How to create Mobile User Account

Hi all,
I have a dumb question but it makes me crazy !!!
I'm new in CRM 5.2 and in mobile as weel.
My question is : How to create a user acount into my mobile infrastructure ?
I've followed the following explanation but I don't find the solution :
In there, it tells me to go thought User Management tool of Mobile Application Studio ( is it Microsoft Visual Studio ?) but in there i do not find any tools.
Thanks for your future help

Creation of User Accounts
This process describes the steps required to create user accounts for secured and controlled access to the Mobile Application Repository (MAR). User accounts are created for consultants, who intend to customize mobile client applications using Mobile Application Studio (MAS). User account allows a consultant to log on to MAS.
Process Flow
       1.      During the installation of MAR, the system enables the User Management feature.
If MAR is upgraded from a release prior to 3.0 to the current release, the User Management feature must be enabled manually by system administrator. This is done by changing the umfrc parameter value to “YES” in the ARS_SYSTABLE.
       2.      The CRM technical administrator creates a DSN to access MAR by using the default internal login arsdb with password arsdb.
       3.      The CRM technical administrator carries out the following tasks using the User Manager tool of MAS:
                            a.      Creates user accounts.
                            b.      Associates each user account with a standard MAR profile. For more information, see Profiles of the Mobile Application Repository.
                            c.      Specifies a password for each user account.
Login IDs of the Mobile Application Repository
A login ID is a source through which users log on to Mobile Application Studio, and connect to the Mobile Application Repository (MAR). When MAR is installed, standard login IDs are available by default. While creating user accounts, the system administrator associates a standard login ID with the profile of each user account.
Login ID
Allows you to:
·        Perform administrative activities in MAR.
·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
·        Modify the password of a user account.
·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
·        Modify your own password.
·        View development objects in MAR.
·        Modify your own password.
·        Get information about the MAR.
·        Validate MAR users.
Create a DSN for MAR. The default password for this login is arsdb.
Profiles of the Mobile Application Repository
A profile of the Mobile Application Repository (MAR) is a collection of access rights defined for:
·        Development objects, like tiles, tile sets and business objects of mobile client applications
·        Services of MAR like change lists and namespaces
The standard profiles that are available are listed below.
Profile name
Associated login ID
Allows you to:
·        Perform administrative activities like creating and maintaining users.
·        Read and write repository specific information (ARS_SYSTABLE).
·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
·        Release and revert a change list.
·        Transfer the ownership of objects to another MAR.
·        Create link objects to integrate tile set help.
·        Create and modify framework objects in MAR.
·        View development objects in MAR.
·        Modify your own password.
·        Read repository specific information (ARS_SYSTABLE).
·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
·        Release change lists that have been created only by you.
·        Modify your own password.
·        Transfer the ownership of objects to another MAR.
·        Read repository specific information (ARS_SYSTABLE).
·        Modify your own password.
·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
This profile does not allow you to release change lists.
·        Read repository specific information (ARS_SYSTABLE).
·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
·        Modify your own password.
·        Transfer the ownership of objects to another MAR.
·        Release and revert change lists.
This profile does not allow you to create a change list.
·        Read repository specific information (ARS_SYSTABLE).
·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
·        Release and revert change lists.
·        Modify your own password.
·        Transfer the ownership of objects to another MAR.
·        Read repository specific information (ARS_SYSTABLE).
·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
·        Release the change list you have created.
·        Transfer the ownership of objects to another MAR.
·        Create and modify framework objects in MAR.
·        Read repository specific information (ARS_SYSTABLE).
·        Create and modify development objects in MAR.
·        Release the change list you have created.
·        Create link objects to integrate tile set help.
ifhelpfull reward me some points

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    PS C:\Users\Administrator> New-ADUser -SamAccountName "TestOut" -UserPrincipalNa
    me "[email protected]" -GivenName "Test" -Surname "out" -DisplayName "Testou
    t" -Name "Testout" -Enabled $true -Path "CN=users,DC=bwcat,DC=net,DC=int" -Accou
    ntPassword (Read-Host -AsSecureString "Enter Account Password") 
    However when doing day to day tasks where I work normally we have a new hire, they contact IT and ask that a user account is created.   I will ask who they would like to mirror.
    I then would go into the gui pull up the user that they want to mirror right click him and choose copy.  This would create a new user account that I would then fill out.
    I am wondering if its possible to do this same thing via PowerShell, or  if its not an option because it takes more work type up everything than it does to go into the gui and do it.
    Anyway thanks for the help.

