How to delete the ''in betweens ''.

If I am in grid view and have a hundred items to delete, what commands do I use to click on the first and last.... but capture all the items in between?
Thank you in advance.

Assuming you are referring to items in a folder, select one and then use the CMD+A combination to select every file

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    CNiReal64Vector plotData(50);
    m_graph.ChartLength = 50;
    for (int j = 0; j < 2; j++)
           for (int i=0; i<50; i++)
                   plotData[i] = ((double)rand()/(double)RAND_MAX)*6 + 4;
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    20150605142608.png ‏31 KB

    Hi Kumar,
    I think you can just delete it in the sales order directly, if you are using make-to-order scenario, then there will be special stock left for the sales order as the production has been goods receipt, you need to use MM transaction move the stock to unrestricted use stock. If you are using make-to-stock scenario, there should be no further problem. If you are using assembly order, please try to reject the sales order item to see if it could fullfill your requirement.

  • How to get the link between mara, ausp, cawn and cawnt tables

    hello ABAPERS
    i have got a requiremet in that i have to get the relation .
    how to get the link between mara, ausp, cawn and cawnt tables and also type how can we get link between  char value and char description in cawn and cawnt tables through ausp and mara tables.
    I would be very thankful  for ur help in advance.
    Thanks & Regards.

    Sample report using the linkage between tables;
    report batch_char no standard page heading
                              line-size  132
                              line-count 58(1)
                              message-id mm.
           Report by Batch Characteristic                                *
    Description          : Report by Batch Characteristic                *
    Declaration for Tables
    tables: mara,    " Material Master
            mard,    " Storage Location Data for Material
            t001w,   " Plants/Branches
            t001l,   " Storage Locations
            cabn,    " Characteristics
            inob.    " Link between Internal Number and Object
    Declaration for Constants
    constants : c_klart like ausp-klart value '023',     " Class Type
                c_obtab like inob-obtab value 'MCH1',    " Database Table
                c_flag  type c          value 'X',       " Flag
                c_c23   type i          value '23',      " Ratio
    Constants for Ratio Categories
                c_13    type p decimals 2 value '13.00', " For Ratio 13
                c_1499  type p decimals 2 value '14.99', " For Ratio 14.99
                c_15    type p decimals 2 value '15.00', " For Ratio 15
                c_1699  type p decimals 2 value '16.99', " For Ratio  16.99
                c_17    type p decimals 2 value '17.00', " For Ratio 17
                c_1899  type p decimals 2 value '18.99', " For Ratio 18.99
                c_19    type p decimals 2 value '19.00', " For Ratio 19
                c_2099  type p decimals 2 value '20.99', " For Ratio 20.99
                c_21    type p decimals 2 value '21.00', " For Ratio 21
                c_2299  type p decimals 2 value '22.99', " For Ratio 22.99
                c_23    type p decimals 2 value '23.00', " For Ratio 23
                c_g23(4) type c value '>=23',            " For Ratio >=23
                c_ratio(5) value 'RATIO',                  " For Ratio
    Constants for Storing Selected item field information
                c_cursor1(15) value 'I_OUTPUT1-MEINS',   " For Selected Base
                                                         " Unit of Measure
                c_cursor2(15) value 'I_OUTPUT1-MATNR',   " For Selected Base
                                                         " Material Number
                c_cursor3(15) value 'I_OUTPUT1-MAKTX',   " For Selected Base
                                                         " Material Des.
                c_cursor4(15) value 'I_OUTPUT1-CLABS',   "For Selected Base
                                                         " Stock Value
                c_cursor5(15) value 'I_OUTPUT1-ATFLV',   " For Selected Base
                                                        " Char.Value (Ratio)
