How to debug virtual attribute

Hi experts,
I would like know if it's possible to debug a virtual attribute used during replication between CRM - ISU ?
A external break point or a session break point doesn't work.
The only way to do it is :
Modify the abap source code of the virtual attribute in order to make an error.
Then, we correct the source code
Finally, we can restart the process by transaction ECRMREPL (ISU) and enter in debug mode.
Do you another solution for debug virtual attribute who's faster ?
Many thanks.

Hi Mathieu,
        If you want to debug the virtual attribute in ISU you first can Deregister the inbound que with transaction SMQS...You should deregister your correct destination...
Then make the necessary changes to the Object IE CRM contract in CRM, this will create the outbound BDOC to ISU, after this then go back to transaction SMQS in ISU, check the QRFC monitor, Your object you changed should appear in the que...Double click the object and the que name you should get to FM -> BAPI_CRM_SAVE...
There is a debug icon in the upper screen u can debug from there, before u do so make sure u placed a break point in either FM -> ISU_PRODUCT_IMPLEMENT which will in turn call your Virtual attribute FM that u have attached in the MDG...
Hope that helps...

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  • How to debug when you can't recreate error consistently

    I have a simple illustrator-type application in which I draw rounded rectangles to a JPanel and then the user is able to move them around (the position and repaint is done in via the mouseDragged interface.
    Sometimes, the application shuts down when I am dragging a box with this message:
    # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
    # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6d236a0c, pid=3400, tid=2716
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_07-b03 mixed mode, sharing)
    # Problematic frame:
    # C [dcpr.dll+0x6a0c]
    # An error report file with more information is saved as hs_err_pid3400.log
    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    I checked the error report and it suggests the problem is within the PathFiller.WriteAlpha. The entire report is below. The problem I have is that if I restart the application and place boxes in the exact same locations as before, and try moving the one that caused the error, the error is not thrown.
    I have no idea how to debug this as I can't even consistently reproduce. I just upgraded to the newest JDK (I think it was 7).
    Thanks for any insight and help you can offer.
    # An unexpected error has been detected by HotSpot Virtual Machine:
    # EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION (0xc0000005) at pc=0x6d236a0c, pid=3400, tid=2716
    # Java VM: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_07-b03 mixed mode, sharing)
    # Problematic frame:
    # C [dcpr.dll+0x6a0c]
    --------------- T H R E A D ---------------
    Current thread (0x00acae38): JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-0" [_thread_in_native, id=2716]
    siginfo: ExceptionCode=0xc0000005, reading address 0x00000007
    EAX=0x00a9c6b8, EBX=0x02e33930, ECX=0x00a9c6a4, EDX=0x00000001
    ESP=0x0303f314, EBP=0x0303f328, ESI=0x00a35f1c, EDI=0xffffffff
    EIP=0x6d236a0c, EFLAGS=0x00010286
    Top of Stack: (sp=0x0303f314)
    0x0303f314: 02e2865c 00a35f1c 02e33930 ffffffff
    0x0303f324: 02e2865c 0303f34c 6d236ce8 02e33930
    0x0303f334: 00a35f1c 02e33930 02e2865c 02e33930
    0x0303f344: 00acaef8 02e34774 0303f378 6d2326be
    0x0303f354: 02e33930 00a35f1c 02f13380 00000001
    0x0303f364: 00000020 00000000 22fb02e8 22fad0d0
    0x0303f374: 00acae38 0303f3a0 00b6a767 02f13380
    0x0303f384: 0303f3b8 0303f3b4 00000001 00000020
    Instructions: (pc=0x6d236a0c)
    0x6d2369fc: 85 ff 89 7d f8 0f 84 16 01 00 00 eb 03 8b 7d f8
    0x6d236a0c: d9 47 08 d8 15 50 c0 23 6d 8b 47 04 d9 55 fc 89
    Stack: [0x03000000,0x03040000), sp=0x0303f314, free space=252k
    Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
    C [dcpr.dll+0x6a0c]
    C [dcpr.dll+0x6ce8]
    C [dcpr.dll+0x26be]
    J sun.java2d.pipe.DuctusRenderer.getAlpha(Lsun/dc/pr/Rasterizer;[BIII)V
    J sun.java2d.pipe.DuctusShapeRenderer.renderPath(Lsun/java2d/SunGraphics2D;Ljava/awt/Shape;Ljava/awt/BasicStroke;)V
    J sun.java2d.pipe.DuctusShapeRenderer.fill(Lsun/java2d/SunGraphics2D;Ljava/awt/Shape;)V
    J sun.java2d.pipe.PixelToShapeConverter.fillRoundRect(Lsun/java2d/SunGraphics2D;IIIIII)V
    J sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D.fillRoundRect(IIIIII)V
    J writingplatform.PlatformNode.paintComponent(Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V
    J writingplatform.TextNode.paintComponent(Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V
    J writingplatform.PlatformPanel.paintComponent(Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V
    J javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V
    J javax.swing.JComponent.paintWithOffscreenBuffer(Ljavax/swing/JComponent;Ljava/awt/Graphics;IIIILjava/awt/Image;)V
    J javax.swing.JComponent.paintDoubleBuffered(Ljavax/swing/JComponent;Ljava/awt/Component;Ljava/awt/Graphics;IIII)Z
    J javax.swing.JComponent._paintImmediately(IIII)V
    J javax.swing.JComponent.paintImmediately(IIII)V
    J javax.swing.RepaintManager.paintDirtyRegions()V
    J javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities$
    J java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch()V
    J java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Ljava/awt/AWTEvent;)V
    J java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(ILjava/awt/Component;)Z
    v ~RuntimeStub::alignment_frame_return Runtime1 stub
    j java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(ILjava/awt/Conditional;Ljava/awt/Component;)V+26
    j java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(ILjava/awt/Conditional;)V+4
    j java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Ljava/awt/Conditional;)V+3
    v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
    V [jvm.dll+0x86401]
    V [jvm.dll+0xdb172]
    V [jvm.dll+0x862d2]
    V [jvm.dll+0x8602f]
    V [jvm.dll+0xa0bcb]
    V [jvm.dll+0x10bdad]
    V [jvm.dll+0x10bd7b]
    C [MSVCRT.dll+0x2a3b0]
    C [kernel32.dll+0xb50b]
    Java frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code)
    J sun.java2d.pipe.DuctusRenderer.getAlpha(Lsun/dc/pr/Rasterizer;[BIII)V
    J sun.java2d.pipe.DuctusShapeRenderer.renderPath(Lsun/java2d/SunGraphics2D;Ljava/awt/Shape;Ljava/awt/BasicStroke;)V
    J sun.java2d.pipe.DuctusShapeRenderer.fill(Lsun/java2d/SunGraphics2D;Ljava/awt/Shape;)V
    J sun.java2d.pipe.PixelToShapeConverter.fillRoundRect(Lsun/java2d/SunGraphics2D;IIIIII)V
    J sun.java2d.SunGraphics2D.fillRoundRect(IIIIII)V
    J writingplatform.PlatformNode.paintComponent(Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V
    J writingplatform.TextNode.paintComponent(Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V
    J writingplatform.PlatformPanel.paintComponent(Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V
    J javax.swing.JComponent.paint(Ljava/awt/Graphics;)V
    J javax.swing.JComponent.paintWithOffscreenBuffer(Ljavax/swing/JComponent;Ljava/awt/Graphics;IIIILjava/awt/Image;)V
