows 7 on its own HDD with MBR partitioning and Arch on a separate (set of) drive(s) with GPT partitioning will be sufficient. The reason being that if the BIOS is set up to boot sda, which has GRUB as its bootloader, using GRUB I can choose to boot into Windows despite it being on a separate hard drive.
    This is an unworkable idea, at least as stated and if you want to do an EFI-mode boot. Windows ties the partition table type to the boot mode: Windows boots from MBR disks only in BIOS mode, and from GPT disks only in EFI mode. Thus, using MBR for the Windows disk will require a BIOS/CSM/legacy-mode installation of Windows. Furthermore, neither gummiboot nor GRUB can redirect from EFI mode to BIOS mode (or vice-versa), so if you do it this way, you'll be forcing yourself to boot Linux in BIOS mode, to switch between BIOS-mode and EFI-mode boots at the firmware level (which isn't always easily controlled), or to use rEFInd to redirect from an EFI-mode boot to a BIOS-mode Windows boot.
    Overall, you're best off either using GPT for all your disks and booting all your OSes in EFI mode or using MBR for Windows (and perhaps all your disks) and using BIOS-mode booting for all your OSes.
    Under EFI, the boot process is controlled by settings in the NVRAM, which you can adjust with "efibootmgr" in Linux, "bcfg" in an EFI shell, or "bcdedit" in Windows. (The Arch wiki covers the basics at least efibootmgr and bcfg.) In a typical dual-boot setup, you tell the computer to launch your preferred boot manager (EFI-mode GRUB, rEFInd, or gummiboot, most commonly), which then controls the boot process. You set up boot loaders for all your OSes on one or more ESPs. (Note: A boot manager lets you choose which boot loader to run, and a boot loader loads the kernel into memory. GRUB is both a boot manager and a boot loader. rEFInd and gummiboot are both boot managers. The EFI stub loader, ELILO, and the EFI version of SYSLINUX are all boot loaders but not boot managers. Most EFIs include their own boot manager, but it's usually primitive and awkward to use. It's also not standardized, so my computer's built-in boot manager is likely to be different from yours. Thus, I recommend against relying on the built-in boot manager for anything but launching your preferred boot manager.) Thus, the lowest-common-denominator type of setup is to put your preferred boot manager, the Windows boot loader, and a Linux boot loader (which could mean your Linux kernel) on a single ESP. If you want to use multiple ESPs or otherwise split things up, you cannot use gummiboot as the boot manager, since it can't redirect the boot process from one partition to another. (Many EFIs can do this with their own built-in boot managers, but this isn't guaranteed, and it's usually more awkward than using rEFInd or GRUB.)
    I know this can be a lot to absorb. The official rules aren't really all that complex, but different EFIs interpret the rules differently, and the different capabilities of the various boot managers and boot loaders creates a lot of subtle implications for how you set everything up.
    1. Have I gotten this all completely wrong?
    Significant parts of it, I'm afraid; see above. You're working under BIOS assumptions, which don't apply to EFI.
    2. If I'm correct, can the above system of using GRUB on one drive to boot up an OS on another drive be applied to UEFI?
    GRUB can do this, but gummiboot can't. You set one of those (or something else, like rEFInd) as your primary boot manager. Using both GRUB and gummiboot adds unnecessary complexity, IMHO. OTOH, setting up multiple boot managers or boot loaders is possible, and can give you a fallback in case one fails. For instance, there's a known bug that affects 3.7 and later kernels, mostly on Lenovo computers, that causes the EFI stub loader to fail sometimes. Thus, if you use rEFInd, gummiboot, or the EFI's own boot manager to launch the kernel via the EFI stub loader, having GRUB, ELILO, or SYSLINUX set up as a fallback can provide helpful insurance in case a kernel upgrade causes your normal boot process to fail.
    3. Has anybody tried/succeeded/failed to dual-boot in this fashion before me, and if so what did they do?
    Many people dual-boot Windows and Linux under EFI. There are a huge number of possible solutions. My own Windows/Linux dual-boot system uses:
    rEFInd's EFI filesystem drivers
    Linux kernels on Linux-native /boot partitions (two partitions, one for each of the two distributions installed on that computer)
    The Windows boot loader on the ESP
    This works well for me, but it wouldn't work with gummiboot instead of rEFInd, since gummiboot can't redirect the boot process to another partition. (gummiboot also can't automatically load filesystem drivers.) Arch Linux users who use gummiboot often mount the ESP at /boot, which enables gummiboot to easily launch the Linux kernel. Doing this with multiple Linux distributions would be awkward, though, since you'd end up with two distributions' kernels in the same directory.

