How to change font in multiple form fields?

I am creating a form - there are about 2 dozen form fields that are set up.
I had Acrobat detect form fields.
Is there a way I can select multiple form fields and change the font in all of them?
I have tried selecting all the fields [cmd A] and double clicking to get to the appearance tab.
The only changes the font in the 1 field I double click.
thanks everyone!

matthewmcneil wrote:
I am creating a form - there are about 2 dozen form fields that are set up.
I had Acrobat detect form fields.
Is there a way I can select multiple form fields and change the font in all of them?
I have tried selecting all the fields [cmd A] and double clicking to get to the appearance tab.
The only changes the font in the 1 field I double click.
thanks everyone!
Select all the form fields , select first the hold shift key and select the rest Then right click or control click and choose properties. then look for "Fonts" choose desired font. If this works your all set otherwise you will have to choose each indivually and change.

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    How can I do this? Also, can it be done so that users can open and edit the pdf in Adobe Reader 6, or would it have to be a later version?
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    I have figured out how to do this at long last - no thanks to Adobe customer support who told me it can't be done - and the answer was simple as I suspected... To enable users to edit the attributes of text in a text field in Adobe Reader you simply need to check the 'allow rich text formatting' box on the Options tab of the text field properties when you create the text field in Acrobat. Then once the pdf is opened in Reader, simply Control + E to bring up the properties tool palette and you can change font, colour, size, spacing etc.
    Thought I would just post this in case anyone else is trying to do the same thing.

  • How do I change fonts in a Text field ??