    J javax.swing.JComponent.paintDoubleBuffered(Ljavax/swing/JComponent;Ljava/awt/Component;Ljava/awt/Graphics;IIII)Z
    J javax.swing.JComponent._paintImmediately(IIII)V
    J javax.swing.JComponent.paintImmediately(IIII)V
    J javax.swing.RepaintManager.paintDirtyRegions()V
    J javax.swing.SystemEventQueueUtilities$
    J java.awt.event.InvocationEvent.dispatch()V
    J java.awt.EventQueue.dispatchEvent(Ljava/awt/AWTEvent;)V
    J java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpOneEventForHierarchy(ILjava/awt/Component;)Z
    v ~RuntimeStub::alignment_frame_return Runtime1 stub
    j java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEventsForHierarchy(ILjava/awt/Conditional;Ljava/awt/Component;)V+26
    j java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(ILjava/awt/Conditional;)V+4
    j java.awt.EventDispatchThread.pumpEvents(Ljava/awt/Conditional;)V+3
    v ~StubRoutines::call_stub
    --------------- P R O C E S S ---------------
    Java Threads: ( => current thread )
    0x000360c0 JavaThread "DestroyJavaVM" [_thread_blocked, id=696]
    =>0x00acae38 JavaThread "AWT-EventQueue-0" [_thread_in_native, id=2716]
    0x00ac5530 JavaThread "AWT-Windows" daemon [_thread_in_native, id=3396]
    0x00ac50b0 JavaThread "AWT-Shutdown" [_thread_blocked, id=2656]
    0x00ac3eb8 JavaThread "Java2D Disposer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1644]
    0x00a6ef28 JavaThread "Low Memory Detector" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=408]
    0x00a6dc28 JavaThread "CompilerThread0" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=992]
    0x0003fda0 JavaThread "Signal Dispatcher" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=1756]
    0x00a42240 JavaThread "Finalizer" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=2156]
    0x00a40d58 JavaThread "Reference Handler" daemon [_thread_blocked, id=328]
    Other Threads:
    0x00a3e460 VMThread [id=3024]
    0x00a702a8 WatcherThread [id=1740]
    VM state:not at safepoint (normal execution)
    VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None
    def new generation total 576K, used 20K [0x22a70000, 0x22b10000, 0x22f50000)
    eden space 512K, 2% used [0x22a70000, 0x22a73220, 0x22af0000)
    from space 64K, 12% used [0x22af0000, 0x22af2128, 0x22b00000)
    to space 64K, 0% used [0x22b00000, 0x22b00000, 0x22b10000)
    tenured generation total 1408K, used 435K [0x22f50000, 0x230b0000, 0x26a70000)
    the space 1408K, 30% used [0x22f50000, 0x22fbcd10, 0x22fbce00, 0x230b0000)
    compacting perm gen total 8192K, used 388K [0x26a70000, 0x27270000, 0x2aa70000)
    the space 8192K, 4% used [0x26a70000, 0x26ad1170, 0x26ad1200, 0x27270000)
    ro space 8192K, 67% used [0x2aa70000, 0x2afcd9f8, 0x2afcda00, 0x2b270000)
    rw space 12288K, 46% used [0x2b270000, 0x2b813808, 0x2b813a00, 0x2be70000)
    Dynamic libraries:
    0x00400000 - 0x0040d000      C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07\jre\bin\java.exe
    0x7c900000 - 0x7c9b0000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll
    0x7c800000 - 0x7c8f4000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\kernel32.dll
    0x77dd0000 - 0x77e6b000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\ADVAPI32.dll
    0x77e70000 - 0x77f01000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\RPCRT4.dll
    0x77c10000 - 0x77c68000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSVCRT.dll
    0x6d730000 - 0x6d8c7000      C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07\jre\bin\client\jvm.dll
    0x77d40000 - 0x77dd0000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\USER32.dll
    0x77f10000 - 0x77f57000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\GDI32.dll
    0x76b40000 - 0x76b6d000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINMM.dll
    0x6d2f0000 - 0x6d2f8000      C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07\jre\bin\hpi.dll
    0x76bf0000 - 0x76bfb000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\PSAPI.DLL
    0x6d700000 - 0x6d70c000      C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07\jre\bin\verify.dll
    0x6d370000 - 0x6d38d000      C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07\jre\bin\java.dll
    0x6d720000 - 0x6d72f000      C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07\jre\bin\zip.dll
    0x6d070000 - 0x6d1d7000      C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07\jre\bin\awt.dll
    0x73000000 - 0x73026000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\WINSPOOL.DRV
    0x76390000 - 0x763ad000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\IMM32.dll
    0x774e0000 - 0x7761d000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\ole32.dll
    0x5ad70000 - 0x5ada8000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\uxtheme.dll
    0x73760000 - 0x737a9000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\ddraw.dll
    0x73bc0000 - 0x73bc6000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\DCIMAN32.dll
    0x73940000 - 0x73a10000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\D3DIM700.DLL
    0x6d2b0000 - 0x6d2ef000      C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07\jre\bin\fontmanager.dll
    0x74720000 - 0x7476b000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\MSCTF.dll
    0x7c9c0000 - 0x7d1d5000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\shell32.dll
    0x77f60000 - 0x77fd6000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\SHLWAPI.dll
    0x773d0000 - 0x774d2000      C:\WINDOWS\WinSxS\x86_Microsoft.Windows.Common-Controls_6595b64144ccf1df_6.0.2600.2180_x-ww_a84f1ff9\comctl32.dll
    0x5d090000 - 0x5d127000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\comctl32.dll
    0x605d0000 - 0x605d9000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\mslbui.dll
    0x77120000 - 0x771ac000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\OLEAUT32.DLL
    0x6d530000 - 0x6d543000      C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07\jre\bin\net.dll
    0x71ab0000 - 0x71ac7000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2_32.dll
    0x71aa0000 - 0x71aa8000      C:\WINDOWS\system32\WS2HELP.dll
    0x6d550000 - 0x6d559000      C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07\jre\bin\nio.dll
    0x6d230000 - 0x6d253000      C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.5.0_07\jre\bin\dcpr.dll
    VM Arguments:
    java_command: writingplatform.Main
    Launcher Type: SUN_STANDARD
    Environment Variables:
    CLASSPATH=C:\Program Files\Java\jre1.5.0_05\lib\ext\
    PATH=C:\Program Files\Microsoft DirectX 9.0 SDK (August 2005)\Utilities\Bin\x86;C:\WINDOWS\system32;C:\WINDOWS;C:\WINDOWS\System32\Wbem;C:\Program Files\ATI Technologies\ATI Control Panel;C:\Program Files\QuickTime\QTSystem\;C:\Program Files\SSH Communications Security\SSH Secure Shell
    PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=x86 Family 15 Model 2 Stepping 9, GenuineIntel
    --------------- S Y S T E M ---------------
    OS: Windows XP Build 2600 Service Pack 2
    CPU:total 2 family 15, cmov, cx8, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, ht
    Memory: 4k page, physical 1047764k(366012k free), swap 2518724k(2059484k free)
    vm_info: Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (1.5.0_07-b03) for windows-x86, built on May 3 2006 01:04:38 by "java_re" with MS VC++ 6.0