    Hi Wilder, hi Mark,
    first of all: The tutorial sources Mark posted - especially the book "Powershell 3 in A month of lunches" - are good to get a baseline start. A really great reference, especially when you try to learn it while still dealing with your daily business.
    On another note, Wilder: While I fully agree that learning things sequentially is usually the best, I too jumped right in instead of learning how to walk first (though it's been some time now. Fewer years than you'd think, but still ...). So I thought I'd
    give you a little aid with that function husk, so you could just stuff interesting bits into an available structure, making use of the fun tools in a useful context (It's fun fiddling around with the commands, but if you have to type in all of them manually
    each time, using the GUI is often just faster. Doing fun things and being efficient with it feels even better though ...). So ... while I
    do agree with yourself, learn it the Correct & Proper Way, I also do
    intend to finish this little explanation about the husk, all the way to the end.
    Everything below this paragraph is part of this.
    function Copy-ADUser
    A brief description of the Copy-ADUser function.
    A detailed description of the Copy-ADUser function.
    .PARAMETER GivenName
    A description of the GivenName parameter.
    .PARAMETER Surname
    A description of the Surname parameter.
    .PARAMETER Template
    A description of the Template parameter.
    PS C:\> Copy-ADUser -GivenName "Max" -Surname "Mustermann" -Template "Jonny.Normal"
    Additional information about the function.
    Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    ) # Create finished Strings
    $JoinedName = $GivenName + "." + $Surname
    # Create new User
    $NewUser = New-ADUser -Surname $Surname -GivenName $GivenName -DisplayName "$Surname, $GivenName" -SamAccountName $JoinedName -Name "$Surename, $GivenName" -PassThru
    # Copy from old User
    $NewUser | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $Template | Where { $_.Name -ne 'Domain Users' })
    # Do Whatever else you feel like doing
    This is again the same function husk I posted earlier. Only this time, I filled a little logic (the pieces that were already posted in this thread). This time, I'll not only go over each part again ... I'll do it by reposting the segments and trying to show
    some examples on how to modify the parts. Thus some of it will be repetitive, but this way all the info is in one spot.
    Segment: Comment Based Help
    A brief description of the Copy-ADUser function.
    A detailed description of the Copy-ADUser function.
    .PARAMETER GivenName
    A description of the GivenName parameter.
    .PARAMETER Surname
    A description of the Surname parameter.
    .PARAMETER Template
    A description of the Template parameter.
    PS C:\> Copy-ADUser -GivenName "Max" -Surname "Mustermann" -Template "Jonny.Normal"
    Additional information about the function.
    That's the premier documentation part of a function, that teaches a user what the function does and how to use it. It's what's shown when using the Get-Help cmdlet.
    Comment texts are not restricted to single lines however. For example you could replace ...
    PS C:\> Copy-ADUser -GivenName "Max" -Surname "Mustermann" -Template "Jonny.Normal"
    ... with ...
    PS C:\> Copy-ADUser -GivenName "Max" -Surname "Mustermann" -Template "Jonny.Normal"
    Creates a new user named Max Mustermann and copies the group memberships of the already existing user Jonny Normal to this new User
    ... and get an explanation on what the example does when using Get-Help with the
    -Detailed parameter (Explaining examples is always a good idea).
    Segment: Parameter
    Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    This is the segment that tells Powershell what input your function accepts. Each parameter of Copy-ADUser you set will be available in the next segment as a variable of the same name. You can add additional parameters if you need more information for your
