How to divide record per page (20 record per page).

How to divide record per page (20 record per page).
I try word (limit) example
"select * from table1 where [ some_condition]
limit [start], [end] "
, but it error.

Tom Kyte has a rather extensive discussion of paging techniques here:
Distributed Database Consulting, Inc.

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    Help, please.

    Hi Paul, try this one
    #target Illustrator
    // = splitSelectedFramesIntoWords2.0.jsx;
    //  script.description = splits selected texFrames into separate words;
    //  script.required = select point text textFrames before running;
    //  script.parent = CarlosCanto;  // 10/14/11
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    var idoc = app.activeDocument;
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    var selCount = sel.length; // count items
    var tFrames = []; // to hold the textFrames
    for (j=selCount ; j>0 ; j--) // loop thru selection & get textFrames backwards
                        tFrames[j-1] = sel[j-1];
    for (k = 0 ; k<tFrames.length ; k++) // loop thru textFrames
                        var xpos = tFrames[k].position[0]; // get x
                        var ypos = tFrames[k].position[1]; // get y
                        var words = tFrames[k].contents.split(/\s/g); // get all words into an array
                        var space = tFrames[k].duplicate(); // dup to get width of a space
                        space.contents = " ";
                        var sw = space.width;
                        space.contents = words[0]; // replace space with first word
                        var w = space.width;
                        var wordCount = words.length; // count words
                        for (i=1; i<wordCount ; i++) // loop thru words
                                            xpos2 = xpos+w+sw; // next words position = previous word pos+width+space
                                            var iword = space.duplicate(); // duplicate previous word
                                            iword.contents = words[i]; // add next word
                                            iword.position = [xpos2,ypos]; // position the character = original position + new width
                                            w = iword.width; // get words width
                                            xpos = iword.position[0]; // get words position
                        tFrames[k].remove(); // remove textFrame

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    I want each record to be displayed in seperate page.
    please tell me with example.
    thank u,

    Do this ,
       in the main window - open a loop on your internal table ,
    within the loop open the text and give the output fields,
    after this text  use the Command node and in this set the next page as page1,
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    Take a look in the Flex Exchange for a component name
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    Test 1
    Test 2
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  • HOW TO: Use Input tags to edit records

    The question has been asked, "What does using the BC4J Input data tags provide
    over standard HTML input fields?" It is true that either type of input field allows
    your JSP to take user input and update your BC4J datasource. Both types of input
    fields submit a name-value pair to a JSP processing page that bind the data with
    a datasource row and attribute. However, unless you use the BC4J Input data tags,
    users will not be able to edit data in existing records. To see the difference,
    use the JDeveloper DataPage Wizard to create an Insert Record form and an Edit
    Record form.</p>
    To create the Insert Record form:</p>
    [*]Use the Business Components Wizard to create an entity object and view object for a database table you can update.
    [*]In the same project or another project, if you wish, use the DataPage Wizard to create an Insert Form for the view object.
    [*]Look in your JSP project folder in the Navigator and notice that two pages were generated: one JSP to render the insert HTML form and the other JSP to process the incoming parameters.
    [*]Open the file VO_Insert.jsp and notice that it does not use the BC4J input data tags.
    In the Insert form, the input data tags are not needed to render static HTML form elements such as empty text fields. It is important to note, however, that the name of these text fields corresponds to the attributes of your selected view object. This is extremely important because the processing page looks for parameters corresponding to the names of the attributes to update the view object datasource.</p>
    Now, create the Edit Record form:
    [*]Use the DataPage Wizard again, but this time select Edit Form for the view
    [*]Open the file VO_Edit.jsp and notice that it uses the BC4J input data tags,
    which contain the prefix <jbo:Input ...>.
    [*]Look in your JSP project folder in the Navigator and again notice that two
    pages were generated: one JSP to render the edit HTML form and the other JSP
    to process the incoming parameters.
    [*]Open the file VO_Edit.jsp and notice that it uses the BC4J input data tags.
    In the Edit form, the BC4J input data tags are needed because in this case,
    the page has to query the current value of the record and place that data into
    the text field. The Edit form uses a second page to process the edited values.</p>
    To summarize the differences:</p>
    Use the <jbo:Input ...> data tags when you need to create an Edit Existing Record type of JSP page. This page will query the current data from the view object datasource and display it in each input field.
    Use standard HTML input fields when you do not need to query the database to show existing records. This is the case in a static Insert Record form where only empty HTML fields are rendered.
    The end goal of each Input tag is to supply a name-value pair to a processing
    page which will then update the database according to the value passed to it.
    For example in order to update the &quot;Ename&quot; column of the Emp table,
    a name-value pair such as Ename=&quot;smith&quot; must be passed via an HTML
    form to a processing page. The processing page will then be able to update the
    table with the new value of the attribute using the following code:
    <jbo:Row id="myrow" datasource="ds" rowkeyparam="MyRowKey" action="Update">
    <jbo:SetAttribute dataitem="*"/>
    By setting the attribute 'dataitem=&quot;*&quot;' in the SetAttribute tag,
    it is able to update all database columns where a name-value pair is supplied.
    The SetAttribute tag must be used inside of the Row tag to allow an operation
    on a single row.</p>
    The Row tag is able to identify a specific row through the rowkeyparam attribute.
    The rowkeyparam takes the HTML request parameter that contains the value of
    a BC4J rowkey. It is the BC4J rowkey that uniquely identifies the row within
    a rowset. By default Row tag by default obtains the rowkey for the cu rrent row.
    (You can also specify the row when you want to perform a Find action as explained
    in the OTN topic &quot;How To: Navigating Using DataTags&quot;.)

