How to   display hardcoded combo in  struts

I want 2 to dispaly the combo in the struts JSP which has following values
select frequency
in case of simple JSP i was using like this.......
<tr id="trDaysAfter" style="visibility:hidden; position:absolute">
     <td>Contact After:</td>
<td><input name="txtDaysAfter" id="txtDaysAfter" type="text" size="4" value="1">
                         <select name="cmbFreq" id="cmbFreq" onChange="UpdateEndDate()">
                         <option>Selcect Frequency</option>
                         <option >Month(s)</option>

Your problem seems to be more related to JavaScript than Struts.

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    * In your web.xml file, add the struts-html-el.tld definition from the struts\contrib\struts-el\lib directory
    * Add this tag library to your JSP page; something like:
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    Struts 1 or 2?
    I guess 2 'cause you're just talking about Action, without mentioning the Form.
    In STRUTS 1 it goes like this: forward to the page and use logic:iterate tag. Don't know about STRUTS 2, but It shouldn't be too different.

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    hey i not sure abt structs, what i did for jsp was using a boolean.
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    take note that the class is a predefined css. I think u can use style="background-color:#red "
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    2. Case (CaseId, CaseNo)
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    Hello Barry,
    Thanks a lot for responding to my query. As I am completely new to .Net and following the pattern of Microsoft's Employee Tracker sample it seems difficult to clearly understand the concept and implement it in a scenario which is different than what is in
    the sample available at the link you supplied.
    To get the idea of the thing here is my code behind of a view vBoxPetitioner:
    <UserControl x:Class="CCIS.View.Case.vBoxPetitioner"
    <DataTemplate DataType="{x:Type vm:vmPetitioner}">
    <v:vPetitioner Margin="0,2,0,0" />
    <StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" HorizontalAlignment="Right">
    <TextBlock Margin="2">
    <Hyperlink Command="{Binding Path=AddPetitionerCommand}">Add Petitioner</Hyperlink>
    | <Hyperlink Command="{Binding Path=DeletePetitionerCommand}">Delete</Hyperlink>
    <ListBox BorderThickness="0" SelectedItem="{Binding Path=CurrentPetitioner, Mode=TwoWay}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=tblParties}" />
    This part is working fine as it loads another view that is vPetioner perfectly in the manner I want it to be.
    Here is the code of vmPetitioner, a ViewModel:
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports System.Collections.ObjectModel
    Imports System
    Imports CCIS.Model.Party
    Namespace CCIS.ViewModel.Case
    ''' <summary>
    ''' ViewModel of an individual Email
    ''' </summary>
    Public Class vmPetitioner
    Inherits vmParty
    ''' <summary>
    ''' The Email object backing this ViewModel
    ''' </summary>
    Private petitioner As tblParty
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Initializes a new instance of the EmailViewModel class.
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="detail">The underlying Email this ViewModel is to be based on</param>
    Public Sub New(ByVal detail As tblParty)
    If detail Is Nothing Then
    Throw New ArgumentNullException("detail")
    End If
    Me.petitioner = detail
    End Sub
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets the underlying Email this ViewModel is based on
    ''' </summary>
    Public Overrides ReadOnly Property Model() As tblParty
    Return Me.petitioner
    End Get
    End Property
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets or sets the actual email address
    ''' </summary>
    Public Property fldPartyId() As String
    Return Me.petitioner.fldPartyId
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As String)
    Me.petitioner.fldPartyId = value
    End Set
    End Property
    End Class
    End Namespace
    And below is the ViewMode vmParty which vmPetitioner Inherits:
    Imports Microsoft.VisualBasic
    Imports System
    Imports System.Collections.Generic
    Imports CCIS.Model.Case
    Imports CCIS.Model.Party
    Imports CCIS.ViewModel.Helpers
    Namespace CCIS.ViewModel.Case
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Common functionality for ViewModels of an individual ContactDetail
    ''' </summary>
    Public MustInherit Class vmParty
    Inherits ViewModelBase
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets the underlying ContactDetail this ViewModel is based on
    ''' </summary>
    Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property Model() As tblParty
    '''' <summary>
    '''' Gets the underlying ContactDetail this ViewModel is based on
    '''' </summary>
    'Public MustOverride ReadOnly Property Model() As tblAdvocate
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Gets or sets the name of this department
    ''' </summary>
    Public Property fldName() As String
    Return Me.Model.fldName
    End Get
    Set(ByVal value As String)
    Me.Model.fldName = value
    End Set
    End Property
    ''' <summary>
    ''' Constructs a view model to represent the supplied ContactDetail
    ''' </summary>
    ''' <param name="detail">The detail to build a ViewModel for</param>
    ''' <returns>The constructed ViewModel, null if one can't be built</returns>
    Public Shared Function BuildViewModel(ByVal detail As tblParty) As vmParty
    If detail Is Nothing Then
    Throw New ArgumentNullException("detail")
    End If
    Dim e As tblParty = TryCast(detail, tblParty)
    If e IsNot Nothing Then
    Return New vmPetitioner(e)
    End If
    Return Nothing
    End Function
    End Class
    End Namespace
    And final the code behind of the view vPetitioner:
    <UserControl x:Class="CCIS.View.Case.vPetitioner"
    <ResourceDictionary Source=".\CompactFormStyles.xaml" />
    <Border Style="{StaticResource DetailBorder}">
    <ColumnDefinition Width="Auto" />
    <ColumnDefinition Width="*" />
    <TextBlock Grid.Column="0" Text="Petitioner:" />
    <ComboBox Grid.Column="1" Width="240" SelectedValuePath="." SelectedItem="{Binding Path=tblParty}" ItemsSource="{Binding Path=PetitionerLookup}" DisplayMemberPath="fldName" />
    The problem, presumably, seems to be is that the binding path "PetitionerLookup" of the ItemSource of the Combo box in the view vPetitioner exists in a different ViewModel vmCase which serves as an ObservableCollection for MainViewModel. Therefore,
    what I need to Know is how to route the binding path if it exists in a different ViewModel?
    Sir, I look forward to your early reply bringing a workable solution to the problem I face. 
    Warm Regards,