                c_cursor6(5) value 'C_G23'.
    Declaration for Global Variables
    data : g_exit  type c,                            " Flag
           g_clabs1(16) type c,                       " Quantity
           g_clabs(18)  type c,                       " Quantity
           g_cursor(15) type c,                       " Cursor field name
           g_matnr     type mara-matnr,               " Material Number
           g_werks     type mchb-werks,               " Plant
           g_atinn(30) type c.                        " Character.
    Declaration for Internal tables
    Internal table to hold Batch Stock data
    data : begin of i_mchb occurs 0,
             matnr like mchb-matnr,      " Material Number
             werks like mchb-werks,      " Plant
             lgort like mchb-lgort,      " Storage Location
             charg like mchb-charg,      " Batch Number
             clabs like mchb-clabs,      " Stock Value
             meins like mara-meins,      " Unit of measure
             atflo like ausp-atflv,      " Char.Value (Ratio)
             atflv like ausp-atflv,      " Char.Value (Ratio)
           end of i_mchb.
    Internal table to hold Secondary List data
    data : begin of i_mchb1 occurs 0,
             werks like mchb-werks,      " Plant
             matnr like mchb-matnr,      " Material Number
             lgort like mchb-lgort,      " Storage Location
             charg like mchb-charg,      " Batch Number
             atinn like ausp-atinn,      " Char.Value
             clabs like mchb-clabs,      " Stock Value
             atflo like ausp-atflv,      " Char.Value (Ratio)
             atflv like ausp-atflv,      " Char.Value (Ratio)
           end of i_mchb1.
    Internal table to get the Plant Name
    data : begin of i_plant occurs 0,
             werks like t001w-werks,     " Plant
             name1 like t001w-name1,     " Name
           end of i_plant.
    Internal table to get the Material Description
    data : begin of i_makt occurs 0,
             matnr like makt-matnr,      " Material
             maktx like makt-maktx,     " Description
           end of i_makt.
    Internal table to hold AUSP data
    data : begin of i_ausp occurs 0,
             objek like ausp-objek,      " Object No
             atinn like cabn-atinn,      " Characteric value
             atflv like ausp-atflv,      " Characteristic Value
           end of i_ausp.
    Internal table to hold output data
    data : begin of i_output occurs 0,
             atinn like cabn-atinn,      " Characteric value
             werks like mchb-werks,      " Plant
             matnr like mchb-matnr,      " Material Number
             atnam like cabn-atnam,      " Characteristic
             atflv like ausp-atflv,      " Char.Value (Ratio)
             name1 like t001w-name1,     " Plant Description
             maktx like makt-maktx,      " Material Description
             clabs like mchb-clabs,      " Stock Value
             meins like mara-meins,      " Base Unit of Measure
           end of i_output.
    Internal table to hold final Output data
    data : begin of i_output1 occurs 0,
             atinn like cabn-atinn,      " Characteric value
             werks like mchb-werks,      " Plant
             matnr like mchb-matnr,      " Material Number
             atnam like cabn-atnam,      " Characteristic
             atflv(32) type c,           " Char.Value (Ratio)
             name1 like t001w-name1,     " Plant Description
             maktx like makt-maktx,      " Material Description
             clabs like mchb-clabs,      " Stock Value
             meins like mara-meins,      " Base Unit of Measure
           end of i_output1.
           Selection screen
    selection-screen begin of block b1 with frame title text-001.
    select-options: s_werks for t001w-werks obligatory,  " Plant
                    s_lgort for t001l-lgort,             " Stor.Location
                    s_matnr for mara-matnr  obligatory,  " Material No
                    s_atinn for cabn-atinn.              " Character.
    selection-screen end of block b1.
    At selection screen
    at selection-screen.
    Validation of Selection Screen Fields
      perform validate_screen.
    Start of selection
    Get the Material and Batch Stock data from MARA and MCHB Tables
