How to deploy my CDC-PP app in PDA?

I'm using Sony CLIE SJ-22 PDA with Palm OS 4.1.
Now I'm trying to deploy my application(CDC Personal Profile) developed in WSDD 5.6 which have J9 VM (CVM).
Whats the procedure to deploy my application in my PDA?
From where can I get J9 VM environment for my PDA?
regards ,

Thanx for ur great reply....
if Palm OS 4.1 doesn't support the CDC .
Then which version of Palm OS supports the CDC/ Personal Profile...
for now I'm using Palm OS 5 Emulator. So, How can I deploy my application
on my Emulator?
I wrote one simple class called "" using WSDD 5.6.
It generates an .jxe file. The I try to convert it into .prc file using the utility jxe2prc.
But it gave me an Exception " NoSuchElementFoundException"...
Please help me in this issue........

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    I'm not sure is your question relating to APEX?
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    1) go to my computer-properties- advanced tab-environment variables.
    Then go for system variables and click new and write:
    Variable name: CATALINA_HOME
    Variable value: c:\Tomcat 4.1( i.e. specify ur tomcat root folder)
    After writing click ok.
    2) again do same for setting
    Variable name: JAVA_HOME
    Variable value: c:\jdk1.4(specify ur jdk folder)
    Variable name: PATH
    Variable value:
    C:\jdk1.4\bin;C:\jdk1.4\lib;C:\Tomcat 4.1\bin;
    Variable name: CLASSPATH
    Variable value: C:\jdk1.4\lib;C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.0_02\lib;C:\Tomcat\*.jar;
    3) write ur serlet source file(
    4) open dos promt & compile ur pgm:
    c:\Tomcat 4.1\webapps\ur application name\src\servlet> javac
    5) put ur class file in c:\Tomcat 4.1\webapps\ur application name\web-inf\classes\ helloworld.class
    6) write ur web.xml-
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>
    <!DOCTYPE web-app
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.3//EN"
    <servlet-class> helloworld </servlet-class>
    <url-pattern> \ ur application name\hello
    7) start ur tomcat click on startup batch file under c:\Tomcat 4.1\bin\startup.bat
    8) give url: http:\\ localhost:8080\ ur application name\hello
    9) u will find ur response.
    10) If u have problem in compiling ur java file then make a file on notepad and write:-
    set path=�%path%�; C:\jdk1.4\bin;C:\jdk1.4\lib;C:\Tomcat 4.1\bin;
    set classpath=�%classpath%�; C:\jdk1.4\lib;C:\Program Files\Java\j2re1.4.0_02\lib;C:\Tomcat\*.jar;
    save this file as anyname.bat and save in :- c:\Tomcat 4.1\webapps\ur application name\src\servlet
    after coming on this dir i.e. c:\Tomcat 4.1\webapps\ur application name\src\servlet
    run ur bat flie and compile ur java file

