How to determine the download media required from my License key?

After recently rebuilding a dead PC,  The user has advised me she used to use Illustrator.
Unfortunately the user does not have the install media available.
Support advised my license key is a volume license for Design Standard.
I have downloaded Design Standard (Universal) but the Licence key is not accepted.
Can anyone advise how to determine the correct download based on my License key?
Many thanks

Some times you may need to sign in to volume licensing account and download
Adobe Licensing Website | Serial numbers | Orders | Accounts

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    The major/minor version of the class file is the way to go.
    Also, it's not necessary to write a separate program to get to those. javap prints them out when being passed the -v flag.
    Note, however that "JDK version" is not a correct term, as I can create 1.4-compatible class files with a Java 6 JDK (by passing the -target flag to javac). Those won't look any different than .class files written with a 1.4 JDK.

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    Not sure if this will address exactly what you are looking to do, but I use this technique all the time to access runtime JMX information from within a Weblogic deployed application without having to pass authentication credentials. You are limited, however, to what you can access via the RuntimeServiceMBean. The example class below shows how to retrieve the domain name and managed server name from within a Weblogic deployed application (System.out calls only included for simplicity in this example):
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    import javax.naming.InitialContext;
    public class JMXWrapper {
        private static JMXWrapper instance = new JMXWrapper();
        private String domainName;
        private String managedServerName;
        private JMXWrapper() {
        public static JMXWrapper getInstance() {
            return instance;
        public String getDomainName() {
            if (domainName == null) {
                try {
                    MBeanServer server = getMBeanServer();
                    ObjectName domainMBean = (ObjectName) server.getAttribute(getRuntimeService(), "DomainConfiguration");
                    domainName = (String) server.getAttribute(domainMBean, "Name");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    System.out.println("Caught Exception: " + ex);
            return domainName;
        public String getManagedServerName() {
            if (managedServerName == null) {
                try {
                    managedServerName = (String) getMBeanServer().getAttribute(getRuntimeService(), "ServerName");
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    System.out.println("Caught Exception: " + ex);
            return managedServerName;
        private MBeanServer getMBeanServer() {
            MBeanServer retval = null;
            InitialContext ctx = null;
            try {
                //fetch the RuntimeServerMBean using the
                //MBeanServer interface
                ctx = new InitialContext();
                retval = (MBeanServer) ctx.lookup("java:comp/env/jmx/runtime");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                System.out.println("Caught Exception: " + ex);
            } finally {
                if (ctx != null) {
                    try {
                    } catch (Exception dontCare) {
            return retval;
        private ObjectName getRuntimeService() {
            ObjectName retval = null;
            try {
                retval = new ObjectName("com.bea:Name=RuntimeService,");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                System.out.println("Caught Exception: " + ex);
            return retval;
    }I then created a simply test JSP to call the JMXWrapper singleton and display retrieved values:
    <%@page contentType="text/html" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
    <%@ page import="com.yourcompany.jmx.JMXWrapper"%>
       JMXWrapper jmx = JMXWrapper.getInstance();
       String domainName = jmx.getDomainName();
       String managedServerName = jmx.getManagedServerName();
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
            <title>JMX Wrapper Test</title>
            <h2>Domain Name: <%= domainName %></h2>
            <h2>Managed Server Name: <%= managedServerName %></h2>

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    closing this thread.

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    Best regards,
    Michael Sital

