How to compile Oracle procedure throught ODI procedure

Can any one help me how to compile oracle procedure through ODI11g
I am awar of that, how to call oracle procedure in ODI and execute it.
Please help me

You want to know how to compile, or how to call, or both ?
I don't know for compilation, but call a procedure is simple.
You juste have to create an ODI Procedure and write the SQL statement like you do in a query editor.

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    You'll need to add the j2ee.jar to your classpath. Usually you'll have to add some jars from your app server to your classpath as well.
    For example (using weblogic):
    javac -classpath c:\java\j2ee\j2ee1.3.1\lib\j2ee.jar;c:\tools\appserver\weblogic\wl7.1\lib\weblogic.jar

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    Listener are correctly configured.
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    Do you have someone any idea?
    Now I have 1 library, 2 functions and 1 package with 2 functions:
    int renamefile(char source, char destination)
    { int result;
    return result;
    int comexi (char *c)
    { int ret;
    ret = system(c);
    return ret;
    FUNCTION callSystemI(c in varchar2) RETURN binary_integer is
    EXTERNAL LIBRARY extern_utils
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    PARAMETERS (src string, dst string);
    The first function still don't works, second function works.

  • How to call Oracle Procedure into ODI

    I'm using ODI 10g.
    Before executing the interface in a package i wanted to place my Procedure.
    I created following procedure in d/b (target)
    The Procedure is working fine in target database.
    Now, before executing my interface i would like to run this procedure in my package. So, can some one please help me how to call this oracle procedure (Created in Target schema) into ODI and run this.
    thank you.

    Hi GRK,
    You can create an ODI procedure, add a single step, choose Oracle as Technology and your target schema.
    Then just call it through a pl/sql block :
    END;Then drag this ODI procedure in your package.

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    Dear friends,
    I couldnt find the way how to compile my invalid procedure through sql*Plus.
    I know this is very awkward,but I m in need of that command only.
    Ritesh Sharma

    Pls check it --
    SQL> @C:\RND\Oracle\Function\a.sql;
    11  /
    Function created.
    SQL> start C:\RND\Oracle\Function\a.sql;
    11  /
    Function created.
    SQL> Regards.
    Satyaki De.

  • How to compile my procedure.

    create or replace procedure sp_trans_log(i_trans_id number) as
    TYPE tab_trans IS RECORD
    v_table_name varchar2(20),
    v_mode varchar2(3)
    TYPE tb_trans_tbl IS TABLE OF tab_trans INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER ;
    v_trans_tbl tb_trans_tbl;
    execute immediate 'select table_name,mode from transaction_detail where i_trans_id = 1'
    bulk collect into v_trans_tbl;
    FOR i IN 1..v_trans_tbl.COUNT LOOP
    if v_trans_tbl(i).mode = 'I' then
    -- My procedure is not getting compiled because of the below statement. The sql file gets executed based on
    the no of records present in pl sql table . How to make the procedure a compiled one.
    @C:\gaioscodes\jul20\thatinsert.sql v_trans_tbl(i).v_table_name;
    end if;
    if v_trans_tbl(i).mode = 'U' then
    @C:\gaioscodes\jul20\thatupdatescript v_trans_tbl(i).v_table_name;
    end if;
    if v_trans_tbl(i).mode = 'D' then
    @C:\gaioscodes\jul20\thatDELETE v_trans_tbl(i).v_table_name;
    end if;
    end loop;