    Okay I've tried to implement a JComboBox that allows the user to change fonts in the text field. So far I've tried different methods to do it but to no avail. Could somebodoy here read the programs source code for me and tell me where I went wrong?
    /* * My GUI Client */
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.swing.text.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import javax.swing.event.*;
    //for HTML Headers
    import javax.swing.text.StyledEditorKit.*;
    import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLEditorKit.*;
    import javax.swing.text.html.*;
    import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkListener;
    import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent;
    import javax.swing.event.HyperlinkEvent.EventType;
    import javax.swing.text.html.HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent;
    //for layout managers
    import java.awt.event.*;
    //for action and window events
    import java.awt.GraphicsEnvironment;
    //for font settings
    import java.lang.Integer;
    import java.util.Vector;
    import java.awt.font.*;
    import java.awt.geom.*;
    public class guiClient extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
    protected static final String textFieldString = "JTextField";
    protected static final String loadgraphicString = "LoadGraphic";
    protected static final String connectString = "Connect";
    static JEditorPane editorPane;
    static JPanel layoutPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    static JPanel controlPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    static JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    static JPanel fontPanel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout());
    static PrintStream out;
    static DrawPanel dPanel;
    static DrawPanel dPButton;
    static DrawPanel dFonts;
    static DrawControls dControls;
    static DrawButtons dButtons;
    static String userString;
    static String currentFont;
    String fontchoice;
    String fontlist;
    static JTextField userName = new JTextField();
    public static JMenuBar menuBar;
    private static JButton connectbutton = new JButton("Connect");
    static boolean CONNECTFLAG = false;
    //create the gui interface
    public guiClient() {
         super("My Client");
    // Create a ComboBox
    GraphicsEnvironment gEnv = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    String envfonts[] = gEnv.getAvailableFontFamilyNames();
    Vector vector = new Vector();
    for ( int i = 1; i < envfonts.length; i++ ) {
    JComboBox fontlist = new JComboBox (envfonts);
         fontchoice = envfonts[0];     
    //Create a regular text field.
         JTextField textField = new JTextField(10);
    //Create an editor pane.
    editorPane = new JEditorPane();
    //set up HTML editor kit
         HTMLDocument m_doc = new HTMLDocument();
         HTMLEditorKit hkit = new HTMLEditorKit();
         editorPane.setEditorKit( hkit );
         editorPane.addHyperlinkListener( new HyperListener());
    //Create whiteboard
    dPanel = new DrawPanel();
    dPButton = new DrawPanel();
    dFonts = new DrawPanel();
    dControls = new DrawControls(dPanel);
    dButtons = new DrawButtons(dPButton);
         //JLable fontLab = new JLabel(fontLable);
    //Font newFont = getFont().deriveFont(1);
    JPanel whiteboard = new JPanel();
    whiteboard.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    whiteboard.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300,300));
         JScrollPane editorScrollPane = new JScrollPane(editorPane);
         editorScrollPane.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy( JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS);
         editorScrollPane.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(250, 145));
         editorScrollPane.setMinimumSize(new Dimension(50, 50));
    //put everything in a panel
         JPanel contentPane = new JPanel();
         JPanel fontPane = new JPanel();
         contentPane.setLayout(new BoxLayout(contentPane, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS));
    //add whiteboard
    //add editor box
    //add spacer
         contentPane.add(Box.createRigidArea(new Dimension(0,5)));
    //add textfield
    //set up layout pane
         layoutPanel.add( BorderLayout.NORTH, fontlist);     
         layoutPanel.add(BorderLayout.WEST,new Label("Name: ")); //add a label
         layoutPanel.add(BorderLayout.CENTER, userName ); //add textfield for user names
         layoutPanel.add(BorderLayout.SOUTH, connectbutton);//add dropdown box for fonts
    //Create the menu bar.
    menuBar = new JMenuBar();
    //Build the first menu.
         JMenu menu = new JMenu("File");
    //a group of JMenuItems
         JMenuItem menuItem = new JMenuItem("Load Graphic", KeyEvent.VK_L);
    static private void insertTheHTML(JEditorPane editor, String html, int location) throws IOException {
         HTMLEditorKit kit = (HTMLEditorKit) editor.getEditorKit();
         Document doc = editor.getDocument();
         StringReader reader = new StringReader(html);
         try {
    , doc, location);
         } catch (BadLocationException e) {}
    //listen for actions being performed and process them
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    //if the action is from the textfield (e.g. user hits enter)
         if (e.getActionCommand().equals(textFieldString)) {
              JTextField fromUser = (JTextField)e.getSource();
         if (fromUser != null){
    //place user text in editor pane
    //send message to server
                   if (userName.getText() != null) {
                        userString = userName.getText().trim();
                   out.println(userString + ": " + fromUser.getText());
         } else if(e.getActionCommand().equals(connectString)) {
              CONNECTFLAG = true;
    } else if (e.getActionCommand().equals(loadgraphicString) ) {
              final JFileChooser fc = new JFileChooser();
              int returnVal = fc.showOpenDialog(this);
              if (returnVal == JFileChooser.APPROVE_OPTION) {
                   File file = fc.getSelectedFile();
         else if (e.getActionCommand().equals(fontlist)){
         JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)e.getSource();
    String newSelection = (String)cb.getSelectedItem();
    currentFont = newSelection;
         userString = currentFont;
    /*public void itemStateChanged (ItemEvent e) {
    if ( e.getStateChange() != ItemEvent.SELECTED ) {
    if ( list == fontlist ) {
    fontchoice = (String)fontlist.getSelectedItem();
    //append text to the editor pane and put it at the bottom
    public static void appendText(String text) {
         if (text.startsWith("ID ") ) {
              userString = text.substring(3);
         } else if (text.startsWith("DRAW ") ) {
              if (text.regionMatches(5,"LINE",0,4)) {
         }else if (text.regionMatches(5,"POINTS",0,5)) {
         } else if (text.startsWith("IMAGE ") ) {
    int len = (new Integer( text.substring(6, text.indexOf(",")))).intValue();
    //get x and y coordinates
         byte[] data = new byte[ (int)len ];
         int read = 0;
    try {
         while (read < len) {
         data = text.getBytes( text.substring(0, len) );
    } catch (Exception e) {}
         Image theImage = null;
         theImage = dPanel.getToolkit().createImage(data);
         dPanel.getToolkit().prepareImage(theImage, -1, -1, dPanel);
         while ((dPanel.getToolkit().checkImage(theImage, -1, -1, dPanel) & dPanel.ALLBITS) == 0) {}
              dPanel.drawPicture(0, 0, theImage);
    } else {
    //set current position in editorPane to the end
    //put text into the editorPane
              try {
                   insertTheHTML(editorPane, text, editorPane.getDocument().getLength());
              } catch (IOException e) {}
    } //end of appendText(String)
    public void sendImage(File file) {
    //find length of file
         long len = file.length();
    //read file into byte array
         byte[] byteArray = new byte[(int)len];
         try {
              FileInputStream fstream = new FileInputStream(file);
              if ( < len) {
    //error could not load file
              } else {
              out.println("IMAGE " + len + ",");
                   out.write(byteArray, 0, (int)len); //write file to stream
         } catch(Exception e){}
    //run the client
    public static void main(String[] args) {
         String ipAddr=null, portNr=null;
              if (args.length != 2) {
                   System.out.println("USAGE: java guiClient IP_Address port_number");
              } else {
         ipAddr = args[0];
              portNr = args[1];
              JFrame frame = new guiClient();
              frame.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                   public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) { System.exit(0); }
              while(CONNECTFLAG == false){}
    //sames as previous client,
    //set up connection and then listen for messages from the Server
              String socketIP = ipAddr;
              int port = Integer.parseInt(portNr);
    //the IP address of the machine where the server is running
              Socket theSocket = null;
    //communication line to the server
              out = null;
    //for message sending
              BufferedReader in = null;
    //for message receiving
              try {
              theSocket = new Socket(socketIP, port );
    //try to connect
              out = new PrintStream(theSocket.getOutputStream());
                   dPanel.out = out;
    //for client to send messages
              in = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(theSocket.getInputStream()));
                   BufferedReader userIn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(;
                   String fromServer;
                   while ((fromServer = in.readLine()) != null) {
                   if (fromServer.equals("BYE")) {
                        appendText("Connection Closed");
    //close all streams
    //close the socket
         } catch (UnknownHostException e) {
    //if the socket cannot be openned
              System.err.println("Cannot find " + socketIP);
              } catch (IOException e) { //if the socket cannot be read or written
              System.err.println("Could not make I/O connection with " + socketIP);
    class HyperListener implements HyperlinkListener {
    public JEditorPane sourcePane;
    public void hyperlinkUpdate(HyperlinkEvent e) {
    if (e.getEventType() == HyperlinkEvent.EventType.ACTIVATED) {
    sourcePane = (JEditorPane) e.getSource();
                   if (e instanceof HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent) {
    HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent event = (HTMLFrameHyperlinkEvent) e;
                        HTMLDocument doc = (HTMLDocument) sourcePane.getDocument();
    else {
    try {}
    catch (Exception ev){
    Well sorry the source code takes up the whole forum but I need a good feedback from this.