    This is not your bug, it's Sun's. All you can do is to:
    # If you would like to submit a bug report, please visit:
    On the other hand, if you cannot afford to wait and just
    want to find a quick workaround, you will at least need
    to find a way to reproduce the bug with a reasonable
    frequency. If you are absolutely unable to reproduce it,
    just forget it, but still report it to Sun.

  • How to debug a report

    how to debug a report
    i am new to ABAP

    <b>ABAP Debugger</b>
    The ABAP Debugger is an integrated test tool within the ABAP Workbench. You use it to check the program logic and to find errors in the source code of an ABAP program. In the Debugger, you can step through the source code of a program. The running program is interrupted after each step, allowing you to check its processing logic and the results of individual statements.
    As of Release 6.10, you can also run Business Server Pages (BSP) in the debugging mode. You can also display and set breakpoints here. Business Server Pages can be displayed in the Object Navigator when you select an appropriate application under BSP Application.
    The Debugger provides an efficient means of identifying errors in ABAP programs. It contains the following functions:
    •    Ways of starting the Debugger
    •     Choosing different views
    •     Choosing different execution options in the Debugger
    •     Displaying source code in the Debugger
    •               Setting and deleting breakpoints
    •               Setting and deleting watchpoints
    •               Stopping a program at a particular statement or event
    •     Displaying and changing field contents at runtime
    •     Displaying ABAP Objects and references
    •     Displaying and positioning strings
    •     Setting and deleting database locks
    •     Opening the ABAP Editor, or Object Navigator
    •     System settings and runtime warnings
    <b>Starting the Debugger</b>
    There are two possible strategies for starting the Debugger in the ABAP Workbench:
    •     By setting breakpoints then running the program
    •     By running the program in debugging mode.
    <b>Setting Breakpoints</b>
    A breakpoint is a signal in a line of code that tells the ABAP runtime processor to interrupt the program at that line and start the ABAP Debugger. A distinction is made between static and dynamic breakpoints. For further information about the different types of breakpoints and how to use them, refer to Breakpoints.
    Running a Program in Debugging Mode
    You can start the Debugger without previously having set breakpoints. This is the best procedure to use when you want to test a program right from the beginning. It is also useful if you do not know the program very well and therefore are not sure where best to set breakpoints. You can start the Debugger as follows:
    From the Object Navigator     Select a report or transaction and program and choose Program &#61614;&#61472;Test &#61614;&#61472;Debugging.
    From the ABAP Editor     Choose Program &#61614; Execute &#61614; Debugging (or the Debugging pushbutton).
    From any screen     Choose System &#61614; Utilities &#61614; Debug ABAP.
    From any screen     Enter " /h " in the command field.
    <b>Checking System Programs for Errors</b>
    To check a program or program component that is part of the ABAP Workbench (for example, the Screen Painter), you must use the system Debugger. To start the system Debugger, choose System &#61614; Utilities &#61614; Debug system from any screen. To stop the system Debugger, choose Debugger &#61614; Debugging off.
    Displaying Program Attributes</b>
    You can display the attributes Fixed point arithmetic, System program and Unicode checks active of the program that has just been executed by choosing Goto &#61614; Further Information &#61614; Program Attributes.
    Display Modes in the Debugger</b>
    When you are debugging a program, there are various display modes that you can use. All of the display modes have the same structure. The top part of the screen displays an extract of the program source code. The bottom part displays the information specifically available in that display mode. There are also pushbuttons on the screen allowing you to switch to the most frequently-used display modes. 
    go to se38->give ur program name-.execute->give /h at command prompt->execute->now debugging will start->
    f5-used for line by line debugging
    f6-used for directly executing function modules or performs i.e. control won't go into that block.
    f7-run to cursor
    f8-direct executing.
    fileds: here we can check fild values.
    click fileds option and double click on the filed or type the filen name beside filed
    tables : here we can check the data in the internal table.
    click tables option and double click on the internal table.
    Break points:
    if you want to debug a particulr part you can use this.
    place the cursor at any perform click breakpoint or double click on that will be set.
    if /h from report statement it will debug,so for debugging from particular point we will use break points.use f7 to traverse between multiple break points.
    Watch-points: In some cases we need to check the data populated in the internal table for eample if we want to check the data of internal table record belongs to 100th vendor we will create watch point for this goto->breakpoints->create watch points->give filed itab-lifnr->=->100.
    debugging procedure:
    Use '/H' in the command line and execute the report/program, so that it goes to debugging mode
    2. keep a hard coded break point in the code like BREAK-POINT and it stops there.
    3.From the program Menu, Keep the Soft Break-points and do the debugging.
    see the links
    Refer to this thread
    Reward points if useful

  • How to debug a smartform?

    I am facing deffficulty.. while debugging the my smartform.
    this is called in e-recruitement portal.. i tried with smartform_trace and break-point and all.
    how to do this?
    Please help me.

    DEBUG Smartform:
    1) One way to debug smartform is to debug the Function Module of that smartforms.
    If you want to debug particular smartform node that the solution would be,
    insert a "Program Line" just above the node you want to debug and this program line write a normal abap breakpoint.
    So whenever you call the smartforms, it will stop at this breakpoint and you can debug onwards.
    2) SFTRACE can be used for debugging SMARTFORMS.
    Read More here.
    Re: How to Debug a Smartform
    Debug of smartform and sapscript.
    Debugging SmartForms
    LOGO on Smartform
    1) In Smart Forms Editor, In left pane, right Click any Page (say Page1) and select Create -> Window, Give it a name and Description (Say Window1)
    2) Right Click on Window (Window 1) and select Create -> Graphics, Give it a name and description
    3) In general Attributes, Select Name, get search help (F4) , you will find a list of pictures
    4) Select any picture and set its Resolution in DPI
    5) Press F9 to open Smart Forms Builder, Select window (Window1) and In Output options window set, size and position of the Logo
    6) Set any other parameters if required, save and activate.
    7) If there is only 1 Window in the forms, set it as Main Window in general attributes.
    8) Use TCode SE78 to upload new pictures and logos.
    look at Thread Dynamic Graph in smartforms
    Refer the links also -
    Re: Dinamic Graph in smartforms
    How to get file perperties in Unix server

  • HOW TO: Debug a remote JSP

    <h1>HOW TO: Debug a remote JSP</h1>
    <strong>Note: </strong>The process of debugging a remote JSP on an Apache/Jserv
    installation involves a couple extra steps that were not covered in the JDeveloper
    3.2 documentation. </p>
    You use JDeveloper to debug JavaServer Pages (JSP) deployed and running on
    a server that includes a JSP container, such as Apache Jserv. Your JSP container
    will need to be configured to enable remote JSP debugging using JDeveloper.</p>
    JDeveloper allows you to use one of two protocols for JSP debugging - the
    Oracle Java Virtual Machine (OJVM) debugging protocol or the Sun Java Platform
    Debugging Architecture (JPDA). Before you start your remote debugging session,
    you will have to choose which method to use. If you use the OJVM protocol, your
    debugging session will run more quickly and you will have some additional features
    to assist you. You can only use OJVM on a Windows NT system. If your server
    is running UNIX or another operating system, you <strong>must</strong> use the
    &quot;classic&quot; JVM.</p>
    <strong>Setting up your project for remote JSP debugging</strong></p>
    Once you have created a JSP project, you need to set your project options
    so that remote debugging is enabled: </p>
    From the <strong><u>P</u>roject</strong> menu, select <strong><u>P</u>roject
    Properties</strong>. </p>
    Click the <strong>Run/Debug</strong> tab.</p>
    From <strong><u>D</u>ebug Files As:</strong> dropdown list, select <strong>Remote
    Debugging</strong>. </p>
    Click <strong>OK</strong>. </p>
    <strong>Configuring the Remote Server</strong></p>
    The following options must be changed on the host running the Apache/Jserv
    server. These instructions assume the server is running Windows NT: </p>
    <strong>Changes to</strong></p>
    These options control which Java Virtual Machine is used and how it is loaded.
    For <em>The Java Virtual Machine interpreter</em> parameter <tt>wrapper.bin</tt>:
    [*]Comment out any existing entries by putting a <tt>#</tt> at the beginning
    of the line.
    [*]Add a new entry with the full path of the <tt>java.exe</tt> that you want
    to use. To use the JDeveloper 1.3 OJVM, put
    <pre>wrapper.bin=C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\java1.2\bin\java.exe</pre>
    For the <em>Arguments passed to Java interpreter</em> parameter <tt>wrapper.bin.parameters</tt>:
    The value you put for this parameter depends on which Debugging Protocol
    you will choose in the <strong>Remote Debugging Dialog</strong> in JDeveloper
    when you start debugging.</p>
    [*] If you want to use the JDeveloper 3.2 OJVM, put </li>
    <pre>wrapper.bin.parameters=-ferrari -XXdebugondemandquietport4000</pre>
    [*]If you want to use Java Platform Debugging Architecture, put
    <pre>wrapper.bin.parameters=-classic -Xrunjdwp:transport=dt_socket,server=y,suspend=n,address=4000 -Xdebug -Xnoagent -Djava.compiler=NONE</pre>
    The <tt>4000</tt> parameter defines the port number which the JDeveloper
    debugger will use to communicate with the server. You can specify a different
    port number, but it must match the port which you will enter in the <strong>Remote
    Debugging Dialog</strong> in JDeveloper when you start debugging. </p>
    [*] For the <em>PATH environment value passed to the JVM</em> parameter <tt>wrapper.path</tt>
    enter the location of <tt>jdwp.dll</tt>, which is part of the <em>Java Platform
    Debugging Architecture</em>.
    This parameter is only necessary if you will choose the <em>Java Platform
    Debugging Architecture</em> debugging protocol:</p>
    For the <em>CLASSPATH environment value passed to the JVM</em> parameter
    <tt>wrapper.classpath</tt>: </p>
    Keep the location of <tt>ApacheJServ.jar</tt>. If it is not already
    there, add it. </p>
    <pre>wrapper.classpath=C:\Program Files\Apache\JServ\ApacheJServ.jar</pre>
    Comment out the location of <tt>jsdk.jar</tt>. </p>
    [*]Add the location of <tt>servlet.jar</tt> from JDeveloper 3.2.
    <pre>wrapper.classpath=C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\lib\servlet.jar</pre>
    [*] Add the locations of <code></code> and <code>ojsp.jar</code>
    from JDeveloper.
    wrapper.classpath=C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\lib\
    wrapper.classpath=C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\lib\ojsp.jar
    <strong>Changes to jserv.conf</strong></p>
    For the <em>ApJServAction</em> parameter: </p>
    [*] Comment out any existing <tt>ApJServAction .jsp</tt> entries by putting
    a <tt>#</tt> at the beginning of the line. </li>
    #ApJServAction .jsp /servlets/org.gjt.jsp.JSPServlet
    [*]Add a new <tt>ApJServAction .jsp</tt> entry like this.
    ApJServAction .jsp /servlets/oracle.jsp.JspServlet
    <strong>Changes to</strong></p>
    In the <em>Servlet Init Parameters</em> section: </p>
    Add the following lines. </p>
    <pre>\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\java1.3\jre\lib\rt.jar
    <strong>Copying the JSP to the Apache/Jserv Server</strong></p>
    Once you have restarted the server with the modified parameters, you need to
    copy your JSP to the server's HTML root directory. For most Apache installations
    this is <tt>C:\Program Files\Apache\htdocs</tt>. </p>
    You also need to make sure the JSP is in your HTML directory in the JDeveloper
    tree, typically <tt>C:\Program Files\Oracle\JDeveloper 3.2\myHTML</tt>. The
    reason for this is JDeveloper uses the folder name as its package name.</p>
    <strong>Debugging a JSP</strong></p>
    Debugging a JSP is very similar to debugging any other Java program.</p>
    From the <strong><u>R</u>un</strong> menu, select <strong><u>D</u>ebug
    "<em>filename</em>.jsp"</strong>. </p>
    Start the JSP running (for example, start your web browser and open a
    connection to the JSP). </p>
    Debug as normal. </p>
    If you are using the JDeveloper OJVM debugging protocol, you will be able
    to disconnect from the JSP container. This allows you to stop debugging, but
    leave the JSP container running. In addition, you will be able to use two extra
    debugging functions that are not available using the JDPA protocol - <strong>Run
    to End of Method</strong> and <strong>Set Next Statement</strong>.</p>
    If you using JPDA, you must use <strong>Stop</strong> to end your debugging.
    Using this method will also stop the JSP container.</p>

