OnMouseOver displays Tooltip from hidden column of classic report

What: The Goal:
Make easily available more information than fits on one line of the screen without using multiple fixed lines.
Classic report with 18 data items (columns) visible. Has Search box and user can choose number of rows displayed.
A couple data items can be long (20-30 characters) compared to the screen width. The right-most data item might run 100 characters.
Proposed Strategy:
1) Display the first n characters of the long item(s) on the report.
2) On onMouseOver display the entire item.
Proposed Approach:
1) For each column with long data, hold the entire value in a hidden item.
2) Display long (hidden) value in tooltip (bubble?/balloon?) upon onMouseOver of that value.
Note: This is not ToolTip/Help for a column but display of the long value for a specifc item in the row of a column.
Sought After Feature:
1) To reduce maintenance, would like to implement for multiple columns using a single common block of code.
Given other approaches you know, is this a good approach to achieve the goal? Alternative approaches?

Well it took a while and you really made me work for this. :)
For the end result hover on the Job Ln Nm column.
I added some old code I had laying around. It adds a bubble that will stay up for 5 sec or until you click away or hover on another record.
What I would do at this point is just truncate (with a substr) the length of the Long Nm to something short. Use whatever indicator you want for the hover. Like for example these glasses <img src="#IMAGE_PREFIX#Fndview1.gif"> It's really up to you.
You'll see there's an AJAX Callback PLSQL where you can retreive and format the content of the popup to whatever you want. You could make it real pretty.
Here's what I did:
1. New ShowJob javascript procedure.
function ShowJob(pThis,pId){
     this.dGet = dGet;
     this.dShow = dShow;
     this.dCancel = dCancel;
     var get = new htmldb_Get(null,$v('pFlowId'),'APPLICATION_PROCESS=FULL_LONG_NAME',$v('pFlowStepId'));
     function dGet(){
           this.dTimeout = setTimeout("this.dCancel()",6500);
     function dShow(){
           if(p.readyState == 1){
           }else if(p.readyState == 2){
           }else if(p.readyState == 3){
           }else if(p.readyState == 4){
                 $x('rollover_content').innerHTML = p.responseText;
            var l = findPosX(pThis)+pThis.offsetWidth+5;
                 var t = findPosY(pThis);
            $x_Style('rollover','left',l + 'px');
                 $x_Style('rollover','top',t + 'px');
// This math would center on the vertical           
//                 $x_Style('rollover','left',findPosX(pThis)+pThis.offsetWidth+5);
//                 $x_Style('rollover','top',findPosY(pThis)-($x('rollover').offsetHeight/2)+($x(pThis).offsetHeight/2));
               document.onclick = function(e){
           }else{return false;}
     function dCheckClick(e){
          var elem = html_GetTarget(e);
                    var lTable = $x_UpTill(elem,"DIV");
     function dCancel(){
          document.onclick = null;
           get = null;
}2. Rollover div on the page footer (div id="rollover"...). Of course this could be a region also.
&lt;div id="rollover" style="display:none;color:black;background:#FFF;border:2px solid #369;width:290px;position:absolute;padding:4px;">
&lt;div id="rollover_content">&lt;/div>
-- select your value with apex_application.g_x01
htp.p('You hover over ' || apex_application.g_x01 || '<br>');
htp.p('Here is the Full Long Name: XXXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXXX 1234565');4. Changed Long Nm column to be a link with the onmouseover call that calls the new procedure ShowJob. I made the assumption that with the NUM parameter you could fetch the full record of what you need.
That should be it.
Let me know what you think.
Edited by: jrimblas on Apr 22, 2013 1:05 PM: Added code to post for completion