    All right...
    public class guiClient extends JFrame implements ActionListener {
    static String userString;
    static String currentFont;
    String fontchoice;
    String fontlist;
    static JTextField userName = new JTextField();
    public guiClient() {
         super("My Client");
    public guiClient() {
         super("My Client");
    // Create a ComboBox
    GraphicsEnvironment gEnv = GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment();
    String envfonts[] = gEnv.getAvailableFontFamilyNames();
    Vector vector = new Vector();
    for ( int i = 1; i < envfonts.length; i++ ) {
    JComboBox fontlist = new JComboBox (envfonts);
         fontchoice = envfonts[0];     
    //Create a regular text field.
         JTextField textField = new JTextField(10);
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
    //if the action is from the textfield (e.g. user hits enter)
         if (e.getActionCommand().equals(textFieldString)) {
              JTextField fromUser = (JTextField)e.getSource();
         if (fromUser != null){
    //place user text in editor pane
    //send message to server
                   if (userName.getText() != null) {
                        userString = userName.getText().trim();
                   out.println(userString + ": " + fromUser.getText());
         else if (e.getActionCommand().equals(fontlist)){
         JComboBox cb = (JComboBox)e.getSource();
    String newSelection = (String)cb.getSelectedItem();
    currentFont = newSelection;
         userString = currentFont;

