How to call a class method from a jsp page?

Hi all,
i would like to create a basic jsp page in jdev 1013 that contains a button and a text field. When clicking the button, i would like to call a method that returns a string into the text field.
The class could be something like this:
public class Class1 {
public String getResult() {
return "Hello World";
How do i go about this?

Here is a sample:
HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Test JDBC for Oracle Support</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>
<%@ page import="java.sql.*, oracle.jdbc.*, oracle.jdbc.pool.OracleDataSource" %>
<% if (request.getParameter("user")==null) { %>
<FORM method="post" action="testjdbc.jsp">
<H1>Enter connection Parameters</H1>
<H5>Please enter host name:</H5><INPUT TYPE="text" name="hostname" value="localhost" />
<H5>Please enter port number:</H5><INPUT TYPE="text" name="port" value="1521" />
<H5>Service nanme:</H5><INPUT TYPE="text" name="service" value="XE" />
<H5>Please enter username: </H5><INPUT TYPE="text" name="user" />
<H5>Please enter password</H5><INPUT TYPE="password" name="password" />
<INPUT TYPE="submit" />
<% } else { %>
String hostName = request.getParameter("hostname");
String portNumber = request.getParameter("port");
String service = request.getParameter("service");
String user = request.getParameter("user");
String password = request.getParameter("password");
String url = "jdbc:oracle:thin:" + user + "/" + password + "@//" + hostName + ":" + portNumber + "/" + service;
try {
OracleDataSource ods = new OracleDataSource();
Connection conn = ods.getConnection();
// Create Oracle DatabaseMetaData object
DatabaseMetaData meta = conn.getMetaData();
// gets driver information
out.println("<B>JDBC Driver version</B>");
out.println("<B>JDBC Driver Name</B>");
out.println("<B>JDBC URL</B>");
} catch (Exception e) {e.printStackTrace(); }
<%-- end else if --%>
<% } %>

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    Hi im a beginner with jsp and im trying to find a way to access a method of my java class file in jsp page. After searching through the forums i tried to use the usebean tag. Im using apache to host the jsp file.Below is an excerpt of my code and the error message i got. What am i doing wrong? anyone know?
    <%@ page language="java" %>
    <jsp:useBean id="movies" class="movie.Movie" />
    <jsp:setProperty name="movies" property="*"/>
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Exception in JSP: /View.jsp:7
    4: <jsp:setProperty name="movies" property="*"/>
    5: <%
    7: movies.getStart("file:///C:/Video/Applications2/sun.mpg");
    8: response.setContentType("text/xml");
    9: %>
    root cause
    javax.servlet.ServletException: javax/media/ControllerListener