    Vinodh2 wrote:
    prompt set serveroutput on
    the above file is test.sql
    i am writing a code as below:
    "@", "prompt" and "set serveroutput on" are all SQL*Plus commands. You cannot issue these inside PL/SQL code.
    Let's keep it simple and assume you have a script called "runme.sql" and it contains the following:
    set serveroutput on
    spool c:\tmp.output.txt
    spool offand the my_procedure procedure is like:
    PROCEDURE my_procedure(p_value IN NUMBER) IS
      DBMS_OUTPUT(TO_CHAR(p_value*p_value,'fm999999')); -- display the square of the number
    END;and you want to put that into a procedure on the database.
    Firstly, the "set serveroutput on" is an SQL*Plus command that enables the output buffer to be displayed if any code uses DBMS_OUTPUT to put out information.
    PL/SQL has no user interface, so there is no such concept as a place where output can be displayed. Therefore we will just have to abandon the set serveroutput on statement for our PL/SQL
    Next, "spool" is a SQL*Plus command that takes output and puts it into the specified file. PL/SQL doesn't have a native spool feature, but it does have packages that allow data to be written into files. e.g. UTL_FILE. So we can do something with that to convert it.
    Next the procedure call. It simply does some calculations and outputs the data using DBMS_OUTPUT, which our SQL*Plus script is capturing and putting out to the spool file. Hang on though, we can't spool in PL/SQL so that procedure will have to be re-written a little.
    So let's just put all that into our procedure and make life simple...
    PROCEDURE my_procedure(p_value IN NUMBER) IS
      fh := UTL_FILE.FOPEN('MYDIR','output.txt','w',32767);
      -- DBMS_OUTPUT(p_value*p_value); -- display the square of the number
      UTL_FILE.PUT_LINE(fh, TO_CHAR(p_value,'fm999999'));
    /This procedure now opens a file, writes out the data and closes the file again. No spooling, no server output using DBMS_OUTPUT, just all self-contained within the PL/SQL code.
    Now, you need to do something similar with your own code. Take what you are doing in your scripts and put them into procedures and just have one procedure call other procedures as necessary. Stop confusing yourself by mixing SQL*Plus scipts and PL/SQL code.

  • How to debug Oracle Procedure

    Hi friends,
    I migrated oracle procedure from Oracle 8.0.4 DB froM NT to Oracle 9.2.0 DB on IBM AIX.
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    Thanks a lot