  • T440P Dual Boot Windows 8 with Centos 7

    So I have a T440p with Windows 8 installed. I have been trying to dual boot Centos 7 and also have attempted Centos 6.5. I have been using a bottable USB to perform the installation for both Centos 7 and 6.5.
    When I try the Centos 7 install, I set the boot priority to USB first on startup, and it goes to a screen that lists options to install, verify Centos 7 or troubleshoot. Upon selecting any of these options, everytime I get the error message:
    "alua: not attached"
    When attempting the Centos 6.5 Live DVD install, I try to boot into the Live mode, but it freezes in the process each time.
    I have heard about there being issues dual booting Windows 8 in UEFI mode with another Linux Distrobution.
    Has anyone here sucessfully dual-booted Centos or any other Linux Distrobution on a T440P?
    Any help/advice would be much appreciated.

    It's been many, many years since I don't do dual boot anymore. Don't find the reason to do it, either. Different kinds of virtualization should be enough. Anyway...
    dfw1417 wrote:
    It took over 2 days to figure out how to adjust the bios to get my win 7 pro DVD to boot and install dual boot on this GREAT MACHINE!!
    ENJOY! This is the BEST machine I ever had!
    WHICH machine?
    If I helped you, please give me some kudos! ^^

  • Dual Booting Windows 7 with pre-installed Windows 8 Laptop

    Hi All,
    Just after a bit of advice, my girlfriend has recently got a new laptop and unfortunately she doesn't like it, despite me loving Windows 8.1.
    She would like to try Windows 8 but is going back to Uni soon so would like Windows 7 as a back-up dual booted.
    I've shrunk the partition and created a simple partition for Windows 7 but really unsure about Installing Windows 7 on a Windows 8 Laptop, it's an ASUS X550CA-XX417H. I've checked power shell with SecureBootUEFI and result is True.
    What would be the best way to dual boot?

    Hi Ben,
    Here is a detailed guide for your reference:
    How to Dual Boot Windows 8 with Windows 7
    This response contains a reference to a third party World Wide Web site. Microsoft is providing this information as a convenience to you. Microsoft does not control these sites and has not tested any software or information found on
    these sites; therefore, Microsoft cannot make any representations regarding the quality, safety, or suitability of any software or information found there.
    Hope this could be helpful.
    Kate Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Dual Boot Windows 7 with preinstalled Windows 8 on GPT-formatted hard disk and UEFI BIOS.

    Question for Jordon Wees,
    You wrote: I can successfully install both operating
    systems in UEFI mode, with Windows 7 on the first partition and Windows 8 on
    the second partition. <o:p></o:p>
    But I couldn´t!<o:p></o:p>
    Could you please provide me how to install Windows 7
    64 bit on a PC that already has Windows 8 64 bit preinstalled?<o:p></o:p>
    I have also a GPT-formatted hard disk with UEFI BIOS
    but I get the error message that windows can´t install Windows 7 on the disk
    because it is a GPT-formatted hard disk.<o:p></o:p>
    I don´t understand this because it is a GPT-formatted
    hard disk with Windows 8 on it!<o:p></o:p>
    I can´t change the hard disk to MBR format because I
    will lose Widows 8 and all other partitions.<o:p></o:p>
    In the BIOS for the storage dives Boot´ option I
    selected the: only UEFI, I could also select the option ´first UEFI´ but it doesn´t
    change the failure of installing Windows 7.<o:p></o:p>
    Thanks, Sia