      perform get_mat_stock_data.
    Get the Material Group Text and Plant Name from T023T and T001W Tables
      perform get_plant_grp_data.
    Append the data into final Output Internal Table after getting the
    Characteristic Values data from INOB and AUSP Tables
      perform append_final_data.
    Processing if the Characteristics contain 'RATIO'
      perform collect_ratio.
      write /1(125) sy-uline.
    End of selection
      if g_exit <> c_flag.
    Display the Report Output data
        perform display_report.
    Write the Report and Column Headings
      perform get_headings.
    at line-selection
    at line-selection.
      if sy-lsind = 1.
        perform display_batch.
    Top of page during line-selection
    top-of-page during line-selection.
      perform heading_seclist.
          Form validate_screen
    Validation of Selection Screen fields
    form validate_screen.
    Validation of Plant
      clear t001w.
      if not s_werks[] is initial.
        select werks
          into t001w-werks
          from t001w
          up to 1 rows
          where werks in s_werks.
        if sy-subrc <> 0.
          message e899 with 'Enter Valid Plant'(002).
    Validation of Material Number
      clear mara.
      if not s_matnr[] is initial.
        select matnr
          into mara-matnr
          from mara
          up to 1 rows
          where matnr in s_matnr.
        if sy-subrc <> 0.
          message e899 with 'Enter Valid Material'(003).
    Validation of Storage Location
      clear t001l.
      if not s_lgort[] is initial.
        select lgort
          into t001l-lgort
          from t001l
          up to 1 rows
          where lgort in s_lgort.
        if sy-subrc <> 0.
          message e899 with 'Enter Valid Storage Location'(004).
    Validation of Characteristic Value
      clear cabn.
      if not s_atinn[] is initial.
        select atinn
          into cabn-atinn
          from cabn
          up to 1 rows
          where atinn in s_atinn.
        if sy-subrc <> 0.
          message e899 with 'Enter Valid Characteristic Value'(005).
    Validation of Plant, Material and Storage Location
      clear mard.
      select matnr werks lgort
        into (mard-matnr, mard-werks, mard-lgort)
        from mard
        up to 1 rows
        where matnr in s_matnr and
              werks in s_werks and
              lgort in s_lgort.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        message e899 with 'No Data found for the Selection Criteria'(006).
    endform.                          "validate_screen
    *&      Form  get_headings
    Write the Report and Column Headings
    form get_headings.
      data: l_repid type sy-repid.
      l_repid =  sy-repid.
      call function 'Y_STANDARD_HEADING'
                repid    = l_repid
                heading1 = sy-title.
      write:/1(125) sy-uline.
      format color col_heading on.
      write : /1  sy-vline,  2(18)   'Material Number'(008) centered,
              20  sy-vline,  21(40)  'Material Description'(011) centered,
              61  sy-vline,  62(22)  'Ratio'(009) centered,
              84  sy-vline,  85(18)  'Quantity'(010) centered,
             103  sy-vline, 104(20)  'Base Unit of Measure'(015) centered,
             125  sy-vline.
      write:/1(125) sy-uline.
      format color off.
    endform.                    "get_headings
    *&      Form  get_mat_stock_data
    Get the Material and Batch Stock data from MARA and MCHB Tables
    form get_mat_stock_data.
      clear: i_mchb,i_output, i_output1.
      refresh: i_mchb,i_output, i_output1.
      select a~matnr       " Material Number
             b~werks       " Plant
             b~lgort       " Storage Location
             b~charg       " Batch Number
             b~clabs       " Stock Value
             a~meins       " Base Unit of Measure
          into table i_mchb
          from mara as a inner join mchb as b
          on amatnr eq bmatnr
          where b~matnr in s_matnr and
                b~werks in s_werks and
                b~lgort in s_lgort.
      if sy-subrc <> 0.
        g_exit = c_flag.
        message s899 with 'No Data found for the Selection Criteria'(006).
      sort i_mchb by matnr werks lgort charg.
    endform.                    " get_mat_stock_data
    *&      Form  get_plant_grp_data