    It again same as you do in your local server...You can monitor the BPEL process flow in the em console and debug..if its not sufficient....u can also monitor the logs located at
    <SOA_Home>\user_projects\domains\domain1\servers\soa_server1\logs to debug.



    check these...
    Debug Program scheduled Background
    Re: Debugging Report which is scheduled in background
    3 types update,normal and system debugging
    check this for update debugging
    If you set "Update Debbugging" you can debug the codes which works in update tusk.
    SAP std often runs the routine (function or form) to update the database in update tusk mode, these routine start as soon as a commit work is done.
    The commit is called at the end of the program, so you can't debug them by "normal debbugging" because it ends as soon as the program ends
    All the database updates are performed by the update work processes by calling the functions/subroutines in update tasks.
    These tasks are executed after a commit work is reached in the application. By default you cannot debug these functions.
    TO debug these u need to explicitly activate update debugging.
    for system debugging check the below link
    For debugging tutorial:
    System Debugging
    If you set this option, the Debugger is also activated for system programs (programs with status S in their program attributes). When you save breakpoints, the System Debugging setting is also saved.
    Update Debugging
    Update function modules do not run in the same user session as the program that is currently running in the ABAP Debugger. These function modules are therefore not included in debugging. Only if you select the Update Debugging option can you display and debug them after the COMMIT WORK.
    Normal Debugging
    Normal debugging is the one we do it by the normal dynamic break points or by /H or by using stattic break points.
    You can switch to diffferent debuggin modes while processing.
    In the source code we set the Break-point there by clicking the stop button, the system will stop there when you execute the program.
    For watchpoints, we need to give some condition and when this condition is satisfied, program will stop
    example : if you want to debug only
    for matnr value 100 than set watch point
    matnr = 100. when value reaches 100 than
    program stops at that point.
    more at
    check these documents as well
    here r some links for debugging...
    Go through these threads for more information on debugging,
    1) debugging
    2) debugging
    3) Debugging
    4) Debugging
    some more links .....
    A PDF file to know knowledge about Debugging
    Some more links:
    Debug Background Programs:

  • How  to debug  the abap program ?

    how  to debug  the abap program ?Can anybody explain  me in details.

