How to compare photo libraries?

I started using the internal drive on my mini for storage of my photos...initially, no problem, as I didn't have a digital SLR, and wasn't taking as many photos. Now, I have added over 6000 this year and am over 10,000 pix. At some point I duplicated the library to my ext. f/w 250 gb drive and load new photos there, exclusively.
I'm a little concerned that some of the early photos may not be in the current external library. Is there any way to have the program (or some external program) compare the libraries and indicated any photos which occur in one and not the other?
(I know, I should have made sure it was the latest when I switched) but it began as an experiment to see if the 7200 rpm speed of the external was enough of a benefit to eliminate using the internal 4200 rpm drive...answer for me, was a YES.

I honestly don't know, and the website is unclear, so a little trial and error might be in order.
Another possibility might be to explore what you can achieve with iPhoto Library Manager. It has a Merge function (the paid version, that is, at $19.95) that might be worth exploring as well.
You can download it here:
Not exactly what you're looking for, but it may help...

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    I am in the same boat as you are Mark. I only have about 88G and 16,000 tracks of music (that does not include any video), and in trying to manually compare two libraries from directory listings by hand is not the way to do things. I am also thinking that creating some output listings for the directory is the solution, but the directory structure is not the same, and would require some level of automation for dumping the differences. I am a tad rusty at my unix scripting to say the least, but I guess I could pull out some of the old reference books. Even if a properly specified ls command could give an output format to pull into an excel file? and then be able to do the diff there with some small tweaking ? I've gotten myself into a bit of a mess with this (nothing that can not be resolved with some careful cleanup), but I don't want to have to rebuild another new library from my old master if I could do a diff between the two, so I can add the remaining 10G (estimated) that is missing in the new library.
    Hopefully by replying to your thread someone else will spot this and can give an assist.
    I am missing a lot more than 41 tracks, I am guessing a few hundred (200 - 300 plus?).
    One place to check on the old library is in the unknown folders? (unknown album or unknown artist?) and also to check under what is labeled as a compilations folder.
    I think what created part of my problem is that I suspect the new directory structure (part of the new iTunes version) placed on top of the old directory structure (prior iTunes versions - when the orig library was created back in 2003 and then moved to an external device) was something I did not clearly understand or investigate sufficiently prior to starting to move things around. I have not lost anything (i.e. the physical files are all still there in the old master, along with a backup), but certainly the new master is not in full synch with the old master.
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    check this post by Zevoneer.

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    You cannot merge two separate libraries across user accounts. Photos does not have the function of merging different Photos.library files. If you have Aperture then you can merge the two before migrating over to Photos.

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    Welcome to the  Discussion Forums.
    It's debatable whether you could ever sync and stream photos from the same library. tv v 1.1 gave that impression because it showed photos in a synced source and a streamed source when the source was the same library. However as they were effectively the same photos it was never really clear what was happening.
    Now that synced and streamed content is in the same menu under v 2.0 it really doesn't matter. If your itunes library is synced to your tv then you must sync your photos, if your itunes library is stream only then you must stream your photos.
    Moving on, because this doesn't actually address your problem, which is that you want to sync or stream multiple iphoto libraries from the same itunes library. Well you can't, although you have a couple of workarounds.
    If you must have multiple libraries, then you could open additional user accounts, stream the itunes libraries in those user accounts and allocate a single library to iphoto under each user account. This is quite messy if you have more than a couple of libraries and will not work with more than 5 libraries, which you may well have if you are working by years.
    Your second option and I don't think you'll like it too much is to put all your photos in one library. To be honest I'm not really sure why you split your photos up as you do, I would have thought that iphoto was more than capable of coping with photos from all years.

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    F12 or cmd+F12 on a mac.

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    Jneklason wrote:
    I know this email is confusing and really hard to understand...perhaps now you will know how i've been feeling--lost and confused with all the mis-information, with a hit and miss phone, and out of time with all the 1 1/2 hr to 2 hrs EACH wasted on this issue.
    On top of all this, I can't even find out how to file a complaint with anyone higher up than Customer Service.
    I hate to tell you this, but you didn't write an email. You wrote a discussion post on the Verizon Wireless Community forum which is a public peer to peer forum. Unfortunately since you didn't mark your post as a question, the VZW reps that roam this community won't ever see your post. Before you re-post it, don't. Duplicate posts get removed from the community.
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    Review your syncing settings in iTunes for Photos. You probably checked for syncing some smart albums, such as Newest Photos, Last Three Events, etc.