    Get the Material Group Text and Plant Name from T023T and T001W
    form get_plant_grp_data.
      if not i_mchb[] is initial.
    Get the Plant Description from t001w Table
        clear i_plant.
        refresh i_plant.
        select werks      " Plant
               name1      " Name
          into table i_plant
          from t001w
          for all entries in i_mchb
          where werks = i_mchb-werks.
    Get the Material Description from MAKT Table
        clear i_makt.
        refresh i_makt.
        select matnr      " Material number
               maktx      " Material Description
          into table i_makt
          from makt
          for all entries in i_mchb
          where matnr = i_mchb-matnr and
                spras = sy-langu.
        sort i_plant by werks.
        delete adjacent duplicates from i_plant comparing werks.
        sort i_makt by matnr.
        delete adjacent duplicates from i_makt comparing matnr.
    endform.                   "form get_plant_grp_data.
    *&      Form  append_final_data
    Append the data into final Internal Table
    form append_final_data.
      data : l_matbatch(28),
             l_tabix like sy-tabix.
      if not i_mchb[] is initial.
        loop at i_mchb.
          l_tabix = sy-tabix.
          clear l_matbatch.
          concatenate i_mchb-matnr i_mchb-charg into l_matbatch.
          move-corresponding i_mchb to i_output.
    Get the Plant Description from i_plant Table
            read table i_plant with key werks = i_mchb-werks binary search.
            if sy-subrc = 0.
              i_output-name1 = i_plant-name1.
    Get the Material Description from i_makt Table
          read table i_makt with key matnr = i_mchb-matnr binary search.
          if sy-subrc = 0.
            i_output-maktx = i_makt-maktx.
    Get the Characteristic Values data from INOB and AUSP Tables
          clear inob.
          select single cuobj from inob
              into inob-cuobj
              where klart = c_klart and
                    obtab = c_obtab and
                    objek = l_matbatch.
          if sy-subrc = 0.
            select objek
               from ausp
               into table i_ausp
               where objek = inob-cuobj and
                     atinn in s_atinn   and
                     klart = c_klart.
            sort i_ausp by objek atinn.
            loop at i_ausp.
              clear cabn.
              select single atinn atnam from cabn
                         into (cabn-atinn,cabn-atnam)
                         where atinn = i_ausp-atinn.
              if sy-subrc = 0.
    If the ratio value is between 13-14.99, display 13
                if cabn-atnam cs c_ratio.
                  if i_ausp-atflv between c_13 and c_1499.
                    i_mchb-atflo = i_ausp-atflv.
                    i_mchb-atflv = c_13.
    If the ratio value is between 15-16.99, display 15
                  elseif i_ausp-atflv between c_15 and c_1699.
                    i_mchb-atflo = i_ausp-atflv.
                    i_mchb-atflv = c_15.
    If the ratio value is between 17-18.99, display 17
                  elseif i_ausp-atflv between c_17 and c_1899.
                    i_mchb-atflo = i_ausp-atflv.
                    i_mchb-atflv = c_17.
    If the ratio value is between 19-20.99, display 19
                  elseif i_ausp-atflv between c_19 and c_2099.
                    i_mchb-atflo = i_ausp-atflv.
                    i_mchb-atflv = c_19.
    If the ratio value is between 21-22.99, display 21
                  elseif i_ausp-atflv between c_21 and c_2299.
                    i_mchb-atflo = i_ausp-atflv.
                    i_mchb-atflv = c_21.
    If the ratio value is greater than or equal to 23, display 23
                  elseif i_ausp-atflv >= c_23.
                    i_mchb-atflo = i_ausp-atflv.
                    i_mchb-atflv = c_23.
                  endif.           " Condition for RATIO values
                else.              " If characteristic does contain RATIO
                  i_mchb-atflv = i_ausp-atflv.
                i_output-atinn = cabn-atinn.
                i_output-atnam = cabn-atnam.
                i_output-atflv = i_ausp-atflv.
                i_mchb1-matnr = i_mchb-matnr.
                i_mchb1-werks = i_mchb-werks.
                i_mchb1-lgort = i_mchb-lgort.
                i_mchb1-charg = i_mchb-charg.
