How to convert from java.lang.Integer to int

Could you please show me
how to convert from java.lang.Integer to int?
and how to convert from java.lang.Integer to String?

Could you please show me
how to convert from java.lang.Integer to int?
and how to convert from java.lang.Integer to String?Tip: always keep a browser open on the API docs; if you've got a
couple of MBs to spare, download the docs; it's very convenient.
kind regards,

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    I am not sure what you are trying to do. But at some point you should know which methods to call on the remote interfaces. Maybe the method names are stored in the XML file as well or you have a set of standard method names (also consider parameters).
    However, this can be solved by reflection. Look at the java.lang.reflect package, especially java.lang.reflect.Method, and also at java.lang.Class.
    If you are doing this on the app server:
    I've seen posts where people say that reflection is not permitted in EJB, but I don't think so. Check the EJB spec.
    If you are doing this in an application: reflection is always permitted. Probably also in applets and JSP.

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    This is not pure Java forum. Its more on JDBC and data connectivity to Orcle db from Java API.
    This link may answer your question:

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    No, you cannot convert to INT and get 1,2,3 BUT you can get
    Is it ok?
    CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[SplitString]
             @str VARCHAR(MAX)
        RETURNS @ret TABLE (token VARCHAR(MAX))
        DECLARE @x XML 
        SET @x = '<t>' + REPLACE(@str, ',', '</t><t>') + '</t>'
        INSERT INTO @ret
            SELECT x.i.value('.', 'VARCHAR(MAX)') AS token
            FROM @x.nodes('//t') x(i)
    SELECT * FROM SplitString ('1,2,3')
    Best Regards,Uri Dimant SQL Server MVP,
    MS SQL optimization: MS SQL Development and Optimization
    MS SQL Consulting:
    Large scale of database and data cleansing
    Remote DBA Services:
    Improves MS SQL Database Performance
    SQL Server Integration Services:
    Business Intelligence

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    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="windows-1252" ?>
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    <!--Spring Bean definitions go here-->
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    Please do let me know where exactly i'm doing wrong.

    Hi All,
    I could able to work this one out now !!!
    But i'm having an issue mapping the input to this service. The method signature for the service is as follows:
    public byte[] processData(byte[] input) throws Throwable{
    So the input for this Service is a byte array. Now i'm mapping the data from a File Input ( Read File - opaqueElement ) to this service directly ( using mediator ).
    Now when i have looked into the message in the Enterprise Manager, following is the message structure from Read File input to the service.
    <property name="tracking.compositeInstanceId" value="10009"/>
    <property name="tracking.ecid" value="bcd04297e25136e7:4869a9c:13316255efc:-8000-0000000000001f79"/>
    <property name="tracking.conversationId" value="TJ9PCcbtu3S0DA0GuxsGx13RYUb1NxHNndfk2PC8ukk."/>
    <part name="parameters">
    <arg0>PD94bWwgdmVyc2lvbj0iMS4wIiBlbmNvZGluZz0iVVRGLTgiPz48bnMwOkFkZDJJbnB1dCAgeG1s bnM6eHNpPSdodHRwOi8vd3d3LnczLm9yZy8yMDAxL1hNTFNjaGVtYS1pbnN0YW5jZScgeG1sbnM6 bnMwPSd1ay5jby5qZHdpbGxpYW1zLkFkZDJJbnB1dCcgeHNpOnNjaGVtYUxvY2F0aW9uPSd1ay5j by5qZHdpbGxpYW1zLkFkZDJJbnB1dCByZXF1ZXN0LnhzZCcPG5zMDpudW0xPjEwPC9uczA6bnVt MT48bnMwOm51bTI+MTY8L25zMDpudW0yPjwvbnMwOkFkZDJJbnB1dD4=+</arg0>
    and the corresponding response message ( No output ) back from the service is:
    <property name="tracking.compositeInstanceId" value="10009"/>
    <property name="tracking.ecid" value="bcd04297e25136e7:4869a9c:13316255efc:-8000-0000000000001f79"/>
    <property name="componentName" value="ProcessCollab"/>
    <property name="tracking.conversationId" value="TJ9PCcbtu3S0DA0GuxsGx13RYUb1NxHNndfk2PC8ukk."/>
    <property name="compositeDN" value="default/CollaborationToSpring!1.0*soa_a8da1da7-f98f-4935-8d20-da9e7bc003cc"/>
    <part name="parameters">
    I have included System.out statements in my Java class , but its not printing anything in the logs.
    I'm under the impression that the underlying infrastructure ( mediator ) transparently encodes and decodes data from base64Binary to java byte array. So could anyone help me on this !!!

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  • Integer and java.lang.Integer?