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    All I have done so far is import over my aperture library and re-arranged the projects.
    Both have the same time stamp today at 3:59pm and both will change this time stamp when I open the program.
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    Mistake on below:
    It is 11.3 MB compared to 17.17GB
    The one in the "pictures folder" reads 11.3gb
    The one on the external reads 17.17 gb

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    I've done a great deal of work with mobile accounts in Snow Leopard and I'm now having a "play" with Lion. To be honest you have to sit down and think about why you need mobile accounts.
    If your user only uses one computer then your safer having a local account backed up by a network Time Machine, this avoids the many many woes that the Servers FileSyncAgent brings to the table.
    If your users are going to be accessing multiple computers on the network and leaving the network then a mobile account is good for providing a uniform user experience and access to files etc. However, your users will have to make a choice as to whether they want their iPhoto libraries on one Local machine (backed up by Time Machine) or whether they want their library to be hosted on the server and not part of the Mobile Home Sync schedule (adding ~/Pictures to the excluded items on the home sync settings).
    With the latter, users will be able to access their iPhoto libraries on any computer when they are within the network (as it's accessed from the users server home folder).
    With the first option the user would have their iPhoto library on one computer (say the laptop they used the most) but then would not be able to access it from other computers they log on to.
    iPhoto libraries are a pain, and I'm working hard to come up with a workaround. If your users moved over to using Apeture then you could include the aperture library as part of the home sync thanks to Deeport ( h-bundles/)
    He does suggest that the same would work with IPhoto libraries - but it doesn't for a number of mysterious reasons regarding how the OS recognizes thie iPhoto bundle (it does so differently compared to Apeture).
    Hope this helps...

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    from a quick search at Apple discussions I realize that my following problem is a very common, but essentially an unsolved one. So rather than a final solution, I'm looking for ideas and discussion on how to organize photos in a family setting…
    The problem started when my wife got her own MacBook a few weeks ago, and when we started having two iPhoto libraries instead of one. We do have some photos that can be definitely labeled as 'mine' or 'hers'. But how should we organize family photos? What if one of us wanted to just grab their MacBook and show off the kids' pictures to a friend?
    Duplicating photos involves a lot of manual extra work, and labels and keywords will inevitably run out of sync. If we keep photos on a network drive we can't just take them away from home. It seems like the problem is not just related to iPhoto, but to digital photography in general. Or is there another photo organizer – Aperture? Lightroom? Whatever else? – that serves families well?
    If you've faced this problem, I'd like to hear how you approached it.

    You could put an external HD connected to the TC. Then each time one of you take new photos upload them to a folder on your Desktop. Name the folder with the date of the shoot (this assumes that each of your delete the memory card in the camera after each shoot and upload) and a brief description like: 01/16/10-Aidan's 4th Bday Party. You can also rename the photos in the folder. I use the international date and a brief description: 2010-01-16-Aidans 4th-001.JPG, -002.JPG, etc. You an use a file renaming application likeRenamer4Mac orName Mangler to do the job.
    Next import the folder into your iPhoto. This will create an Event with the same name as the folder. Then drag the folder to the hard drive on the Time Capsule. Then each of you can view the folders on the external HD and import those folders which you don't have - or not.
    This will also act as a backup of the original files. I'm not sure what format the external HD needs to be to work in this manner but it shouldn't matter as long as you're only storing files. You can't run a iPhoto library from it if it isn't formatted OS X Extended (journaled). Also running a library wirelessly is fraught with problems like dropouts which can damage the database file.
    That way you will have 3 backup copies of your photos - actually 2 as the two libraries on the TC really only count as one since they are on the same drive.

  • Should I merge or split photo libraries- seeking opinions

    I am seeking input on how to organize my photo libraries. I primarily use iPHOTO, but I do own Aperture. I keep a current iPHOTO library on my Macbook SSD. Due to space constraints, I have created several libraries over the years and offloaded those onto external hard drives.
    So, for example:
    I have iPHOTO 2015 on my laptop,
    but on external drives I have these 3 iPHOTO libraries: 2104, 2012-2013, 2009 - 2011 (all as "managed" iPHOTO libraries) and
    an Aperture library 1940-2009 (a "referenced" library - which includes scans of all my dad's old slides, as well as all my pre-iPhoto pictures.)
    Each of these libraries is in the range of 60 -120GB in size. Right now these are scattered over 2 drives, and I want clear plan before I start moving everything to a new 2TB ext drive.
    I can't seem to decide if I should merge all my external libraries in Aperture, or if I should continue to keep separate iPHOTO libraries.
    Or perhaps just keep the current year on my laptop and then at the end of each year add it to one gigunda external library.
    No matter what -  I will want at least the current years photos on the laptop drive.
    So basically those of you with more experience - what are your thoughts??
    I have a 2014 15" MacbookPro, Yosemite OS, with 500 GB SSD (<120GB remaining)