    If I am reading your issue correctly. Windows 8 came pre-installed on a computer with a hard disk setup as a GPT with UEFI configured.
    If this is the case then the outcome you are experiencing is correct.
    Windows 7 does not inherently have the ability to install into a GPT disk from the base installation. 
    The Windows 7 DVD is designed to install using BIOS mode.
    Also note that Windows 7 x86 does not support UEFI mode.
    These two articles below may help you.
    MCTS: Windows 7
    MCITP: Windows 7 Enterprise Administration
    MCSA: Windows 7

  • How can I dual-boot Windows 7 with pre-Instal​led Windows 8.1

    Hi, I have a Toshiba Satellite C55-B5362 with pre-installed Windows 8.1.
    Make DualBoot Windows 7 and Windows 8.1 (both 64 bit), so, I don't know how to do this. If I set BIOS to CMOS and Install Windows 7 disabling Secureboot, I will lost all the pre-installed Windows 8.1 and the OEM licence.
    and other question... if the upper is not possible. Okay. I will delete Windows 8.1 and Install Windows 7 permanently until Windows 10 is released, but.... If I have Windows 7 with CMOS BIOS and SecureBoot disabled, then supposing that I could have problems with Windows 7, and I want to upgrade to Windows 8.1 again, and supposing that I have a Recovery Partition backed in a USB drive, what can I do for re-install OEM Windows 8.1 and the licence.
    Go to Solution.

    As I said above... will need to install essentially all of them to make that laptop work as designed.
    ..install the TVAP before any other Toshiba utility.

  • Cannot boot Windows 7 from UEFI bootable usb

    I need to install Windows 7 in UEFI mode using USB flash drive and for this purpose:
    - created Windows 7 UEFI bootable USB using Rufus application
    - In BIOS choosed UEFI Hybrid boot option with CSM
    - disabled switchable graphics
    - disabled fast boot
    - secure boot is disabled
    When I reboot and choose to boot from the USB using F9 boot menu, the computer continues to load my current system from my HDD and not the UEFI from the USB.
    (I used the same USB and Windows 7 and succesfully installed windows in UEFI mode on my desktop machine but the laptop doesn`t want to recognize the USB as a bootable.)
    I tried to put the USB on different slots but that doesn`t help.
    Tried to boot from the UEFI USB drive in Legacy boot mode in BIOS, but no result.
    My sistem is as follows:
    System Model HP ProBook 4540s
    BIOS Version/Date Hewlett-Packard 68IRR Ver. F.40, 29-Jan-13
    SMBIOS Version 2.7
    System Type x64-based PC
    Processor Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-3230M CPU @ 2.60GHz, 2601 Mhz, 2 Core(s), 4 Logical Processor(s)
    I searched the HP forum and the internet for a solution but nothing helps.
    Cindly ask for support. Do anyone have or resolved the same problem?

    UEFI will not permit Windows 7 install did you disable that to Legacy Bios boot?
    If not sure follow this help?
    Boot to UEFI Mode or Legacy BIOS mode
    I am a Volunteer to help others on here-not a HP employee.
    Replies aren't online 24/7 because of Time Zone differences.
    Remember in this Day and Age of Computing the Internet is Knowledge at your fingertips if you choose understand it. -2015-

  • First boot of PC with UEFI

    I have just completed my first homebuilt PC.
    One thing I didn't realize is that the Asrock motherboard used, has UEFI
    instead of regular BIOS.
    The Arch live CD, from which I have installed a couple of systems on other machines
    clearly does not work with UEFI.
    I have searched ArchWiki and Internet and learnt more about UEFI in general but so far
    I've found nothing on how to boot a new/empty machine from live CD when only UEFI
    is present...
    A slight pointer in the right direction would be most welcome...