                i_mchb1-clabs = i_mchb-clabs.
                i_mchb1-atinn = i_ausp-atinn.
                i_mchb1-atflo = i_mchb-atflv.
                i_mchb1-atflv = i_ausp-atflv.
                append : i_output, i_mchb1.
                clear i_mchb1.
                modify i_mchb index l_tabix transporting atflo atflv .
    Checking whether the table is filled or not
      if not i_output[] is initial.
        sort i_output by atinn werks matnr atflv.
        g_exit = c_flag.
        message s899 with 'No Data found for the Selection Criteria'(006).
    Delete the records where RATIO is less than 13.
      delete i_output where atnam cs c_ratio and atflv lt c_13.
    endform.                    "append_final_data
    *&      Form  display_report
    Display the Report Output data
    form display_report.
    data: l_tabix like sy-tabix.
      loop at i_output1.
        l_tabix = sy-tabix.
    At new Characteristic
         at new atinn.
          read table i_output1 index l_tabix.
          format color 1 intensified on.
          write: /1 sy-vline, 2(20) 'Characteristic Name:'(007),
                 23(40) i_output1-atnam,
                 125 sy-vline.
          format color off.
          format color 4 intensified on.
          write: /1 sy-vline, 2(20) 'Plant Name         :'(022),
                 23(4) i_output1-werks, 29(30) i_output1-name1,
                 125 sy-vline.
          format color off.
          write /1(125) sy-uline.
        clear: g_clabs, g_clabs1.
        format color col_normal.
        write :/1 sy-vline,  2(18)   i_output1-matnr,
               20 sy-vline,  21(40)  i_output1-maktx,
               61 sy-vline.
        if i_output1-atflv = c_c23.
          write: 62(22)  c_g23 centered.
          shift i_output1-atflv left deleting leading space.
          write: 62(22)  i_output1-atflv centered.
        write:  84     sy-vline,
               103     sy-vline,
               110(5)  i_output1-meins.
    If the quantity value is negative
        if i_output1-clabs ge 0.
          write: 85(18) i_output1-clabs unit i_mchb-meins,
                125     sy-vline.
          i_output1-clabs = - i_output1-clabs.
          write i_output1-clabs unit i_mchb-meins to g_clabs1.
          condense g_clabs1.
          concatenate '(' g_clabs1 ')' into g_clabs separated by space.
          write: 85(18) g_clabs right-justified,
               125 sy-vline.
        format color off.
        hide : i_output1.
    At end of material
        at end of matnr.
          move : i_output1-matnr to g_matnr.
          format color 3 intensified on.
          write /1(125) sy-uline.
          write :/1 sy-vline,  2(25) 'Total for Material      :'(012),
                 28(18) g_matnr.
          if i_output1-clabs ge 0.
            write: 85(18) i_output1-clabs  unit i_mchb-meins,
            125 sy-vline.
            i_output1-clabs = - i_output1-clabs.
            write i_output1-clabs unit i_mchb-meins to g_clabs1.
            condense g_clabs1.
            concatenate '(' g_clabs1 ')' into g_clabs separated by space.
            write: 85(18) g_clabs right-justified,
                 125 sy-vline.
          write: 125 sy-vline.
          format color off.
          write /1(125) sy-uline.
    At end of plant
        at end of werks.
          move : i_output1-werks to g_werks.
          format color 3 intensified off.
          write :/1 sy-vline,  2(25) 'Total for Plant          :'(013),
                 28(4) g_werks.
          if i_output1-clabs ge 0.
            write:  85(18) i_output1-clabs  unit i_mchb-meins,
            125 sy-vline.
            i_output1-clabs = - i_output1-clabs.
            write i_output1-clabs unit i_mchb-meins to g_clabs1.
            condense g_clabs1.
            concatenate '(' g_clabs1 ')' into g_clabs separated by space.
            write: 85(18) g_clabs right-justified,
                 125 sy-vline.
          format color off.
          write /1(125) sy-uline.
    At end of  characteristic
        at end of atinn.
          read table i_output1 index l_tabix.
          format color 3 intensified on.
          write :/1 sy-vline,  2(25) 'Total for Characteristic:'(014),
                 28(25) i_output1-atnam.
          if i_output1-clabs ge 0.
            write:  85(18) i_output1-clabs  unit i_mchb-meins,
            125 sy-vline.