    logic. For example, let's add a parameter that allows you to specify what Organization the new user should belong to:
    Param (
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
    That's how that would look like. You may notice that I didn't add the line with
    "[Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] this time. This means you
    may add the Organization parameter when calling Copy-ADUser, but you need not.
    Segment: Logic
    # Create new User
    $NewUser = New-ADUser -Surname $Surname -GivenName $GivenName -DisplayName "$Surname, $GivenName" -SamAccountName "$GivenName.$Surename" -Name "$Surename, $GivenName" -PassThru
    # Copy from old User
    $NewUser | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $Template | Where { $_.Name -ne 'Domain Users' })
    # Do Whatever else you feel like doing
    This is the part of the function that does the actual work. Compared to the first husk I posted, this time there are two commands in it (and some comments). First, I create a new user, using the information passed into
    the parameters -Surname and -GivenName. Then I Copy the group memberships of the user identified by the information given by the
    -Template parameter.
    So, let's modify it!
    # Tell the user you are starting
    Write-Host "Starting to create the user account for $GivenName $Surname"
    # Create new User
    $NewUser = New-ADUser -Surname $Surname -GivenName $GivenName -DisplayName "$Surname, $GivenName" -SamAccountName "$GivenName.$Surename" -Name "$Surename, $GivenName" -PassThru
    # Tell the user you are copying Group Memberships
    Write-Host "Copying the group-memberhips of $Template to $GivenName $Surname"
    # Copy from old User
    $NewUser | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $Template | Where { $_.Name -ne 'Domain Users' })
    # Do Whatever else you feel like doing
    Now after adding a few lines, the logic will tell us what it's doing (and do so before it
    is taking action)!
    Hm ... didn't we create a change in the Parameter Segment to add an -Organization parameter? Let's use it!
    # If the -Organization parameter was set, the $Organization variable will be longer than 0. Thus do ...
    if ($Organization.Length -gt 0)
    # Tell the user you are starting
    Write-Host "Starting to create the user account for $GivenName $Surname in the Organization $Organization"
    # Create new User
    $NewUser = New-ADUser -Surname $Surname -GivenName $GivenName -DisplayName "$Surname, $GivenName" -SamAccountName "$GivenName.$Surename" -Name "$Surename, $GivenName" -Organization $Organization -PassThru
    # If the -Organization parameter was NOT set, the $Organization variable will have a length of 0. Thus the if-condition does not apply, thus we do the else block
    # Tell the user you are starting
    Write-Host "Starting to create the user account for $GivenName $Surname"
    # Create new User
    $NewUser = New-ADUser -Surname $Surname -GivenName $GivenName -DisplayName "$Surname, $GivenName" -SamAccountName "$GivenName.$Surename" -Name "$Surename, $GivenName" -PassThru
    # Tell the user you are copying Group Memberships
    Write-Host "Copying the group-memberhips of $Template to $GivenName $Surname"
    # Copy from old User
    $NewUser | Add-ADPrincipalGroupMembership -MemberOf (Get-ADPrincipalGroupMembership $Template | Where { $_.Name -ne 'Domain Users' })
    # Do Whatever else you feel like doing
    There! Now we first check whether the -Organization parameter was set (it's not mandatory after all, so you can skip it). If it
    was set, do whatever is in the curly braces after if (...). However, if it wasn't set, do whatever is in the curly braces after
    And that concludes my "minor" (and hopefully helpful) tutorial on how to use the function husk I posted :)
    With this, whenever you find another cool command that helps you in the user creation process, you can simply add it, similar to what I did in these examples.
    And if it all didn't make much sense, go through the tutorials in proper order and come back - it'll make much more sense then.
    Cheers and good luck with PowerShell,
    There's no place like