    Hi thanks for responding. Ok i did look through and it was opening some gui. I still need the program to do server side processes so cant use an applet.but i dont need the gui so i revised it and removed the gui. also im using a servlet to call the class now yet i still have the same error. Any ideas?
    Below is the vid2jpg code minus the gui.
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.image.*;
    import javax.imageio.*;
    public class vid2jpg implements ControllerListener
         Processor p;
         Object waitObj = new Object();
         boolean stateOK = true;
         DataSourceHandler handler;
    int imgWidth;int imgHeight;
         Image outputImage;
         String sep = System.getProperty("file.separator");
         int[] outvid;
         int startFr = 1;int endFr = 1000;int countFr = 0;
         boolean sunjava=true;
         * Static main method
         public static void main(String[] args)
              if(args.length == 0)
                   System.out.println("No media address.");
                   new vid2jpg("file:///C:/Video/applications2/sun.mpg");     // or alternative "vfw://0" if webcam
                   String path = args[0].trim();
                   new vid2jpg(path);
         * Constructor
         public vid2jpg(String path)
              MediaLocator ml;String args = path;
              if((ml = new MediaLocator(args)) == null)
                   System.out.println("Cannot build media locator from: " + args);
                   System.out.println("Failed to open media source");
         * Given a MediaLocator, create a processor and start
         private boolean open(MediaLocator ml)
              System.out.println("Create processor for: " + ml);
                   p = Manager.createProcessor(ml);
              catch (Exception e)
                   System.out.println("Failed to create a processor from the given media source: " + e);
                   return false;
              // Put the Processor into configured state.
                   System.out.println("Failed to configure the processor.");
                   return false;
              // Get the raw output from the Processor.
              p.setContentDescriptor(new ContentDescriptor(ContentDescriptor.RAW));
              TrackControl tc[] = p.getTrackControls();
              if(tc == null)
                   System.out.println("Failed to obtain track controls from the processor.");
                   return false;
              TrackControl videoTrack = null;
              for(int i = 0; i < tc.length; i++)
                   if(tc.getFormat() instanceof VideoFormat)
                        tc[i].setFormat(new RGBFormat(null, -1, Format.byteArray, -1.0F, 24, 3, 2, 1));
                        videoTrack = tc[i];
              if(videoTrack == null)
                   System.out.println("The input media does not contain a video track.");
                   return false;
              System.out.println("Video format: " + videoTrack.getFormat());
                   System.out.println("Failed to realize the processor.");
                   return false;
              // Get the output DataSource from the processor and set it to the DataSourceHandler.
              DataSource ods = p.getDataOutput();
              handler = new DataSourceHandler();
                   handler.setSource(ods);     // also determines image size
              catch(IncompatibleSourceException e)
                   System.out.println("Cannot handle the output DataSource from the processor: " + ods);
                   return false;
         //     setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT));
    //          currPanel = new imgPanel(new Dimension(imgWidth,imgHeight));
         //     add(currPanel);
         //     pack();
         //     setVisible(true);
              // Prefetch the processor.
                   System.out.println("Failed to prefetch the processor.");
                   return false;
              // Start the processor
              //p.setStopTime(new Time(20.00));
              return true;
         * Sets image size
         private void imageProfile(VideoFormat vidFormat)
              System.out.println("Push Format "+vidFormat);
              Dimension d = (vidFormat).getSize();
              System.out.println("Video frame size: "+ d.width+"x"+d.height);
         * Called on each new frame buffer
         int nextframetime = 0;
    private void useFrameData(Buffer inBuffer)
    if(inBuffer.getData()!=null) // vfw://0 can deliver nulls
    if(sunjava) // and with import javax.imageio.*;
    int frametimesecs = (int)(inBuffer.getTimeStamp()/1000000000);
    if(frametimesecs%10 == 0 && frametimesecs==nextframetime)
    BufferedImage bi = new BufferedImage(outputImage.getWidth(null), outputImage.getHeight(null), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_RGB);
    Graphics g = bi.getGraphics();
    ImageIO.write(bi, "png", new File("images"+sep+"image_"+(inBuffer.getTimeStamp()/1000000000)+".png"));
    catch(Exception e){}
         * Tidy on finish
         public void tidyClose()
         * Block until the processor has transitioned to the given state
         private boolean waitForState(int state)
                        while(p.getState() < state && stateOK)
                   catch (Exception e)
              return stateOK;
         * Controller Listener.
         public void controllerUpdate(ControllerEvent evt)
              if(evt instanceof ConfigureCompleteEvent ||     evt instanceof RealizeCompleteEvent || evt instanceof PrefetchCompleteEvent)
                        stateOK = true;
              if(evt instanceof ResourceUnavailableEvent)
                        stateOK = false;
              if(evt instanceof EndOfMediaEvent || evt instanceof StopAtTimeEvent)
         * Inner classes
         * A DataSourceHandler class to read from a DataSource and displays
         * information of each frame of data received.
         class DataSourceHandler implements BufferTransferHandler
              DataSource source;
              PullBufferStream pullStrms[] = null;
              PushBufferStream pushStrms[] = null;
              Buffer readBuffer;
              * Sets the media source this MediaHandler should use to obtain content.
              private void setSource(DataSource source) throws IncompatibleSourceException
                   // Different types of DataSources need to handled differently.
                   if(source instanceof PushBufferDataSource)
                        pushStrms = ((PushBufferDataSource) source).getStreams();
                        // Set the transfer handler to receive pushed data from the push DataSource.
                        // Set image size
                   if(source instanceof PullBufferDataSource)
                        // This handler only handles push buffer datasource.
                        throw new IncompatibleSourceException();
                   this.source = source;
                   readBuffer = new Buffer();
              * This will get called when there's data pushed from the PushBufferDataSource.
              public void transferData(PushBufferStream stream)
                   catch(Exception e)
                   // Just in case contents of data object changed by some other thread
                   Buffer inBuffer = (Buffer)(readBuffer.clone());
                   // Check for end of stream
                        System.out.println("End of stream");
                   // Do useful stuff or wait
              public void start()
                   try{source.start();}catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);}
              public void stop()
                   try{source.stop();}catch(Exception e){System.out.println(e);}
              public void close(){stop();}
              public Object[] getControls()
                   return new Object[0];
              public Object getControl(String name)
                   return null;
    below is the servlet code.
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class ShowMovie extends HttpServlet {
    String rootURL="";
    public void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
         //String movie=request.getParameter("movie");
         String movie ="son";
    protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
    processRequest(request, response);
    protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response)
    throws ServletException, IOException {
    processRequest(request, response);
         public void getStart(String url){
              new vid2jpg(url);
    this is the error from the server. Im using tomkat 5
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Servlet execution threw an exception
    root cause
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: javax/media/ControllerListener
         java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass1(Native Method)
         java.lang.ClassLoader.defineClass(Unknown Source) Source)
         java.lang.ClassLoader.loadClassInternal(Unknown Source)
    note The full stack trace of the root cause is available in the Apache Tomcat/5.5.17 logs.