  • In Report How to change font in big font.

    hi, Guru......
    I have a problem...
    "how will change font  on report".
    that means print heading big font.
    Pls Reply....

    if it is ALV report....
    then use....
    *&      Form  top
    *       text
    FORM top.
      DATA: t_header TYPE slis_t_listheader,
           wa_header TYPE slis_listheader,
           t_line LIKE wa_header-info,
           ld_lines TYPE i,
           ld_linesc(10) TYPE c.
      wa_header-typ  = 'H'.
      wa_header-info = '<text1>'.
      APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
      CLEAR wa_header.
      wa_header-typ  = 'S'.
      wa_header-info = '<text2>'.
      APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
      CLEAR wa_header.
      wa_header-typ  = 'S'.
      wa_header-info = '<text3>'.
      APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
      CLEAR wa_header.
      IF s_pst-low IS NOT INITIAL.
        wa_header-typ  = 'S'.
        wa_header-key = 'From:'.
        wa_header-info = s_pst-low.
        APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
        CLEAR wa_header.
      IF s_pst-high IS NOT INITIAL.
        wa_header-typ  = 'S'.
        wa_header-key = 'To:'.
        wa_header-info = s_pst-high.
        APPEND wa_header TO t_header.
        CLEAR wa_header.
          it_list_commentary       = t_header
    *     I_LOGO                   = 'PMMN_BACKGROUND'
    *     I_END_OF_LIST_GRID       =
    *     I_ALV_FORM               =
    ENDFORM.                    "top
    and in 
         i_callback_top_of_page            = 'TOP'

  • How to change fonts in iCal?

    How to change fonts in iCal?  I can't harly read my calendar-tiny print size.  How could I change the font size?

    Your question really got me thinking.   Actually, I don't think you should feel like an idiot at all.  I think it is Apples failure that they made this difficult.  Seriously, who would ever think to press Command and arrow to switch months?  The little arrows next to the word Today are so small and inconspicuous that I remember having this very same question when I started using iCal too. 
    So, here is what I did to make it easier for my wife that uses iCal too. 
    Open System Preferences, Keyboard, Keyboard Shortcuts Tab, and finally Application Shortcuts.
    Click on the Plus symbol under the right hand pane.
    Select iCal from the Application list
    Add two shortcuts:  One named Next and the other named Previous and press your desired Keyboard Shortcut.
    I assigned the left arrow and right arrow for these tasks.
    Now it makes more sence for someone that is not used to Apples idotic way of doing things. ;-)
    I use keyboard shortcuts all over the place.  Actually, sometimes it gets me into trouble when I use someone elses computer and my shortcuts don't work.  I blame their computer for it and forget it was my "tuning".

  • How to change font size on screen

    how to change font size on screen

    I'm not certain what font sizes you wish to change, when on a page you can use command and the += button to zoom in and make the fonts larger. On the finder desktop you can make what ever is on the desktop larger or smaller from the finder menu click view, custom view options, and adjust the icon size with the slider on the top, and the text using the text size box to select the size that your comfortable with.
    Forgot to add these.
    Hope this helps.