    I've been trying things and I think I'm getting somewhere!  Both the following comments were most useful!
    cfr wrote:Archboot should boot in UEFI mode. (I don't know if you can boot it in legacy mode.)
    I haven't used Archboot myself but have you tried it on a USB stick instead? If it can't find your CD...
    Da_Coynul wrote:Here's how it worked for me:  place the Archboot CD in the drive and press F11 to get to the boot menu.  All drives should be listed.  The CD drive is actually listed twice - once with drive name by itself and again with UEFI before the drive name.  Select the UEFI drive and proceed from there.
    If you are not seeing this, I would check the drive with another live CD to make sure there is not a problem with the Archboot CD or the drive itself.
    The Archboot live CD works fine on my everyday PC. So I'm definitely beginning to doubt the SATA DVD burner on my new, homemade machine. from which I've been trying to boot with the Archboot live CD.(and quite a few others), without joy.
    On pressing F11 during POST The drive only appears in the boot device list as SATA:  and not as UEFI:.
    A USB stick, on the contrary, does appear in the list both as USB : and as UEFI:
    I can switch to the stick when in the EFI Shell. Having made the USB stick current in the shell with fs0:, it is possible to use all the usual commands, ls, cd, type,
    there's even a respectable full screen text editor (edit). This shell is also given in the list of boot devices, as "UEFI: Built-in EFI Shell" so maybe its also possible to boot from the shell, somehow???
    I shall now find out how to boot from USB stick and hopefully sort the DVD burner out later.
    Thanks once more for the help !

  • How To Boot Windows 7 from Windows 7 DOS Prompt?

    I got hit by the GVU virus.  Spent a week poking around and made some interesting discoveries!
    The GVU virus appears to lock you out of your computer always going to a page in german demanding 100 euros to restore it.
    If you reboot while pressing F8 you can get to the debug page which lists several options including boot to DOS prompt.
    Select this option.
    Windows 7 will boot and ask you to login.  Do this.
    Your computer will now go to the DOS prompt.
    On a second computer I installed an up to date copy of Spybot.  Using explorer I found the Spybot directory tree under Program files and copied it to a jump drive.
    Remove the jump drive from the second computer and insert it in your sick computer.
    On the sick computer you are at the DOS Prompt. Type explorer and press enter.
    A window will open similar to windows 7 explorer.  Right clicks will not work, but you will find all the usual right click menu items under Files and Edit on the menu bar.
    Click View then Refresh to display your jump drive.  You may have to do this a couple of times, but your jump drive will appear in the usual spot.
    Select the spybot directory on your jump drive and launch spybot.  Run a systems scan and delete every thing it finds.  Do this step Several times.
    Reboot your computer.
    Select Boot windows as normal.
    It will ask you to login in. Do so.
    Your computer will boot to explorer, the version that you saw in step 9.
    Press CTL + ALT + Delete then select Task Manager
    Task Manager will launch.  If you click the process tab you will see only ten or so processes are running.
    Click on the applications tab, then in the bottom right corner click on the button New Task.
    Type win and press enter.
    You will notice that the number of processes will jump to 90 give or take.  When CPU use drops to 5% again or there abouts click new task again.
    You are now in windows 7 minus the task bar but with networking etc.
    Enter a windows program such as Outlook and press enter.  Outlook will boot and run perfectly.  I suspect that most windows programs will also run perfectly.
    I know if you boot from your windows 7 DVD you can repair your system to normal.  My question is can I do this without the disk?  At this point I can do all my usual tasks, just without the convenience of the task bar and start button.  I
    am in the middle of unpacking from a move, cannn't find my Windows 7 install disk.  I am so close to getting this computer back to running normally but I am not sure what to do next.  Can someone help?
    Bob Jones

    If you system files are corrupted, we can use SFC to fix missing and corrupted system file:
    this could be performed in command prompt mode.
    If you have any feedback on our support, please click
    Alex Zhao
    TechNet Community Support

  • How to install Windows 7 in UEFI modeand what bios settings for D30

    How do you install windows 7 in UEFI mode and what bios settings do I need to install it on a D30 workstation.