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    { modal : true ,
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    Dynamic action on report columns is possible but not as straigth forward as on items.
    First you can't select "report colum" as selection type for the dynamic action. Use jQuery Selector instead.
    See the [url http://api.jquery.com/category/selectors/]jquery documentation  on possible selectors.
    I prefer to use something like[name='f01'].
    Use the developer tools of your browser to see the name of your report column.
    Because you can't submit a single report cell value with the action "Set value".
    You have to use a combination of a action "Execute javascript" and a ondemand process.
    The javascript code is something like
      var elementId,idParts,row;
      /*Determine the id of the element that has triggered the dynamic action*/
      elementId = String(this.triggeringElement.id);
      /*The id of a item in a report column consists of to parts the name and the rownumber*/
      idParts = elementId.split('_');
      /*The second part is the rownumber we need that to set the value in the right row later on*/
      row = idParts[idParts.length-1];
      /*This calls the ondemand process*/
      apex.server.process ( "MANAGER_EMAIL", {x01:$v(this.triggeringElement),x02:row}, {success: function( pData ) { $s(pData.r,pData.d) }} );apex.server.process(name ondemand process,values to be submitted,options)
    This submits the values of the triggering element and the row on which all the action is happening.
    x01 refers to apex_application.g_x01
    {success: function( pData ) { $s(pData.r,pData.d) }}
    The succes option defines a function that is executed upon succefull completion of the ondemand process.
    The ondemand process returns a json object. Which we can refer to in the javascript function with pData.
    In our ondemand process we are defining the json object as having to properties.
    d and r . d is the display value and r is the id of the element to be set.
    $s(r,d) is a [url http://docs.oracle.com/cd/E23903_01/doc/doc.41/e21676/javascript_api.htm#CDEEIGFH]apex javascript function that sets the value d to item with id r.
    Now the server side code. This is an application process with process point Ondemand.
    Which is something like this.
      cursor c_emp(b_employee_id in number)
        select emp.email
        from   oehr_employees emp
        where  emp.employee_id = b_employee_id
      col_emp_email oehr_employees.email%type;
      v_regel       number;
      /*Get the employee email*/
      open  c_emp(apex_application.g_x01);
      fetch c_emp
      into  col_emp_email;
      close c_emp;
      /*Calculate the rownumber do this only if the triggering element is a popup lov*/
      v_regel := to_number(apex_application.g_x02) + 1;
      /*Create the json header*/
      /*Print out the json object*/
    end; For specification of the JSON notation see [url http://www.json.org/]http://www.json.org/
    To see this in action I have set up a [url http://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=VANBAREN_FORUM_TRY_OUT:TBDA:0&c=VANBAREN]demo.
    Change the manager and the manager email will change.
    I hope this is enough to get you started.
    If you have a problem in translating the above code to your specific situation set something up on apex.oracle.com. Then the help can be more specific to.

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    I'm working an example in APEX 4.2 so YMMV (your milage may vary!).
    For Classic Reports, where the Column Attributes "Display As" is set to Display as Text (escape special characters ...:
    1) I find that Column width and Element Width setting have no effect to make the column smaller or larger.
    2) Here is one way that works:
    - In the Region's Region Definition, under Attributes give the Static ID a name (no spaces), say, class-report.
    - In the columns you want to affect, place "&#60;div>#ENAME#</div&#62;" in the columns Column Formatting "HTML Expression". Where "ENAME" here is the actual column name.
    I'm using the EMP table as an example.
    - Finally, in the page's HTML Header put, for example
    #classic-report td.data[headers="ENAME"] div {
      width: 200px;
      color: blue;
    #classic-report td.data[headers="JOB"] div {
      width: 50px;
      white-space: nowrap;
      word-wrap: break-word;
    </style>This makes the ENAME column wider and the JOB column smaller and wraps it.
    Much more could be said. If you tweak you will find you can also affect spacing above, below and right/left of the data.
    #classic-report .report-standard th.header {
      border-left: #9fa0a0 1px solid;
      padding: 2px 3px 4px 5px;   /* top right bottom left margins */
      font-size: 11px;
      font-weight: bold;
      vertical-align: bottom;
    #classic-report .report-standard td.data {
      border-left: #9fa0a0 1px solid;
      padding: 3px 4px 5px 6px;
      font-size: 9px;
    }Does this help?

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    With regards,

    hi goutam
    I am assuming that you want the text as Static and not data from some sap table
    For that
    what you can do is add a png image which is blinking through OAER and call that in your report ..
    Also did you try the Tcode DWDM .. ?
    OR you could use RSDEMO_HTML_VIEWER ...
    Hope this helps

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    Best Regards

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    1 col1 val1
    1 col2 val2
    1 col3 val3
    2 col1 val1
    2 col2 val2
    2 col3 val3
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    1 val1 val2 val3
    2 val1 val2 val3
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    In the Source section of the report definition choose 'Use Generic Column Names (parse query at runtime only)' and then specify a suitable value for 'Maximum number of generic report columns:'

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    With Regards,

    Put ur colum headers in TOP-OF-PAGE Event.
    this will sole ur problem.
    reward if useful.