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    i have the vector colnumbers which has integers in it. Im trying to get these integers back out again to use in the getValue at method but the compilercomplains that i need int,int nad not int, java.lang.Integer.
    Why are there 2 different integers? and how do i just get it back as int????
    Vector unsorted = new Vector();
    for(int j=0; j<colnumbers.size(); j++)
    for(int i=0; i<=max_rows; i++)

        ((Integer) colnumbers.elementAt( j )).intValue()
    );you just needed to parenthesize to indicate that intValue() gets called on the result of casting colnumbers.elementAt( j ) to type Integer.

  • Java.lang.Integer defaulting to zero

    I am using JAXB for several years, but never dived into details.
    I am not using a schema.
    When I am unmarshalling a XML file, JAXB always defaults my java.lang.Integer attributes to zero instead to null, when the attribute is not given in the XML file.
    How can I change this? I like the Integers to be null, just like in a "normal" Java program.

    mkarg wrote:
    When I am unmarshalling a XML file, JAXB always defaults my java.lang.Integer attributes to zero instead to null, when the attribute is not given in the XML file.I am using JAXB 2.1.3 in JDK 1.6. It uses java.math.BigInteger instead of java.lang.Integer for xs:integer types in schema.
    It assigns null when attribute is not given in XML, this is similar to your need.
    Which version of JAXB are you using?

  • Required: java.lang.Integer

    This is
    import java.lang.Integer;
    class Testit {
    Integer ix = (Integer)1;
    This is the result of the javac:
    javac ca\
    ca\ inconvertible types
    found : int
    required: java.lang.Integer
    Integer ix = (Integer)1;
    1 error
    Can anyone explain this?
    Java is mysterious.
    Grant Head

    This is because 1 is not object in Java. Any integer is primitive type. They are not object. So you cannot cast them into object. If you want to creat Integer object from integer. Simply do following...
    import java.lang.Integer;
    class Testit {
    Integer ix = new Integer(1);
    }However, in C#, everything is object. Any integer, floating points are all object. That's one of difference between Java and C#.
    Hope this help. :)

  • Get complete output from java.lang.Process

    How do I get the complete output from java.lang.Process?
    By the time I've started reading from Process.getInputStream() the process has already terminated...

    I solved the problem:
    private int exec(String pArguments[], OutputStream pOut, OutputStream pErr) throws IOException {
         class ProcessOutputPrinter implements Runnable {
              private InputStream ivIn;
              private OutputStream ivOut;
              public ProcessOutputPrinter(InputStream pIn, OutputStream pOut) {
                   ivIn = pIn;
                   ivOut = pOut;
              public void run() {
                   try {
                        for(int tByte; (tByte = != -1; ) {
                   catch(IOException e) {
         // Start process
         Process tProcess = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(pArguments);
         // Create out printer
         Thread tOutPrinter = new Thread(new ProcessOutputPrinter(tProcess.getInputStream(), pOut), "NamingAdmin out-printer");
         // Create err printer
         Thread tErrPrinter = new Thread(new ProcessOutputPrinter(tProcess.getErrorStream(), pErr), "NamingAdmin err-printer");
         // Wait for process and printers to finish
         try {
         catch(InterruptedException e) {
         // return process exit value
         return tProcess.exitValue();

  • Dyna Form +Validator Framework--- peculair problem with java.lang.Integer

    In my struts application , i m using Dyna Action form,and Validator framework
    <form-property name="name" type="java.lang.String"/>
    <form-property name="phoneNo" type="java.lang.Integer"/>
    Now if user does not enter name , then a error meassage is dispalyed,
    and aslo this time phoneNo shows 0.
    why 0 is displayed here?
    Can anybody tell me

    Hi all,
    If my memory serves me well, the exception is thrown because the application needs a working calendar for a person provided in time mangement. Make sure the correct infotypes are used. Also the organization structure needs to be set up correctly. The manager needs someone to approve and the employee needs someone to get approved by.
    Regards, Marcel.

  • Cannot convert from java.util.Date to java.sql.Date

    In the below code am trying to get the current date and 60 days prior date:
    Date  todayDate;
              Date  Sixtydaysprior;
              String DATE_FORMAT = "MM/dd/yy";
              DateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat(DATE_FORMAT);
             Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance();
              todayDate = sdf.parse(sdf.format(cal.getTime()));
              cal.add(Calendar.DATE, -60);
             Sixtydaysprior = sdf.parse(sdf.format(cal.getTime()));I have imported following files:
    %>Shows up following error msg:
    Type mismatch: cannot convert from java.util.Date to java.sql.Date
    Edited by: MiltonDetroja on May 22, 2009 11:03 AM

    Shows up following error msg:
    Type mismatch: cannot convert from java.util.Date to java.sql.Date
    I don't think this exception is thrown from the portion of code you have shown. As clearly specified in exception message, you cannot cast an instance of java.util.Date to java.sql.Date. you will need to do something like this
    java.util.Date today = new java.util.Date();
    long t = today.getTime();
    java.sql.Date dt = new java.sql.Date(t);

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