  • How to create new user account and delete old one?

    we have wanted to change our alias on the discussions group but understand from the frequently asked questions section that,
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    However it does not go on to tell us specifically how to now set up a "new User Account". Could someone specify how to do this? And if we do this, how would we then delete the current User Account? Thank you.

    Colleen Von Eckartsberg wrote:
    Thanks for the reply.
    However I am still confused. I originally thought the "user account" referred to an account specific to the Discussions Forums, not the general "Apple ID" however your email seems to suggest they are one and the same....Please clarify.
    If so, however I do not think I am able to change my Apple ID. As I am a mobile me user I am required to us my mobile me address for my apple ID.....and do not think I can have two ID's with the same mobile me address.....
    Any additional thoughts are appreciated. Thanks.
    Not with the same Primary address, but you can use your MM address as a secondary one. That is how I have my 2 Apple IDs setup. 1 uses my Dot Mac address and the other uses an ISP address as the Primary with the latter having my Dot Mac address as an alternate address.
    Warning, even if you create a new account, you won't be able to use your current ALIAS with the new account.

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    Hi Kappy,
    i checked out your bio and posts. would you be able to give me some guidance with respect to a recent post of mine. I'd appreciate any help you may offer.
    with respect to the password question, an added point may be to suggest a strong and secure password. i'm still baffled by the poor passwords in use by some of the people i know personally - and their smart individuals too.
    thanks in advance.

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    If you have not booted the MBA for the first time and gone through the Setup Assistant, then I would use the Setup Assistant to make the transfer before you even create another user account. However, if you've already created the new user account on the MBA, then create a new admine one with a different username than the account you will migrate. Log into this new account, delete the first account you made, then use Migration Assistant to transfer your account from the MBP.

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    They can't.  Which came first - the chicken or the egg?  Actually, that's a bad comparison but a sync must come first.
    The library is actually part of iTunes and it contains everything.  iTunes is then configured so that you (or they) determine which portion of everything will be synced to each iPod (identified by a unique name, see below for an example of an iPod and an iPad).  iTunes can't make that decision until AFTER it knows which iPods exist.
    By the way, I (you, they) can very easily change the name of each device to whatever I (you, they) wish to call it.

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    I should point out that there are two attributes of all AD objects that can help you track down the correct information in the system logs. These are the whenCreated and whenChanged attributes. This will tell when the object was created and when it was last
    modified, which should help when you search the logs. Also, while whenCreated is replicated to all DC's, so they will all have the exact same creation time, the whenChanged attribute is technically not replicated. The date/time on each DC reflects when
    the last modification was replicated to that DC. The values will differ slightly on each DC, reflecting how long it took for the change to replicate.
    Richard Mueller - MVP Directory Services

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    i use migrate assistant to move files from my old pc to the new Mac , but it creates the user account. How can i delete the unwanted user account.

    Welcome to Apple Support Communities
    That's the classic behaviour after using Migration Assistant and that's normal.
    To transfer the data from the new user account to your old user account, you can follow some steps. Here is all the information you need to do this >

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    It's next to impossible to fully merge two accounts on a Mac easily.
    This being said, though, please take a look at "The Great Pondini's" site where this specific issue is addressed.  There should be information here you can use to get things sorted out.

  • Questions about Mobile User accounts

    I'm having some trouble fully grasping Mobile User accounts and hoping someone could clarify whether they would be appropriate in my situation.
    We have some non-"mobile" users that solely use one machine and we would like them to continue to use their local hard drives. Is a "Mobile" account the solution?
    Second, if a user is already using an independent Mac that is not bound to any it possible to bind it, create a mobile account, then sync local with network home folders such that all of the current data in their existing Home folder is added to the Network Home folder? or must the account be started from scratch?
    Lastly, What if we did not want all that data synched to the Network Home because there is simply too much of it. Can we still enjoy the benefits of Network login while certain files are local (I assume this is what the synching prefs are all about?!?) Users use same machine for 99% of their work. only occasionally would it be nice to provide them access to their mail, etc from a different client
    PowerMac G4   Mac OS X (10.4.4)  

    I'll take some broad swipes at this and let the smarter people come fill in the details.
    We have a true 1:1 setup in our office and have moved to PHDs as a means of protecting against downtime. The thinking is that we will have a spare machine lying around with our base installation ready to go. If a user's machine fails we'll replace it with the spare machine, let it sync the user directory from the server, and we're back in business. It's no substitute for a real backup system, but it potentially avoids having to run a restore from your backups. It also reduces network traffic compared to plain networked homes, and still lets your users work if the server goes down, but provides the benefits of centralized management. John DeTroye wrote a nice article about this.
    If you've already got data on your "client" Mac you will need to move it onto the server. PHDs will download data from the server to the client on the first sync, but will not upload a complete home directory from the client to an empty directory on the server. You'll find some posts in this forum discussing how people have gone about migrating data prior to that first sync.
    WGM allows you to establish exclusions for stuff you don't want to sync.
    One thing to watch out for in the scenario you describe is the so-called "rabbit effect." Assume Bob uses Mac1 as his primary machine. If one day he logs into Mac2 his home directory will be downloaded to Mac2. Once he returns to Mac1 he'll still be cluttering up Mac2 with his data. If he logs into Mac3 the next day and Tom and Sue are also periodically logging into different machines, you can see how you'll end up with a mess pretty quickly.
    Hope this helps.