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    If you have the following:
    <mx:ComboBox id="combo_box" dataProvider="{users}"
    labelField="user_name" change="show_details(event)"
    <mx:DataGrid id="data_grid" >
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="Name"
    <mx:DataGridColumn headerText="email"
    private function show_details(evt:Event):void {
    data_grid.dataProvider = evt.currentTarget.selectedItem
    This assumes that your combo box data has a user_name and
    email property value. Substitute your property values where needed.

  • Please Help::How to display a Map with LIsts as Keys and Values using JSTL

    I need some assistance on how to display a Map in JSP using struts or core JSTL. I have a HashMap which has a List of keys and each key maps to a value of an ArrayList.i.e I have an ArrayList of taxCodes and each taxCode maps to a value of taxDetails which is an ArrayList of details for for that particular taxCode. I have some trouble to display each taxCode then display taxDetails for each taxCode. Here is my code below:
    package orderitems;
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class OrderDetails {
        private LineOder lineOrder;
        private Map lineItems;
        //returns an item number, key_item, from its unique keys
        public int getItemNumber(int key_item, String key_year,
                String key_office,String key_client,String key_company){
            Connection conn = null;
            Statement stat = null;
            ResultSet rst = null;
            int itmNum = 0;
             * key_item a unique number for an item.
             * key_year,key_office,key_client,key_company unique keys
             * for each order where this key_item is taken
             * from.
            String select = "SELECT key_item FROM "+
                    Constants.WEB_TABLE +" WHERE key_item = " + key_item +
                    " AND key_year = '" + key_year + "'" +
                    " AND key_office = '" + key_office + "'" +
                    " AND key_client = '" + key_client + "'" +
                    " AND key_company = '" + key_company +"'";
            DbConnection dbConn = new DbConnection();
            try {
                conn = dbConn.getDbConnection(Constants.WEB_JNDI);
                stat = conn.createStatement();
                rst = stat.executeQuery(select);
                    itmNum = Integer.parseInt(rst.getString("key_item"));
            } catch (SQLException ex) {
            } finally{
                SQLHelper.cleanUp(rst, stat, conn);
            return itmNum;
        //get a list of item number(item codes)
        public List getAllItemNumbers(String key_year,
                String key_office,String key_client,String key_company){
            List itemNumbers = new ArrayList();
            LineItem itemNumber = null;
            Connection conn = null;
            Statement stat = null;
            ResultSet rst = null;
            String select = "SELECT key_item FROM "+ Constants.WEB_TABLE +
                    " WHERE key_year = '" + key_year + "'" +
                    " AND key_office = '" + key_office + "'" +
                    " AND key_client = '" + key_client + "'" +
                    " AND key_company = '" + key_company + "'";
            DbConnection dbConn = new DbConnection();
            try {
                conn = dbConn.getDbConnection(Constants.WEB_JNDI);
                stat = conn.createStatement();
                rst = stat.executeQuery(select);
                    itemNumber = new LineItem();
            } catch (SQLException ex) {
            } finally{
                SQLHelper.cleanUp(rst, stat, conn);
            return itemNumbers;
        //get a list of tax codes
        public List getAllTaxCodes(int key_item, String key_year,
                String key_office,String key_client,String key_company){
            Connection conn = null;
            Statement stat = null;
            ResultSet rst = null;
            ItemTax taxCode;
            List taxCodes = new ArrayList();
            int itemNum = getItemNumber(key_item, key_year,
            String select = "SELECT key_tax_code FROM "+
                    Constants.WEB_TABLE +" WHERE key_item = " + itemNum +
                    " AND key_year = '" + key_year + "'" +
                    " AND key_office = '" + key_office + "'" +
                    " AND key_client = '" + key_client + "'" +
                    " AND key_company = '" + key_company +"'";