  • How to change Font Size of Object Explorer in "SQL Server Management Studio"

    Dear Team,
    "SQL Server Management Studio" is a fantastic IDE for the database.
    There are so many customization options available but one thing many users missing is that " How to change Font Size of Object Explorer?"
    Can you please accumulate this feature in IDE ASAP?
    Many Thanks,

    Its there
    Go to Tools -> Options
    Then under Environment you've fonts and colors tab where you can specify a higher font size.
    Please Mark This As Answer if it solved your issue
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  • How to change font size, maximum column size in the result screen ?

    hi All
    That's great when using SQL Dev.
    But I also have a trouble that how to change font size, maximum column size in the result screen ?
    My users think that font in result screen is shown very small, and whenever the data in each colum is long then it's not shown full data in column, they must double click for extend the size. Have the option to default the max size for showing full data in each column ? I try but still not to do that .
    Appreciate for anyone to help us.
    Thanks all.

    You can't change the font for the results screen yet, however you will be able to select an auto-fit option for selected columns, so if some columns have slitghtly wider text you'll be able to set the column widths to handle these wider columns.
    Also, there s the option of switching the layout of a record in the grid.

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    Same situation for report parameter input value font. What ever we do , it is still Arial and size 10.

  • How to change font size in a call-out tool box?

    Hi, the other day i inserted a call-out tool box in a PDF document, however i cannot find anything that can change the font size of the letters i input in that box. could anyone help? Thanks.

    This is a question for the Acrobat support forums – please post there.
    From: Adobe Forums <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Reply-To: "[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>" <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Date: Wed, 23 Nov 2011 10:55:07 -0800
    To: Leonard Rosenthol <[email protected]<mailto:[email protected]>>
    Subject: how to change font size in a call-out tool box?
    Re: how to change font size in a call-out tool box?
    created by danmarch<> in PDF Language and Specifications - View the full discussion<

  • How to change font size in check printing program in AP Invoice

    I would like to know how to change font size in check printing program in Oracle Payables Module for Invoice printing. We are using Oracle standard
    report to print check.
    Concurrent program short name : APXPBFEL
    Prt file : APLASP.prt
    I modified prt file for code 199 like below
    code "199" esc "(8U" esc "(s0p12.00h10.00v0s0b3T" esc "&k11.75H"
    Font size changed for last page only which prints checks, for Void pages its printed with default font. For Page 1 printed with default font and page 2 has reduced font. This change is not intiallized for all pages.
    Please let me know if you any of you know how to change fonts.

    *Default FullZoom Level:

  • How to change font size in textarea?

    how to change font size in textarea?

    to embed a font using actionscript requires adding the font to your library.  to do that, click the upper right of your library panel, click "new font..", select the font you want and click ok.  find the added font in your library, right click, click properties and tick "export for actionscript" (click the actionscript tab if you don't see that option, at first).  assign a class name (eg, WhateverFont).  you can then use:
    var tfor:TextFormat = new TextFormat();
    var yourfont:Font=new WhateverFont();
    tfor.font = yourfont.fontName;

  • How to change font size in a table?

    How to change font size in a table without using the font style of another document?  Please show a sample script.  Thanks!

    Hi Dave,
    Thank you so much for the email.  I tried every object and method I can
    posibly think about such as
    myTable.Rows.Item(1).PointSize = 24
    myCell.Characters.Item(1).PointSize = 24
    I got error message all the time.  These objects don’t support PointSize.
    All I need is to change point size of the text in InDesign tables created
    using VBScript. Could you help me with this?  Thanks,

  • How to change font size

    Just purchased Deskjet 1010 & don't know how to change font size.

    Welcome to the HP Community Forum.
    In most cases you can adjust the scale of your documents before you print.
    Please take a look at the following:
    Manage Print Output with Print Preview
    Click the Kudos Thumbs-Up to say Thank You!
    And...Click Accept as Solution when my Answer provides a Fix or Workaround!
    I am pleased to provide assistance on behalf of HP. I do not work for HP. 
    Kind Regards,

  • How to change font size on panels?

    How to change font size on panels?

    Peetwo wrote:
    Thanks for your response.
    The Martin Evening book on Lightroom 5 says that you can.  I can’t discern exactly how.
    Maybe, but you are asking in the Camera Raw forum, so I might be excused for not being telepathic.

Maybe you are looking for

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