How to call a instance method without creating the instance of a class

class ...EXCH_PRD_VERT_NN_MODEL definition
public section.
      value(I_ALV_RECORDS) type ..../EXCH_VBEL_TT_ALV
      value(I_HEADER) type EDIDC .
  methods QUERY
      I_IDEX type FLAG
      value(R_RESULTS) type .../EXCH_VBEL_TT_ALV .
Both methods are instance methods.
But in my program i cannot created instance of the class unless i get the results from Query.
I proposed that Query must be static, and once we get results we can create object of the class by pasing the result table which we get from method query.
But i must not change the method Query to a static method.
Is there any way out other than making method Query as static ?

You can't execute any instance method without creating instance of the class.
In your scenario, if you don't want to process your method of your class, you can check the instance has been created or not.
Naimesh Patel

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    Yes, why do it simply?
    pksingh79 wrote:
    call a static method without mentioning the class name?For a given value of   "without mentioning the class name".
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    VikasKiran wrote:
    1. All that i know is to use Procedure using either Jython or Java BeanShell. Can you give some sample commands to achieve such functionality?Hi Vikash,
    Suppose the java code is like below
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    FileOutputStream fos;
    DataOutputStream dos;
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    Then copy and paste the .jar archive to the ODI drivers folder. Next we restart the ODI agent.
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    or from the Java BeanShell
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    FileWrite fw = new FileWrite();
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    As GURU told we cannot use procedure inside interface mapping.

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    keyword 'static' my friend.
    public class foo {
    public static void bar {
    System.out.println ("hello");

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    Hi Arvind,
    Sure you've done this, but the first step is to catalog the Jar file. Before an Oracle BPM project can use the Java component, the appropriate Java JAR files must be added to the project.
    Add the Jar File(s) to the External Resources:
    1. Right-click the External Resources item in the Project Navigator tab
    2. From the pop-up menu, select New External Resource.
    3. Name this new Java resource "MyNewJavaComponents" and ensure its type is Java Class Library.
    4. Add the Java jar file(s)
    Catalog and Expose the Java Components:
    5. Add a new module in the Catalog called "IntegrationComponents".
    6. Generate a Java integration component by right-clicking the IntegrationComponents module and select "Catalogue Component" -> "Java".
    7. Using the Java configuration you just created called MyNewJavaComponents, click the Next button to automatically introspect the Java libraries.
    8. Select the class where your method(s) are located and click the Next -> Finish buttons to have Oracle BPM generate the integration component for you.
    9. If you expand the newly exposed Java component, you can see a method has been created for each public method (attributes would also be automatically created if this class had any public attributes). If you've included the appropriate BeanInfo class in the JAR, you'll note that the method parameters are appropriately named.
    How to Invoke Public Java methods Exposed in the Catalog:
    10. Open the method editor for an automatic activity in the process (or any BPM Object method with its "Server Side" property set to "Yes").
    11. Drag one of the Java methods you just exposed inside your IntegrationComponents module into the automatic activity's method. Once you drag it in, here's what you might see if you're using the Java syntax in Oracle BPM's method editor:
    (PdfGenerator).generate(outputFilename : "", contents : {  }, logoImageURL : null, signatureImageURL : null);
    Assuming you have "outputFilename", "sampleContent", "logoURL" and "signatureURL" variables already created in your process, change the method you just dragged in to:
    IntegrationComponents.Pdfservice.PdfGenerator.generate(outputFilename : outputFilename, contents : sampleContent,
    logoImageURL : logoURL, signatureImageURL : signatureURL);
    Hope this helps,

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    Thanks & Regards

    1)    You can make the method EH_ONSELECT as public and static and call this method in viewGS_CM/ADDDOC  using syntax
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        lv_viewname = 'GS_CM/DOCTREE '.
      lr_viewctrl ?=  lr_window ->get_subcontroller_by_viewname( lv_viewname ).
    Now you can access the method of view GS_CM/DOCTREE .
    Let me know in case you face any issues.
    Message was edited by: Laure Cetin
    Please do not ask for points, this is against the Rules of Engagement:

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         classn = "<name>";
         cls = (*env) ->FindClass(env, classn );
         if (cls == 0)
    printf(" Can't find class %s\n", classn );
         mid =
    (*env)->GetMethodID(env, cls, "<methodname>", "()V");
         (*env)->CallVoidMethod(obj, env ,m id);
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    You have to make the java method a static method, and use CallStaticVoidMethod.
    "static" means that the method belongs to the class, and not an object of that class.

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    You should never attempt to call view methods from outside the view.  It is possible to register popop event handlers to methods of the component or custom controllers.  From the online help:
    For a few special cases it is useful to register event handlers for component controllers or custom controllers on the button events of a dialog box. For these cases, a special POPUP_TO_CONFIRM attribute of type IF_WD_POPUP_TO_CONFIRM_N has been implemented in the IF_WD_WINDOW interface. This interface provides precisely the methods with which event handlers for component and custom controllers can be registered on events of the dialog box.