            i_output1-clabs = - i_output1-clabs.
            write i_output1-clabs unit i_mchb-meins to g_clabs1.
            condense g_clabs1.
            concatenate '(' g_clabs1 ')' into g_clabs separated by space.
            write: 85(18) g_clabs right-justified,
                 125 sy-vline.
          format color off.
          write /1(125) sy-uline.
    endform.                    " display_report
    *&      Form  DISPLAY_BATCH
         Display the batch details for the seclected material            *
    form display_batch.
    Get the batch details for the selected material
      get cursor field g_cursor.
      if g_cursor = c_cursor1 or
         g_cursor = c_cursor2 or
         g_cursor = c_cursor3 or
         g_cursor = c_cursor4 or
         g_cursor = c_cursor5 or
         g_cursor = c_cursor6.
        format color 3.
        write: /1 sy-vline,
                2(17) 'Material Number :'(020),
               20(17) i_output1-matnr,
               94 sy-vline.
        format color off.
        write /1(94) sy-uline.
        loop at i_mchb1 where matnr = i_output1-matnr and
                              atinn = i_output1-atinn and
                              atflo = i_output1-atflv.
          format color col_normal.
          shift i_mchb1-charg left deleting leading '0'.
          write :/1 sy-vline,  2(16) i_mchb1-lgort centered,
                 18 sy-vline, 19(17) i_mchb1-charg centered,
                 36 sy-vline.
          if i_output1-atnam cs c_ratio.
            write: 37(29) i_mchb1-atflv
                           exponent 0 decimals 2 centered.
            write : 37(29) i_mchb1-atflv
                          exponent 0 decimals 0 centered.
          write : 66 sy-vline, 67(27) i_mchb1-clabs unit i_mchb-meins,
                  94 sy-vline.
          format color off.
        write /1(94) sy-uline.
        message s899 with 'Invalid cursor position'(016).
    endform.                    " DISPLAY_BATCH
    *&      Form  HEADING_SECLIST
          Write the Column Headings for Interactive Report
    form heading_seclist.
      write /1(94) sy-uline.
      format color col_heading on.
      write :/1 sy-vline,  2(16) 'Storage Location'(021),
             18 sy-vline, 19(17) 'Batch Number'(017) centered,
             36 sy-vline, 37(29) 'Characteristic Value'(018) centered,
             66 sy-vline, 67(27) 'Quantity'(019) centered,
             94 sy-vline.
      write /1(94) sy-uline.
      format color off.
    endform.                    " HEADING_SECLIST
    *&      Form  COLLECT_RATIO
          Display the Characteristic ratio data
    form collect_ratio.
      loop at i_output.
        clear g_atinn.
        i_output1-atinn = i_output-atinn.
        i_output1-atnam = i_output-atnam .
        i_output1-werks = i_output-werks.
        i_output1-name1 = i_output-name1.
        i_output1-matnr = i_output-matnr.
        i_output1-maktx = i_output-maktx.
        i_output1-clabs = i_output-clabs.
        i_output1-meins = i_output-meins.
        call function 'CONVERSION_EXIT_ATINN_OUTPUT'
                  input  = i_output-atinn
                  output = g_atinn.
        if g_atinn cs c_ratio.
    If the ratio value is between 13-14.99, display 13
          if i_output-atflv between c_13 and c_1499.
            i_output1-atflv = c_13.
    If the ratio value is between 15-16.99, display 15
          elseif i_output-atflv between c_15 and c_1699.
            i_output1-atflv = c_15.
    If the ratio value is between 17-18.99, display 17
          elseif i_output-atflv between c_17 and c_1899.
            i_output1-atflv = c_17.
    If the ratio value is between 19-20.99, display 19
          elseif i_output-atflv between c_19 and c_2099.
            i_output1-atflv = c_19.
    If the ratio value is between 21-22.99, display 21
          elseif i_output-atflv between c_21 and c_2299.
            i_output1-atflv = c_21.
    If the ratio value is greater than or equal to 23, display 23
          elseif i_output-atflv >= c_23.
            i_output1-atflv = c_23.
          write i_output1-atflv to i_output1-atflv .
          write i_output-atflv to i_output1-atflv exponent 0 decimals 0.
        collect i_output1.
        clear   i_output1.
      sort i_output1 by atinn werks matnr atflv.
    endform.                    " COLLECT_RATIO
    Reward if useful..