    thanks Just,
    This is the procedure that is looping :
    Create or replace procedure glccshdb (v_period_name IN VARCHAR2) AS
    -- DECLARE
    ----------------------- FLAG VARIABLES ---------------------------
      f_eof_sundry_cr_flag     VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
      f_eof_sundry_dr_flag     VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
      f_same_check_flag     VARCHAR2(1)     := 'N';
      f_1st_loop_flag     VARCHAR2(1) := 'Y';
    ----------------------- INPUT VARIABLES ---------------------------
      v_startdate     DATE;
      v_enddate     DATE;
    --  v_period_name     VARCHAR2(15);
    ---------------- MAIN CURSOR ------------------
    CURSOR cur_main IS
         SUBSTR(     p.accounting_date,1,9) CHECKDATE,
         SUBSTR(     c.vendor_name,1,39) PAYEE,
         SUBSTR(     i.description,1,39) PARTICULARS,
         SUBSTR(     i.doc_sequence_value,1,15) DV_NUMBER,
         SUBSTR(     c.check_number,1,15) CHECK_NUMBER,
         SUBSTR(     d.amount,1,15) DISTRIBAMT,
         SUBSTR(     d.dist_code_combination_id,1,15) CODE,
         SUBSTR(     cc.segment5,1,16) ACCOUNT,
         SUBSTR(     c.amount, 1, 15) CHECKAMT,
         SUBSTR(     c.bank_account_id, 1, 15) BANKACCTID,
         SUBSTR(     c.check_id, 1, 15) CHECKID
         ap_invoices               i,
            ap_checks               c,
            ap_invoice_payments           p,
         ap_invoice_distributions      d,
         gl_code_combinations           cc,
         gl_sets_of_books           s
            p.invoice_id = i.invoice_id
    AND     p.check_id = c.check_id
    AND     i.payment_status_flag = 'Y'
    AND NOT p.amount < 0
    AND     i.invoice_id = d.invoice_id
    AND     d.dist_code_combination_id = cc.code_combination_id
    AND     cc.chart_of_accounts_id = s.chart_of_accounts_id
    AND     s.set_of_books_id = '1'
    AND   p.accounting_date BETWEEN v_startdate AND v_enddate
    ORDER BY p.accounting_date,c.check_number,c.vendor_id, c.amount;
    ---------------- SUNDRY DEBIT CURSOR ------------------
    CURSOR cur_sundry_dr IS
         SUBSTR(     cc.segment5,1,16) ACCOUNT,
         SUBSTR(     d.amount,1,15) AMOUNT
         ap_invoices               i,
            ap_checks               c,
            ap_invoice_payments           p,
         ap_invoice_distributions      d,
         gl_code_combinations           cc,
         gl_sets_of_books           s
            p.invoice_id = i.invoice_id
    AND   p.check_id = c.check_id
    AND   i.payment_status_flag = 'Y'
    AND NOT p.amount < 0
    AND     i.invoice_id = d.invoice_id
    AND     d.dist_code_combination_id = cc.code_combination_id
    AND     cc.chart_of_accounts_id = s.chart_of_accounts_id
    AND     s.set_of_books_id = '1'
    AND     p.accounting_date = v_cur_date_ref
         (     cc.segment5 = '008-070-351-0000'
         AND      d.amount < 0 )
         (     cc.segment5 = '008-070-352-0000'
         AND      d.amount < 0 )
         (     cc.segment5 = '008-070-353-0000'
         AND      d.amount < 0 )
         (     cc.segment5 = '008-070-354-0000'
         AND      d.amount < 0 )
         (     cc.segment5 = '008-084-100-0000'
         AND      d.amount < 0 )
    ---------------------------- DEBIT SPECIFIED ACCOUNTS QUALIFIER
         (     cc.segment5 = '008-071-903-0000'
         AND NOT     d.amount < 0 )
         (     cc.segment5 = '008-071-862-0000'
         AND NOT     d.amount < 0 )
         (     cc.segment5 = '008-084-906-0000'
         AND NOT     d.amount < 0 )
         (     cc.segment5 = '008-086-202-0000'
         AND NOT     d.amount < 0 )
         (     cc.segment5 = '003-001-110-0000'