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    I am trying to deploy a servlet on Weblogic Server 7.0 as a WAR file. Can anyone of u plz tell me the steps required to do that. I am posting this question on EJb forum and not on servlets coz this is not a servlet problem, rather this is something which is related to J2EE, ie how to deploy a war file on J2EE Server.
    This is how i have done it, but this is not working---
    (1) First i created a directory structure for the web application according to J2EE Specification.
    i.e within work directory, there is a dic called myServletWAR which is my application directory which contains 2 sub directories viz META-INF which contains the mainifest file being generated by the jar utility. the second directory in the myServletWAR application dir is WEB-INF, which contains one file called web.xml for servlet mapping and one directory classes which contains HelloServlet.class
    (2) I used following command for creating war file from myServletWAR director(i.e from my web application's directory).
    jar -cvf TestServletWAR.war .
    This creates the TestServletWAR.war file in myServletWAR dir.
    Here is how my Servlet and web.xml looks like...
    Servlet code
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class HelloServlet extends HttpServlet
    public void doPost ( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res )
    throws IOException, ServletException
    doGet( req, res );
    public void doGet ( HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse res )
    throws IOException, ServletException
    res.setContentType( "text/html" ); // Can also use "text/plain" or others.
    PrintWriter out = res.getWriter();
    // Get the requestor's IP address (See JavaDocs to see how to get other info):
    String addr = req.getRemoteAddr();
    // Create output (the response):
    out.println( "<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>HelloServlet in myServletWAR</TITLE></HEAD>" );
    out.println( "<BODY><H1 ALIGN=\"CENTER\">" );
    out.println( "Hello " + addr + ", from HelloServlet in myServletWAR!" );
    out.println( "</H1></BODY></HTML>" );
    ************************Servlet Ends Here **************************
    ---------------------------------------------------------- <!DOCTYPE web-app
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"
    <display-name>myServletWAR, a first Web Application</display-name>
    This is a simple web application containing a single servlet
    of the "Hello, World" variety.
    ****************************web.xml file ends here********************
    After deploying the TestServletWAR.war file on the weblogic 7.0, i tried to execute the servlet from the browser by the following URL
    I am getting the HTTP 404 Error, which is an indication that weblogic was unable to find the resourse, which it was requested for. Can anybody plz tell me what i m doing worng?? do i need to use weblogic related xml file (i.e weblogic.xml) also along with web.xml. If yes, then what all i need to include that. I m not very sure. A sample weblogic.xml file for this HelloWorld example will help me a lot.
    Looking forward for your help
    Thanx in advance

    hi i have read ur answer regarding deploing a servlet in weblogic 7.0
    i am facing another problem
    when i try to access the servlet inside my classes directory it throwa an error stating this :
    <May 28, 2003 1:46:25 PM IST> <Error> <HTTP> <101250> <[ServletContext(id=6057728,name=WebApp,context-path=/WebApp)]: Se
    rvlet class myclasses.Wservlet for servlet welcome could not be loaded because a class on which it depends was not found
    in the classpath D:\bea\user_projects\PuneetDomain\applications\WebApp;D:\bea\user_projects\PuneetDomain\applications\W
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: myclasses/Wservlet (wrong name: Wservlet)>
    <May 28, 2003 1:46:26 PM IST> <Error> <HTTP> <101018> <[ServletContext(id=6057728,name=WebApp,context-path=/WebApp)] Ser
    vlet failed with ServletException
    javax.servlet.ServletException: [ServletContext(id=6057728,name=WebApp,context-path=/WebApp)]: Servlet class myclasses.W
    servlet for servlet welcome could not be loaded because a class on which it depends was not found in the classpath D:\be
    java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: myclasses/Wservlet (wrong name: Wservlet)
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.prepareServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.getServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.invokeServlet(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletRequestImpl.execute(
    at weblogic.kernel.ExecuteThread.execute(

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    You should be able to install free apps (or paid apps) with Configurator. Here's how I've been doing it.
    First, go into iTunes and authorize with an Apple ID (iTunes -> Store -> Authroize this computer). It doesn't have to be a VPP Apple ID…just an ordinary Apple ID used to associate with the app. Then download the app(s). They will go to ~/Music/iTunes/Mobile Applications. These apps will be linked to the Apple ID you authorized in iTunes. Next go into Apple Configurator and add the apps on the Prepare -> Apps screen. When you try to add the app in AC (clicking on the "+" at the bottom of the screen), you should be prompted to enter an Apple ID and password (see screenshot below).
    It will say that "This Apple ID will be used to redeem VPP codes…" It is NOT the Apple ID used to purchase the VPP codes… The VPP codes can be redeemed by any Apple ID. Even if you're using free apps you will still need to associate an Apple ID to the app.
    You must enter the same Apple ID and password that you used to download the app in iTunes, and you should be good to go. You are not limited to the 10 device limit here.
    And yes, you will need to instruct your users not to sync (apps) with their personal computers via USB. There are ways to plug in the iPad into a computer without syncing apps but so often users will just click through buttons and wipe out the apps that the company installed.
    Hope this helps!!

