How to change language on display of Laserject Pro MFP M225dn?

I accidently selected a wrong language on a display. It is showing as arabic or similar. I would like to change it to English but can't find how to do that. Please help!

I am trying to add primitive syntax highlighting to my JTextPane and have serious problems which I already stated in this forum. Now I read from uncle_alice that the text package from swing is not ment for that and that I need to write my own JTextPane and my own document and view.
Can you explain what you mean by "writing my own JTextPane and View and Dcoument".
My own Document I already have in order to provide SQL-highlighting.
But what exactly do you mean by suggesting to write my own View! Whoever uses JTextPane doesnt really have much to do with its view. Can you give me a hint as I am completely stuck with an Exception : "javax.swing.text.StateInvariantError: GlyphView: Stale view: javax.swing.text.BadLocationException: Length must be positive"
can you pinpoint the standard text-package's deficiency? it lacks what? what is the best work around?

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    If you're unable to log in because the login screen language doesn't match your keyboard, press the key combination  command-space or command-option-space to cycle through the available languages.
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    Claudio González, "How to change language?" #2, 26 Mar 2008 5:31 am If you go to Preferences > International (Display in older versions of Reader), you are offered limited language options. These are between English and the language you chose when downolading (older versions), and the present language and selecting language at startup (newer versions), which will probably offer the same two lternatives.
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    alexpass wrote:
    In the dialog I have combo box in which I can select desire language for application. When I select value I save this value in the config file. But language change ONLY when I exit and again enter to the application. How can change language of application dynamic (without exit from application) ?I guess your application sets the locale at "startup", based on the contents of the config file, using a call to java.util .Locale.setDefault(Locale). Did you try to call this method in response to the selection in the combobox?
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    Hi BulKa59,
    Thats strange. Could you share a screenshot of the CC desktop app preferences panel?
    May i also know the operating system on which you are working?
    Try to sign out from CC desktop app and then sign in back and check if you get the option to change the language.
    Also, what is your operating system language?
    ~ Arpit

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    Try this.
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    Quit Sys Pref
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    We use japanese strings only when your server locale has "jp": FindNoCase("Japan", GetLocale()) NEQ 0. So you may not be able to individually change  server monitor's flash client, but there are two ways to change it back to english on server level
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    hello bhavin,
    DAQmx uses the operating system language settings.
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    You can run the Photoshop CS6 Installer again, and choose English (Arabic) as the language instead of English (North America)
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    Welcome to Apple discussions.
    Pages looks at your system preferences > international > language setting to determine your preferred language. If it's set on "English," then you've chosen American English. If British English isn't in the list, click on the Edit List button, then put Brit English at the top of the list.

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