         AND NOT     d.amount < 0 )
         (     cc.segment5 = '003-001-120-0000'
         AND NOT     d.amount < 0 )
         (     cc.segment5 = '008-092-420-0000'
         AND NOT     d.amount < 0 )
         (     cc.segment5 = '003-002-200-0000'
         AND NOT     d.amount < 0 )
         (     cc.segment5 = '003-019-000-0000'
         AND NOT     d.amount < 0 )
         (     cc.segment5 = '001-057-903-0000'
         AND NOT     d.amount < 0 )
         (     cc.segment5 = '008-070-501-0000'
         AND NOT     d.amount < 0 )
         (     cc.segment5 = '008-086-201-0000'
         AND NOT     d.amount < 0 ))
    ----------------------------------SUNDRY CREDIT QUALIFIER
    AND NOT     d.amount < 0
    ORDER BY      cc.segment5 ;
    PROCEDURE insert_sundry IS
         INSERT INTO glcdbsnd
         COL     (
    ---------------- FORMAT SUNDRY PROCEDURE ------------------
    PROCEDURE format_sundry IS
         s_account     :=     h_account;
         s_amount     :=     h_amount;
    --------------------- PROCEDURE DIVISION -----------------
    DELETE glcdbrpt;
    DELETE glcdbsnd;
    --DELETE cdbsunmo;
    -------------------------------------- INPUT PARAMETERS
    SELECT      start_date, end_date
    INTO     v_startdate, v_enddate
    FROM     gl_periods
    WHERE     UPPER(period_name) = UPPER(v_period_name);
    --WHERE     period_name = 'Sep-00';
    ------------------------------------------------ MONTHLY SUNDRY SUMMARY
    s_account := '                ';
    s_amount  := 0;
    h_account_sdr := '                ';
    h_amount_sdr  := 0;
    OPEN cur_sundry_cr_mo;
    OPEN cur_sundry_dr_mo;
    FETCH cur_sundry_cr_mo INTO h_account_scr, h_amount_scr;
    FETCH cur_sundry_dr_mo INTO h_account_sdr, h_amount_sdr;
    v_cur_acct_scr_ref := h_account_scr;
    v_cur_acct_sdr_ref := h_account_sdr;
    WHILE cur_sundry_cr_mo%FOUND
    OR      cur_sundry_dr_Mo%FOUND
    -------------------------------------------- TOTAL SUNDRY CREDIT PER ACCOUNT
         WHILE cur_sundry_cr_mo%FOUND
         AND h_account_scr = v_cur_acct_scr_ref
              v_sundry_credit_account := h_account_scr;
              v_sundry_cr_acct_total := v_sundry_cr_acct_total + h_amount_scr;
              v_sundry_credit_amount  := LPAD( v_sundry_cr_acct_total, 15, ' ');
              v_sundry_cr := v_sundry_credit_account || ' ' || v_sundry_credit_amount;
              h_account_scr := '                ';
              h_amount_scr  := '               ';
              FETCH cur_sundry_cr_mo INTO h_account_scr, h_amount_scr;
         END LOOP;
         v_cur_acct_scr_ref := h_account_scr;
    -------------------------------------------- SUNDRY DEBIT PER INSTANCE
         WHILE cur_sundry_dr_mo%FOUND
         AND h_account_sdr = v_cur_acct_sdr_ref
    -------------------------------------------- TOTAL SUNDRY DEBIT PER ACCOUNT
              v_sundry_debit_account := h_account_sdr;
              v_sundry_dr_acct_total := v_sundry_dr_acct_total + h_amount_sdr;
              v_sundry_debit_amount  := LPAD( v_sundry_dr_acct_total, 15, ' ');
              v_sundry_dr := v_sundry_debit_account || ' ' || v_sundry_debit_amount;
              FETCH cur_sundry_dr_mo INTO h_account_sdr, h_amount_sdr;
         END LOOP;
         v_cur_acct_sdr_ref := h_account_sdr;
    -------------------------------------------- WRITE LINE
         v_sundry_cr_acct_total := 0;
         v_sundry_dr_acct_total := 0;
    CLOSE cur_sundry_cr_mo;
    CLOSE cur_sundry_dr_mo;
    END glccshdb;Can you give me sample on how to put debugging lines using dbms_output here?
    I do not use TOAD or SqlDev to this the procudure....I only use SQL*Plus.
    Thanks a lot