            DbConnection dbConn = new DbConnection();
            try {
                conn = dbConn.getDbConnection(Constants.WEB_JNDI);
                stat = conn.createStatement();
                rst = stat.executeQuery(select);
                    taxCode = new ItemTax();
            } catch (SQLException ex) {
            } finally{
                SQLHelper.cleanUp(rst, stat, conn);
            return taxCodes;
        /////This methode returns a Map which am trying to display in JSP
        //use tax code to get tax details
        public Map getItemTaxDetails(String key_year,String key_office,
                String key_client,String key_company,int key_item){
            ItemTax taxDetail = null;
            List taxDetails = new ArrayList();
            List itemTaxCodes = new ArrayList();
            Map itemTaxDetails = new HashMap();
            Connection conn = null;
            Statement stat = null;
            ResultSet rst = null;
            //get a list of all tax codes of an item with a
            //given item number
            itemTaxCodes = getAllTaxCodes(key_item,key_year,
            DbConnection dbConn = new DbConnection();
            try {
                conn = dbConn.getDbConnection(Constants.WEB_JNDI);
                stat = conn.createStatement();
                for(Iterator taxCodeIter= itemTaxCodes.iterator(); taxCodeIter.hasNext();){
                    ItemTax itemTaxCode = (ItemTax);
                    String taxCode = itemTaxCode.getKey_tax_code();
                    String select = "SELECT tax_type,tax_value," +
                            "tax_limit_val FROM "+ Constants.WEB_TABLE +
                            " WHERE key_item = "+ key_item +
                            " AND key_year = '" + key_year + "'" +
                            " AND key_office = '" + key_office + "'" +
                            " AND key_client = '" + key_client + "'" +
                            " AND key_company = '" + key_company +"'" +
                            " AND key_tax_code = '" + taxCode + "'";
                    rst = stat.executeQuery(select);
                        taxDetail = new ItemTax();
                        //records to be displayed only
                        //////other details records ommited//////////////////////////
                        taxDetails.add(taxDetail);////An ArrayList of taxDetails for each taxCode
                     * A HashMap which has all taxCodes of an item as its keys
                     * and an ArrayList of taxdetails as its values.
                     * I return this for display in a JSP.
                System.out.println("*********CONSOLE OUTPUT*************");//display on console
                Set set = itemTaxDetails.keySet();
                Iterator iter = set.iterator();
                while (iter.hasNext()) {
                    Object details=itemTaxDetails.get(taxCode);
                    System.out.println(taxCode +"\t" + details);
            } catch (SQLException ex) {
            } finally{
                SQLHelper.cleanUp(rst, stat, conn);
            return itemTaxDetails;
        //details of an item with all its taxes
        public List getAllItemDetails(String key_year,
                String key_office,String key_client,String key_company){
            List lineItems = new ArrayList();
            List itemNumbers = new ArrayList();
            Map taxDetails = new HashMap();
            LineItem item = null;
            Connection conn = null;
            Statement stat = null;
            ResultSet rst = null;
            //A list of all item numbers in the declaration
            itemNumbers = getAllItemNumbers(key_year,
            DbConnection dbConn = new DbConnection();
            try {
                conn = dbConn.getDbConnection(Constants.WEB_JNDI);
                stat = conn.createStatement();
                for(Iterator itemIter= itemNumbers.iterator(); itemIter.hasNext();){
                    LineItem itemNum = (LineItem);
                    int itemNumber = itemNum.getKey_item();
                    String select = "SELECT item_description,item_mass," +
                            "item_cost" +
                            " FROM " + Constants.WEB_TABLE +
                            " WHERE key_year = '"+key_year+"'" +
                            " AND key_office = '"+key_office+ "'"+
                            " AND key_client = '"+key_client+ "'"+