  • How to call an exe program from the JSP page?

    How to call and display the interface from a exe (residing on C: drive) on my JSP page. Our customers supplied us with an exe file and they want this to be incorporated on the JSP page that has other components also, like forms, etc. The interface of the program has to be displayed in specific co-ordinates on the JSP page. Any help is highly appreciated. Thanks in advance.

    Can't be done with JSP.
    JSP runs java on the SERVER only.
    All that gets to client is an HTML page. So all that
    you can do at the client is what an HTML page can do.
    Obviously that doesn't include running a file on the
    client machine.
    Take a look into Applets, or maybe ActiveX controls.Thanks for the reply.
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    Hello ,
    i have write one ejb signOn having the method validateUser(username,password).i can able to call this function from class.i want to know whether i can call this function from servlet.if yes then where to write that servlet and web.xml file.
    At present i m using weblogic server 8.1and i create directory call c:\ejb\demo and put the ejb files(home ,remote,ejb class , then i have created .jar file and put in application file.
    Now i want to create a servlet for that i have to create a new directory and put the servlet,web.xml,weblogin-web.xml file and then create one .war file and put in application directory or do some thing extra.Please help me.
    Thanks In Advance
    [email protected]

    I think this might not be the most appropriate forum for your question. You might try a forum about ejb, or weblogic, or jndi.

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    Edited by: mchepuri on Oct 24, 2009 6:17 PM
    Edited by: mchepuri on Oct 24, 2009 6:20 PM

    May know how to submit a button autoamtically on onload of page with clicking a welcome alert box. the submit button has managed button too to show a message on console using SOP.
    the problem is.
    1. before loading the page a javascript comes on which i clicked ok
    2. the page gets loaded and the button is there which gets automatically clicked and the managed bean associated with prints a message on console using SOP.
    I m trying to do this through server listener and click listener. the code is(adf jspx page)
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
    < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <af:document id="d1" binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_check4.d1}">
    <af:form id="f1" binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_check4.f1}">
    <af:commandButton text="commandButton 1"
    id="cb1" action="#{beanCheck4.submit1}"/>
    <af:clientListener type="click" method="delRow"/>
    <af:serverListener type= "jsServerListener"
    <f:facet name="metaContainer">
    <af:resource type ="javascript">
    // if(x){
    delRow = function(event){
    AdfCustomEvent.queue(event.getSource(), "jsServerListener", {}, false);
    return true;
    the backing bean code is -----
    public class classCheck4 {
    public classCheck4() {
    public String submit1() {
    return null;

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  • How to call jpf controller method from javascript

