How to call a sql server stored procedure from oracle

Hi all,
Please anybody tell me how to call a sql server stored procedure from oracle.
I've made an hsodbc connection and i can do insert, update, fetch data in sql server from oracle. But calling SP gives error. when I tried an SP at oracle that has line like
where CreateReceipt is the SP of sql server and hsa is the DSN, it gives the error that "dbo"."CreateReceipt" should be declared.
my database version is 10g
Please help me how can i call it... I need to pass some parameters too to the SP
thanking you

thank you for the response.
when i call the sp using DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH, without parameters it works successfully, but with parameters it gives the following error
ORA-28500: connection from ORACLE to a non-Oracle system returned this message:
[Generic Connectivity Using ODBC][Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid parameter number[Microsoft][ODBC SQL Server Driver]Invalid Descriptor Index (SQL State: S1093; SQL Code: 0)
my code is,
DBMS_HS_PASSTHROUGH.PARSE@hsa(c, 'Create_Receipt(?,?)');
Create_Receipt is the sp which requires two parameters.
please give me a solution
thanking you

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    Hi SSRS-Newebie,
    I am not that into Java as well, based on my research, in your case, you shall modify the Java file as below.
    import java.sql.CallableStatement;
    import java.sql.Connection;
    import java.sql.DriverManager;
    import java.sql.ResultSet;
    public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] argv) throws Exception {
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlserver://MYSERVER;databaseName=MYDATABASE",
    /*call the procedure here*/
    CallableStatement proc_stmt = con.prepareCall("{ call Int.dbo.GetNewJobNumber(?,?,?) }");
    /*set values for SP parameters*/
    proc_stmt.setString(1, "6852");
    proc_stmt.setString(2, "Test Job");
    proc_stmt.setString(3, "Manual SQL Query");
    ResultSet rs = proc_stmt.executeQuery();
    /*get the result set values*/
    if ( {
    /*you need to change the below to get correlated columns according to what your SP returns*/
    int employeeId = rs.getInt(1);
    System.out.println("Generated employeeId: " + employeeId);
    } else {
    System.out.println("Stored procedure couldn't generate new Id");
    For more professional and technical quesions, I suggest you post them in dedicated
    Java Forums.
    If you have any question, feel free to let me know.
    Eric Zhang
    TechNet Community Support

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    thank you

    thank you, but I'm not understand what you mean. I need to run this command in answer "direct access database"
    exec storedprocedure 1,1,1
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    @OrderList varchar(500)
    CREATE TABLE #TempList
    OrderID int
    DECLARE @OrderID varchar(10), @Pos int
    SET @OrderList = LTRIM(RTRIM(@OrderList))+ ','
    SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @OrderList, 1)
    IF REPLACE(@OrderList, ',', '') <> ''
    WHILE @Pos > 0
    SET @OrderID = LTRIM(RTRIM(LEFT(@OrderList, @Pos - 1)))
    IF @OrderID <> ''
    INSERT INTO #TempList (OrderID) VALUES (CAST(@OrderID AS int)) --Use Appropriate conversion
    SET @OrderList = RIGHT(@OrderList, LEN(@OrderList) - @Pos)
    SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(',', @OrderList, 1)
    SELECT o.OrderID, CustomerID, EmployeeID, OrderDate
    FROM dbo.Orders AS o
    #TempList t
    ON o.OrderID = t.OrderID