                            " AND key_company = '"+key_company+ "'"+
                            " AND key_item = " + itemNumber;
                    rst = stat.executeQuery(select);
                        item = new LineItem();
                        //////other details records ommited//////////////////////////
                        /* A HashMap of all itemTaxeCodes as its keys and an
                         * ArrayList of itemTaxedetails as its values
                        taxDetails = getItemTaxDetails(item.getKey_year(),item.getKey_office(),
                        //item tax details
                        //list of items with tax details
            } catch (SQLException ex) {
            } finally{
                SQLHelper.cleanUp(rst, stat, conn);
            return lineItems;
        public Set getOrders(String key_year,String key_office,
                String key_client,String key_company){
            List lineItems = new ArrayList();
            Set lineOrders = new HashSet();
            Connection conn = null;
            Statement stat = null;
            ResultSet rst = null;
            LineOder lineOrder = null;
            String select = "SELECT * FROM " + Constants.WEB_TABLE +
                    " WHERE key_year = '" + key_year + "'" +
                    " AND key_office = '" + key_office + "'" +
                    " AND key_client = '" + key_client + "'" +
                    " AND key_company = '" + key_company + "'";
            DbConnection dbConn = new DbConnection();
            try {
                conn = dbConn.getDbConnection(Constants.WEB_JNDI);
                stat = conn.createStatement();
                rst = stat.executeQuery(select);
                    lineOrder = new LineOder();
                    ////list of items with all their details
                    lineItems = getAllItemDetails(lineOrder.getKey_year(),lineOrder.getKey_office(),
                    //setting item details
                    //a list of order with all details
            } catch (SQLException ex) {
            } finally{
                SQLHelper.cleanUp(rst, stat, conn);
            return lineOrders;
    package orderitems;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    public class Controller extends HttpServlet {
        private Map taxDetails = new HashMap();
        private OrderDetails orderDetails = null;
        protected void processRequest(HttpServletRequest request,
                HttpServletResponse response)throws
                ServletException, IOException {
            String key_year = "2007";
            String key_office = "VZX00";
            String key_company = "DG20";
            String key_client =  "ZI001";
            int key_item = 1;
            String nextView = "/taxdetails_list.jsp";
            orderDetails = new OrderDetails();
            taxDetails = orderDetails.getItemTaxDetails(key_year,key_office,
            //Store the collection objects into HTTP Request
            request.setAttribute("taxDetails", taxDetails);
            RequestDispatcher reqstDisp =
        protected void doGet(HttpServletRequest request,
                HttpServletResponse response)throws
                ServletException, IOException {
            processRequest(request, response);
        protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest request,
                HttpServletResponse response)throws
                ServletException, IOException {
            processRequest(request, response);
    <%@page contentType="text/html"%>
    <%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
            <title>Simple Tax Detail Diaplay ::</title>
            <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="imgs/orders.css"/>
            <jsp:useBean id="taxDetails" class="java.util.HashMap" scope="request"/>
                <c:forEach items="${taxDetails}" var="hMap">
                        <td><c:out value="${hMap.key}" /></td>
                        <!--td><%--c:out value="${hMap.value}" /--%></td-->
    </html>am displaying taxCodes(in this case i have VAT and ICD) fine but cant figure out how to display a list of value for each taxCode.Here is the output am getting
    both in my JSP and on the console:
    *******************************CONSOLE OUTPUT****************************
    Key          Value
    ICD     [orderItems.ItemTax@13e6226, orderItems.ItemTax@9dca26]
    VAT [orderItems.ItemTax@13e6226, orderItems.ItemTax@9dca26]
    Edited by: aiEx on Oct 8, 2007 6:54 AM