    Can any one help me how to call pageflow controller method from JavaScript.\

    Accessing a particular pageflow method from Javascript is directly not possible unless we do some real funky coding in specifying document.myForm.action = xyz...Heres what I tried and it did not work as expected: I found another workaround that I will share with you.
    1. In my jsp file when I click a button a call a JavaScript that calls the method that I want in pageflow like this: My method got invoked BUT when that method forwards the jsp, it lost the portal context. I saw my returned jsp only on the browser instead of seeing it inside the portlet on the page of a portal. I just see contents of jsp on full browser screen. I checked the url. This does make the sense. I do not see the url where I will have like test1.portal?_pageLabe=xxx&portlet details etc etc. So this bottom approach will notwork.
    document.getElementById("batchForm").action = "/portlets/com/hid/iod/Batches/holdBatch"; // here if you give like test1.portal/pagelable value like complete may work...but not suggested/recommended....
    2. I achieved my requirement using a hidden variable inside my netui:form tag in the jsp. Say for example, I have 3 buttons and all of them should call their own action methods like create, update, delete on pageflow side. But I want these to be called through javascript say for example to do some validation. (I have diff usecase though). So I created a hidden field like ACTION_NAME. I have 3 javascript functions create(), update() etc. These javascripts are called onclick() for these buttons. In thse functions first I set unique value to this hiddent field appropriately. Then submit the form. Note that all 3 buttons now go to same common action in the JPF. The code is like this.
    document.getElementById("ACTION_NAME").value = "UPDATE";
    Inside the pageflow common method, I retriev this hidden field value and based on its value, I call one of the above 3 methods in pageflow. This works for me. There may be better solution.
    3. Another usecase that I want to share and may be help others also. Most of the time very common usecase is, when we select a item in a drop bos or netui:select, we want to invoke the pageflow action. Say we have 2 dropdown boxes with States and Cities. Anytime States select box is changed, it should go back to server and get new list of Cities for that state. (We can get both states and cities and do all string tokenizer on jsp itself. But inreality as per business needs, we do have to go to server to get dynamic values. Here is the code snippet that I use and it works for all my select boxes onChange event.
    This entire lines of code should do what we want.
    <netui:anchor action="selectArticleChanged" formSubmit="true" tagId="selectPropertyAction"/>                    
    <netui:select onChange="document.getElementById(lookupIdByTagId('selectPropertyAction',this )).onclick();" dataSource="pageFlow.selectedArticleId" >
    <c:forEach items="${requestScope.ALL_ARTICLE}" var="eachArticle">
    <%-- workshop:varType="com.hid.iod.forms.IoDProfileArticleRelForm" --%>
    <netui:selectOption value="${eachArticle.articleIdAsString}">${eachArticle.articleItemName}</netui:selectOption>
    See if you can build along those above lines of code. Any other simpler approches are highly welcome.
    Ravi Jegga

  • How to call a class file in a jsp without deploying anything in j2ee

    I am new in J2EE. I have some jsps, which I configured using I am able to get
    those pages by the web browser. I have some import statements in some jsps, now I
    am trying to access those page but it is failing, it says
    org.apache.jasper.JasperException: Unable to compile class for
    Class com.gui.UPMGuiGlobalConstants not found in import.
    import com.gui.UPMGuiGlobalConstants;
    Actually I have not deployed any class file or jsps.. Now my question is can I access
    these jsps without deploying anything, like can I put my .jar file in any j2ee
    directory(like lib or anywhere else, I already tried after putting in /lib) and restart the
    j2ee and use it. So how can I call a class file from a jsp without any kind of
    Please send me the reply as soon as possible.

    After you put the jar containing the class to import into the WEB-INF/lib directory, you still need to include it in the jsp.
    Putting the jar into the lib dir, will make it available to the vm, but as in any other java class, you still need to import it into the class, that the jsp will be compiled into.
    And you do that by putting
    <%@page import="com.gui.UPMGuiGlobalConstants" %>somewhere near the top of your jsp. (well you don't need to put it there, but it good style ;)
    That should do it.