  • How to delete a path between two anchor points

    hi ,
    it's all in the title ,
    could you tell me  please how to delete a path between two anchor points without using the path eraser tool ?
    When I select these two anchor points and press delete everything is gone.
    ps : I want to keep the anchor points after the deletion
    Thank you

    Silkrooster wrote:
    With some experimentation, I did find that selecting the path can leave orphan points. So keep that in mind as it may be necessary to use Object>Path>Clean up...
    You will not get orphan points if you delete a segment that is not at the end of a path.  For segment that is at the end of a path, or is the entire path, select the end point/s and press delete. For the one segment that is entire path you can use the selection tool (black pointer) or hold Alt with the direct selection tool (white pointer) which is useful for objects in a group.

  • How to Break the cluster between Two servers

    Hi Experts,
    Since Iu2019m new to BOBJ XI R2.I would like to know how to break the cluster between two servers.
    Description :
    So far we took the copy of QAS Server1 to the new QAS server2 (Through Mirroring Tool ). Now those two servers are cluster together, I can see QAS server1 CMS Name, Cluster Name, cluster member name in QAS Server2 (CMC-> Setting -> Cluster).
    Besides in QAS Server1 CMS Name and Cluster name are pointing to the QAS Server1, except Cluster Member (This is still have two members Server1 and Server2).(CMC-> Setting -> Cluster).
    In QAS Server1 and QAS Server2 (CMS-> Servers), I can able see both server name under Machine Name tab.
    I would like to make those two servers as independent servers. There are two different data source for those two servers. I want to remove the cluster in both servers.
    Right now QAS Server1 is running and QAS Server2 is stopped.
    If i create/modify a group under new Mapped NT Member Groups in QAS server2 ,it is getting reflecting in QAS server 1.
    Could you please tell me the steps to resolve this problem.
    BO Version: BO XI R2

    Maybe the external CMS is still 'attached' to your SIA node. Please go to the CCM (Central Configuration Manager) and stop the SIA (Server Intelligent Agent). On one of the tabs you can see if there is an external CMS part of your environment. Delete it and restart the SIA. Retry if you can delete the services now from within your CMS. It may well be that you have to stop both environments and delete each others CMS via the CCM to get it working. If you have not changed any permissions for your Administrator account the security model will not be the one causing this.
    Hope this helps...
    Martijn van Foeken
    Focuzz BI Services

  • ABAP query- unable to delete the join between tables

    Im unable to delete the join between two tables. when i right clicked on the join then it gives two options:
    1. Display join condition
    2. Remove join condition
    both these options are grey in color so i cant select them. how can i remove join?

    goto SQ02 and enter infoset and goto change mode agagin select change mode and click the join then select and delete link...

  • How to Delete the dimension from the cube ?

    Hi ,
    how to Delete the dimension from the cube ?
    i have added the new dimension by assiging one characteristic to that dimension .
    now i  want to delete it ,
    but system saying that   Dimension ZXXX  contains InfoObjects; deletion not possible .
    how to delete it ? any help .

    Make sure you donot have any data in cube. If you have some data in cube, then you will not be able to see Delete option.
    Right click on the cube-->Delete data.
    Then double click on the cube>Goto Edit mode> select the IO under that Dimension> right click> now you will be able to see the Delete option (provided you have deleted all the date from Cube)
    Then right click on Dimension-->Delete

  • How to delete the one of cost centers in Splitting Structure(OKEW)?

    Dear All,
    I have a question about Splitting Structure as below? Could I get favor from you? Thanks a lot.
    How to delete the one of cost centers in Splitting Structure(OKEW)?

    Hi Chang
    Welcome to SDN! Its our pleasure to help you here
    Step 1: Select your Cost Center in OKEW which is assigned to the Splitting Str
    Eg: Cost Ctr 1001 is assigned to Splitting Str Z1... Tick the Check box against 1001 under Z1 Splitting Str
    Step 2: Do a Single Click on the text "Non Assigned Cost Centers"
    Step 3: Press Shift +F6 (Or Click on the Assign Button, next to the Pencil icon)
    Br, Ajay M

  • ADF Desktop Integration : How to delete the table in Excel?

    I am using Jdev and Excel 2007 for Oracle ADF DI, I had created an ADF table using pageDef file in the excel. Now I wanted to delete that table and use a different pageDef file.
    I could not find a way to delete that table.
    I deleted full row of tables and then I used different pageDef file and created a new adf table. But when I am running this version of excel, I am getting runtime exception and excel is getting corrupted.
    My question how to delete the table not corrupting the Excel.

    Welcome to OTN.
    You can delete the table by selecting the top left column (of the table) and then select delete from the ADFdi tab.
    Refer the documentation for more info.

  • Reg:How to delete the column in table control also from database table.