  • How to call oracle procedure in JPA?

    I am new to JPA.
    Can one help with a piece of code on how to call a procedure in JPA?

    Use the search, I answered this last week.

  • How to compile Oracle Linux source?

    I accidentally downloaded source DVD "Oracle Linux Release 5 Update 2 source - DVD" instead of installable ISO image. Is there anyway I can compile it to make bootable ISO image?
    I tried to search this forum as well as other places but couldn't find any information hence thought of opening a thread before I proceed to download correct file which will again take 10+ hrs with my Internet speed :(
    Any help is highly appreciated. Also I need to know which packages are required to be installed for compiling the source if at all that is possible. I am using Ubuntu 11.10 Desktop.
    Thanks in advance for any help and hope to get a reply soon :) I need to urgently install Oracle 11gR2 on it.
    Edited by: user6582219 on Apr 12, 2012 1:10 AM
    While browsing the forum for any possible solution I came to a thread that discuss installation of a package oracle-rdbms-server-11gR2-preinstall. When searched through search engine I came to know about recent certification Oracle 11gR2 on Oracle Linux 6, here is the link
    Thing is I already have Oracle Linux 6 Update 2 (the latest) installed on my machine in dual boot mode so I dropped the idea of installing version 5.2. As per the documentation 11gR2 was not certified earlier on Linux 6.2 so I thought of installing 5.2 but it is not necessary now.
    I would still appreciate if someone could answer my question just for knowing the procedure compiling source. May be it can help someone else trying to achieve this.
    I have another couple of important questions and need guidance from the experts over here. I am not sure if it is appropriate to open a new thread but for now I am posting them here.
    Before proceeding here are my environment details:
    Machine: x86 32 bit with 2 GB RAM/250 GB HD.
    OS: Kubuntu 11.10 Desktop and Oracle Linux 6 Update 2 in dual boot mode.
    Here are my partition details for your reference but as I am planning to do the installation from the scratch following new ideal scheme you can jump to last paragraph following the line "*********************************" for my questions.
    Unfortunately my partition plan went wrong and here is what I have now:
    Disk /dev/sda: 250.1 GB, 250059350016 bytes
    255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders, total 488397168 sectors
    Units = sectors of 1 * 512 = 512 bytes
    Sector size (logical/physical): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    I/O size (minimum/optimal): 512 bytes / 512 bytes
    Disk identifier: 0x3d5ba9e1
    Device Boot Start End Blocks Id System
    /dev/sda1 * 2048 1002047 500000 83 Linux
    /dev/sda2 151525080 361253654 104864287+ 7 HPFS/NTFS/exFAT
    /dev/sda4 1003518 151001087 74998785 5 Extended
    /dev/sda5 1003520 7002111 2999296 82 Linux swap / Solaris
    /dev/sda6 7004160 11001855 1998848 83 Linux
    /dev/sda7 11003904 51001343 19998720 83 Linux
    /dev/sda8 51003392 110041087 29518848 83 Linux
    Partition table entries are not in disk order
    /dev/sda1 here is /tmp, /dev/sda2 is my data partition, I have separate /home / (root) partition for Kubuntu and remianing around 20 GB in extended partition is used for Oracle Linux 6.2 with default Oracle suggested LVM partition. I also have separate /boot for Kubuntu and I chose not to install grub while installing Oracle Linux. I later modified grub.cfg to add entries for Oracle Linux and now I can boot both OSs successfully.
    My issue now is I cannot extend 20 GB space (in extended partition) that I have given to Oracle though I have around 40 GB space available. This is because I alreay have 4 primary partitions (one for /boot others for "data" and one extended partition). So I have to make primary partition out of free space and install Oracle in a single partition without following recommended partition layout scheme.
    Now I want to do the installation of both the OS from the scratch and really need an advice on partition layout scheme. Here is summary of what I wan to achieve:
    1. Keep the "data" partition (primary) intact and carve an ideal partition layout for both the OS with separate /boot, /tmp, /home, swap (and may be for /usr???). Also may be I can share swap?
    2. How do I go about using LVM and is it recommended for this case? What would be ideal locations for each partitions and sizes? I already used 100 GB for "data" so now I want to keep 60 GB for Oracle Linux (and Oracle DB for which I will again make few sub-partitions) and remaining will be for Kubuntu.
    Well, I am not sure if this is the right place to ask these questions but since I can see very knowlegeable top contributors here that are willing to help novice users I thought of posting these questions.
    I would really really appreciate if someone can provide me rough draft of partition scheme in my case considering the sub-partitions needed for Oracle DB. I went thorugh number of forums and documentations to come up with solutuion and finally thought of getting help after much confusion.
    I really need to carefully plan this time because it's third time I am doing reinstallation from the scratch because of poor plan I followed previously.
    Thank you very much in advance and please let me know in case more information is needed from my side.

