How to copy value from one frame to another frame

I am new to swing prgramming .
I have created a menu called " TopFrame " and it contains toplevel menu item "select" and select Menu contains subitems "firstframe", "secondframe", "thirdframe" and "Exit".
When i click select->firstframe it displays a new Frame f1 with a
textfield t1. I enter value in textfield t1 and minimise the frame.
similarly when i click select->secondframe it displays a new Frame f2 with a textfield t1. I enter value in textfield t1 and minimise the frame.
now when i click select->thirdframe it displays a frame f3 which contains button called "Totalvalue" and a textfield t2 .
MY question is after opening frame f3 when i press "Totalvalue" button it should add the values from textfield t1 from both the frames f1 and f2 and display the result in textfield t2 of frame f3.
Actually my application is big but for better understanding i have reduced the description above.
I am posting the code...Kindly help me
thanks in advance..
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.Component;
import java.awt.Checkbox;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import javax.swing.JComponent;
public class MainWindow extends Frame {
  public MainWindow() {
    setSize(600, 600);
    // make a top level File menu
    FileMenu fileMenu = new FileMenu(this);
    // make a menu bar for this frame 
    // and add top level menus File and Menu
    MenuBar mb = new MenuBar();
    addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
      public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
  public void exit() {
    setVisible(false); // hide the Frame
    dispose(); // tell windowing system to free resources
    System.exit(0); // exit
  public static void main(String args[]) {
    MainWindow w = new MainWindow();
private static MainWindow w ;
protected TextField t1, t2;
  class FileMenu extends Menu implements ActionListener {
  private MainWindow mw; // who owns us?
  private MenuItem itm1   = new MenuItem("Firstframe");
  private MenuItem itm2   = new MenuItem("Secondframe");
  private MenuItem itm3   = new MenuItem("Thirdframe");
  private MenuItem itmExit = new MenuItem("Exit");
    public FileMenu(MainWindow main)
    super("Select"); = main;
  public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
    if (e.getSource() == this.itm1)
     final Frame f1 = new Frame("first frame opened");
     Label l1 = new Label("Enter first value below");
     l1.setBounds(220, 250, 240, 24);
     TextField t1 = new TextField("0");
     t1.setBounds(260, 300, 40, 24);
      f1.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
   if (e.getSource() == this.itm2)
     final Frame f2 = new Frame("second frame opened");
     Label l1 = new Label("Enter first value below");
     l1.setBounds(220, 250, 240, 24);
     TextField t1 = new TextField("0");
     t1.setBounds(260, 300, 40, 24);
      f2.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
   if (e.getSource() == this.itm3)
     final Frame f3 = new Frame("third frame opened");
     JButton b1  = new JButton("Totalvalue");
     b1.setBounds(220, 300, 180, 24);
     TextField t2 = new TextField("0");
     t2.setBounds(410, 300, 40, 24);
     f3.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
        public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e)
   { mw.exit();}

hi ,
I have extended my application ...i have some doubts can you please clear my doubts..
Now i have two textfields t1 and t2 in both the frames frame 1 and frame 2 and i have 2 buttons Button1 and Button2, textfields t5 and t6 in frame3.
Now my question is i enter some values in t1 and t2 in frame1, and t1 and t2 in frame2 and minimise or close them...when i open frame3 and press Button1 it should take values from t1 in both frame1 and frame2 , add them and display the result in t5( in frame3)... similarly when i press Button2 it should take values from t2 in both frame1 and frame2, add them and display the result in t6(in frame3).
Can you please tell me how can i do this?
Thanks in advance.
I am posting the code...
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import java.awt.Component;
// Make a main window with a top-level menu: File
public class MainWindow extends Frame {
    public MainWindow() {
        super("Test Window");
        setSize(500, 500);
        // make a top level File menu
        FileMenu fileMenu = new FileMenu(this);
        // make a menu bar for this frame
        // and add top level menus File and Menu
        MenuBar mb = new MenuBar();
        addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
            public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
    public void exit() {
        setVisible(false); // hide the Frame
        dispose(); // tell windowing system to free resources
        System.exit(0); // exit
    public static void main(String args[]) {
        w = new MainWindow();
    private static MainWindow w ;
    protected TextField t1, t2,t5,t6;
    // Encapsulate the look and behavior of the File menu
    class FileMenu extends Menu implements ActionListener {
        private MainWindow mw; // who owns us?
        private MenuItem itmPE   = new MenuItem("ProductEvaluation");
        private MenuItem itmPRE   = new MenuItem("ProcessEvaluation");
        private MenuItem itmTE   = new MenuItem("TotalEvaluation");
        private MenuItem itmExit = new MenuItem("Exit");
        public FileMenu(MainWindow main) {
   = main;
        // respond to the Exit menu choice
        public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            if (e.getSource() == this.itmPE) {
               final Frame frame1 = new Frame("Frame1");
                t1 = new TextField("");
                t1.setBounds(230, 230, 50, 24);
                t2 = new TextField("");
                t2.setBounds(330, 230, 50, 24);
                frame1.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
            if (e.getSource() == this.itmPRE) {
              final  Frame frame2 = new Frame("Frame2");
                t1 = new TextField("");
                t1.setBounds(230, 230, 50, 24);
                t2 = new TextField("");
                t2.setBounds(330, 230, 50, 24);
                frame2.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
            if (e.getSource() == this.itmTE) {
              final  Frame frame3 = new Frame("Frame4");
                t5 = new TextField("");
                t5.setBounds(170, 230, 50, 24);
                t6 = new TextField("");
                t6.setBounds(270, 230, 50, 24);
                ActionListener action = new MyActionListener(frame3,t5,t6);
                Button b1  = new Button("Button1");
                b1.setBounds(170, 400, 120, 24);
                Button b2  = new Button("Button2");
                b2.setBounds(300, 400, 120, 24);
                frame3.addWindowListener(new WindowAdapter() {
                    public void windowClosing(WindowEvent e) {
            else {
      class MyActionListener implements ActionListener {
            private Frame frame3;
            private TextField t5;
            private TextField t6;
            public MyActionListener(Frame frame3,TextField tf5,TextField tf6)
                this.frame3 = frame3;
                this.t5 = tf5;
                this.t6 = tf6;
            public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
                String s = e.getActionCommand();
                if (s.equals("Button1")) {
         // I think code for the Button1 action can be written here  
      else if (s.equals("Button2")) {
         // I think code for the Button2 action can be written here  