    Ok. I didn't understand your question.
    You have to do some settings for adding new  rows for the analysis grid in Analyzer. And in the new rows you can input the characteristic values. To enable the new rows
    In Analyzer - uncheck the setting Suppress New Lines in the proprties of the Analysis grid item.
    In WAD - Check the property Number of New Lines (NEW_LINES_COUNT) of Analysis grid item. You use this parameter to insert any required number of empty rows into the table. The parameter is set to 0 by default.

  • How to show multipe records on a single record

    Hi all,
    I have a query which can contain 1 or Many records for each S.WAS_NO or APPL_NO even. A new record is created when the APPL_STATUS changes and a timestamp is created in APPL_STATUS_CHANGE_DATE.
    select distinct
           dense_rank() over (partition by S.WAS_NO order by S.STATUS_CHANGE_DATE) rank
      from table_a S, table b S2
    where S.APPL_ID = S2.APPL_ID
    order by S.WAS_NO, rank asc;
    Current Results:
    Desired Results:
    6628-------E4G0YL9B08V0V6----ASSIGNED---------25/10/2011------------------------USED--------------30/12/2011The rank is based on the WAS_Number and ordered by the STATUS_CHANGE_DATE so i know which order they should go in.
    I want to show 1 record per WAS_NO and show each status change with its date. There can only be a maximum of three status changes.
    I have not been able to workout how to get Multiple records onto a singe record and in different columns.
    Many thanks

    This should do what you want:
    WITH t AS
    (SELECT 6628 appl_id, 'E4G0YL9B08V0V6' was_no, 'ASSIGNED' as_status, TO_DATE('25/10/2011', 'DD/MM/YYYY') status_change_date FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 6628 appl_id, 'E4G0YL9B08V0V6' was_no, 'USED' as_status, TO_DATE('30/12/2011', 'DD/MM/YYYY') status_change_date FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 6628 appl_id, 'E4G0YL9B08V0V6' was_no, 'COMPLETE' as_status, TO_DATE('15/01/2012', 'DD/MM/YYYY') status_change_date FROM dual UNION ALL
    SELECT 6629 appl_id, 'A5AAFG1C07L0P2' was_no, 'ASSIGNED' as_status, TO_DATE('19/01/2012', 'DD/MM/YYYY') status_change_date FROM dual)
    SELECT   appl_id,
             MAX(CASE rank
             WHEN 1 THEN as_status
             ELSE NULL
             END) as_status1,
             MAX(CASE rank
             WHEN 1 THEN status_change_date
             ELSE NULL
             END) status_change_date1,
             MAX(CASE rank
             WHEN 2 THEN as_status
             ELSE NULL
             END) as_status2,
             MAX(CASE rank
             WHEN 2 THEN status_change_date
             ELSE NULL
             END) status_change_date2,
             MAX(CASE rank
             WHEN 3 THEN as_status
             ELSE NULL
             END) as_status3,
             MAX(CASE rank
             WHEN 3 THEN status_change_date
             ELSE NULL
             END) status_change_date3
    FROM    (SELECT appl_id,
                    DENSE_RANK() OVER (PARTITION BY was_no ORDER BY status_change_date) rank
             FROM   t)
    GROUP BY appl_id,

  • How can I get the last / newest record of a table?