    Not a ThinkStation guy, but FWIW, that can happen when installing Win 7 in UEFI mode when CSM support is not enabled in BIOS.
    Is CSM support - either explicit or by selecting "other OS" and turning UEFI back on as suggested above - an option?
    The large print: please read the Community Participation Rules before posting. Include as much information as possible: model, machine type, operating system, and a descriptive subject line. Do not include personal information: serial number, telephone number, email address, etc.  The fine print: I do not work for, nor do I speak for Lenovo. Unsolicited private messages will be ignored. ... GeezBlog
    English Community   Deutsche Community   Comunidad en Español   Русскоязычное Сообщество

  • [SOLVED] dual booting windows 7 with btrfs on grub-bios -- core.img

    I am trying to install arch in a dual boot configuration with an existing windows 7 partition. I have everything from the beginner's guide done but the bootloader. When I run grub-install it tells me that core.img is too big.
    Some googling tells me that this is relatively common with btrfs, and it seems the only work around is to switch to gpt mode and use a grub bios partition. But the info I've seen indicates that I need to use MBR mode to dual boot windows.
    Is it safe to do this with windows? Is there another workaround? Or will I have to settle for ext4?
    Last edited by jorenko (2013-06-09 03:53:24)

    Well there's your problem, your first partition starts at sector 63.  With recent versions of windows and fdisk (and every other partitioning tool I can think of off the top of my head) things now align themselves correctly.  Also because there is now GPT, the first partition typically starts later as the GPT partition table will typically sit between the MBR and the first partition. 
    On a MBR partitioned system, grub2 will actually use the first 446 bytes like normal, but will then also use the space that is empty where GPT would sit.  This is why when you have a GPT partitioned system, it will require you to create a 1-2MB grub boot partition, as it needs somewhere else to put its bloat.  GPT actually still uses the MBR section, but simply creates one large partition covering the whole disk.  This is so that tools that are not GPT aware will not think that they have a whole free disk to use as they please.
    For comparison, here is whe I get from fdisk:
    # fdisk -l /dev/sda
    sudo fdisk -l /dev/sda
    [sudo] password for curtisshima:
    WARNING: fdisk GPT support is currently new, and therefore in an experimental phase. Use at your own discretion.
    Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes, 488397168 sectors
    Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disk label type: gpt
    # Start End Size Type Name
    1 2048 2099199 1G EFI System EFI System
    2 2099200 252166798 119.2G Linux filesyste arch-btrfs-1
    3 252168192 488397134 112.7G Linux filesyste arch-btrfs-3
    Note that I do use GPT.  But that is not the point here. What I am trying to show is where my first partition starts.  This is also where fdisk will start partitions these days.  This is to ensure compatibility with 4k advanced format disks.
    If you are not dead set on Grub2, you could try using syslinux.  I really like it much better, though if you are booting more than one Linux, you need to either employ chainloading to various partition boot records, or have a shared /boot.  Having a windows partition doens't really matter, as you are simply chainloading to that funky reserved partition anyway. 
    The other option is to use grub-legacy, which can still be found in the AUR.  I actually liked the orginal Grub, as it provided a nice feature set, but was still configurable by hand and it actually fit into the MBR.

  • CHKDSK intermittent launching on booting (Windows 7 with Bootcamp 3.0)

    Hi fella,
    I recently downgraded from Windows 7 to Vista SP2 because my MBA had struggled with an annoying problem: Windows 7 with Bootcamp 3.0 intermittently launches CHKDSK on booting. I tested XP and Vista and realized that this problem happens only on Windows 7. I assume that Bootcamp 3.0 has a problem with Windows 7 in terms of managing GPT partition table (or maybe Windows 7 bug?). I hope this problem is solved in the next update of Bootcamp 3.X (for Windows 7) and would wait for an official release of the update. Anybody experienced the same problem?