    The best is to have a single iphoto libray
    You want to have a smaller library on your MBP too so do that and use iPhoto Library Manager - -  to move photos between the single complete library and the portable one on your MBP

  • How To Transfer Photo and Video from Kin Twom to PC?

    My computer, Windows-Vista, does not show the Kin Twom icon. I don't know how to download photo and video taken from Kin Twom to PC. Kin Studio is phasing out and does not accept new member. What else can we do?

    just found out, you are from my town!
    ok, so you have your zune software downloaded and installed.
    when you first open the software, it will show photos/videos/blah blah. Those are usually the contents (default) in your "My Music" "My Video" and "My Pictures" folders under your "My Documents" folder or "Libraries" (windows 7).
    So to move those photoes, videos, and such in and out of the zune software, simply copy/cut/paste whatever you may like, and put them in those designated folders.
    After opening Zune, connect Kin TwoM to your computer via the given USB cable.
    If connected successfully, the Zune software will detect it and ask you to name your device. If not, then disconnect and retry.
    Then to sync stuff to your Kin TwoM, under the Zune menu, go to "Collections" and choose whatever you like, click on them and drag to the lower left corner where a phone is presented in "black" color. If you successfully dragged an item there, the mouse cursor should changed to a red bubble with the number "1" in it. The number represents the amount of items you are dragging to the phone.
    To sync stuff from the phone to your computer, go to the Phone section under Zune menu, should be about 3 or 4 items to the right of "Collections". Repeat what was said above, except this time, the little black phone at the lower left corner will be a black desktop.
    hope this helps!

  • How to compare data between two worksheet in Excel for applescript

    Hi All,
    How to compare the data from two different worksheet in Excel and set the value into one worksheet according to the same name? Here is the example. Worksheet 1 & 2 current we have, the final worksheet is the result we want and the value can be input in worksheet 1. Much appreciate if you can help on it.
    Worksheet 1:
    Name          Number
    Leo                 25
    Jame               55
    Leo                 30
    Jame               60
    Tim                 44
    Tomas             77
    Lyne                35
    Tonny              66
    Jame               22
    Game              88
    Worksheet  2:
    Name          Number  2
    Leo                60
    Jame             150
    Tim                66
    Tomas            88
    Lyne               55
    Tonny            99
    Game             111
    Rusult in Worksheet 1
    Name          Number        Total Number per name in Worksheet 1         Number 2 in Worksheet 2
    Leo                 25                          55                                                        60
    Jame               55                         137                                                       150
    Leo                 30                           55                                                        60
    Jame               60                         137                                                       150
    Tim                 44                          44                                                         66
    Tomas             77                          77                                                        88
    Lyne                35                          35                                                        55
    Tonny              66                          66                                                        99
    Jame               22                         137                                                       150
    Game              88                          88                                                        111

    I'd probably use a database for this, if there's any quantity of data involved here.  Import from Excel into {SQLite, MySQL, PostgreSQL, FileMaker, maybe Core Data}, or pick your preferred key-value store, keep your data in the database, then export or (via ODBC/JDBC) then access live database data from within the spreadsheets.
    Alternatively and if you're looking at small quantities of data (say, less than 10,000 entries, or less than a thousand depending on the language), then just use whatever passes for a key-value store in your preferred scripting language {Python, bash, Lua, or maybe php, AppleScript or Java} and use that.  Export Excel to CSV {gag} or XML, then load that into Python and process as needed, then write out CSV {gag} or XML.
    AppleScript is a scripting language for GUI applications, and also useful for processing events.  If you're not doing that sort of stuff, then there can be other choices, and other choices can often have extensive frameworks and libraries for common tasks.
    Sooner or later, most everybody runs into a wall when using a spreadsheet...  Various folks have encountered those limits and have migrated from spreadsheets to FileMaker databases, and now use a database as the central store for their operations — and that's the other issue that can arise with spreadsheets... Where's the canonical data?

Maybe you are looking for