How to cleam memory in InDesign.

Dear all,
We are developing a extension for Adobe InDesign and after many months of development we are still stuck with various things we cannot find a proper solution to them. The extension exports a lot of images, texts, creates new pages, basically we are exporting all the content in a document as long as 300-400 pages in different assets, in JPG and PNG formats. So is really memory consuming
When running the extension we have developed, the main thread is bloqued and the InDesign is not responding and if the export we are doing is really large it just crashes InDesign. We would like to reléase memory after each page is finished, but we cannot do so. Once the complete export is finished, then memory is released, but not while the export is happening
As we export the memory is increasing more and more without releasing anything, we have tried different options, but seems like we never get to release memory as everything is blocked
How can we release memory while the extension is running ? Or is there a way to stop the extension each iteration so it releases memory?
We use the extension manager and flash builder.

Hi Cesar,
I'm also making an export script, (not extension), mine seems to be quite different to yours but we'll might see when both are published.
Off the point.
The first thing you have to be aware of is using flash builder and extension manager, If you are making a flash based extension, from what I understand it's not going to work for the next version of InDesign which is switching to HTML5 based panels and dropping support for flash based panels (you'll still need the flash based panels to support the current version (9) and below. This is going to be a major pain for all extensions for the next lot of years that all of them will need 2 completely different interface bases to be compatible with CC(1), CS6 (which is going to be around for a long time for obvious reasons) and below on the one side and CC(2) + on the other.  I can't actually blame Adobe for this one as there should be some serious benefits in the HTML5 panels.
Back to the point.
See Ariel's Phenomenal optimization technique! which is based on the same Idea of breaking down the script into small parts.
See also Re: Big performance issue while removing tabs by indents including the link brought by Xavier in 7 over there. Loic reduced his script run time from 6 hours + to 90 seconds by using efficient techniques.
I made a script for making swatch books (sort of thing than Pantone publish - involved a quite a bit of maths and color conversions) it was workable for 3,000 - 4,000 swatches but when it got to 15,000 or so swatches the machines wouldn't budge one bit.  Separating the output into separate document  (which any I needed to do because the proofing and print machines can only handle up to 27 spot colors) resulted in the script working very efficiently.
As Uwe mentioned redraw can make a big difference and even more so hidden documents, false)
Using myObjectCollection.everyItem().getElements().slice(0). Very significant for big collections.
Better still don't make big collections in the first place.  Don't if possible try process all the export items in the document myItems = doc.allGraphics or myItems = doc.spreads.everyItem().allGraphics rather make a collection myItems = doc.spread[n].allGraphics this will take up much less memory and work much quicker.
Try playing with $.memCache see if increasing or reducing the memory allocation makes a difference.  Please let me know if it does!
There's a very lot of methods that would depend on the actual script the differences can be huge, from scripts that just won't move to taking less than 2 minutes.
Don't forget to report back with the results

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    This script is actually pretty straightforward, so it's a good first
    challenge I think.
    I would script this in InDesign -- probably because I'm more familiar
    with InDesign scripting.
    To start learning the InDesign scripting basics, open the ExtendScript
    Toolkit (ESTK) which is almost certainly installed on your computer
    already. Go to the Help menu, and you'll find an entry there called
    Adobe Intro to Scripting. Read that. I think that's the best place to start.
    For the script in question, you would want to:
    1. make sure both InDesign documents are open. They would both have the
    same number of pages. (No scripting involved here, just make sure
    they're open before running the script.)
    2. loop backwards through the collection of document pages of one of the
    documents. (document.pages is the collection you're looking for)
    3. use the move() method of a document page to move it. (myPage.move())
    4. Learn about the LocationOptions enumerator so that when you move the
    page you can tell InDesign if you want to move it before, or after
    another page. (LocationOptions.AFTER or LocationOptions.BEFORE)
    5. Get a reference to the page in the second document before (or after)
    which you want to move the page in the first document.
    5. that's basically it
    I suggest that as you work your way through this (if you decide to take
    up the challenge), you post any questions you may have on the InDesign
    Scripting forum here.

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    These instructions must be carried out as an administrator. If you have only one user account, you are the administrator.
    Launch the Console application in any of the following ways:
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    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
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    from the log list on the left. If you don't see that list, select
              View ▹ Show Log List
    from the menu bar at the top of the screen.
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    Copy the messages to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C. Paste into a reply to this message by pressing command-V.
    The log contains a vast amount of information, almost all of it useless for solving any particular problem. When posting a log extract, be selective. A few dozen lines are almost always more than enough.
    Please don't indiscriminately dump thousands of lines from the log into this discussion.
    Please don't post screenshots of log messages—post the text.
    Some private information, such as your name, may appear in the log. Anonymize before posting.

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      if(nShowHide == 0)
      result = kSuccess;
    }while( kFalse );
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    What do you mean by 'clear memory' ?
    You can close apps via the iPad's taskbar (a lot of the apps that show on the taskbar will just be 'recently used', they won't be using resources) : from the home screen (if you have an app 'open' on-screen then it won't show on the taskbar for closing) double-click the home button to bring up the taskbar at the bottom of the iPad's screen, then press and hold any of the apps on the taskbar for a couple of seconds or so until they start shaking, then press the '-' in the top left of the iTunes app to close it, and touch any part of the screen above the taskbar so as to stop the shaking and close the taskbar.
    If you want to delete content from your iPad to free up storage then you can see how much space each app is taking up via Settings > General > Usage. To delete an app (and therefore its content) press and hold any of the apps on your iPad’s homescreen and after a couple of seconds or so they should start to shake. Then press the 'x' in the left corner to delete the ones that you don't want, and when you've finished deleting press the home button so as to stop the shaking. If you don't get the 'x' on any of the apps that you've downloaded (you can't delete built-in apps) then check that Settings > General > Restrictions > Deleting Apps isn't set 'off'.
    To do a soft-reset (i.e. a reboot) : press and hold both the sleep and home buttons for about 10 to 15 seconds (ignore the red slider), after which the Apple logo should appear.

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