  • Creating second user account on TC. No separate folder and security issues

    I've had my TC for some time, and after some start-up triuble all is working very nicely now.
    That is, until I wanted to set up the TC for my girlfriends backups too. On my mac, i created a user account for the TC, and i see two folders when i connect to the TC: "Timecapsule" and "MyAccountName". Now when i did the same on the other Macbook, i get only the "Timecapsule" account, not a folder (or sharepoint) with her account name. Also, I saw that as the sparsebundle files are on the 'main' sharepoint, it is possible to access both from both computers, wierd.
    Any thoughts on how I can use 1 TC for 2 computers with 2 sharepoints for both?
    So, on my own computer i would have a general folder and a personal folder, on the other the same...
    Help much appreciated!

    To clarify: When i connect to the TC, i mount two volumes, but on the other Macbook, I only get the main volume, not the specific user volume.

  • How to create 2 icloud accounts with one apple id

    I would like to find out how to create 2 iCloud accounts using the same apple id. Currently, my husband's iphone4S and my iPhone 4 have merged contacts which we don't want, and when he texts it shows that it is from me.

    You can't do that.  One of you will have to create a new icloud account with a new ID and connect the device to it.
    When connected to the account you want to GET data from, Go to Settings>iCloud and turn all data that is syncing with iCloud (contacts, calendars, etc.) to Off. 
    When prompted choose to keep the data on the iPhone. 
    After everything is turned off, scroll to the bottom and tap Delete Account.  Next, set up a new iCloud account using a different Apple ID and turn iCloud data syncing for contacts, etc. back to On.  When prompted, choose Merge.  This will upload the data to this new account.
    Note that this only affects the "Apple data" like contacts, calendars, reminders, etc.  Many third party apps also use iCloud to store data files there.  These files may be lost in the process, unless the apps also keep the data locally on the device.
    NOTE:  Photos in the photo stream (if you use it) will not transfer to the new account.  It is advised that you save the photos to a computer before performing the account switch. 
    Each user should have their own icloud account, otherwise they end up getting the same emails, contacts, calendars, notes, reminders, etc. - usually not what you want.  But if all have been sharing the same itunes ID, keep it that way, you can have different IDs for itunes and icloud.
    If you already have another icloud account, and want to set it up on a device, then go to Settings>icloud, scroll to bottom of screen and tap Delete Account.  This only disconnects the device from that account, no data is lost on icloud.  Then enter the account ID that you want to use.
    To create a new icloud account, go to

  • How to create a new account and copy all settings?

    I think my main user account is corrupted. So I want to create a new account and copy all of my settings, files etc..and more than likely piecemeal just incase my settings are what is corrupted. That way I can isolate the problem.
    I don't plan to delete the main account until satisfied and I also have my Time Machine backup plus my SuperDuper backup.
    I can/should be able to figure out how to create the new account, but I am very unclear on the best/easiest approach to copy in my iTunes files and settings, applications(is this even an issue), address book, email, etc? I should be able to find most everything underneath my home account folders but what else am I missing here? I don't want to find out the hard way.
    Please share some advice or perhaps a link/FAQ on how to approach.
    Thanks in advance.

    use this [link|].


       OS            -    WINDOWS SERVER 2008 R2
       SYSTEM    -    IBM  MACHINE X3400 SERIES

    Creating an user account on the computer doesn't create a profile for that user. The profile is created the first time the user interactively logs on at the computer. After the user logs onto the computer for the first time, the user's local profile
    will be created in a folder with the name of the user under the systemroot/Users folder.
    Best regards,
    Frank Shen

  • How to create a user  y which will have the same content of existing user x

    how to create a user y which will have the same content of existing user x ,
    like all the tables,procedures,functions and packages

    You can do the following.
    1. Use CREATE USER to create the new account/schema
    2. Use exp to export old schema
    3 Use imp with fromuser=<old user> and touser=<newuser>

Maybe you are looking for