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         --MASTER Table
         @MASTER_ID int,
         @PERSONNEL_ID int = NULL,
    @DATE_OF_BIRTH datetime = NULL,
         @GENDER varchar(1) = NULL,
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         @SCREENING_LEVEL nchar(1) = NULL,
         @POSITION nchar(50) = NULL,
         @REQUEST_SOURCE varchar(60) = NULL,
         --NAME_TYPE Table
         @NAME_TYPE varchar(5) = NULL,
         @FAMILY_NAME varchar(50) = NULL,
         @FIRST_NAME varchar(50) = NULL,
         @MIDDLE_NAME varchar(50) = NULL,
         @TITLE varchar(10) = NULL,
         @PREFFERED_NAME varchar(40) = NULL,
         @PREVIOUS_NAME varchar(140) = NULL,
         --ADDRESS_TYPE Table
         @ADDRESS_TYPE varchar(10) = NULL,
         @ADDRESS_LINE_1 varchar(30) = NULL,
         @ADDRESS_LINE_2 varchar(30) = NULL,
         @ADDRESS_LINE_3 varchar(30) = NULL,
         @COUNTRY varchar(3) = NULL,
         @SUBURB varchar(50) = NULL,
         @STATE varchar(50) = NULL,
         @POSTCODE varchar(15) = NULL,
         @START_DATE varchar(10) = NULL,
         @END_DATE varchar(10) = NULL,
         --LICENSE_TYPE Table
         @LICENSE_TYPE varchar(5) = NULL,
         @LICENSE_AGENCY varchar(15) = NULL,
         @LICENSE_NUMBER varchar(100) = NULL,
         @LICENSE_SIGHTED varchar(1) = NULL,
         --PHONE_TYPE Table
         @TELEPHONE_TYPE varchar(5) = NULL,
         @TELEPHONE_NUMBER varchar(20) = NULL,
         @MOBILE_TYPE varchar(5) = NULL,
         @MOBILE_NUMBER varchar(20) = NULL,
         @EXTENSION_TYPE varchar(5) = NULL,
         @EXTENSION_NUMBER varchar(20) = NULL,
         --PASSPORT_TYPE Table
         @PASSPORT_TYPE varchar(5) = NULL,
         @PASSPORT_NUMBER varchar(50) = NULL,
         @PASSPORT_COUNTRY varchar(3) = NULL,
         @PASSPORT_SIGHTED varchar(1) = NULL
    IF @@ERROR <> 0
         RAISERROR ('Error inserting values into MASTER table!', 16, 1)
    IF @@ERROR <> 0
         RAISERROR ('Error inserting values into NAME_TYPE table!', 16, 1)
    IF @@ERROR <> 0
         RAISERROR ('Error inserting values into ADDRESS_TYPE table!', 16, 1)
    IF @@ERROR <> 0
         RAISERROR ('Error inserting values into LICENSE_TYPE table!', 16, 1)
    IF @@ERROR <> 0
         RAISERROR ('Error inserting Telephone number into PHONE_TYPE table!', 16, 1)
         IF @@ERROR <> 0
              RAISERROR ('Error inserting Mobile number into PHONE_TYPE table!', 16, 1)
         IF @@ERROR <> 0
              RAISERROR ('Error inserting Extension number into PHONE_TYPE table!', 16, 1)
    IF @@ERROR <> 0
         RAISERROR ('Error inserting values into PASSPORT_TYPE table!', 16, 1)

    First, a basic concept. That also illustrates how different Oracle is (and PL/SQL) from SQL-Server (and T-SQL).
    PL/SQL integrates two different languages. The PL language. The SQL language. It allows you to code SQL source code natively inside the PL language. The PL compiler is clever enough to do the rest - make calls to the SQL engine to create SQL cursors, bind PL variable values to bind variables in the SQL code. Etc.
    PL is a "proper" programming language. It is much like Pascal (it is based on Ada, a close family member of Pascal). It is nothing at all like T-SQL.
    Okay, now for the very basic rule for Oracle development.
    Maximize SQL. This means using the SQL language to crunch data. It is the "closest" to the data. It is designed and optimised for dealing with data. Do your data processing using SQL.
    Minimize PL/SQL. This means using the PL language not to crunch data, but to provide the conditional logic. Implement business rules. And then have the SQL language crunch the data as the data processing language.
    Attempting to directly translate T-SQL code into PL/SQL is flawed. It is like trying to make coffee with teabags. Yeah, the tea may have caffeine it, but it is not coffee.
    To do what that T-SQL script does, insert a row into a table, a typical PL/SQL equivalent will look as follows:
    create or replace procedure InsertMaster( masterRow master%rowtype ) authid definer is
    .. types and variables declared here
      -- masterRow is a record structure that matches the actual MASTER table
      .. apply business rules and validation to the data.. raising user exceptions as needed
      -- e.g. the POSITION column must be upper case
      masterRow.position := upper(masterRow.position);
      -- after the business logic and data validation we can add the row to the table
      -- (PL will make the INSERT call to the SQL engine)
      insert into master values masterRow;
    end;No commit. The caller does the business transaction. It needs to decide when to commit to maintain the integrity of the data in the database. It may need to do several more calls, before committing.
    With this approach, we can give the application schema (the caller) execute privs on this procedure. This procedure is defined with definer rights. This means it runs with the privs of owner of that procedure and MASTER table. It is trusted code. It does all the correct stuff to add a valid and checked row to the MASTER table. So we give the app schema execute privs on the procedure and no insert priv on the MASTER table.
    The only way the caller can add row to the MASTER table is via this trusted procedure of ours.
    And this is a typical approach in Oracle - using the PL/SQL (both PL language and SQL language) code to create an interface to a logical database in Oracle. Abstracting the complexities of SQL from the caller. Moving business and validation into PL. Allowing us the flexibility of modifying business and validation logic, without touching a single byte of caller/client code. Allowing us to manage and tune SQL performance without dealing with (badly designed and coded) SQL from a client - as the SQL resides in PL/SQL packages and procedures and functions.

