How to centre the html pages & How to set the Index as Homepage (just upgraded to CS5 and am lost)

Ive just upgraded to CS5 and am a bit lost!!
1st Problem
I updated our website design (which was previously designed in fireworks using CS3) using Fireworks CS5 and exported the images etc as html and loaded into the website folder.... however now Im in dreamweaver and ive tried centring the page, but when I go into live view, its aligned on the left....
My method.... I open the page, I select the 'table' then in the property box, under Align, i click 'Centre'.  This was how i centred in the older version. 
2nd Problem
Where do you set the homepage??  In the version ive been using up until recently, in the 'Local view' file manager (on the right) i would simply highlight the 'index.html' page, then right-click and select 'set as homepage'..... that seems to have disappeared in the newer version.  How do I do this now???
All help is very much appreciated!

Oh No! But its worked perfectly in the past.  Had no idea about fireworks not being able to used.... whoops! 
The code is:
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"
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<title>Junction Park Fete : Australiana Home</title>
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    Saw this on another post.
    Applecare Senior Advisor Txx Bxxx (I have his contact info in an email he just sent) just confirmed with me that the problem people are having with the App Store not loading is an apple issue with there servers, ITS NOT YOUR IPAD so don't go restoring it!   It's not happening to everyone however but they are looking into it, its really hit or miss.
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    The Complete Guide to Using the iTunes Store he-itunes-store/
    Can't connect to the iTunes Store
    iTunes: Advanced iTunes Store troubleshooting
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    Try this first - Reset the iPad by holding down on the sleep and home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons.
    This works for some users. Not sure why.
    Go to Settings>General>Date and Time> Set Automatically>Off. Set the date ahead by about a year.Then see if you can connect to the store.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Mavericks - reverting back from:

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    In case you are using "Clear history when Firefox closes":
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    Yes, try to restore your iPhone from iTunes or iCloud backup.
    iOS: How to back up and restore your content
    Tell us the result if you will try.
    <Link Edited By Host>

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    Hi Alan,
    I think you are looking for this:
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    Hope this helps.

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    Microsoft Error Reporting log version: 2.0
    Error Signature:
    Exception: EXC_BAD_ACCESS
    Date/Time: 2013-05-28 02:28:42 +0000
    Application Name: Microsoft Word
    Application Bundle ID:
    Application Signature: MSWD
    Application Version:
    Crashed Module Name: Microsoft Word
    Crashed Module Version:
    Crashed Module Offset: 0x00938638
    Blame Module Name: Microsoft Word
    Blame Module Version:
    Blame Module Offset: 0x00938638
    Application LCID: 1033
    Extra app info: Reg=en Loc=0x0409
    Crashed thread: 0
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    What version of Microsoft Office for Mac do you have?

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    Hi megamike1969,
    I've been losing some apps also in the Dock. As Niel said I think is that you may be able to just drag them back to the Dock, if you can find them.
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