    This section of the ABAP Workbench documentation provides information on how to use the Debugger as a test tool for finding errors in the source code of an ABAP program.
    Functional Overview
    The ABAP Debugger is an integrated test tool within the ABAP Workbench. You use it to check the program logic and to find errors in the source code of an ABAP program. In the Debugger, you can step through the source code of a program. The running program is interrupted after each step, allowing you to check its processing logic and the results of individual statements.
    As of Release 6.10, you can also run Business Server Pages (BSP) in the debugging mode. You can also display and set breakpoints here. Business Server Pages can be displayed in the Object Navigator when you select an appropriate application under BSP Application.
    The Debugger provides an efficient means of identifying errors in ABAP programs. It contains the following functions:
    Ways of starting the Debugger
    Choosing different views
    Choosing different execution options in the Debugger
    Displaying source code in the Debugger
    • Setting and deleting breakpoints
    • Setting and deleting watchpoints
    • Stopping a program at a particular statement or event
    Displaying and changing field contents at runtime
    Displaying ABAP Objects and references
    Displaying and positioning strings
    Setting and deleting database locks
    Opening the ABAP Editor, or Object Navigator
    System settings and runtime warnings
    Starting the Debugger
    There are two possible strategies for starting the Debugger in the ABAP Workbench:
    By setting breakpoints then running the program
    By running the program in debugging mode.
    Setting Breakpoints
    A breakpoint is a signal in a specific line of the program source code. This signal indicates to the ABAP runtime processor to stop the program at the relevant line and start the ABAP Debugger. A distinction is made between static and dynamic breakpoints. For further information about the different types of breakpoints and how to use them, refer to Breakpoints.
    Direct Processing
    You can start the Debugger without previously having set breakpoints. This is the best procedure to use when you want to test a program right from the beginning. It is also a useful procedure if you are not overly familiar with the program and therefore are not sure where best to set breakpoints. You can start the Debugger as follows:
    From the Object Navigator
    Select a report or transaction and choose Program ® Test ® Debugging.
    From the ABAP Editor
    Choose Program ® Execute ® Debugging (or the Debugging pushbutton).
    From any screen
    Choose System ® Utilities ® Debug ABAP.
    From any screen
    Enter /h in the command field.
    Display Modes in the Debugger
    When you are debugging a program, there are various display modes that you can use. All of the display modes have the same structure. The top part of the screen displays an extract of the program source code. The bottom part displays the information specifically available in that display mode. There are also pushbuttons on the screen allowing you to switch to the most frequently-used display modes.
    Display Modes Available Using Pushbuttons
    The scrollable field display contains the contents of up to eight fields. The contents of the three most important system fields are always displayed. This is the default display mode in the Debugger. See also Processing Fields
    Displays the contents of an internal table. This mode allows you to display and edit the entries in an internal table. See also Processing Internal Tables
    A scrollable display containing up to 30 breakpoints. Next to each breakpoint is a counter. You can also delete breakpoints in this display. See also Managing Dynamic Breakpoints
    You can set a watchpoint for a field so that the program is interrupted whenever the value of that field changes. This display mode contains a list of watchpoints, the fields and programs to which they are assigned, the current values of the fields, and the conditions upon which the watchpoint is activated. See also Setting Watchpoints
    This mode displays the current sequence of events, and the sequence of calls up to the current breakpoint. The last active call is displayed at the top of the list; previous calls are listed in reverse chronological order. When an event (for example, START-OF-SELECTION) concludes, it is deleted from the display.
    This mode displays the structure of the program. It lists its events, subroutines, and modules, and shows which sections belong to which events. It also displays the section currently being processed.
    This mode displays the current Debugger settings. You can change the settings by selecting or deselecting various options. For further information, refer to Settings and Warnings
    Other Display Modes
    You can access other display modes by choosing Goto ® Display data object.
    Single field
    Displays the contents and technical attributes of a field.
    Displays the components of a structure, along with their contents and attributes. If you double-click a component, the system displays detailed information for it.
    Display the content and current length of the string. You can also display part of the content by means of offset and length.
    Internal table
    Displays the type, line numbers and contents of an internal table.
    Displays the structure of an ABAP Object.
    For further information on these displays, refer to Displaying Attributes and Displaying ABAP Objects
    Checking System Programs for Errors
    To check a program or program component that is part of the ABAP Workbench (for example, the Screen Painter), you must use the system Debugger. To start the system Debugger, choose System ® Utilities ® Debug System from any screen. To stop the system Debugger, choose Debugger ® Debugging off.
    Displaying Program Attributes
    You can display the attributes Fixed Point Arithmetic, System Program, and Unicode Checks of the program that has just been executed by choosing Goto ® Further Information ® Program Attributes.
    Restarting the Debugger
    If you choose Debugging ® Restart, debugging mode is stopped and the system takes you to the initial screen of the last transaction you called. If, for example, you started an ABAP program in debugging mode from transaction SE38 (ABAP Editor), choosing Debugging ® Restart will take you back to the screen titled ABAP Editor: Initial Screen. If you want to restart the program in debugging mode, choose Debugging.
    Apart from direct execution of an ABAP program in the Debugger, it is also possible to start the Debugger call by the exact setting of a breakpoint. This is achieved by setting one or more of these breakpoints in the program. A breakpoint is a signal at a particular point in the program that tells the ABAP runtime processor to interrupt processing and start the Debugger. The program runs normally until the breakpoint is reached.
    There is also a special kind of breakpoint called a watchpoint. When you use watchpoints, the Debugger is not activated until the contents of a particular field change. For further information, refer to Watchpoints.
    Breakpoint Variants
    The Debugger contains different breakpoint variants:
    The BREAK-POINT statement in an ABAP program. Static breakpoints are not normally user-specific. However, you can make them user-specific.
    dynamic breakpoints
    Can be set in the ABAP Editor or the Debugger. Dynamic breakpoints are always user-specific, and are deleted when you log off from the R/3 System.
    at statement
    The Debugger stops the program directly before the specified statement is executed.
    at subroutine
    The Debugger stops the program directly before the specified subroutine is called.
    Breakpoint at function module
    The Debugger stops the program directly before the specified function module is called.
    Breakpoint at method
    The Debugger stops the program directly before the specified method is called.
    Breakpoints at system exceptions
    The Debugger stops the program directly after a system exception, that is, after a runtime error has been intercepted.
    Static Breakpoints
    Static breakpoints are not normally user-specific. Once a user has inserted the statement BREAK-POINT or BREAK name in an ABAP program, the system always interrupts the program at that point for that user or only for the user name. This procedure is only useful in the development phase of an application, when the program execution is always to be interrupted at the same place. For further information, refer to Static Breakpoints.
    In HTTP sessions, a static breakpoint is skipped if you did not set additional dynamic HTTP breakpoints in the editor of a BSP page. Instead, a corresponding system log entry is written, which can be checked using transaction SM21.
    Dynamic Breakpoints
    Dynamic breakpoints are user-specific. Therefore, you should use them if you only want the program to be interrupted when you run it yourself, not when it is being executed by other users. All dynamic breakpoints are deleted when you log off from the R/3 System.
    Dynamic breakpoints are more flexible than static breakpoints, because you can deactivate or delete them at runtime. They have the following advantages:
    You do not have to change the program code
    You can set them even when the program is locked by another programmer
    You can define a counter that only activates the breakpoint after it has been reached
    Special dynamic breakpoints are useful when you want to interrupt a program directly before a particular ABAP statement, a subroutine, or an event, but do not know exactly where to find it in the source code. Event here is used to refer to the occurrence of a particular statement, for example, or calling up a method. Special dynamic breakpoints are user-specific. You can only set them in the Debugger. For further information, refer to Dynamic Breakpoints.
    In HTTP sessions, the system stops both at static and dynamic breakpoints if a dynamic breakpoint was set in the editor of a BSP page before program execution.
    Lifetime and Transfer of Breakpoints
    A static breakpoint remains intact as long as the BREAK-POINT or BREAK-POINT name statement is not removed from the source code. Without saving, dynamic breakpoints only remain intact in the relevant internal session. However, they are effective during the entire user session, if they are saved by choosing Breakpoints ® Save in the ABAP Debugger. For more details on the subject of sessions and user sessions, refer to Modularization Techniques in the ABAP keyword documentation.
    If you call an HTTP session during a user session, only the HTTP breakpoints are loaded when the HTTP session is started. You activate HTTP debugging in the ABAP Editor by choosing Utilities ® Settings ® HTTP Debugging. Depending on the setting, the system then displays either the HTTP or standard breakpoints in the Editor.
    If you call an update session during a user session, breakpoints that were defined beforehand in the calling processing unit are copied to the new update session, where they can be displayed under Breakpoints. If, in the ABAP Debugger, you check Update Debugging under Settings and then, for example, call the update module func using CALL FUNCTION func IN UPDATE TASK, a new window is opened in which you can debug this function module in the update session. All the breakpoints that were set in the calling processing unit can also be processed here.
    Breakpoints at Statements
    You can use this special kind of dynamic breakpoint to interrupt a program directly before an ABAP statement is processed.
    You must already be running the program in the Debugger.
    To set a breakpoint at an ABAP statement:
    1.Choose Breakpoint ® Breakpoint at ® Statement...
    The following dialog box appears:
    2.Enter the ABAP statement.
    The system sets a breakpoint at all points in the program at which the ABAP statement occurs.
    3.Choose ENTER.
    The breakpoint applies to all lines containing the specified statement.
    The system confirms the breakpoint and adds it to the list in the display. When you finish your debugging session, the breakpoint is automatically deleted unless you have explicitly saved it.
    Breakpoints at Subroutines
    You can use this special kind of dynamic breakpoint to interrupt a program directly before a subroutine is called.
    You must already be running the program in the Debugger.
    To set a breakpoint for a subroutine:
    Choose Breakpoint ® Breakpoint at ® Event/Subroutine.
    The following dialog box then appears:
    Enter the name of the subroutine before which you want to interrupt the program. By default, the Program field contains the name of the program that is currently active. The system sets a breakpoint wherever the specified subroutine occurs in the program code.