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    document.getElementById("batchForm").action = "/portlets/com/hid/iod/Batches/holdBatch"; // here if you give like test1.portal/pagelable value like complete may work...but not suggested/recommended....
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    document.getElementById("ACTION_NAME").value = "UPDATE";
    Inside the pageflow common method, I retriev this hidden field value and based on its value, I call one of the above 3 methods in pageflow. This works for me. There may be better solution.
    3. Another usecase that I want to share and may be help others also. Most of the time very common usecase is, when we select a item in a drop bos or netui:select, we want to invoke the pageflow action. Say we have 2 dropdown boxes with States and Cities. Anytime States select box is changed, it should go back to server and get new list of Cities for that state. (We can get both states and cities and do all string tokenizer on jsp itself. But inreality as per business needs, we do have to go to server to get dynamic values. Here is the code snippet that I use and it works for all my select boxes onChange event.
    This entire lines of code should do what we want.
    <netui:anchor action="selectArticleChanged" formSubmit="true" tagId="selectPropertyAction"/>                    
    <netui:select onChange="document.getElementById(lookupIdByTagId('selectPropertyAction',this )).onclick();" dataSource="pageFlow.selectedArticleId" >
    <c:forEach items="${requestScope.ALL_ARTICLE}" var="eachArticle">
    <%-- workshop:varType="com.hid.iod.forms.IoDProfileArticleRelForm" --%>
    <netui:selectOption value="${eachArticle.articleIdAsString}">${eachArticle.articleItemName}</netui:selectOption>
    See if you can build along those above lines of code. Any other simpler approches are highly welcome.
    Ravi Jegga

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    I have a situation where I need to call AM method (setDefaultSubInv) from Managed bean, under Value change Listner method. Here is what I am doing, I have added AM method on to the page bindings, then in bean calling this
    Class[] paramTypes = { };
    Object[] params = { } ;
    invokeEL("#{bindings.setDefaultSubInv.execute}", paramTypes, params);
    This works and able to call this method if there are no parameters. Say I have to pass a parameter to AM method setDefaultSubInv(String a), i tried calling this from the bean but throws an error
    String aVal = "test";
    Class[] paramTypes = {String.class };
    Object[] params = {aVal } ;
    invokeEL("#{bindings.setDefaultSubInv.execute}", paramTypes, params);
    I am not sure this is the right way to call the method with parameters. Can anyone tell how to call a AM method with parameters from Manage bean

    Simply do the following
    1- Make your Method in Client Interface.
    2- Add it to Page Def.
    3- Customize your Script Like the below one to Achieve your goal.
    BindingContainer bindings = getBindings();
    OperationBinding operationBinding = bindings.getOperationBinding("GetUserRoles");
    operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("username", "oracle");
    operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("role", "F1211");
    operationBinding.getParamsMap().put("Connection", "JDBC");
    Object result = operationBinding.execute();
    if (!operationBinding.getErrors().isEmpty()) {
    return null;
    return null;
    i hope it help you

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    When trying to log in with my primary Apple ID and password, I am continuously asked for my pass word without being able to log in. How can I solve this issue, without creating a new Apple ID?

    Chewning wrote:
    I saved some of my music to a Cloud I can't access. Now, they show up as "Purchased" in iTunes, and I'm not given the option of re-downloading OR repurchasing them.
    Music purchased from the iTunes store is not stored in your personal iCloud account, and an iCloud account is not required to redownload them.  You should be able to redownload them as explained here:  If you are unable to, contact iTunes store support for assistance by going to ; click ‘iTunes', and then 'iTunes Store', then 'Purchases, Billing & Redemption'.

  • How to call backing bean method from java script

    I would like to know how to call backing bean method from java script.
    I am aware of serverListener and [AjaxAutoSuggest article|]
    but i am running in to some issues with [AjaxAutoSuggest article|]
    regarding which i asked for help in other thread with subject ....Question on AjaxAutoSuggest article (Ajax Transactions Using ADF and J...)
    The reason why i posted is ( though i realise both are duplicates) .. that threads looks as a specific question to that article hence i would like to ask the quantified problem is asked in this thread.
    So could any please letme know how to call backing bean method from java script
    Edited by: mchepuri on Oct 24, 2009 6:17 PM
    Edited by: mchepuri on Oct 24, 2009 6:20 PM

    May know how to submit a button autoamtically on onload of page with clicking a welcome alert box. the submit button has managed button too to show a message on console using SOP.
    the problem is.
    1. before loading the page a javascript comes on which i clicked ok
    2. the page gets loaded and the button is there which gets automatically clicked and the managed bean associated with prints a message on console using SOP.
    I m trying to do this through server listener and click listener. the code is(adf jspx page)
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <jsp:root xmlns:jsp="" version="2.1"
    < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8"/>
    <af:document id="d1" binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_check4.d1}">
    <af:form id="f1" binding="#{backingBeanScope.backing_check4.f1}">
    <af:commandButton text="commandButton 1"
    id="cb1" action="#{beanCheck4.submit1}"/>
    <af:clientListener type="click" method="delRow"/>
    <af:serverListener type= "jsServerListener"
    <f:facet name="metaContainer">
    <af:resource type ="javascript">
    // if(x){
    delRow = function(event){
    AdfCustomEvent.queue(event.getSource(), "jsServerListener", {}, false);
    return true;
    the backing bean code is -----
    public class classCheck4 {
    public classCheck4() {
    public String submit1() {
    return null;

  • How to call a C method with Java

    Hi all,
    is it possible calling a C method with Java?? And how to...?
    thx for helping

    is it possible calling a C method with Java?? And how to...?Not in general no.
    You can use JNI which will call another C function (which you write) and which then calls your C method.
    If the method is of a specific type (like OLE, Corba) then there are packages available which can allow you to access it. They still use JNI underneath, but hide that functionality from you.

Maybe you are looking for