    Force a chkdsk
    chkdsk C: /f
    Change "C" to what your system drive is.
    Boot from your system disk for Windows if it still happens.
    Next step is to scan for bad blocks, then move on to recertify the drive.
    But I would not be using the drive, and unless it is totally benign and erroneous, looking for a patch or fix. Definitely not from Windows Update.
    I've had drives that really should be certified and extended test - in Windows - to look for bad sectors before using or installing a system.
    If it is an issue with dual-boot and you shrunk Vista to make room, EasyBCD along with Windows DVD might help.
    If something is interferring with shutdown and not writing out changes that are cached, might look in that direction.
    Last, if you upgraded from Vista, maybe a custom clean install again. Backup your data with Windows Easy Transfer first and reinstall system and apps afterwards.
    Maybe Windows backup image and restore, or Norton Ghost 15 comes out tomorrow. Not sure I'd trust WinClone, Windows 7 made changes, and there is now a 100MB system recovery partition... which I'm surprised it doesn't automatically ask to use.

  • How to Boot a MacBookPro with Ubuntu v10.10 on USB drive??

    With Unbuntu v10.10 on my USB jump drive plugged into my MacBook Pro (OS X v10.6.6) & holding down the "alt" key during power-up, only the MacBook internal hard drive is available for selection.
    Also tried holding down "command" + "option" + "F" + "0" during power up to access EFI but system boots as normal with no Bios or EFI settings available to change boot device. Plus using Statup Disk under System Preference shows only the MacBook Internal Hard Drive or Network as options, no USB.
    Am I doing something wrong or is there another way to boot Ubuntu v10.10 from a USB jump drive on my MacBook Pro?

    the easy step is boot linux with usb in a mac, the hard step is this run well configured, and you can run all features of you computer booting from a usb.
    You cannot boot a MBR disc from USB, but you can boot an efi disc. You nees install grub-efi, and run it. If your mac is old, is possible that you cannot boot grub-efi from the efi boot particion (the first, that it is fomat in FAT32), and in this case, you need an HFS+ for boot grub-efi.
    You can read this topic of ubuntu forums:
    and in the grub web, has a wiki that you can learn how to configure the grub-efi and how to boot it in mac.
    Good luck!

  • How to erase Windows partition with Boot Camp

    I used Boot camp to create windowsXP partition, but windows got corrupted and I want to go back to zero by having boot camp erase the windows partition. The boot camp instruction setup guide says to open boot camp assistant, Introduction window and click on the third category " Restore the startup disk to a single volume". However, when I open Boot Camp Assistant there is no Introduction window as shown in the printed guide. Where do I find this so I can restore to a single volume again?
    iMac Intel   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    Try downloading the brand new Boot Camp version that Apple just posted within the past week (1.1.2 IIRC). Install the new version and it should give you the introduction screen again where you can remove the Windows partition.

  • Can't dual boot windows 7 with windows 8 on Thinkpad edge S430

    I am desperately trying to install windows 7 from USB.
    I need it to dual boot with windows 8.
    I obtained a windows 7 iso from MSDNAA: (en_windows_7_professional_with_sp1_x64_dvd_u_676939.iso)
    I made a bootable UEFI USB with rufus on a Sandisk U3 Cruzer (8GB)
    Now in BIOS I disabled secure boot  but I can't select my USB, I can select it, press enter, the screen flickers but jumps back to the first entry in the boot list.
    The USB is displayed without "UEFI:" in front.
    Selecting "legacy" in boot mode works but I can't install windows 7, the setup shows al the partitions but says: "Windows cannot be installed to this disk. The selected disk is not of the GPT partition style".
    That's it, I just can't install windows 7... 
    Go to Solution.

    Ok got it working:
    a U3 Cruzer is NOT a good bootable USB!
    csm should be enabled in BIOS.
    secure boot should be DISABLED in BIOS.
    (My problem was csm and the bad USB)

Maybe you are looking for