    method if_ex_order_save~check_before_save.
      data gs_status type zsmgl_status.
      data lt_tguid  type crmt_object_guid_tab.
      data lt_orderadm_h type crmt_orderadm_h_wrkt.
      data lt_status type crmt_status_wrkt.
      data ls_status like line of lt_status.
      data lt_partner type crmt_partner_external_wrkt.
      data ls_partner like line of lt_partner.
      data lt_partner_h  type table of crmt_partner_com.
      data lt_partner_h1 type crmt_partner_comt.
      data ls_partner_h like line of lt_partner_h.
      data ls_field_names type crmt_input_field_names.
      data lt_field_names type crmt_input_field_names_tab.
      data lv_logical_key(42) type c.
      data lt_input_fields  type crmt_input_field_tab.
      data ls_input_fields like line of  lt_input_fields  .
      data gt_partner_h type crmt_partner_external_wrkt.
      data gs_partner_h like line of gt_partner_h.
      data lt_cjest type table of crm_jest.
      data ls_cjest type crm_jest.
      clear lt_status.
      clear lt_partner.
      clear lt_orderadm_h.
      insert iv_guid  into table lt_tguid.
      call function 'CRM_ORDER_READ'
          it_header_guid       = lt_tguid
          et_status            = lt_status
          et_orderadm_h        = lt_orderadm_h
          et_partner           = lt_partner
          document_not_found   = 1
          error_occurred       = 2
          document_locked      = 3
          no_change_authority  = 4
          no_display_authority = 5
          no_change_allowed    = 6
          others               = 7.
      if sy-subrc = 0.
    Get in only  if status is changed to Inprogress.
        clear ls_cjest.
        select single * from crm_jest into ls_cjest where objnr = iv_guid and inact = ' '.
        if ls_cjest-stat = 'E0010'.
          read table lt_status into ls_status with key status = 'E0002'.
          if sy-subrc = 0.
    Read Status from Intermidiate Table.
            select single * from zsmgl_status into gs_status
                                     where guid = iv_guid
                                     and   stat = 'E0002'
                                     and   inact = ''.
            if sy-subrc = 0.
    make copy to _h table
              loop at lt_partner into ls_partner.
                move-corresponding ls_partner to ls_partner_h.
                append ls_partner_h to lt_partner_h.
                clear ls_partner_h.
              loop at lt_partner_h into ls_partner_h where partner_fct = 'SLFN0003' or partner_fct = 'SLFN0004'.
                case ls_partner_h-partner_fct.
                  when 'SLFN0003'.
                    ls_partner_h-ref_partner_no = gs_status-partner_number.
                    ls_partner_h-partner_no = gs_status-partner_number.
                    modify lt_partner_h from ls_partner_h transporting  ref_partner_no partner_no.
                    clear ls_partner_h.
                  when 'SLFN0004'.
                    if gs_status-bu_partner is not initial.
                      ls_partner_h-ref_partner_no = gs_status-bu_partner.
                      ls_partner_h-partner_no = gs_status-bu_partner.
                      ls_partner_h-partner_no = ' '.
                      ls_partner_h-ref_partner_no = ' '.
                    modify lt_partner_h from ls_partner_h transporting  ref_partner_no partner_no.
                    clear ls_partner_h.
            lt_partner_h1[] = lt_partner_h[].
            loop at lt_partner_h1 into ls_partner_h where ref_partner_fct = 'SLFN0003' or ref_partner_fct = 'SLFN0004' .
              clear ls_field_names.
              ls_field_names-fieldname = 'PARTNER_FCT'.
              insert ls_field_names into table lt_field_names.
              ls_field_names-fieldname = 'PARTNER_NO'.
              insert ls_field_names into table lt_field_names.
              ls_field_names-fieldname = 'DISPLAY_TYPE'.
              insert ls_field_names into table lt_field_names.
              ls_field_names-fieldname = 'NO_TYPE'.
              insert ls_field_names into table lt_field_names.
              ls_field_names-fieldname = 'KIND_OF_ENTRY'.
              insert ls_field_names into table lt_field_names.
              ls_input_fields-ref_guid    = iv_guid.
              ls_input_fields-ref_kind    = 'A'.
              ls_input_fields-objectname  = 'PARTNER'.
              ls_input_fields-field_names = lt_field_names.
              lv_logical_key = '0000'.
              lv_logical_key+4 = ls_partner_h-partner_fct.
              lv_logical_key+12 = ls_partner_h-partner_no.
              lv_logical_key+28 = ls_partner_h-ref_display_type.
              lv_logical_key+30 = ls_partner_h-ref_no_type.
              ls_input_fields-logical_key = lv_logical_key.
              insert ls_input_fields into table lt_input_fields.
            call function 'CRM_ORDER_MAINTAIN'
                it_partner        = lt_partner_h1
                ct_input_fields   = lt_input_fields
                error_occurred    = 1
                document_locked   = 2
                no_change_allowed = 3
                no_authority      = 4
                others            = 5.

  • Itunes problem: when I change the file "media type" from 'Music' to 'Podcast' the file disapears from ITUNES. I do this via (1) right click, (2) select 'Get Info', (3) select 'options' tab, and (4) change media type. What is the problem?

    Itunes problem: when I change the file "media type" from 'Music' to 'Podcast' the file disapears from ITUNES. I do this via (1) right click, (2) select 'Get Info', (3) select 'options' tab, and (4) change media type. What is the problem?

    Hi Memalyn
    Essentially, the bare issue is that you have a 500GB hard drive with only 10GB free. That is not sufficient to run the system properly. The two options you have are to move/remove files to another location, or to install a larger hard drive (eg 2TB). Drive space has nothing to do with SMC firmware, and usually large media files are to blame.
    My first recommendation is this: download and run the free OmniDiskSweeper. This will identify the exact size of all your folders - you can drill down into the subfolders and figure out where your largest culprits are. For example, you might find that your Pictures folder contains both an iPhoto Library and copies that you've brought in from a camera but are outside the iPhoto Library structure. Or perhaps you have a lot of purchased video content in iTunes.
    If you find files that you KNOW you do not need, you can delete them. Don't delete them just because you have a backup, since if the backup fails, you will lose all your copies.
    Don't worry about "cleaners" for now - they don't save much space and can actually cause problems. Deal with the large file situation first and see how you get on.
    Let us know what you find out, and if you manage to get your space back.