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    I have read much online material about CDC, but I'm still confused.
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    And some online learning resource is better!
    Thanks in advance!

    for HOWTO run SWT application on PocketPC (emulator). I used CDC 1.1 Personal Profile 1.1. You will find exact instructions what to download and install to write and run CDC applications. And also links to other guides and tutorials.

  • How to deploy custom jar (forms PJC)  file in R12.1.x

    Hi ,
    we need use forms pjc connecting to client pc'com port with ebs form,
    we can deploy with ias standard form server , but EBS 's appsweb.cfg
    was automatically generated by AutoConfig , so i don't know how to config our jar in EBS env.
    i had search document in metalink for serval days , can some help us to solve this problem !
    thanks for any help...

    Hi all, I am confronted by the same problem.
    I have manually added my custom Jar files to the archive=2 section of the appsweb.cfg config file in the $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.2/forms/server and placed the Jar files in the $COMMON_TOP/java/classes/oracle/apps/fnd/jar.
    I know that this is probably not the way to go, as autoconfig will override these settings, but my first priority is getting these jar files to run in Apps Forms without errors. I got as far as that my forms don't error out anymore but not all of them are working as they should. I am also trying to deploy the WebUitl utility in EBS R12. As far as I can tell this should be supported by Oracle as it comes as part of a standard Apps Installation (except for the Jacob.jar) it can be found in: $ORACLE_HOME/forms/webutil directory and the WEBUTIL_CONFIG reference to the webutil.cfg file can be found in the default.env in the same directory as the appsweb.cfg.
    If you want to look at some very good examples of PJC's there is a very good blog: You can also look at Francois Degrelle's blog on Read/Write files on the client machine without Webutil.
    Nevertheless information on how to deploy and run these PJC's under EBS is scarce. Metalink offers no solutions except very outdated notes.
    I would appreciate to know how to properly deploy these jar files in EBS
    I am also on 12.1.x. Btw there are more threads on this subject on OTN but most are outdated (threadID=1067917, 686329, 4246525) and don't provide the solution for EBS R12.1.x.
    Any help would be appreciated.

  • How to Deploying Application Which consists .jpr project file in JDeveloper

    I Successfully compiled my application in JDeveloper 11g, My Project consists of .jpr file which loads all the source files. I added this .jpr file to New Application by creating a .jws in JDeveloper.
    When I run my application, I am getting the Deployment Error, How to deploy a project which consists of .jpr as project file in JDeveloper 11g.
    The Same was running in Oracle JDeveloper 10.3.3 version perfectly there the Server was OC4J but Here the Server is WebLogic.
    can anyone help me out in solving this,
    Srinivas Reddy P.
    Edited by: user10952409 on Mar 31, 2009 7:17 AM

    If the exampleClass1 does have a public method which is called from the main method, when you run it from the command line
    should work like this
    // sample class
    public class ExampleClass1
        // C'tor
        public ExampleClass1 ()
        public void testmethodWith3Params(String aS1, String aS2, String aS3)
            // do the work here
        public static void main(String[] args)
            String p1;
            String p3;
            String p3;
            ExampleClass1 xyz = new ExampleClass1();
            // read the params into p1,p2 and p3
            // omited the code
           // call the worker method
    // now instead to call the main method you call the workter methos from your web app like
    ExampleClass1 aaa = new ExampleClass1 ();
    aaa.testmethodWith3Params(param1, param2,param3);
    ...If you don't have a method (or don't know it) you can call it via the main method like
    String [] param= {p1,p2,p3};

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    >>I looked up some articles and they say I have to create a hosted services from top left corner
    As far as I know, cloud service was called hosted service in old azure platform, see below old platform screenshot.
    About deploy your application to cloud service, please refer to for more detail information.
    Best Regards,
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