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    I have assumed that you have your shipping address at the top of the page, and then further down the page you have your billing address that you want to enable the users to copy (if this is in reverese, you will need to switch the js variables in the code following).
    I would create a Select List item above the 'Billing Address' details, called PX_SAME_ADDRESSThis select list would be static, with the options Null.
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       if( $x('PX_SAME_ADDRESS').value == 'YES')
         $x('PX_BILLING_ADDRESS_L1').value = $x('PX_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_L1').value;
         $x('PX_BILLING_ADDRESS_L2').value = $x('PX_SHIPPING_ADDRESS_L2').value;
         $x('PX_BILLING_POST_CODE').value = $x('PX_SHIPPING_POST_CODE').value;
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         $x('PX_BILLING_ADDRESS_L1').value = " ";
         $x('PX_BILLING_ADDRESS_L2').value = " ";
         $x('PX_BILLING_POST_CODE').value = " ";
    </script>Then, in your PX_SAME_ADDRESS item, copy the code below into the Element > HTML Form Element Attributes field.
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                TransactionResultSet OUT NOCOPY types.ref_cursor,
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    There are options like....
      2  /
    Type created.
      2  /
    Type created.
    SQL> set serverou on
    SP2-0158: unknown SET option "serverou"
    SQL> set serverout on
      2    rc      sys_refcursor;
      3    v_ename emp.ename%TYPE;
      4    v_dept  emp.deptno%TYPE;
      5    ---End Of Local Varriable Declaration
      6    --Procedire declaration !
      7    PROCEDURE TEST_CUR(pi_out_ref_cur IN OUT sys_refcursor) IS
      8      emp_rec emp_tbl;
      9    BEGIN
    10      /* This BULK COLLECT can be done with explicit cursor,Ref Cursor
    11      with some simple modification, Here I have used implicit cursor! */
    12      SELECT emp_obj(ename, deptno) --Casting as the object
    13      BULK COLLECT
    14        INTO emp_rec
    15        FROM emp
    16       WHERE deptno = 10;
    18      dbms_output.put_line('Records selected are:');
    19      FOR i in 1 .. emp_rec.COUNT LOOP
    20        dbms_output.put_line(emp_rec(i).ename || '--' || emp_rec(i).dept);
    21      END LOOP;
    22      --Now we are filtering the record and may be doing some operation with each record.
    23      FOR i in 1 .. emp_rec.COUNT LOOP
    24        IF emp_rec(i).ename = 'KING' THEN
    25          --You can change this IF according to your need.
    26          emp_rec.DELETE(i);
    27        END IF;
    28      END LOOP;
    29      OPEN pi_out_ref_cur FOR
    30        SELECT * FROM TABLE(emp_rec); --Using the TYPE AS table.
    31    END TEST_CUR;
    32    /* Main execution or procedure calling section*/
    33  BEGIN
    34    --Actual calling
    35    TEST_CUR(rc);
    36    dbms_output.new_line;
    37    dbms_output.put_line('Now in Ref Cursor');
    38    dbms_output.put_line('****************');
    39    LOOP
    40      FETCH rc
    41        INTO v_ename, v_dept;
    42      dbms_output.put_line(v_ename || '--' || v_dept);
    43      EXIT WHEN rc%NOTFOUND;
    44    END LOOP;
    46  END;
    47  /
    Records selected are:
    Now in Ref Cursor
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