  • How to determine the solution's ID in absl?

    Hello Community,
    I have a simple question yet I fear there is no simple answer (possibly no answer at all).
    The question is:
    Does any body know ways how to determine the ID (e.g. Y123ABCDY_) of the solution the code is running in?
    My use case is the following:
    We have a solution template which will be deployed in different customer tenant.
    Thus, each deployment will have a different solution ID.
    Now, somewhere in code, we generat PDFs using the OutputManagementUtilities.GetPDF reuse library.
    This method requires the form template code of the pdf to be generated as a parameter.
    However, this PDF form template code is composed of the solution ID and a fixed suffix.
    Thus, currently I need to modify the absl code in each customer installation to manually modify the form template code prefix to the solutions solution ID.
    Therefore I'd like to construct the form template code in absl but for this I need a way to determine the solution's ID.
    Any ideas?
    Best regards,

    Hi Fernando.
    After reading your post I initially thought "what is the ObjectTypeCode" supposed to do any good to determine the solution ID"?
    Using the Object Type code of a custom bo is indeed a way to solve this problem.
    With a little additional code I can extract the relevant solution ID part from there.
    Thanks for the hint, that was really useful.
    Best reegards,

  • How to determine the latency time?

    How do I determine the latency time?
    I need to connect 3 CAN nodes onto the CAN bus and need to know how to determine the delay(latency) time needed between the transmission of a message from one node and reception at the other,
    The latency time and Bandwidth both play a role in the transmission, right?

    Hi Ekta,
    The software you need if you are using an NI board is NI-CAN, and you can look at the driver download page for the appropriate version for your operating system. I'll suggest you take a look at the example programs that install with that driver to get you started. If you are developing using LabVIEW or LabWindows/CVI, go to Help>>Find Examples>>Hardware Input and Output>>CAN for examples. If you are using Visual Basic or C, go to ...\National Instruments\NI-CAN for examples. I have also attached a LabVIEW example below that shows how to enable self reception.
    If you are using another vendor's CAN board, you will need to install their driver, and see if they have any examples to get you started. I assume the approach for measuring the latency will be similar to what I suggested. Hope this helps. Goodluck!
    Message Edited by _Belle on 04-28-2006 07:42 AM
    Ebele O.
    National Instruments
    Attachments: ‏97 KB



    AS mentioned, you need 10.6.8 & the App Store first, it's not available any other way, & 10.7 instead of 10.8 requires a call to Apple...
    Snow Leopard/10.6.x Requirements...
    General requirements
       * Mac computer with an Intel processor
        * 1GB of memory (I say 4GB at least, more if you can afford it)
        * 5GB of available disk space (I say 30GB at least)
        * DVD drive for installation
        * Some features require a compatible Internet service provider; fees may apply.
        * Some features require Apple’s MobileMe service; fees and terms apply.
    Which apps work with Mac OS X 10.6?...
    It's been pulled from the online store & Apple Stores, so you have to call Apple to buy it, last I heard.
    Buy Snow Leopard >
    Call Apple the US: 1-800-MY-APPLE. Or Support... 1-800-275-2273
    Other countries...

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    You can run your explain plan to check the table access path. You can create an index and see if the optimizer is using the index. Then compare the costs. Creating index will help only in some occassion and you need to provide complete details of the requirement to come to a conclusion of which type of INDEX as well. In some occassions, B*Tree index is useful, in few DW applications, bitmap will work efficiently with columns of low cardinality.
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    Hi to All,
    Actually I am building an application which downloads all the
    media files from the server(includes both video and images) after
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    From what I have read you have two options.  None of them very nice.  One , allow the user to select the files he would like to download , send them out as one fat daddy zip file.  The second option is to cue up the selected downloads.  When one finishes , the other starts , basically daisy chaining them together.  However , you may be able to use javascript to get around this , I'm not sure I stay away from that stuff.

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    How much is the price of upgrading from CS5.5 Design and Web Premium to CS6 Design and Web Premium? 
    And why is this price not on the Web site?
    And when will this price be added to the Web site?  It's long overdue.

    Sorry.  After downloading required Adobe CS6 Design and Web Premium files and attempting to install, the error message "
    The file archive part of Adobe CS6 Design and Web Premium is missing. You need all parts in the same folder in order to extract Adobe CS6 Design and Web Premium. Please download all parts" appears.  Using Window 8.  This happens on the Adobe Design and Web Premium CS6 installer file.

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    from the "download recent purchases" on itunes i can seem to be able to access movies, only music, apps and tv series… how can i re download a movie from itunes store that i bought but it crashed while downloading?

    If it never finished downloading then, Store>Check for Available Downloads

Maybe you are looking for