How to deleted an implemented menu enhancement component??

We are implementing enhancement CATS0011 which contains function exit and menu exit.
Is there a way to UNDO/delete the implemented menu exit(function code)?? We had implemented some function codes but now we just want to keep one function code(menu) and the function exit. However, once we hit the "activate" button,  all the implemented function codes show  in the menu bar and we are unable to find a way to delete the implemented menu enhancement components. Please help..

Unfortunatelly activating the project means activating all its components too. This in turn leads to activating all function/menu exits. There is no way to separate activation of a particular object independently. You have to comment/delete a code for the rest function codes/exists for this menu. Then, these still will be called, but as long as no code is found there, it will not affect your program.

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    Hi Eric,
    Proceed as follows.
    1. Goto T-Code SE24
    2. enter your class name
    3. click delete button
    Or you can also delete classes from SE80.
    You can find class under your Package Name->Class Library->Classes
    Edited by: Ahsan Majeed on Feb 3, 2010 12:05 PM

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    Goto transaction CMOD & open the project. Click on Change mode.
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    Best regards,

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    Hi Raju,
    If you do not need those enhancment views in any of the components ( ie IUICMD & IUICMRD ) , then open the BSP application in SE80 , under controller, there will be files with extension .do as ...delete those !! These will not dele the Z classes....but just deletes their presence from the BSP...
    I would suggest following approch :
    1) go to SM34 , open BSPWDVC_CMP_EXT....Select you enhancement set and click on enhancement defination in leftside panel.
    3) now you will see all the enhancement available for that component...Delete the entries for those two views from there...
    This is just deleting the entries...this does not delete any objects from the system.
    4)Now click on Back arrow, and delete the entry for
    5) Now open BSPWD_CMP_WD for will get the enhance component button... You can now freshly enhance this component..
    6) We did not touch to the entries for IUICMD  in the BSPWDVC_CMP_EXT...So now if you open the component IUICMD in workbench with you enhancement will see all the enhancement..including those two views which you wanted to delete from IUICMRD.
    7) If you want to delete the enhancement for these views...then right click on the enhance views and select Delete enhancement...You will get a popup listing IMPL, CTXT and CN classes, select all Z entries in the pop up and those all will be deleted physically from the system...and thus view enhancement will be rolled back...
    All the best !!
    Thanks & Regards,
    If you are not sure, you can create copy of IMPL, CTXT and CN classes in se80 and then proceed for deletion..You can also make copy of entire BSP in se 80 before deletion...

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    Thanks & Regards,
    Kamesh Bathla

    Open table BSPWDV_COMP_EXT via SM30 and open it with the Enhancement Set in which you created the enhancement you want to delete. (or the view cluster BSPWDVC_CMP_EXT via SM34)
    Look for the component for which you want the enhancement to be deleted. Note down the "Runtime Rep. BSP application" and delete the record.
    Open the BSP application you noted down in SE80 and delete the (incorrect) enhancements, then delete the whole BSP application.
    Restart enhancing the component.
    Hope this helps,

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    1. Design:Integration Builder
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    See this

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    and "No Backup"
    Does anyone know how I can remove the two entries in the "Tools menu.                
    Option Explicit
    Const cTag = "CalcTax "
    Sub Auto_Open()
        With Application.CommandBars("Worksheet Menu Bar").Controls("Tools").Controls.Add
            .Caption = "CalcTax"
            .Tag = cTag
            .OnAction = ThisWorkbook.Name & "!CalcTax"
    End With
    End Sub
    Sub Auto_Close()
    End Sub
    Private Sub RemoveControl()
    On Error Resume Next
    End Sub
    Sub start()
    UserForm1.Show 0
    End Sub

    Re:  Menubars/menus xl2003 and earlier
    To remove any item from the menus...
    Right-click in the menubar area and choose Customize (a dialog box is displayed).
    Drag the unwanted menu item off of the menu and drop it over the worksheet.
    Close the dialog box.
    Jim Cone
    Portland, Oregon USA
    free & commercial excel programs (n/a xl2013)

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    Warning is
    (Delete a system despite use
       You want to delete the system PRD, but it is still being used.
       You cannot delete the system as long as it is still used in logical
       Components. The where-used list tells you the logical components which
       Use the system. To delete the system, remove it from all logical
       Components first.
       You can only delete the system if it is used in system groups. The
       Where-used list tells you which system groups use the system.
       If you delete the system despite use in system groups, you can no longer
       Access it in applications (e.g. in the Project Administration, if it is
       Used in a system group of type Project Landscape).

    Dear Kiran,
    Firstly find out where the system PRD has been added as an Logical System in an Logical Component. Remove the assignment and you should be able to delete the System.
    Similarly for deleting an Logical component find out which solutions are referring to the logical component and deassign the Logical Component from the Solutions. You can then safely delete the Logical Components.
    You can use the Where Used List button which looks like 3 arrow starting from an single point to different directions to find out the assignments.
    Hope that this helps .

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    Hi user6010265
    Welcome here :)
    but unfortunatly u mis-choose the right forum pls follow the following link they might be more helpful than us..
    Transfer alert in 11i

  • How to delete/remove the software component from integration repository

    Dear All
    How to delete/remove the software component from integration repository which we have created some Data and message types.

      Follow the steps below to delete the Software component:
    1. Delete the created Data Types, Message Types, Message Interfaces, Message Mappings, Interface Mappings and other imported objects like RFC's or IDoc's. Activate all changes.
    2. Then delete the namespace and the default datatypes present with the namespace after checking "objects are modifiable".
    3. Then delete the SW component, after placing the radio button in "Not permitted".

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    how to delete sotware component,SWCV and all objects under this SWCV. Since i have imported all the SWC, SWCV and all interface , mapping object. I want to delete all these imported objects and re import these objects again. Please let me know how to do that.
    Thanks in advance.

    You will have to delete all the objects under the namespace (then activate the changes), then delete the namespace and then finally delete the SWCV !!
    More ref this latest thread on the same subject: how can i delete software component in the IR

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