    hi evnafets,
    yes i need a nested for loop.I have tried your advice but my bean properties are not found.Am getting this error:
    javax.servlet.ServletException: Unable to find a value for "key_item" in object of class "java.lang.String" using operator "."
    I have tried this as stated earlier in the post:I have tried to make the method getItemTaxDetails return a List and get the returned list value as taxDetails. I then tested to display this list on JSP and its displaying fine.
    public List getItemTaxDetails(String key_year,String key_office,
                String key_client,String key_company,int key_item){
            ItemTax taxDetail = null;
            List taxDetails = new ArrayList();
            List itemTaxCodes = new ArrayList();
            Map itemTaxDetails = new HashMap();
            Connection conn = null;
            Statement stat = null;
            ResultSet rst = null;
            //get a list of all tax codes of an item with a
            //given item number
            itemTaxCodes = getAllTaxCodes(key_item,key_year,
            DbConnection dbConn = new DbConnection();
            try {
                conn = dbConn.getDbConnection(Constants.WEB_JNDI);
                stat = conn.createStatement();
                for(Iterator taxCodeIter= itemTaxCodes.iterator(); taxCodeIter.hasNext();){
                    ItemTax itemTaxCode = (ItemTax);
                    String taxCode = itemTaxCode.getKey_tax_code();
                    String select = "SELECT tax_type,tax_value," +
                            "tax_limit_val FROM "+ Constants.WEB_TABLE +
                            " WHERE key_item = "+ key_item +
                            " AND key_year = '" + key_year + "'" +
                            " AND key_office = '" + key_office + "'" +
                            " AND key_client = '" + key_client + "'" +
                            " AND key_company = '" + key_company +"'" +
                            " AND key_tax_code = '" + taxCode + "'";
                    rst = stat.executeQuery(select);
                        taxDetail = new ItemTax();
                        //records to be displayed only
                        //////other details records ommited//////////////////////////
                        taxDetails.add(taxDetail);////An ArrayList of taxDetails for each taxCode
                     * A HashMap which has all taxCodes of an item as its keys
                     * and an ArrayList of taxdetails as its values.
                     * I return this for display in a JSP.
            } catch (SQLException ex) {
            } finally{
                SQLHelper.cleanUp(rst, stat, conn);
            //return itemTaxDetails;
            return taxDetails;
        }And my JSP
    <%@page contentType="text/html"%>
    <%@page pageEncoding="UTF-8"%>
    <%@taglib uri="" prefix="c"%>
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN"
            <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
            <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="imgs/orders.css"/>
                <c:forEach var="curRecord" items="${taxDetails}" varStatus="rowCounter">
                            <c:when test="${rowCounter.count % 2 == 0}">
                                <c:set var="rowStyle" scope="page" value="odd" />
                                <c:set var="rowStyle" scope="page" value="even" />
                        <tr class="${rowStyle}">
    </html>I can't see where am going wrong even with your advice.Please help.