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    it's urgent.

    Suppose your first field is itab-matnr.
    WRITE :/ itab-matnr.
    WRITE :/......."Remianing fields

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    I want to display data from blob datatype field, which contains HTML and GIF both files.
    If I set it's property from file format IMAGE then i get data only gif.
    if anybody have answer plz revert back...

    Hi Juned
    What I suggest is that you may have overlapping fields. One to show HTML and other to show GIF. You need to add one more column to your table in order identify if the BLOB is GIF or HTML.
    In the Format Trigger of each of these two fields, inspect the value of flag column and hide one field if the datatype is not its type.
    For instance, if flag field is 0 then hide Image field and show HTML field. If flag field is 1 then show Image field and hide HTML field.

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    CA Forum: WebIntelligence Reporting
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    please click
    here (asktom) and look for the words "how about the other way round"

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    Select lists prior to v4 will sort on the return value. In v4, it sorts on the display value (as you're probably expecting). There's nothing really for you to fix here except if it's really important, see if you can get upgraded to v4.

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    Hi chandra Bhanu,
    create PL/SQL Dynamic content region for your report for showing the row in different color on the basis of conditions
    i am giving you sample code..you can modify according to your requirement
    cursor emp_data
    select empno,ename,sal,status from emp;
    htp.p('<table width="100%" bgcolor="#DCE6F1"><tr>');
    htp.p('<td width ="20%"><b>Empno</b></td>');
    htp.p('<td width ="20%"><b>Employee Name</b></td>');
    htp.p('<td width ="20%"><b>Salary</b></td>');
    htp.p('<td width ="20%"><b>Status</b></td>');
    for c_emp_data in emp_data
    htp.p('<table width="100%"><tr><td>');
    if c_emp_data.status = 'Affirmed' then
    htp.p('<TABLE width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#FF0000">');
    htp.p('<td width ="25%">'||c_emp_data.empno||'</td>');
    htp.p('<td width ="25%">'||c_emp_data.ename||'</td>');
    htp.p('<td width ="25%">'||c_emp_data.sal||'</td>');
    htp.p('<td width ="25%">'||c_emp_data.status||'</td>');
    elsif  c_emp_data.status = 'Rejected' then
    htp.p('<TABLE width="100%"><tr bgcolor="#006400">');
    htp.p('<td width ="25%">'||c_emp_data.empno||'</td>');
    htp.p('<td width ="25%">'||c_emp_data.ename||'</td>');
    htp.p('<td width ="25%">'||c_emp_data.sal||'</td>');
    htp.p('<td width ="25%">'||c_emp_data.status||'</td>');
    htp.p('<TABLE width="100%"><tr>');
    htp.p('<td width ="25%">'||c_emp_data.empno||'</td>');
    htp.p('<td width ="25%">'||c_emp_data.ename||'</td>');
    htp.p('<td width ="25%">'||c_emp_data.sal||'</td>');
    htp.p('<td width ="25%">'||c_emp_data.status||'</td>');
    end if;
    end loop;
    end;Hope this will helps you.

  • Grouping of columns in classical report

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    E.g  First six columns i want to LABLE as a net rate columns. other 5 column label as  Git columns . How i can do this ?
             Net Rate                                       GIT
    col1  col2 col3 col4 col5 col6         col7 col8 col9 col10 col11
    Thanks & Regards

    Try to change report template.
    Or write own plugin-report.

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    Hi all,
    I accessed BI Query from BI server in Crystal Report. We can upload any comments or documents to the query. I want to display the document and comments in Crystal Report from the BI server.
    Is it possibel? If possible how can i do this?
    Thanks & Regards,
    Hemalatha J

    As I see there was no response on these issue although it is marked as answered. I'll give a hint for the ones that might want to try this.
    One could extract the metadata and documents from the tables names to be found in the tables SDOKLOTAB and SDOKPHTAB (as an example, for InfoObject documentation we have the tables BDSLOIO8, BDSLOIOT8, BDSLOPR8, BDSPHIO8 and BDSPHF8) or one could export the metadata from the BI repository (though, this is a manual approach).
    Edited by: marius.grunca on Apr 27, 2009 5:58 PM

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