    I am developing an ecard app that has a create greeting page, a preview page with edit and send buttons and an edit page.
    I got he insert working, and on the preview page I created a master record page (displays all records), and delete all unecessary designs. Doing it this way also gives me the 'edit' button, so people are able to edit their page.
    How do I get only the last record displayed though? At the moment it loops through all records and displays them in sets of 10. I found the variable that holds the totla count of records ('$totalRows_rs7417_content1'), but how do I (re-)write the script so it ONLY diplays the last record?
    I need to get the ID of this record as I am writing this into the PARAMs of the object and embed tags of my message .swf (this picks up the ID and based on that sucks the greetings text out of the database via another php script.
    Also, from this page, how can I send an email to the sender (ie creator of the message) as well as the recipient? Both email addresses are in the databse so should be part of the erecord returned.

    OK, So how do I recreate what I got in a non-ADDT list?
    well, when you´re just about to display one certain record, the term "list" is somewhat inappropriate anyway.
    What you´d simply need to do IMHO, is using DW´s native functions to create the basic "SELECT * FROM table_name ORDEr BY ID DESC" query, add "LIMIT 1" manually, and display the desired "dynamic text" placeholders in 1 table cell -- don´t think there were any need for all the fancy stuff
    (sorting, filtering etc) provided by ADDT´s list, as it´s just 1 record.
    It also occurred to me just now that finding the last record that has been added *may-* notbe enough if the site gets used a lot by our executives (I am thinking of a situation where 2 or three peolpe create greetings at the same time and press submit and then getting each others messges rather than their own).
    in this case you might want to additionally store the respective executive´s "kt_login_id" session variable -- because it´s this unique "identifier" which should be used to show the last inserted record of the person who actually inserted it, means adding a "WHERE submitter_id" equals the session variable kt_login_id - clause to the query.
    When creating a non-ADDT list that´s at some point based on detecting a user session, you´ll BTW need to insert at line 1
    I can't seemt o insert it on the page as it is looking for a insert, update or delete bahaviour on the page which of course I don't have
    please search these forums for several posts I made which explain my "use dummy table" approach that´s made for cases when you actually don´t have anything to insert/update/delete, but need "something" for ADDT´s send email behaviours.
    Günter Schenk
    Adobe Community Expert, Dreamweaver

  • How to limit row number per group without change new page in crystal report

    Hi All Expert,
    Is there any way to limit row number per group without change new page in crystal report 2008. The reason i do that is due to customer using printer EPSON LQ 300 (dot matrix) always will print in landscape if detech my layout in landscape. Because they need the record always print in 1 page (Letter size) for 2 groups and each group must show 5 records. Example:
    But, in CR2008, if you set the row per group from group section expert, definitely it will change to new page, but I do not want it change to new page. Any Idea?
    In one page (Letter size):
    Group Name: Customer-ABC
    1)   INV001     USD100
    2)   INV002     USD100
    3)   INV003     USD100
    4)   INV004     USD100
    5)   INV005     USD100
    Group Name: Customer-ABC
    6)   INV006     USD100
    7)   INV007     USD100
    8)   INV008     USD100
    9)   INV009     USD100
    10)  INV010     USD100

    Hi Angie.....
    I guess it is not possible.
    Because if you have one common group for all the 10 records then in one page it will show 10 records under one group.
    I mean i think it is not possible but m not completely sure......
    Lets wait for expert advise....

  • How do I delete tracks I have recorded and don't want to keep?

    How do I delete songs I have recorded and don't want to keep on garageband?

    Larska wrote:
    How do I delete songs I have recorded and don't want to keep on garageband?
    (Let the page FULLY load. The link to your answer is at the top of your screen)

  • Page through Records in JSP (URGENT)

    Hello Friends,
    If anyone can solve my problem, I am creating a sales report based on region. Now, here I have used paging for more records. The problem is:
    Say on Page 1 I have some calculation and the total of that page is 4000
    On Page 2 the total calculation of the page is 8000 and so on..........
    Now on the last page I want the grand total of all the pages.
    Can anyone let me know how to do this..........................Note: I am doing dynamic paging, i.e The query to fetch the record is executed page wize in the sense, for every page.