    Hi Experts,
    Once again thank u all for giving the responses.
    one more doubt is how to delete the columns of table control and also the record shold delete from ztable.
    With Regards,

    If you want to delete the rows in the table control and simultaneously delete it from the database table, then you can implement a 'DELETE' functionality specific to your table control. Have a MARK field (you will find that in the screen attributes of the table control -> give a name for the MARK field, you will find an additional MARK column at the beginning of your table control). You can check whatever rows you want to delete from the table control, call the delete module.
    "This portion of code inside the LOOP...ENDLOOP.
    IF sy-ucomm eq 'F_DELETE'.
       gt_itab2-check = mark.  " Store the MARK field status into your internal table's correspoding field 'check'
      MODIFY gt_itab INDEX tabcontrol-current_line.
    iF sy-ucomm eq 'DELETE1'.
      DELETE gt_itab WHERE check eq 'X'. "Your internal table does not have rows that you want to delete
    Now you can modify your database table using the MODIFY statement.

  • Does any one know , how to delete the others in itunes. it takes lot of space

    does any one know , how to delete the others in itunes. it takes lot of space, i wanna delete that... Actually what it contains

    Those are the data of the installed apps. Don't listen if someone says that it's an iOS, because it is not. On your iPhone, go to general > usage. It will show you all the programs installed on your iPhone. If you click any of them you will see how much of "others" it has (documents and data)
    There's no way to delete it if you want to still have those apps. You can reinstal those which has the most "others" but after some time of usage, it will raise again.

  • How to delete the films in VLC in my ipad?

    I sync some films(.avi) for VLC to my ipad via itune(I bought free VLC in ipad). One problem is too slow to see in ipad, many mosaic occurred. The other problem is how to delete the films in VLC on my ipad.. there is no any button to delete, only add button..

    But what if the videos don't appear in the list under the Apps Tab >File Sharing?
    They definitely are on the iPad. I can watch them with VLC. But the VLC list is empty when I select it. Most of my File Sharing lists are blank even though I can access the files I placed on there with my iPad. (Worse, Comic Reader has a list of files but none of those files are accessible on the iPad but a completely different set is readable on the iPad!)
    Any ideas?

  • How to delete the messages in the purges folder?

    if the mailbox is enabled the single item recovery, then the messages would move from deletion folder to the purges folder After running the following script,
    Search-Mailbox dave -searchdumpsteronly
    so my question is how to delete the messages in the purges folder with some script or retention policy?
    Please click the Mark as Answer button if a post solves your problem!

    Thank you all,
    As the mailbox is enabled single item recovery.
    I just want to make the items neither in deletion folder, nor in purges folder.
    So I think there are two ways to achieve this.
    Method 1,disabled the single item recovery. then delete the items in deletion folder ,so it wouldn't enter to the purges folder, it just deleted permanently. then enable the single item recovery
    Method 2,delete the items in deletion folder,then the messages move to the purges folder, then delete the messages in purges folder.
    the Method 1 is not so good ,as it need to disable the single item recovery firstly, then enable  single item recovery .
    So I want to use the Method 2
    Please click the Mark as Answer button if a post solves your problem!

  • How to delete the Sites in SAP IS RETAIL

    hello ALL,
    can any one explain me how to delete the Sites in Sap Retail.
    thanks in advance

    Hello All,
    Delete the plant / Site complete details and put in one transport and do the import & export.
    Edited by: krishna cherry on Jul 26, 2010 3:28 PM

  • How to delete the old code in the EXIT_SAPLRSAP_001

    Hi All,
    In R3 system, I wrote an exit for 2LIS_11_VAHDR  by using T-code CMOD in the function exit EXIT_SAPLRSAP_001 and the code does not meet my requirement today i want to delete the code and i will write the fresh one. now my problem is i am not able to delete the code can any body suggest me how to delete the old code.
    and can we create new project and can we assign to the Enhancement RSAP0001.
    Can anybody suggest me in this
    Thanks in advance......

    Hi Narendra,
    You can put the code in comments, if you don't want to use the old code..You can delete also..But be sure that code belongs to you only..
    SE38>zxrsau01>change-->find out your data source
    Comment(Or can delete) the code starting from WHEN '2LIS_11_VAHDR'. to the end of the code that you have written..
    If you really want to delete the assignment of RSAP0001 to your old project>goto CMOD>your project name>change>delete assigment
    Then create a new project and assign the enhancement RSAP0001 to your new project and write the code in Include 'ZXRSAU01'..
    Hope it helps

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