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    In SQL server 30 stored procedures are there how to convert all the stored procedure
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    ramya_162 wrote:
    In SQL server 30 stored procedures are there how to convert all the stored procedure
    from SQL server to Oracle 11g.
    The single most fundamental concept you need to understand (grok in its fullness) is:
    There is very little, to NOTHING, in common between T-SQL (a language extension to SQL) and PL/SQL (integration of SQL with the language Ada, part of ALGOL family of languages that includes Pascal and C++).
    So taking a T-SQL procedure and porting it as is to PL/SQL is plain stupid.
    Oracle sucks at trying to be SQL-Server.
    So how do you migrate from SQL-Server to Oracle?
    By taking the REQUIREMENTS that the T-SQL procedures address, and addressing these requirements using Oracle SQL and PL/SQL.


    Hi Guys,
    I want to call a stored procedure from mssql server 2005 as part of a stored procedure in PL/SQL. How do I go about this? I've already set up the linked servers.
    Does this help?

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    [email protected]

    This is not a possibility.
    Refer to Support for Non-Oracle Stored Procedures

  • SQL Server Stored Procedure to Oracle

    Hi All,
    I have a store procedure in SQL Server(2005 onwards)...I need to convert that in Oracle. As I am new to Oracle. Please guide me.
    I have two tables MetaDatabase and MetaEntity. The store procedure loads the MetaDatabase and MetaEntity based on MetaDatabase...As of now it is hardcoded in SP...
    CREATE TABLE MetaDatabase
    Alias VARCHAR(64) NOT NULL,
    VersionMajor smallint NOT NULL,
    VersionMinor smallint NOT NULL,
    VersionRevision smallint
    INSERT INTO MetaDatabase VALUES(1, 'DB1', 1, 1, 1);
    INSERT INTO MetaDatabase VALUES(2, 'DB1', 1, 1, 2);
    INSERT INTO MetaDatabase VALUES(3, 'DB2', 1, 2, 1);
    CREATE TABLE MetaEntity
    MetaDatabaseID INT NOT NULL,
    INSERT INTO MetaEntity VALUES(1, 1, 'TABLE11');
    INSERT INTO MetaEntity VALUES(2, 1, 'TABLE12');
    INSERT INTO MetaEntity VALUES(3, 2, 'TABLE21');
    INSERT INTO MetaEntity VALUES(4, 2, 'TABLE22');
    INSERT INTO MetaEntity VALUES(5, 3, 'TABLE31');
    INSERT INTO MetaEntity VALUES(6, 3, 'TABLE32');Here is the SP as of now I am loading 2 MetaDatabase out of 3.
    CREATE Procedure myProc
         DECLARE @tmpDictionaries  TABLE ( Alias varchar(64),
                                          VersionMajor smallint,
                                          VersionMinor smallint,
                                          VersionRevision smallint )
         DECLARE @tmpMetaDatabase  TABLE ( ID int PRIMARY KEY )
         DECLARE @tmpMetaEntity    TABLE ( ID int PRIMARY KEY )
        /* Load these 2 MetaDatabase */
        INSERT INTO @tmpDictionaries (Alias,VersionMajor,VersionMinor,VersionRevision) VALUES ('DB1',1,1,1)
        INSERT INTO @tmpDictionaries (Alias,VersionMajor,VersionMinor,VersionRevision) VALUES ('DB2',1,2,1)
        /* Make sure that all passed in dictionaries actually exist */
        IF (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM @tmpDictionaries t WHERE NOT EXISTS(SELECT ID FROM MetaDatabase md WHERE md.Alias=t.Alias AND md.VersionMajor=t.VersionMajor AND md.VersionMinor=t.VersionMinor AND md.VersionRevision=t.VersionRevision)) > 0 BEGIN
          RAISERROR ('Not all dictionaries requested exist', 16, 1) WITH SETERROR
        /* remember the MetaDatabase records */
        INSERT INTO @tmpMetaDatabase    SELECT ID FROM MetaDatabase md  WHERE EXISTS(SELECT *  FROM @tmpDictionaries t  WHERE md.Alias=t.Alias AND md.VersionMajor=t.VersionMajor AND md.VersionMinor=t.VersionMinor AND md.VersionRevision=t.VersionRevision)
        /* remember all related MetaEntity records */
        INSERT INTO @tmpMetaEntity      SELECT ID FROM MetaEntity me    WHERE EXISTS(SELECT ID FROM @tmpMetaDatabase t  WHERE t.ID=me.MetaDatabaseID)
        /* return all MetaDatabase */
        SELECT md.* FROM MetaDatabase md WHERE EXISTS(SELECT ID FROM @tmpMetaDatabase WHERE ID=md.ID)
        /* return all related MetaEntity records */
        SELECT me.* FROM MetaEntity me WHERE EXISTS(SELECT ID FROM @tmpMetaEntity WHERE ID=me.ID)Here is the output I get..It returns 2 resultsets one for each SELECT in SP.
    EXEC myProc
    1     DB1     1     1     1
    3     DB2     1     2     1
    1     1     TABLE11
    2     1     TABLE12
    5     3     TABLE31
    6     3     TABLE32I need same in Oracle..where I can parse the resultset returned from SP. Any help will be greatly appreciated.
    Edited by: [email protected] on Jun 10, 2010 2:34 PM