  • How to retrieve values from the struts DAO to Struts JSP

    Hi friends,
    I have one question. i want to display values in the struts jsp file from the struts DAO class. can anyone tell how do it.
    Appreciated for your help.
    G1 :)

    Hi Santosh,
    Thanks for your prompt reply.
    Actually, my problem is i want to display complete rows from the DAO to JSP page. I'm displaying all the rows in the DAO from DB.
    But i dont know how to retrieve all these data from DAO. Can i take arraylist.??
    ------------     public Customers getData(Customers customers){ // Reading data from DB
         //ArrayList list = null ;
              Connection conn = getSQLConnection();
              Statement statement = conn.createStatement();
              String qry = "select * from register";
              ResultSet resultSet = null;
              PreparedStatement pstat = conn.prepareStatement(qry);
              // pstat.setString(1, customers.getFname());
              resultSet = pstat.executeQuery();
    //Print the data to the console
              String fnam = resultSet.getString(1);
              String lnam = resultSet.getString(2);
              String gen = resultSet.getString(3);
              String addres = resultSet.getString(4);
              String cit = resultSet.getString(5);
              String zip = resultSet.getString(6);
              String county = resultSet.getString(7);
              String emal = resultSet.getString(8);
              System.out.println("First name:"+fnam);
              System.out.println("Last name:"+lnam);
              }catch(Exception e1){
              return customers;
    I have specified in this line in Bean:
    request.getSession().setAttribute("customers", customers);
    But in JSP. how will i populate all these data. Pls..send some code.
    I'm sorry this is just practicals. i'm not doin any real time project. that;s why i have placed all these code.
    Thanks for your patience for resolving my problems.

  • How to display text on last but one page in SAPSCRIPTS

    how to display text on last but one page in SAPSCRIPTS

    u have create one Foooter window , this has to be called in  only One Page.So hardcode /assign this window to only one PAGE number.

  • How to display a pdf file in jsp

    How to display a pdf file in jsp iam having a class which will return fileinputstream of the file object. the pdf file is in server.

    A JSP is a combo of HTML and Java, so you can't really "display" a PDF file in a JSP.
    You can provider a href link to the PDF file in your JSP.
    You can use some utility package to read the contents of the PDF, pull certain things out of it, and display that in your JSP as html
    In a servlet you can set the content type to application/pdf and write the binary data of the PDF back to the browser. Once the browser finishes reading in the data it should open the PDF.

  • How to display PDF in JSP using Iframe

    Hi All,
    I am using Struts 2. I am building my file in ActionClass with seperate Method like getGeneratedPDF() in which, I am setting header of response and writing into PDF.
    This method will be called from JSP by this way
    s:property value="getGeneratedPDF()" />
    But It displayed Junk Characters , and this PDF is not static (already Generated). It is generated and build on Fly.
    I have 2 questions 1 -- How to display PDF in JSP in proper way without Junk Character in it?
    questions 2 -- How to display it in Iframe?
    Please help me , If you know the solution.
    Thanks in Advance,

    jamy_26 wrote:
    But It displayed Junk Characters , and this PDF is not static (already Generated). It is generated and build on Fly.A PDF file is a binary file, not a text file, and you're trying to display it as String. Of course you would get "junk characters". Have you ever tried opening a binary file (pdf, doc, jpg, xls, etc) using a text editor like Notepad?
    I have 2 questions 1 -- How to display PDF in JSP in proper way without Junk Character in it?Display it as binary stream, not as text stream. You can display it standalone, just let the link/form/addressbar URL point to some Servlet which writes the InputStream of the PDF file to the OutputStream of the response, along with a correct set of response headers (at least content-type, content-disposition and content-length), so that the browser can open it in the correct application (which is usually Acrobat Reader). If you want to embed the PDF file in a JSP, then one of the ways is indeed using the HTML <iframe> tag.
    questions 2 -- How to display it in Iframe? Just let the iframe URL point to the aforementioned Servlet.
    You can find here an example of a generic file servlet, you may find it useful to get the idea how to do it: [].