    I can give you a vague idea on this issue:
    Before i give my idea,i assume that when you are calling the next page or next button you are submitting the form, and in the form action you are calling the second jsp page.
    For example: Assume that i have 10 jsp pages to display
    i have 2 buttons called next and previous.
    now for every button click i do like this:
    if page 1 's next button is clicked then i will submit page1 and in the action of page 1 i will call page2.
    I hope you understood till now.
    And in the page2 jsp i will call whatever classes or do what ever i want to display page2.This is done in the scriplets in the beginning.
    I assume that you are doing in this way.If this is the case, then ur problem can be solved like this.
    For every page i will have 2 hidden variables called dbPageTotal,dbTotal.
    so let us see the senario:
    page1 : dbPageTotal=2000
    page2: dbPageTotal=4000
    page3 : dbpageTotal=1000
    (You need to write a little java script to assign the values to the variable)
    now suppose we are moving from page 1 to page2 :
    you can request that dbTotal with the help: request.getParameter("dbTotal") and you will have yoour value on that page.
    you also need to check what type of button he clicked.
    i hope u understood my point.
    If you are not doing in this way, and calling some servlet each time let me know, i will also think of in this issue.

  • # Subreport records on page one, remainder on page 2...

    I have several subreports that have a limited amount of space to populate. I need to have a SET amount of records from each subreport print on page 1 of the main report, then IF the database contains MORE records than the SET amount specified, I need these remaining records to print on page 2 of the main report.
    Please advise.

    Can you provide a bit more detail on the shared variable?
    Also, count([row_id]) > # didn't work to truncate any surplus records. Instead I used [row_id] > #.  Then I created the following:
    shared booleanvar Records;
    Count([row_id]) < #
    Not sure if this is correct...Basically I'm not clear on how to declare the variable and pass it to the main report for printing purposes.

  • How do I print front and back with two pages per sheet? (OSX Lion)

    I can't find a simple solution to my situation...
    I'm using Max OSX Lion 10.7.3 and Adobe Reader X 10.1.2. 
    I want print two PDF pages onto one printed sheet, and I want to print front and back.  When I go to the print settings and select two pages per printed sheet, the sample window shows me what I'm looking for.  But when I tell it to print odd only or even only, it changes the print selection.  Here's what happens...
    Let's say I have a PDF document that is 20 pages long.  When I tell it to print two PDF pages per sheet, it shows me that the first pages printed will be PDF pages 1 and 2.  When I tell it that I want it to print odd pages only, it tells me that the first printed page will contain PDF pages 1 and 3.
    In other words, Adobe Reader wants to print the odd PDF pages instead of the odd pages of the printed document (PDF pages 1 and 2, then 5 and 6, then 9 and 10, so on).
    So that I'm being clear...
    This [  ] is a printed page.  The numbers inside the brackets represent the page numbers in the PDF document...
    What I want to print is this...
      FRONT   ||  BACK
    [1,2]    ||  [3,4]
    [5,6]    ||  [7,8]
    [9,10]   ||  [11,12]
    [13,14]  ||  [15,16]
      [17,18]  ||  [19,20]
    What would end up printing is this...
      FRONT   ||  BACK
      [1,3]    ||  [2,4]
      [5,7]    ||  [6,8]
      [9,11]   ||  [10,12]
      [13,15]  ||  [14,16]
      [17,19]  ||  [18,20]
    Aside from telling it exactly which PDF page numbers to print (this would be a taxing job because I'm working with a 273 page document), is there an easy and simple way to print how I'd like?

    I would suggest to use Adobe Ilustrator. Also I get an error message when I try tp access the sample document.
    You can download Illustrator using Adobe Creative download -

  • How do I count the number of records returned in the CMIS query

    How do I count the number of records returned in the query CMIS?
    SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ora:t:IDC:GlobalProfile WHERE ora:p:xRegionDefinition = \'RD_PROJETOS_EXCLUSIVOS\''}
    Euler Homero

    Hi Euler,
    interestingly enough, the reference guide for CMIS ( ) that I found does not mention the COUNT function at all. On the other hand it states that: "The SELECT clause identifies which virtual columns to return in the result set. It can be either a comma-separated list of one or more queryNames of properties that are defined by queryable object types or * for all virtual columns."
    There are, however, some other posts like e.g. which state that they could make it working.
    Having asked in the WebCenter Portal forum, I assume that your content repository is WebCenter Content. The CMIS doc for the Content is available here: (no COUNT there either). It does, however, mention explicitly that "CMIS queries return a Result Set where each Entry object will contain only the properties that were specified in the query.". This means your could rather investigate the Result Set. Note that there are also other means than CMIS how to get the requested result set (e.g. calling a search service directly via so-called RIDC).
    In the given context I am also interested what your use case is. OOTB CMIS in WebCenter Portal is used, for instance, in Content Presenter, where it is content rather than "parameters" what's displayed.

Maybe you are looking for

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