How to delete transmission app

I am new to macs and somehow accidently downloaded transmission.  I dont want nor need this app and cant figure out how to delete it.  Can anyone help? Its no longer on my dock and its not showing up in my applications??

Ok....Since it doesn't show up, chance are it's gone....
Try this - restart your macbook - but before you do - take the checkmark of where it says " reopen windows when logging back in "
Once you're up and running - empty your trash bin.
For future apps that you install that doesn't come with it's own uninstaller - download AppCleaner, it's a handy little program that deletes your unwanted appss shoud you decide you don't need them.
Good luck....

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    Tap and hold your finger over the app (or any app for that matter) until they all start to wiggle.  A small X appears in the upper corner of your downloaded apps.  Tap this X to delete the app from your device.
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    Ok, I found the "trick".
    Another user in these forums provided the support I needed.
    The user's name is "Bunnydrumming" ( thanks by the way )
    Here is a reprint of the post they made;
                             Re: deleting apps                       
                                                    Aug 12, 2008 6:09 PM                                                    (in response to George Steinmetz)                                       
    go into the apps page on your itunes - its in the list at the top of the page that starts with music (you don't need to have iphone connected)  right click on the apps you want to delete and then choose delete. When you next connect you iphone to update it will ask if you want to transfer things from your iphone to your itunes - click no as i think this will mean that the apps that are on your phone will go to the itunes and the deleted apps will be in itunes again (not really sure about that bit but i think i am right!!) when your iphone is updated it will tell you eventually that it is removing items from the phone - the apps will be removed.                                                                                    30GB video, 8 gb nano, 16gb iTouch, 3G iPhone, Windows 2000                                                                       
                 Liked         (1) 
    The part of this that provided the working solution has to do with the location in iTunes you are doing your App management.  You have to be in the Apps item selected in the left part of the iTunes screen... not in the Apps Tab of the iPod you are trying to manage.  Having me do the delete with the iPod Touch disconnected was the detail that made me go look in the Library.
    I missed this subtile clue in Philly_Phan's post... Philly_Phan did tell me how to do it, I just missed the connection due to there being too many ways to view and manage content.  The "Library" part is the detail I missed.
    I hope this helps others, and I am greatly in debt to Bunnydrummer and Philly_Phan... thanks you guys!

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    To delete any type of app you need to open the Finder window and highlight the app you want to delete by moving it to the trash. Empty the trash and it's gone. There are some Apple provided apps that cannot be deleted but you should not have any issue with the games.
    As for cleaners, I personally don't use them but the 911 and Mackeeper are very popular and I hear work pretty well with Macs.



    That is going to depend on where the application is stored...
    If it's Bloatware (e.g. Verizon Navigator, Bing, etc...) you will need Root permission on your phone to remove it.
    If it's something you installed from the Google Play Store, then all you will need to do is open the Play store, select the Menu button, select "My Apps" and then open the app.  This should give you the "Uninstall" button.
    Hope this helps

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    How to delete content you've downloaded from the iTunes Store, App Store, iBooks Store, or Mac App Store - Apple Support

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    To delete an App, hold your finger on the app until all Apps start jiggle.  An X will appear in the upper left corner of the App.  Touch the X and the App will be deleted from your iPad.  You can redownload the App anytime in the future as once you've bought an App, it's yours as long as you are using the same Apple ID.

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    Carolyn Samit wrote:
    This is the Mac App Store forum ... apps that run on the Mac OS X, not iOS.
    Sorry If I posted this in the wrong forum, If anyone can direct me an appropriate forum then I will post it there.
    Carolyn Samit wrote:
    Apps that are stored in iTunes are for iOS devices such as iPads or iPhones. Press and hold the app icon on the device. Tap the circle with an x to delete then tap delete.
    I have no problem deleting the app from my mobile device.
    The problem comes when I delete it from itunes and form my iMac. I know that the Apps are stored in the "mobile application" folder on my Mac HD. But even when deleting the file from that location the App still re-downloads every time I check for updates in itunes app store.
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    kilpauk wrote:
    The "Remove " option works only for deleting an app available on the device but not from iTunes ( computer) apps section.
    Have you tried Control-Clicking on the offending app?
    Followed by a click on Delete?

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