  • ADF how to display a processing page when executing large queries

    ADF how to display a processing page when executing large queries
    The ADF application that I have written currently has the following structure:
    DataPage (search.jsp) that contains a form that the user enters their search criteria --> forward action (doSearch) --> DataAction (validate) that validates the inputted values --> forward action (success) --> DataAction (performSearch) that has a refresh method dragged on it, and an action that manually sets the itterator for the collection to -1 --> forward action (success) --> DataPage (results.jsp) that displays the results of the then (hopefully) populated collection.
    I am not using a database, I am using a java collection to hold the data and the refresh method executes a query against an Autonomy Server that retrieves results in XML format.
    The problem that I am experiencing is that sometimes a user may submit a query that is very large and this creates problems because the browser times out whilst waiting for results to be displayed, and as a result a JBO-29000 null pointer error is displayed.
    I have previously got round this using Java Servlets where by when a processing servlet is called, it automatically redirects the browser to a processing page with an animation on it so that the user knows something is being processed. The processing page then recalls the servlet every 3seconds to see if the processing has been completed and if it has the forward to the appropriate results page.
    Unfortunately I can not stop users entering large queries as the system requires users to be able to search in excess of 5 million documents on a regular basis.
    I'd appreciate any help/suggestions that you may have regarding this matter as soon as possible so I can make the necessary amendments to the application prior to its pilot in a few weeks time.

    Hi Steve,
    After a few attempts - yes I have a hit a few snags.
    I'll send you a copy of the example application that I am working on but this is what I have done so far.
    I've taken a standard application that populates a simple java collection (not database driven) with the following structure:
    DataPage --> DataAction (refresh Collection) -->DataPage
    I have then added this code to the (refreshCollectionAction) DataAction
    protected void invokeCustomMethod(DataActionContext ctx)
    HttpSession session = ctx.getHttpServletRequest().getSession();
    Thread nominalSearch = (Thread)session.getAttribute("nominalSearch") ;
    if (nominalSearch == null)
    //create new instance of the thread
    nominalSearch = new ns(ctx);
    } //end of sychronized wrapper
    session.setAttribute("nominalSearch", nominalSearch);
    session.setAttribute("action", "nominalSearch");
    System.err.println("started thread calling loading page");
    if (nominalSearch.isAlive())
    System.err.println("trying to call loading page");
    System.err.println("trying to call results page");
    Created another class called
    package view;
    import oracle.adf.controller.struts.actions.DataActionContext;
    import oracle.adf.model.binding.DCIteratorBinding;
    import oracle.adf.model.generic.DCRowSetIteratorImpl;
    public class ns extends Thread
    private DataActionContext ctx;
    public ns(DataActionContext ctx)
    this.ctx = ctx;
    public void run()
    DCIteratorBinding b = ctx.getBindingContainer().findIteratorBinding("currentNominalCollectionIterator");
    and added a loading.jsp page that calls a new dataAction called processing every second. The processing dataAction has the following code within it:
    package view;
    import javax.servlet.http.HttpSession;
    import oracle.adf.controller.struts.actions.DataForwardAction;
    import oracle.adf.controller.struts.actions.DataActionContext;
    public class ProcessingAction extends DataForwardAction
    protected void invokeCustomMethod(DataActionContext actionContext)
    // TODO: Override this oracle.adf.controller.struts.actions.DataAction method
    HttpSession session = actionContext.getHttpServletRequest().getSession();
    String action = (String)session.getAttribute("action");
    if (action.equalsIgnoreCase("nominalSearch"))
    I'd appreciate any help or guidance that you may have on this as I really need to implement a generic loading page that can be called by a number of actions within my application as soon as possible.
    Thanks in advance for your help

  • How to display video in Java?????????????????????

    hello everybody. this is my first time i post a qestion and i hope that you will help me. I started to make a project where I have to display video when I choose from a combo box.
    I had two problems is how to display in arabic and I solved this problem.
    Second problem what pakage I need? I knew that I have to you class Player from package media?
    my question is how to download this pakage?and do I have to download JFM or other pakages.