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    how to call multiple strus actions froma single jsp, and that actions should be automatically called pls help me
    Thanks in advance

    how to call multiple strus actions froma single jsp, and that actions should be automatically called pls help me
    Thanks in advance

  • How to retrieve the parameter names from a JSP page ? Urgent Please

    Can anybody tell me how to retrieve the parameter names from the JSP
    page. (without using getParameterNames() method.)
    The problem with the getParameterNames() method is I get the Jumbled output.
    I need it very badly
    With regards
    Ananth R
    email:[email protected]
    [email protected]

    Dear duffymo,
    My primary intention is to convert the JSP form information into a XML file.
    If I do not get the Parameter names in the correct order how can I maintain
    tag order in XML file.
    For ex: (JSP PAGE VIEW)
    &so on
    (XML File to be generated)
    & so on
    If I use getParameterNames() to get all the parameter names(Which form the tag names in the XML file ) the Enumeration object it returns will not be in the same order as the text fields in JSP.From this I can not construct a meaningful XML file.
    order means: Order of entry on the page, from top to bottom
    That's it
    Waiting for your responses

  • Call enhancement class method from Bus. workflow task

    Hi all,
    I recently enhanced a global class from SAP (add a new method). Now I would like to call it from a workflow task (ABAP Class object used in the task). So it seems that only "native" methods from the class itself can be selected for the object method of the task.
    Same issue if I try to call it via secondary methods options...
    Last idea I have before the repair is: retrieve the instance saved into the WF container via a custom class interfacing IF_IFS_SWF_CONTAINER_EXIT (program exit) and call the enhanced method from the method proposed in this interface.
    Maybe someone had the same issue? Anyone could help or propose solution?
    Many thanks in advance for your help,

    I think it might qualify for an OSS message.
    There was simmilar note for BADIs which was corrected:
    CL_SWF_UTL_DEF_SERVICES which is used in PFTC to determine callable methods doesn't include enhancements when calling  function SEO_CLASS_TYPEINFO_GET (parameter WITH_ENHANCEMENTS is default FALSE)

  • How to call a set method from within a constructor

    I want to be able to call a set method from within a Scanner, to be used as the argument to pass to the Scanner (from a source file). Here's what i tried:
    private void openFiles()
            input = new Scanner( setSource );              
        and here is the set method:
    public String setSource( String in )
            source = in;
            return source;
        }obviously there will be more code in this method but i'm trying to tackle one problem at a time. Thanks in advance..

    The "String in" declaration says: "Nobody may ever invoke setSource() without specifying a certain String. The content of the String is known at run-time only."
    In no place in your code you say the compiler: "I want the 'in' variable (actually, parameter) of method setSource() to contain the first arg which is passed to the application".
    This is exactly the same mechanism allowing you to write "new Scanner" with something inside the two parentheses.

  • How to call an ejb method from jsp?

    Hi, everyone!
    Inside my JSP, I4m using scripts in order to show and receive information, that is, a form.But I don4t Know if I can use the same variables from the script in order to call the 'set' methods from my EJB.
    Could anyone show me an example?
    Thanks in advance,

    InitialContext ctx = new InitialContext();
         GeneralEditor editor = (GeneralEditor) ctx
              GeneralService service = (GeneralService) ctx
              LanMu lm = new LanMu();

  • How do I call a 10g report from a jsp page securly?

    How can I call a report from a jsp page securly? We are migrating from 10g forms to J2EE, and we want to keep using our reports. In forms we were able to do this using a cookie. How can I pass a users credentials to reports without the user having to connect to the database? Single Sign-on isn't an option either.

    Hi Jim,
    If you want to pass the user credentials to the report dynamically, then SSO (Single Sign-On) is the only option I can think of.
    If the user credentials can be hard-coded, then the following 2 solutions are possible:
    1. Use cgicmd.dat file, and write the user credentials in the file.
    2. In your report JSP itself, you could write the following:
    <rw:report id="report" parameters="userid=scott/tiger@mydb">

  • How to call a .js file from a JSP in JSPDynpage

    Hi ........I have a javascript file called set.js under the scripts folder .
    I need to call this .js file from my JSP in a JSPDynpage Application.
    Please help me do this..

    store your js file also under the jsp folder with a .jsp extension and then call it in your jsp page by an include statement. this was found working. later you may try with changing the extension to .js and try your luck:)
    <%@ include file="set.jsp" %>

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