    [email protected] wrote:
    I have a store procedure in SQL Server(2005 onwards)...I need to convert that in Oracle. Not really a good idea - as T-SQL has very little in common with PL/SQL.
    PL/SQL is two languages:
    - a procedural language called Programming Logic - which has its roots in the Ada and Pascal family of procedural languages.
    - the SQL language.
    These are tightly integrated to allow you to use SQL natively inside PL. In other words, you can mix SQL source inside PL source code, reference PL variables in SQL source and the PL compiler and run-time is clever enough to know what code is PL and what code is SQL and how to glue the SQL into the PL.
    Bottom line - PL is not a macro/scripting language for running SQL. It is equivalent to to Java, C#, Visual Basic and others ito features and how one designs and uses the language.
    So your question of how to covert a T-SQL proc to PL/SQL is equivalent of asking how to change a T-SQL proc to C/C++ using the Pro*C (embedded SQL) compiler.
    So please - forget any notion that PL/SQL is like T-SQL. Or even that Oracle is at all like SQL-Server. Oracle is "+that darn good+" not because it emulates SQL-Server.. but because it is not like SQL-Server. It is the differences in the feature set of Oracle from SQL-Server that sells Oracle.
    I need same in Oracle..where I can parse the resultset returned from SP. Any help will be greatly appreciated.Oracle does not work this way. There are also no "result sets" in terms of a temporary data set that's created in the server and stored in memory. This type of approach does not scale if you have a 1000 users all running the same application code and all attempting to create "result sets" in server memory at the same time.
    The norm for client-server code using PL/SQL as the server side interface into database data, is for the PL/SQL code to create a SQL cursor and return a pointer (called a reference cursor handle or simple a reference cursor) to the client.
    The client (e.g. VB/Java/C#/Delphi/etc) can then fetch data from the SQL cursor (a "program" in server memory that finds and retrieves the relevant rows).
    To understand and "enjoy" Oracle, one needs to empty one's cup of SQL-Server/DB2/Informix/whatever in order to fill that cup with the Oracle brew. Only then can one really taste and enjoy Oracle. So, think twice before assuming Oracle is like SQL-Server and PL/SQL is like T-SQL. You will save yourself a lot of frustration, wasted effort, and run into fewer (very hard and very painful) brick walls as a result.

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    Oracle provides a tool, called the Migration Workbench, that can do an automated conversion. In the newest release of SQL Developer, Oracle's PL/SQL development GUI, the Migration Workbench is built in.
    Be aware, though, that there are limits to what an automated tool is capable of doing. In all probability, you'll want to manually adjust at least a handful of the procedures after any automated tool converts them in order to make things more efficient or to adjust logic that may depend on database-specific behavior. If you have code, for example, that assumes that writers block readers, that code will no longer block in Oracle, which might require re-assessing your algorithm. In addition, there are numerous approaches to developing procedures that are very common in SQL Server (the use of temp tables, for example), that while possible in Oracle generally aren't the most efficient approach.

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    exec my_store_procedure(para1, para2);
    I kept getting the error message:
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to 'my_store_procedure'
    ORA-06550: line 1, column 7:
    PL/SQL: Statement ignored
    I have searched online but couldn't find the solution. This is an emergency, so prompt reply is Highly Appreciated!

    How is Oracle connecting to the SQL Server?
    With the Transparent Gateway or Generic Connectivity?
    I don't think that Generic Connectivity supports stored procedures.
    The documentation for Heterogeneous Connectivity is here:
    You'd probably get better answers from the Heterogeneous Connectivity forum:
    Heterogeneous Connectivity

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    You have two options:
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    - the other software can use a database connect

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    Yes, I understand. But Flash doesn't talk directly to your
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    The SQL interface is only available through ASP (in your
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    This forum is exclusively for discussions related to Sun Java Studio Creator. Please post your question in the appropriate forum.

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