    Choose ENTER.
    The system confirms the breakpoint. The breakpoint is added to the breakpoints displayed.
    Breakpoints at Function Module
    You can use this kind of dynamic breakpoint to interrupt a program directly before a function module is called.
    You must already be running the program in the Debugger.
    To set a breakpoint for a function module:
    Choose Breakpoint ® Breakpoint at ® Function module...
    The following dialog box appears:
    Enter the name of the function module before which you want to interrupt the program. The system sets a breakpoint wherever the specified event, module pool, or subroutine occurs in the program code.
    Choose ENTER.
    If you entered a valid function module name, the system confirms that the breakpoint has been set. If the function module exists in the system, the new breakpoint is added to the display list.
    Breakpoints at Methods
    You can use this special kind of dynamic breakpoint to interrupt a program directly before a method is called.
    You must be already running the program in the debugger.
    To set a breakpoint for methods:
    1. Choose Breakpoint ® Breakpoint at ® Method...
    The following dialog box then appears:
    2. Enter the name of the method and class before which you want to interrupt the program. A breakpoint is then set each time the specified processing block appears in the source code.
    3. Choose ENTER.
    The system confirms the breakpoint. The breakpoint is added to the list in the display.
    Breakpoints at System Exceptions
    You can use this special form of dynamic breakpoint to interrupt a program immediately after a runtime error has occurred.
    You must already be running the program in the Debugger.
    To set a breakpoint at a system exception:
    Choose Breakpoint ® Breakpoint at ® System exception.
    The system confirms the breakpoint. The breakpoint is added to the breakpoints displayed.
    When a system exception is triggered, a warning triangle appears in the line containing the statement that caused it. If you double-click the warning triangle, the internal name of the runtime error appears.
    Static Breakpoints
    You should only use static breakpoints during the development phase of an application. You must remove them from your program before you transport it.
    Setting Breakpoints
    To set a static breakpoint, use the ABAP statement BREAK-POINT . Place the breakpoint in the line at which you want to interrupt the program.
    program RSDEBUG_01.
    if SY-SUBRC 0.
    When you run the program, the runtime processor interrupts it when the breakpoints occur. You can number your breakpoints to make them easier to identify ( BREAK-POINT 1, BREAK-POINT 2 …).
    Static breakpoints are not normally user-specific. The program is, therefore, always interrupted as soon as the runtime processor reaches the line containing the breakpoint. The program is interrupted regardless of the user who executes it.
    However, you can set user-specific static breakpoints using the BREAK statement followed by your user name. For example, if you use the statement BREAK SMITH , the program is only interrupted when user Smith runs it. Although user-specific breakpoints appear in the program code, they are not active when other users run the program. You should, however, be careful if an application is being used by several users with the same name.
    Deleting Breakpoints
    Since static breakpoints apply to all users, you must remove them from the program once you have finished testing it. In the ABAP Editor, you can find breakpoints quickly by choosing Utilities ® Global search. You can also use the Extended Program Check to find them.
    If you do not remove static breakpoints from your program, they will be transported to your production system. This could cause serious problems in the production system.
    Dynamic Breakpoints
    You can set up to 30 dynamic breakpoints without changing the program code. Dynamic breakpoints can be set either in the ABAP Editor or directly in the Debugger.
    Setting Dynamic Breakpoints in the ABAP Editor
    You can set dynamic breakpoints in the ABAP Editor regardless of whether you are in display or change mode. You can also set breakpoints directly from within the Debugger at runtime. To set a dynamic breakpoint in the ABAP Editor:
    Position the cursor on the line of the source code at which you want to set the breakpoint.
    Choose Utilities ® Breakpoints ® Set or the Stop icon. The system confirms that the breakpoint has been set.
    To display a list of all dynamic breakpoints in a program, choose Utilities ® Breakpoints ® Display. You can use this list to navigate to a particular breakpoint or to delete one or more breakpoints from the program.
    Setting Dynamic Breakpoints in Debugging Mode
    To set a dynamic breakpoint in the Debugger:
    Position the cursor on the line in which you want to set the breakpoint.
    Select the line by double-clicking it or choosing Breakpoint ® Set/delete.
    The system sets the breakpoint, and displays a small stop sign to the left of the relevant line. If the line already contained a breakpoint, it is deleted.
    When you finish your debugging session, the breakpoint is automatically deleted unless you have explicitly saved it.
    Saving Breakpoints
    If you want to leave the Debugger temporarily, you can save your dynamic breakpoints so that they are still active when you return to the Debugger within the same terminal session.
    To save the breakpoints that you have set in the Debugger:
    Choose Breakpoint ® Save.
    The system saves all of the breakpoints that you have set in the current program. These breakpoints will remain active until you either explicitly delete them or log off from the system.
    You can also delete breakpoints that you have saved:
    By deleting individual breakpoints from the display and then saving again. In this case, only your selected breakpoints will be deleted.
    By choosing Breakpoint ® Delete all. In this case, the system deletes all dynamic breakpoints.
    Managing Dynamic Breakpoints
    The ABAP Debugger provides a convenient user interface for managing breakpoints. To open the breakpoint display, choose Breakpoints, or, from the menu, Goto ® Control debugging ® Breakpoints.
    This display mode contains the following functions for breakpoints:
    Breakpoint Display
    The scrollable breakpoint display contains up to 30 dynamic breakpoints. For breakpoints that you set directly, the program name and line number at which the breakpoint occurs are displayed. For special breakpoint forms, the list displays the statements, events, subroutines, and module calls at which the relevant breakpoints are set.
    In the breakpoint display, you can specify a counter. When you use a counter, the breakpoint is not activated until it has been reached a specified number of times. For example, if you enter 5 for the counter, the breakpoint is not activated until it is reached for the fifth time. After the breakpoint has been activated, it remains so, and the counter no longer appears in the breakpoint display.
    Deleting Breakpoints
    Position the cursor on the breakpoint that you want to delete, and either double-click the line or choose Breakpoint ® Set/delete. To delete all breakpoints, choose Breakpoint ® Delete all.
    Activating and Deactivating Breakpoints
    Position the cursor on the breakpoint that you want to activate or deactivate and choose Breakpoint ® Activate/deactivate.
    Like a breakpoint, a watchpoint is an indicator in a program that tells the ABAP runtime processor to interrupt the program at a particular point. Unlike breakpoints, however, watchpoints are not activated until the contents of a specified field change. Watchpoints, like dynamic breakpoints, are user-specific, and so do not affect other users running the same program. You can only define watchpoints in the Debugger.
    You set watchpoints in the Debugger to monitor the contents of specific fields. They inform you when the value of a field changes. When the value changes, the Debugger interrupts the program.
    You can set up to five watchpoints in a program.
    See also Setting Watchpoints.
    You can also specify the conditions on which a watchpoint is to become active.
    You can specify logical conditions between up to five conditional watchpoints.
    See Specifying a Logical Expression.
    You can define watchpoints as either local or global. If you define a global watchpoint, it is active in all called programs. Local watchpoints are only active in the specified program.
    You can change and delete watchpoints.
    See Changing Watchpoints.
    You can use watchpoints to display changes to the references of strings, data and object references, and internal tables.
    See Memory Monitoring with Watchpoints
    Setting Watchpoints
    If you want to interrupt a program when the contents of a field or structure change, use a watchpoint. You can set up to five watchpoints, including watchpoints for strings.
    A watchpoint can be either local or global. Local watchpoints are only valid in the specified program. Global watchpoints are valid in the specified program, and also in all the other programs it calls.
    To set a watchpoint, start the Debugger and proceed as follows:
    Choose Breakpoint ® Create watchpoint or the corresponding pushbutton. The Create Watchpoint dialog box appears:
    Decide whether you want to set a local or global watchpoint.
    Enter the program and the name of the field for which you want to set the watchpoint. In the Program field, the name of the program currently running is always defaulted.
    If you want your watchpoint to be activated each time the contents of the field change, the definition is now complete, and you can return to the Debugger by pressing ENTER .
    To create a conditional watchpoint, that is only activated when a particular situation arises, choose one of the following relational operators.
    Less than
    Less than or equal
    Not equal
    Greater than or equal
    Greater than
    You can use the Comparison field option to specify whether the comparison is to be carried out with a value that you specify or with the contents of another field. Depending on your choice from step 6, enter a value or a field for the comparison.
    The system confirms the watchpoint and adds it to the list in the display. When you finish your debugging session, the watchpoint is automatically deleted unless you have explicitly saved it.
    Specifying Logical Links
    If you have more than one conditional watchpoint, you can specify a logical link between them:
    Only one of the specified conditions must be met
    All of the conditions must be met.
    Changing Watchpoints
    Choose Goto ® Control debugging ® Watchpoints or the Watchpoints pushbutton to display the watchpoint list. The following dialog box appears:
    Choose the pencil icon in the line containing the watchpoint you want to change.
    Change the watchpoint attributes in the Create/Change Watchpoint.
    Choose ENTER .
    Deleting Watchpoints
    You cannot delete watchpoints by choosing Breakpoint ® Delete or Breakpoint ® Deactivate/activate. Instead, proceed as follows:
    Choose Goto ® Control debugging ® Watchpoints or the Watchpoints pushbutton to display the watchpoint list.
    Choose the trashcan icon in the line containing the watchpoint you want to delete.
    Memory Monitoring with Watchpoints
    You can use watchpoints to display changes to the references of strings, data and object references, and internal tables. By placing an ampersand (&) in front of the object name, you can display the reference in question in hexadecimal format. With internal tables, you can also display the table header by placing an asterisk (*) at the beginning of the name.
    Displays the references of strings, internal tables as well as data and object references
    Displays the table header of the internal table itab
    If a watchpoint is set for the object in question at runtime, the program is stopped as soon as the reference is changed. A short dump can be intercepted in this way to stop the program being terminated when the memory is overwritten.
    Analyzing Source Code
    The Debugger contains an extensive range of functions that help you to analyze the source code of a program. You can step through the source code of a program in four different ways. For further information, refer to Stepping Through the Source Code
    For information about functions within the source code display, see Displaying the Source Code
    There are also different display modes that provide various information and display the contents of individual fields, tables, and so on:
    Reward if usefull