    I accidentally downloaded source DVD "Oracle Linux Release 5 Update 2 source - DVD" instead of installable ISO image. Is there anyway I can compile it to make bootable ISO image?Google will be your best friend for such a question, for instance, "Creating a Custom centos Linux bootable ISO Image". There is no need to duplicate the effort. I recommend you download the correct installation DVD, e.g. 5.8
    Thing is I already have Oracle Linux 6 Update 2 (the latest) installed on my machine in dual boot mode so I dropped the idea of installing version 5.2. As per the documentation 11gR2 was not certified earlier on Linux 6.2 so I thought of installing 5.2 but it is not necessary now.So you don't need to install 5.2 anymore, but you want the information how to compile a installation DVD from the 5.2 source anyway?!
    I have another couple of important questions and need guidance from the experts over here. I am not sure if it is appropriate to open a new thread but for now I am posting them here.Questions may be important for you, but not necessarily for others. No one will complain if you create a new thread for particular questions or subjects. It is better to separate your topics and questions rather than creating a multi-mega thread, which does little to help anyone else but you. It means more work on your end, but it will be easier for anyone to participate or answer your questions, and it will allow you to better award answers.
    Regarding your partitioning questions: It is generally difficult to address such topics in a forum. You are asking for a book of information. My advice is to drop the old fashioned concepts of dual or triple boot options and install Oracle VirtualBox instead. It will make all of these questions obsolete and you can use whatever defaults when installing your virtual machine guest OS. Its a far more superior way of dealing with multiple operating systems on one and the same computer.
    I am using Ubuntu 11.10 Desktop.
    I need to urgently install Oracle 11gR2 on it.For what it's worth, if you can combine the two source below you should be able to install and run 11gR2 on Ubuntu 11.10.
    Install Oracle 11gR2 on Ubuntu Linux 11.04 (64-bit) Howto
    Install Oracle 11gR2 on Ubuntu Linux 11.04 (64-bit) Howto
    Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition on Linux Ubuntu 11.10 howto
    Oracle 11gR2 Express Edition on Linux Ubuntu 11.10 howto
    However, check out VirtualBox.

  • How to bring oracle function into ODI

    I have a oracle function which I have to bring into ODI, could you please let me know how to do that?

    Hi Supreeth ,
    Before invoking a stored procedure from Oracle Data Integrator (ODI), run it outside ODI (i.e. SqlPlus), on the database, using the same database user as entered in the ODI Topology for this connection and make sure it is working properly .
    Then, when invoking the stored procedure from Oracle Data Integrator (ODI):
    1. Create an ODI Specific Procedure.
    2. Insert a step and, in the "Technology" drill down box, choose the appropriate RDBMS. Leave the context to "<Execution Context>".
    3. The precise syntax for calling RDBMS stored procedures in ODI may vary from one Technology to another one.
    For Oracle technologies, the syntax is as follows:
    <%=odiRef.getObjectName (pMode, My_Procedure, pLogicalSchemaName, pContextName, pLocation)%> (MY_PARAM1, MY_PARAM2...);
    * My_Procedure - is the stored procedure name
    * MY_PARAM1, MY_PARAM2... - are stored procedure parameter values
    * pMode, pLogicalSchemaName, pContextName, pLocation - are parameters of the getObjectName Substitution Method.
    At my Oracle instance I have a function called MY_FUNCTION
    So my syntax would be
    <%=odiRef.getObjectName ("L","MY_FUNCTION","D")%>

  • How To Pass Oracle Procedure Value using Tidal Oracle Database Job Definition to Tidal Variable

    how do i pass the parameter value from an oracle database tidal job to a tidal variable? for example i have this oracle db job that is defined to execute an oracle database procedure and i need to pass the parameter value to the tidal variable.
    SQL tab:

    tesmcmd is a binary that sits in your TIDAL master installation bin directory. It takes options, one of which is varset which let's you set variable values.
    So you can run a system level script ( a unix example is given below) which can set values for group variables.
    Looking at your example you need to find a way to define OracleUserVariable.1
    Where does the value for this variable come from?
    Sample variable set script:
    GROUP_FILE_VAR=`echo $2 | sed -e 's/\.xml\.pgp/\.xml/'`
    tesmcmd varset -i $1 -n GROUP_FILE_XML -v $GROUP_FILE_VAR
    XSD_FILE_VAR=`echo $2 | sed -e 's/\.xml\.pgp/\.xsd/'`
    tesmcmd varset -i $1 -n GROUP_FILE_XSD -v $XSD_FILE_VAR
    And we call the job using <JobID..p> <Group.REQUEST_FILE>
    which are overrides from a file event.