    JMF download & installation instructions are available at
    JavaDocs for JMF2.1.2 at
    Also download & read the JMF2.0 API Guide available at

  • How to link two combo boxes? (urgent)

    I am wondering how to link two combo boxes in Acrobat Pro 9. Basically, I need to link a building with a list of rooms. There are 3 building choices in my first combo box. For the sake of example, Building A, Building B and Building C. When one of the buildings is selected, I want a 2nd combo box to display the rooms that are located in that building. So by selecting building A, you would then be able to choose a room from the list of available rooms in the second drop box. The buildings cannot share a list of rooms because they have the same room numbers. Is anyone able to help?
    - Travis

    You can also use ajax. When the first combo box element is selected, it will call the ajax function and that ajax function will bring the data from the database and place it in second combo box.

  • How to display dynamic column added by vo.addDynamicAttribute in jspx?

    I met problem when programmatically add cloumn and display it on screen. Here are my steps:
    0. define a ViewObject using xml. Define a transient column Addtion2. later will add a dynamic column Addtion3, but not defined here.
    1. Implement Application Module, adding a method init() and expose it to client.
    2. In init() method, get target VO and use vo.addDynamicAttribute("Addition3"). Then iterate it use row.setAttribute("Addition3", Math.random()). Add init() to page binding and invoke it.( it's invoked )
    3. In jspx, use dynamic table. But Addition3 never shows up.
    This is my last question: Re: How to display dynamic column added by vo.addDynamicAttribute in jspx? People say I should use dynamic table.
    please have a look at my code:
    Application Module: when it runs, it will print 6 coulmns. vo.getAttributeCount() is <font color="red">6</font>.
    public void init() {
    ViewObject vo = this.getCountryView1();
    if (vo.getAttributeIndexOf("Addition3") == -1) {
    for (AttributeDef deft : vo.getAttributeDefs()) {
    System.out.println(deft.getColumnName() + ": " + deft.getName());
    RowSetIterator it = vo.createRowSetIterator("i1");
    while (it.hasNext()) {
    Row r =;
    r.setAttribute("Addition2", Math.random());
    r.setAttribute("Addition3", Math.random());
    for (AttributeDef deft : vo.getAttributeDefs()) {
    System.out.println(deft.getColumnName() + ": " + deft.getName());
    System.out.println(vo.getAttributeCount()); //vo.getAttributeCount() is 6
    jspx: when it runs, only 5 columns are shown. Column Addition2's values are set as expected. but Column Addition3 never shows up. And #{bindings.CountryView1.attributeCount} shows <font color="red">5</font>.
    <af:table rows="#{bindings.CountryView1.rangeSize}"
    emptyText="#{bindings.CountryView1.viewable ? 'No data to display.' : 'Access Denied.'}"
    var="row" rowBandingInterval="0"
    rowSelection="single" id="t1">
    <af:forEach items="#{bindings.CountryView1.attributeDefs}" var="def">
    <af:column headerText="#{}"
    sortable="true" sortProperty="#{}" id="c1">
    <af:outputText value="#{row[]}" id="ot1"/>
    <af:forEach items="#{bindings.CountryView1.attributeDefs}" var="def">
    <af:outputText value="#{}" id="ot2"/>
    <af:outputText value="#{bindings.CountryView1.attributeCount}" id="ot3"/>
    it's quite weird for me. The vo.getAttributeCount() is 6, but #{bindings.CountryView1.attributeCount} shows 5. And column Addtion3 never shows up.
    what's the matter? How can I show the dynamic added column Addtion3?
    Edited by: simon li on 2012-9-10 下午7:31
    Edited by: simon li on 2012-9-10 下午8:00

    Can you check the tree binding (CountryView1 - in the pagedef) and see it has the 5 attributes hardcoded in it. If yes, try removing everything and then run the page to see if it works fine.

Maybe you are looking for

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