  • Hi gurus how to debug the smartforms

    hi gurus how to debug the smartforms

    DEBUG Smartform:
    1) One way to debug smartform is to debug the Function Module of that smartforms.
    If you want to debug particular smartform node that the solution would be,
    insert a "Program Line" just above the node you want to debug and this program line write a normal abap breakpoint.
    So whenever you call the smartforms, it will stop at this breakpoint and you can debug onwards.
    2) SFTRACE can be used for debugging SMARTFORMS.
    Read More here.
    Re: How to Debug a Smartform
    Debug of smartform and sapscript.
    Debugging SmartForms
    LOGO on Smartform
    1) In Smart Forms Editor, In left pane, right Click any Page (say Page1) and select Create -> Window, Give it a name and Description (Say Window1)
    2) Right Click on Window (Window 1) and select Create -> Graphics, Give it a name and description
    3) In general Attributes, Select Name, get search help (F4) , you will find a list of pictures
    4) Select any picture and set its Resolution in DPI
    5) Press F9 to open Smart Forms Builder, Select window (Window1) and In Output options window set, size and position of the Logo
    6) Set any other parameters if required, save and activate.
    7) If there is only 1 Window in the forms, set it as Main Window in general attributes.
    8) Use TCode SE78 to upload new pictures and logos.
    look at Thread Dynamic Graph in smartforms
    Refer the links also -
    Re: Dinamic Graph in smartforms
    How to get file perperties in Unix server

  • How to debug in SAP Netweaver Developers Studio?

    Hi there,
    I am trying to debug and slove my error in SAP NWDS.
    I am building portal application->JSPDynPage
    I am trying to debug the jsp code behind page, it doesn't realli give error message like the java beans does.
    I am quite new to this and do not know how to set the function to test and debug this page can anyone provide any solution ?
    I have have this prob pls refer to this link
    <a href=""></a>
    Thanks loads

    Hi Quatre ,
    -Select the breakpoints in your Dynpages /beans in ur project
    -To debug u have to change the prespective to debug which u can find in
    window/open prespective /Debug in NWDS
    -Select the Run/Debug or the Debug icon in the toolbar.
    -Fill the project name ,application name in  the in the wizard opnend .
    - Follow the debugging using the next step over F6 ,step return F7 keys .
    These link may be helpful:
    U can always find out the way in the PDK development /how to debug/
    ie in NWDS /HELP /SAP WAS AS Documentation /SAP J2ee Enterprise Java Beans/Java development User Guide /Running and Debugging
    Swathi Rao
    Do offer pts:-)

  • How to debug web app with weblogic?

    I wrote a web app that includes jsp files and some javabeans, then I put the jsp files to directory
    then I complied javabeans and put those classes to
    Then I start the weblogic,it runs very well.
    I modified some javabean, complie them and put classes override the old classes,
    but the web app can not find the new classes.
    Any one know How to debug web app(with javabeans) in weblogic?

    how to config the hot deploy?
    thxSorry, for this delay in responding. I had set notify me with email option in Watch This topic; but I never did get any email notification.
    I use wls6.1; I think the process may be very similar to this in wls8.x. In wls6.1 (sp5), this is done via the -
    Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=False or
    in the startup cmd/sh script. Out of the box, wls6.1 is set to Dweblogic.ProductionModeEnabled=False which automatically enables hot deploys.