  • How to execute oracle procedure from Unix

    Hi All,
    Could you please help me in Unix commands.
    we have different databases i want to run one procedure from unix for one database.
    How can i run pls give me the flow.

    Oracle wrote:
    Hi All,
    Could you please help me in Unix commands.
    we have different databases i want to run one procedure from unix for one database.
    How can i run pls give me the flow.
    Thanks,you give the command to launch sqlplus, and pass it the appropriate sql or sqlplus commands.
    Like this:
    oracle> sqlplus /nolog <<EOF
    conn / as sysdba
    exec mystoredprocedure
    EOFor this
    oracle> sqlplus /nolog @somefile.sqlwhere 'somefile.sql' has the sqlplus commands needed.

  • How to use Oracle Procedures with Servlet page

    Hi all
    I'm working on Servlet pages and I need to insert and select some records from Oracle database but it has to be done by calling some already written Procedures. I've never really used them before so I'm little lost. I know where the queries are used it'll be Procedures but what is the syntax for it.Can anyone put me in right direction please.

    Just google it. You will find lots of examples. Here are some :

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    i created a procedure in oracle8.1.7 to return on value,look the following script:
    Procedure P_COUNT (r out number)
    select count(*) into r from demo;
    but i can get the value from VB,i display some errors:
    ORA-06502 PL/SQL: numeric or value errorstring
    ORA-06512 at stringline string
    what can i do now?

    Hei Zhang,
    Thank You. You can return Cursor in many ways. You can write either a function to return cursor (return type is %ROWTYPE) or a package. Writing a Package seems laborious but I like it as it has lot of flexibility.
    I will give you the example for the second type:
    -- 1) Create a Package first:
    sp_ename emp.ename%TYPE,
    sp_job emp.job%TYPE,
    sp_mgr emp.mgr%TYPE
    sho err
    -- 2) Create a Procedure:
    in_empno emp.empno%TYPE,
    RC1 IN OUT pk_MyPackage.RCT1
    ) AS
    SELECT ename,
    FROM emp
    WHERE empno = in_empno;
    sho err
    SQL> var cr refcursor
    SQL> exec sp_MyProcedure (7934, :cr)
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    SQL> print cr
    Hope this is clear and helps you to complete your task.

  • How to use oracle partition in ODI

    hi all,
    i have a oracle database with daily partition. partition syntex is tbl_abc partition(20090909), now i want to use it in interface..
    kindly tell the way...

    Hi Naseer,
    How are you?
    ODI doesnt support partition. You can do a work around for that by creating a VIEW out of that partition name, reverse it in ODI and use that as a source.
    CREATE TABLE sales_range
    (salesman_id NUMBER(5),
    salesman_name VARCHAR2(30),
    sales_amount NUMBER(10),
    sales_date DATE)
    PARTITION BY RANGE(sales_date)
    PARTITION sales_jan2000 VALUES LESS THAN(TO_DATE('02/01/2000','DD/MM/YYYY')),
    PARTITION sales_feb2000 VALUES LESS THAN(TO_DATE('03/01/2000','DD/MM/YYYY')),
    PARTITION sales_mar2000 VALUES LESS THAN(TO_DATE('04/01/2000','DD/MM/YYYY')),
    PARTITION sales_apr2000 VALUES LESS THAN(TO_DATE('05/01/2000','DD/MM/YYYY'))
    create view sales_jan200 as select * from sales_range PARTITION (sales_jan2000);
    Makes sense?

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