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    just call the following proc in your add & add all buttons. Reverse the code for REMOVEs
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      v_list_count    NUMBER;
      v_item1_label  VARCHAR2(60);
      IF :list_item1 IS NOT NULL THEN v_list_count := nvl(Get_List_Element_Count('list_item1'),0);
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             IF   :list_item1    = Get_List_Element_Value('list_item1', i)
                  v_item1_label := Get_List_Element_label('list_item1', i);                 
             END IF;
          END LOOP;
           END IF;
       END IF;
    *********************************************************************************this proc will move all items from list_item1 to list_item2.
    PROCEDURE add_all_items
      v_list_count NUMBER;
      v_item_label VARCHAR2(60);
      v_item_value VARCHAR2(60);
    v_list_count := nvl(Get_List_Element_Count('list_item1'),0);
    IF    v_list_count = 1 AND Get_List_Element_Value('list_item1', 1) IS NULL THEN NULL;
    ELSIF v_list_count >= 1 THEN
           FOR i IN 1..v_list_count
            v_item_value  := Get_List_Element_Value('list_item1', i);
            v_item_label  := Get_List_Element_label('list_item1', i);       
           END LOOP;
    END IF;
    END;I added [ code ] tags to make this easier to read.
    Message was edited by:
    Jan Carlin

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    Calculated Columns can only generate a value from fields of the current item. And only some types of fields (for example, it can't use a lookup column).
    Consider using a workflow to accomplish your goal.
    Scott Brickey
    Strategic Data Systems - for all your SharePoint needs

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    Balaji E.

    Let me make certain assumptions!
    Method 1 - You export the table values
    Method 2 - The method where you need the table values
    Once you create a method from a function module which has tables as one of the export parameters then the code automatically puts in the macro code which looks like : SWC_SET_TABLE CONTAINER 'Table' TABLE.
    The 'Table' in the above code is the container element which is created by the workflow once you use this method and the TABLE (The table that gets filled in the function module) is the variable to code automatically created.
    Now you can use the other function module in the workflow as a background step and pass the values from the 'Table' container to this method using the binding. When you use this then the method automatically has the macro SWC_GET_TABLE CONTAINER 'Table' ITABLE. Here the 'Table' is the same container table you used in the binding and the ITABLE would be the variable you can use in the other function module.
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    public class CopyFiles {
    public String copy ( File source, File target)
    throws IOException {   
    FileChannel sourceChannel = null;
    FileChannel targetChannel =null;
    try {   
    sourceChannel =new FileInputStream(source).getChannel();
    targetChannel= new FileOutputStream(target).getChannel();
    targetChannel.transferFrom(sourceChannel, 0,
    finally {   
    return "Success";
    public static void main(String [] args) throws Exception{   
    File source = new File("C:\\users\\download.pdf");
    File destinationFile = new File("C:\\apple\\download.pdf");
    copy(source, destinationFile);
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    kameshb wrote:
    I Don't want to include the file name in destination file. i.e. File destinationFile=new File("C:\\apple"), and at the same time the pdf with same name has to get stored in the destination location, how can I achieve this.It's not totally clear what you're saying here, but what I think you mean is that you don't want to explicitly set the destination file name--you want to just give the copy the same name as the original. Yes?
    If that's the case, then break the original up into separate directory and file name portions, and then construct the destination path from the destination directory plus original file name. You can do that by manipulating the full path string, or by using the methods in

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    How can I do this without creating specific XSDs??

    Data flowing through the ESB is XML-based (or opaque), so if the value you want to pass is in the XML result of RS1, you can use it in RS2. If you have a good reason why not too or this doesn't work for you, you could store data somewhere along the ESB process (database, stateful bean, etc.). Otherwise, you would need to let the ESB generate (or create you own) XSD describing the XML.

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    Hi Umair,
    While using the copy option, go to the org where bill is not present.
    Enter the Parent Item in the header and go to tools--> copy bill from
    There you can select the org from which bill needs to be copied.
    Also make sure your responsibility has organization access to those inventory orgs.

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    thank you so much,

    Hello Silver,
    Depending which database you're using (if it's available) I would recommend to use datapump.
    Datapump allows you to copy an entire schema to another database, it's the "new" export/import you might now.
    REWARDS: Please remember to mark helpful or correct posts on the forum

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    If I have to go through my apple computer, how should I proceed?  I have created another iTune library for the new iPad3.

    Use Finder on your computer to locate your iPad when attached. Dig down through the folders (which will only contain photos and videos) to locate your photos. Select them and copy them to a new folder or folders on your computer and subsequently check that folder or folders in iTunes during a sync to the other iPad.

  • How to copy wndow from one page to another

    i need to copy a window from first page to second page in a form
    how to do it
    can utell me the complte process

    i am getting option of  when clicking copy element
    from window
    and radio butto
    .) copy without text element
    .)copy with text element
    wht to chose
    also my problme is that i have coded a code in a window1 to display " pack" which is not a main window
    this is displaying in the first page of putput but not from seocond onwards
    whereas the window1 exists in both the pages
    so do we need to copy the window 1 to page 2 also even if it iw already tehre is we make any changes in code that also i need to know
    and if yes how to do it?

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    just wanted some tips on coping a query or KF strecture from one cube to other . i am trying to use TCODE RSZC, but bcoz some of the chars. are not present in the target cube i a m not able to copy it.
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    Check the below article, it might help you out.

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