  • How To: Debug missing Drivers in MDT

    The definitive post on missing drivers in MDT (most comprehensive list I've done so far)…
    Please to NOT post questions from this thread, instead create a new thread.
    How to debug Network Driver Problems
    One of the earliest hurdles an MDT administrator will come across is the management of device drivers, specifically networking drivers. With most other drivers, like Audio, printer, and video drivers, a quick call to Windows Update or install over the network
    will resolve the Installation. However unless the Network (and storage) Drivers are installed into Windows from the start, it will be much more difficult to install the rest of the system.
    This post should help you get started if you find a machine that did not install a device driver properly, and you want to know how to find and import the correct drivers.
    Installing network drivers in the
    full OS
    Step 1 - Try network connection again
    It's possible that you might get a DHCP error from MDT, but when you try again later to connect the Deployment Share it works! This may be caused by a slow or malfunctioning DHCP server in your network. Re-check your DHCP servers, ensure that PortFast is enabled
    on your routers. If all else fails get your network administrators to document the DHCP delay. A long delay in modern networks is unnecessary. 
    Step 2 - Verify connectivity
    You may not have a driver problem but a network problem. Check the physical connection on the computer (Network installs on MDT *REQUIRE* a wired network connection, no Wi-Fi). Open a web browser. Check the IP Address (ipconfig.exe /all). Ping the Deployment
    Server, manually connect to the Deployment Share. IF you can't connect to the Deployment Share, neither can MDT.
    Step 3 - Find the Correct Driver Package
    Before you load the driver into MDT, first verify that you have the correct driver. There are scenarios where you may *think* you have the correct driver, but the driver will never run because the package is designed for a different OS/SKU/Platform/whatever.
    Install the driver package by:
      ○ Open the Device Manager (devmgmt.msc).
      ○ Find the network device in the list (ensure this is the wired device, not the wireless device)
      ○ Right click on "Properties" and click on the "Details" tab.
      ○ From the "Details" tab, select the property "Hardware Ids" select all the values, and copy to the clipboard, it would be a good idea to save for later. Should look something like:
      ○ From the "Driver" tab, click on "Update Driver…", click on "Browse my computer for driver software" locate the driver package on the local machine or USB Drive, and install the package.
      ○ You should get a confirmation that the driver package was installed.
      ○ IF you do not get confirmation, MDT driver installation may not work.
     Windows will install the driver starting with the *.inf install package, and will typically include a *.sys (binary) and a *.cat (digital Signature). If the driver package has been re-packaged into a *.cab, *.zip, or other compressed *.exe file, the
    package must be extracted first. This is a hard requirement for any driver used by MDT and/or SCCM. All driver packages that are signed by Microsoft (WHQL) will be installed from the *.inf file, and you should only use devices that have the Microsoft WHQL
    Logo as a sign of quality.
     If you need a help on where to find driver packages for your devices, the 3 largest Computer OEM manufacturers supply drivers grouped by Make and Model that are easily imported into MDT and SCCM. See:
    Step 4 - Load driver into MDT
    If you have more than 20 driver packages, or if you anticipate you will have more than 20 drivers, you should start grouping your drivers in sub-folders for organization. One popular method is to group by Computer Make and Model. Ensure that you are using the
    correct Driver Selection Profile in your task sequence. If you are unsure, disable any selection profile(s) to ensure the driver is installed correctly.
    Step 5 - Run the full MDT installation
    During installation MDT will perform the following:
      ○ Run the PNPEnum.exe utility and capture output to PnPEnum.xml. The VEN_Xxxx and DEV_Yyyy from the "HardwareIDs" property above must be present in this list. Otherwise we won't have a match.
      ○ Search through the %DeployRoot%\control\drivers.xml file looking for a match for the HardwareID. MDT may filter the search based on the folder search type.
      ○ MDT will copy each matching driver to the local c:\drivers directory using the xcopy.exe command. You can search (grep) for the string "xcopy" in the ZTIDrivers.log file, that will get you list of all driver packages matched by MDT.
      ○ MDT will allow the machine to boot into the NEW OS, and Driver Installation will begin in the OS. IF there are multiple drivers found and copied locally, the Windows (not MDT) will determine the best one. The c:\windows\inf\SetupAPI.*.log files
    will detail which drivers copied locally were installed (or *not* installed).
    Installing Network Drivers in
    Step 6 - Try the network connection again
    (See above
    Step 7 - Verify Connectivity from within WinPE
    Verifying network connectivity will be a bit more difficult in WinPE, since we have a limited User Interface, so all investigation must be done in the debugging mode (Press F8) cmd.exe
      ○ Try connecting to the Deployment Share:
      c:\> net use * \\MDT\DeploymentShare$ /u:UserDomain\UserName *
      ○ Try pinging the Deployment Server:
      c:\> Ping.exe
      ○ Verify that you have an IP address ( ipconfig /all ) If you have an AutoConfiguration address - Driver OK - WinPE can't reach the DHCP server. If you have "Media Disconnected" - Driver OK - Physical adapter not plugged to network. If
    no devices are listed - Driver bad - Driver not installed.
      ○ Check the x:\windows\system32\WpeInit.log - This log will show the network driver (if found) being installed.
    Step 8 - Verify driver packages are getting included into WinPE
    Firstly, verify the correct driver package from within the full OS above. By default MDT will import *all* Storage and Networking drivers into your WinPE image. However it is possible to change the subset of files copied via "Selection Profile" or
    other method. Cross check your WinPE Driver Settings.
      ○ From within the MDT console, right click on the root of your Deployment Share and select properties.
      ○ Click on the "Windows PE" tab, and the "Drivers and Patches" sub tab for both x86 and x64.
      ○ Your Network Drivers package must be in the "Selection Profile" if enabled.
    Finally verify that the correct Network Driver package is being copied to WinPE. If necessary this may include setting up a debugger to watch the MDT Provider build the WinPE Image from scratch. My preference is to use the SysInternals tool.
      ○ Open up the MDT console.
      ○ Download and run the DbgView.exe tool.
      ○ Update the deployment share in question.
      ○ The DbgView tool should show what drivers were copied to each WinPE Image.
    Whenever you add a driver into the MDT console, you must update the deployment share for that drivers to be added to your WinPE Image. If you are unsure, select "Completely regenerate the boot images." to ensure the drivers is imported. Additionally,
    you must copy the updated LitetouchPE_x??.wim and *.iso files to the other consumers of the WinPE image like WDS/PXE and or any USB offline media.
    Note that some Broadcom NetXtreme class of drivers have a multi-function driver architecture that may have difficulty loading in WinPE. Ensure that you load the "RIS" class of drivers from Broadcom in your MDT environment. 
    Note that by default MDT does *NOT* support the installation of Windows over Wireless network devices (Wi-Fi). The MDT installation sources must either be available through wired networking, or offline (USB Flash) media.
    This post does not discuss origination of drivers within MDT ( Chaos vs. Total Control ), that is a different topic.
    Further Help
    If you are still having problems with drivers in via MDT, ask the experts in the MDT Technet Forum:
    Include a short description of the problem. Including the Make/Mode if necessary.
    Include the HardwareIDs from the Device Manager (Devmgmt.msc) into the post (from above).
    Copy your known good driver package (step 3 above) to OneDrive.
    Copy the following log files to a public site like OneDrive and include the link:
      ○ PnpEnum.xml (from Client)
      ○ Bdd.log (From Client) - or at least the ZTIDrivers.log file.
      ○ c:\windows\inf\SetupAPI.*.log (from client)
      ○ %DeployRoot%\control\Driver*.xml
      ○ %DeployRoot%\control\SelectionProfile*.xml
      ○ %DeployRoot%\control\settings.xml (if problems in WinPE)
      ○ x:\windows\System32\WpeInit.log (if problems in WinPE)
      ○ If the MDT server is not including your driver package in WinPE include the DBGView log.
    This post is by Keith Garner - Keith was a developer on the MDT team where he developed the ZTIDrivers.wsf script, he also worked for the Windows Hardware Quality Labs as a technical PM on Driver Quality, and developed samples for the
    Microsoft Device Driver Kit (DDK) specifically around the area of Device Driver installation in the OS (Windows NT 5.0, 2000 and Windows XP). (So yes, I know drivers :^).
    Keith Garner - Principal Consultant [owner] -

    OK. I have redone the drivers for WinPE which has reduced the image size by about 200MB. Unfortunately the problem persists.
    Is there anyway to turn on some sort of boot logging so I can see what driver it is failing on?
    I am also still seeing the weird behavior of it working over PXE but blue screens when booting from USB. Can anyone explain that?

  • How to delete duplicate attribute in on premise server for office 365 dir sync tool

    Please anyone help to how to remove duplicate attribute in on premise server for office 365 dir sync tool .
    While running the dirsync tool iam getting the below error : 
    "Unable to update this object because the following attributes associated with this object have values that may already be associated with another object in your local directory services: [ProxyAddresses smtp:[email protected],SMTP:[email protected];].
     Correct or remove the duplicate values in your local directory.  Please refer to for more information on identifying objects with duplicate attribute value"
    Still i am troubleshooting to reslove this problem . I have run the ID Fix tool there i could see some 10 duplicate errors . Next what should i do , please anyone help me to find it

    Please anyone help to how to remove duplicate attribute in on premise server for office 365 dir sync tool .
    While running the dirsync tool iam getting the below error : 
    "Unable to update this object because the following attributes associated with this object have values that may already be associated with another object in your local directory services: [ProxyAddresses smtp:[email protected],SMTP:[email protected];].
     Correct or remove the duplicate values in your local directory.  Please refer to for more information on identifying objects with duplicate attribute value"
    Still i am troubleshooting to reslove this problem . I have run the ID Fix tool there i could see some 10 duplicate errors . Next what should i do , please anyone help me to find it

  • How to Add custom Attribute in XML

    How to add Custom attribute recusrivly. With sequence order.
    //Before xml:-
    var myxml:XML=
    <leval0 >
    <leval1 >
    <leval1 >
    ////After xml:
    var myxml:XML=
    <leval0 levalid="0" >
    <leval1 levalid="0_0" >
    <leval2 levalid="0_0_0"></leval2>
    <leval2 levalid="0_0_1"></leval2>
    <leval1 levalid="0_1" >
    <leval2 levalid="0_1_0"></leval2>
    <leval2 levalid="0_1_1"></leval2>

    //call this method
                private function addAttribute(node:XML, depth:String = ""):XML
                    if (node.hasComplexContent())
                        var count:int = 0;
                        var prefix:String = 0 < depth.length ? depth + "_" : "";
                        var currentAtt:String;
                        for each (var nodeItem:XML in node.children())
                            currentAtt = prefix + count;
                            nodeItem.@levalid = currentAtt;
                    return node;

  • How to Get Navigational attributes of dso in Report ...

    Hi i have a dso with many fields ,
    In the report i need to get some navgational attributes which are in dso..
    How to Get Navigational attributes of dso in Report ..??
    Thanks All..

    hai naiduz,
    in the dso u find folder with navigational attributes, there select the Navigation check box the fields which u need in the report.
    and further if ur dso through multiprovider and also identify them at multi provider level.
    then u will be able to see the fields at query designer level, then u can use the nav. fields u need in the report.

  • How to debug BADI BBP_SAPXML1_OUT_BADI during PO Creation and change

    Hi All,
    I have a scenario in which i need to send some additional  fields with the PO data to the XI via PROXY .
    To do this i have enhanced the proxy structure with additional fields and For mapping these fields, I created an implementation of method PURCHASEORDER of BAdI BBP_SAPXML1_OUT_BADI with filter PO ( Purchase orders ).
    But this implementation is not getting processed.
    Whenever Po is created the XI will receive the data but the additional fields are not available in XI.
    To check the code i need to debug the badi implementation .
    Can anybody please tell me why this badi is not triggered and how to debug the badi code.
    Its urgebt .
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Naresh,
    Go to your BADI Implementation set infinite loop in the method. Run the transaction SPPFP & set Promotion status to 0 & Processing Type as MET & execute it, Select the PO you want to debug & press F8. Goto sm50 to debug the BADI.

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